diff --git a/res/MOYsklad.xsd b/res/MOYsklad.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index fa91629..0000000
--- a/res/MOYsklad.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2442 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/res/history/mapping/20140530/mapping.json b/res/history/mapping/20140530/mapping.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b3bc8d..0000000
--- a/res/history/mapping/20140530/mapping.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3322 +0,0 @@
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- "$attribute": {
- "minOccurs": "0",
- "name": "salePrices"
- },
- "$count": 1,
- "$value": "",
- "xs:complexType": {
- "$attribute": {
- },
- "$count": 1,
- "$value": "",
- "xs:sequence": {
- "$attribute": {
- },
- "$count": 1,
- "$value": "",
- "xs:element": {
- "$attribute": {
- "maxOccurs": "unbounded",
- "minOccurs": "0",
- "name": "price",
- "type": "price"
- },
- "$count": 0,
- "$value": ""
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- "xs:attribute": [
- {
- "$attribute": {
- "name": "minPrice",
- "type": "xs:double",
- "use": "required"
- },
- "$count": 0,
- "$value": ""
- },
- {
- "$attribute": {
- "name": "uomUuid",
- "type": "xs:IDREF"
- },
- "$count": 0,
- "$value": ""
- },
- {
- "$attribute": {
- "name": "countryUuid",
- "type": "xs:IDREF"
- },
- "$count": 0,
- "$value": ""
- },
- {
- "$attribute": {
- "name": "supplierUuid",
- "type": "xs:IDREF"
- },
- "$count": 0,
- "$value": ""
- },
- {
- "$attribute": {
- "name": "salePrice",
- "type": "xs:double"
- },
- "$count": 0,
- "$value": ""
- },
- {
- "$attribute": {
- "name": "saleCurrencyUuid",
- "type": "xs:IDREF"
- },
- "$count": 0,
- "$value": ""
- },
- {
- "$attribute": {
- "name": "buyCurrencyUuid",
- "type": "xs:IDREF"
- },
- "$count": 0,
- "$value": ""
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/res/mapping.json b/res/mapping.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ec500f..0000000
--- a/res/mapping.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mapping/index.js b/src/mapping/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d896f45..0000000
--- a/src/mapping/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
- * metadata-generator
- * Date: 10.03.14
- * Vitaliy V. Makeev (w.makeev@gmail.com)
- */
-//TODO Провести рефракторинг. Выделить в отдельные модули (в прототип).
-var _ = require('lodash')
- , DOMParser = require('xmldom').DOMParser
- , XmlToJson = require('./xmlToJson');
-var model = null;
-// Вспомогательные методы
- * Преобразует текстовое представление XSD в удобный для дальнешей работы JSON формат
- * @returns {*}
- */
-function getXsdAsObject(xsd) {
- var parser, xsdDomDocument, jsonXsd;
- parser = new DOMParser();
- xsdDomDocument = parser.parseFromString(xsd, "application/xml");
- jsonXsd = XmlToJson.ToJSON(xsdDomDocument.documentElement);
- var jsonXsdFix = require('../../res/mapping-xsd-fix.js');
- var fixXsdBlock = function (blockName) {
- _.forEach(jsonXsdFix[blockName], function (fixEl) {
- var elIndex = _.findIndex(jsonXsd[blockName], {
- '$attribute': {
- 'name': fixEl['$attribute'].name
- }
- });
- elIndex ?
- jsonXsd[blockName][elIndex] = fixEl :
- jsonXsd[blockName].push(fixEl);
- });
- };
- _.forEach([
- 'xs:element',
- 'xs:complexType' ], fixXsdBlock);
- //Debug
- var fs = require('fs-sync');
- fs.write(
- '../../res/MOYsklad.xsd.json',
- require('js-beautify').js_beautify(JSON.stringify(jsonXsd)));
- return jsonXsd;
-function getTypeInfo(typeName) {
- if (!typeName) return null;
- // base type
- if (typeName.substring(0, 3) == 'xs:')
- return getSimpleTypeName(typeName);
- // enum
- if (typeName in model.enums)
- return 'String';
- // moysklad
- return model.name + '.' + typeName;
- * Возвращает наименование простого типа
- * @param name_xsd Наименование типа используемое в XSD схеме
- * @returns {*} Соответствующее наименование для схемы модели
- */
-function getSimpleTypeName(name_xsd) {
- switch (name_xsd) {
- case 'xs:base64Binary':
- case 'xs:IDREF':
- case 'xs:ID':
- case 'xs:string':
- return 'String';
- case 'xs:dateTime':
- case 'xs:double':
- case 'xs:long':
- case 'xs:int':
- case 'xs:unsignedShort':
- case 'xs:boolean':
- default:
- if (name_xsd.substring(0, 3) == 'xs:') {
- return name_xsd.charAt(3).toUpperCase() + name_xsd.substring(4);
- } else {
- throw 'Incorrect base type name [' + name_xsd + ']';
- }
- }
-// Разбор XSD
-// Enums
-function addSimpleType(element_xsd) {
- var enumValues = {};
- _.forEach(element_xsd['xs:restriction']['xs:enumeration'], function (enumerationItem) {
- enumValues[enumerationItem.$attribute.value.toUpperCase()] = enumerationItem.$attribute.value;
- });
- model.enums[element_xsd.$attribute.name] = enumValues;
-// Elements (global)
-function addGlobalElements(elements) {
- _.forEach(elements, function (element) {
- model.elementInfos.push({
- elementName: element.$attribute.name,
- typeInfo: getTypeInfo(element.$attribute.type)
- });
- });
-// Attributes
-function addAttributes(typeInfo, attributes_xsd) {
- _.forEach((attributes_xsd instanceof Array ? attributes_xsd : [attributes_xsd]), function (attributeItem) {
- typeInfo.propertyInfos.push({
- type: 'attribute',
- name: attributeItem.$attribute.name,
- typeInfo: getTypeInfo(attributeItem.$attribute.type)
- });
- });
-// Elements
-function addElements(typeInfo, elements_xsd) {
- //TODO И проверить что генерация модели правильно обработает name вместо elmentName
- //TODO Добавить множественное окончание для массивов "s" - pluralize()?
