title | output | ||||
nflpbpseqviz |
This code walks through how to generate a basic play-by-play sequence overview for NFL games, as developed by @wiscostretford.
Using nflscrapR's functions, we can download the play-by-play (pbp) data for any game. Let's take the 2019 season opener, Packers @ Bears, as an example.
To find the game_id (2019090500), we use the scrape_game_ids() function.
scrape_game_ids(2019, weeks = 1)
## Loading required package: XML
## Loading required package: RCurl
## Loading required package: bitops
## Attaching package: 'RCurl'
## The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
## complete
## type game_id home_team away_team week season state_of_game
## 1 reg 2019090500 CHI GB 1 2019 POST
## 2 reg 2019090800 CAR LA 1 2019 POST
## 3 reg 2019090806 PHI WAS 1 2019 POST
## 4 reg 2019090805 NYJ BUF 1 2019 POST
## 5 reg 2019090804 MIN ATL 1 2019 POST
## 6 reg 2019090803 MIA BAL 1 2019 POST
## 7 reg 2019090802 JAX KC 1 2019 POST
## 8 reg 2019090801 CLE TEN 1 2019 POST
## 9 reg 2019090807 LAC IND 1 2019 POST
## 10 reg 2019090808 SEA CIN 1 2019 POST
## 11 reg 2019090811 TB SF 1 2019 POST