- _.forEach(elements_xsd instanceof Array ? elements_xsd : [elements_xsd], function (element_xsd) {
- var propertyInfo = {
- type: 'element'
- };
- var el;
- // обычный элемент
- el = element_xsd.$attribute;
- propertyInfo.name = el.name || el.type || el.ref;
- if (el.maxOccurs == 'unbounded') propertyInfo.collection = true;
- //TODO Надо правильно обработать goodPrices в goodFolder
- // элемент коллекция (с вложенными элементами), напр "slots"
- if (element_xsd['xs:complexType']) {
- var el_complexType = element_xsd['xs:complexType']['xs:sequence']['xs:element'].$attribute;
- var elementName = el_complexType.name || el_complexType.ref;
- if (propertyInfo.name != elementName) propertyInfo.elementName = elementName;
- propertyInfo.collection = true;
- propertyInfo.wrapperElementName = propertyInfo.name;
- propertyInfo.typeInfo = getTypeInfo(el_complexType.type || el_complexType.ref);
- } else {
- propertyInfo.typeInfo = getTypeInfo(el.type || el.ref);
- }
- typeInfo.propertyInfos.push(propertyInfo);
- });
-// AnyElement
-function addAnyElement(typeInfo, element_xsd) {
- var propertyInfo = {
- type: 'anyElement'
- };
- var el = element_xsd.$attribute;
- if (el.namespace != '##other')
- throw new Error('Not expected namespace [' + el.namespace + ']');
- if (el.processContents == 'strict')
- propertyInfo.allowDom = false;
- else if (el.processContents == 'skip')
- propertyInfo.allowTypedObject = false;
- if (el.maxOccurs == 'unbounded') {
- propertyInfo.name = 'items';
- propertyInfo.collection = true;
- } else {
- propertyInfo.name = 'item';
- }
- //addPropInfo('mixed', false);
- typeInfo.propertyInfos.push(propertyInfo);
-// ValueElement
-function addValueElement(typeInfo, element_xsd) {
- var propertyInfo = {
- type: 'value'
- };
- * Корректировка метаданных.
- * Необходима, т.к. часть элементов не отображается автоматически нужным образом
- * TODO В идеале, все "ручные" доработки модели должны преобразовываться автоматически
- */
-function preProcessXsd(xsd_obj) {
- var xsdFix = require('../../res/mapping-xsd-fix.js');
- xsd_obj['xs:element'] = xsd_obj['xs:element'].concat(xsdFix['xs:element']);
- xsd_obj['xs:complexType'] = xsd_obj['xs:complexType'].concat(xsdFix['xs:complexType']);
- return xsd_obj;
- // fix salePrices
- /*for (var i = 0; i < model.AbstractGood.propertyInfos.length; i++) {
- if (model.AbstractGood.propertyInfos[i].name == 'salePrices') {
- model.AbstractGood.propertyInfos[i] = new Jsonix.Model.ElementPropertyInfo({
- name: 'salePrices',
- typeInfo: model.Price,
- collection: true,
- wrapperElementName: new Jsonix.XML.QName('salePrices'),
- elementName: new Jsonix.XML.QName('price')
- });
- }
- }*/
-// Generator
-function generateMetadata(xsd) {
- var xsd_obj = preProcessXsd(getXsdAsObject(xsd));
- // jsonix model
- model = {
- name: 'moysklad'
- };
- // xs:simpleType
- model.enums = {};
- _.forEach(xsd_obj['xs:simpleType'], addSimpleType);
- // xs:element
- model.elementInfos = [];
- addGlobalElements(xsd_obj['xs:element']);
- // xs:complexType
- model.typeInfos = [];
- _.forEach(xsd_obj['xs:complexType'], function (complexType) {
- var typeInfo = {
- type: 'classInfo',
- localName: complexType.$attribute.name,
- propertyInfos: []
- };
- // xs:complexContent
- if (complexType['xs:complexContent']) {
- // xs:extension
- if (complexType['xs:complexContent']['xs:extension']) {
- var extension = complexType['xs:complexContent']['xs:extension'];
- if (extension.$attribute.base) {
- // Inheritance
- typeInfo.baseTypeInfo = getTypeInfo(extension.$attribute.base);
- // xs:all
- if (extension['xs:all'] && extension['xs:all'].$count > 0)
- addElements(typeInfo, extension['xs:all']['xs:element']);
- // xs:attribute
- if (extension['xs:attribute'])
- addAttributes(typeInfo, extension['xs:attribute']);
- // xs:sequence
- if (extension['xs:sequence'] && extension['xs:sequence'].$count > 0)
- addElements(typeInfo, extension['xs:sequence']['xs:element']);
- } else {
- throw '"base" attribute in xs:extension not found';
- }
- }
- }
- // xs:sequence
- if (complexType['xs:sequence']) {
- // xs:element
- if (complexType['xs:sequence']['xs:element'])
- addElements(typeInfo, complexType['xs:sequence']['xs:element']);
- // xs:any
- if (complexType['xs:sequence']['xs:any']) {
- addAnyElement(typeInfo, complexType['xs:sequence']['xs:any'])
- }
- }
- // xs:attribute // (in )
- if (complexType['xs:attribute']) {
- addAttributes(typeInfo, complexType['xs:attribute']);
- }
- model.typeInfos.push(typeInfo);
- });
- return model;
-module.exports = {
- generate: generateMetadata
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mapping/xmlToJson.js b/src/mapping/xmlToJson.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c5d2e21..0000000
--- a/src/mapping/xmlToJson.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * xml2json
- * Date: 11.03.14
- * Vitaliy V. Makeev (w.makeev@gmail.com)
- */
-module.exports = {
- /*
- * This file is a part of Javascript Framework JSMX version 1.2
- * Copyright 2007 HoangKC - http://sulivandinh.googlepages.com
- * Email sulivandinh@gmail.com
- * JSMX framework is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
- */
- // if arrayMap, all node of xmlDocument will be put into an array
- // if not arrayMap, all single node of xmlDocument wil be treated as property
- ToJSON: function (xmlDoc, arrayMap) {
- if (xmlDoc.hasChildNodes()) {
- var node = this.ParseNode(xmlDoc, arrayMap);
- node["X-Parse-Engine"] = "MX.Util.XML";
- node["X-JSMX-Framework"] = "Version 1.2";
- return node;
- }
- return null;
- },
- ParseNode: function (xmlNode, arrayMap) {
- var node =
- {
- "$attribute": null,
- "$count": 0,
- //"$name":xmlNode.nodeName,
- //"$type":xmlNode.nodeType,
- "$value": ""
- };
- var _node = null;
- if (xmlNode.attributes) // because xmlNode.hasAttributes() method just work in FF
- {
- node["$attribute"] = {};
- for (var i = 0, n = xmlNode.attributes.length; i < n; ++i) {
- _node = xmlNode.attributes[i];
- node["$attribute"][_node.nodeName] = _node.nodeValue; // or escape(_node.nodeValue)?
- }
- }
- if (xmlNode.hasChildNodes()) {
- if (xmlNode.firstChild.nodeType == 3) {
- node["$value"] = xmlNode.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\n\r*/g, "").replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
- }
- var name = "";
- var p = null;
- var count = 0;
- for (var i = 0, n = xmlNode.childNodes.length; i < n; ++i) {
- _node = xmlNode.childNodes[i];
- if (_node.nodeType == 3) continue;
- name = _node.nodeName; //localName; // mvv: change from .nodeName (with xs: prefix)
- p = this.ParseNode(_node, arrayMap);
- if (node[name] == null) {
- node["$count"]++;
- if (!arrayMap) {
- count = 0;
- for (var c = 0, m = xmlNode.childNodes.length; c < m; ++c) {
- if (xmlNode.childNodes[c].tagName == name)count++;
- if (count == 2) break;
- }
- if (count == 1) {
- node[name] = p;
- continue;
- }
- }
- node[name] = [];
- }
- node[name].push(p);
- }
- }
- return node;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/node_modules/project/mapping/index.js b/src/node_modules/project/mapping/index.js
index 96d80e3..f987722 100644
--- a/src/node_modules/project/mapping/index.js
+++ b/src/node_modules/project/mapping/index.js
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
//TODO mapping объект, по хорошему, должен возвращатся внутри массива, т.к. возможно несколько пространств имен
// .. но так, как пока не предвидится что-то кроме "moysklad", оставим так.
-module.exports = require('../../../../res/mapping');
\ No newline at end of file
+module.exports = require('moysklad-model');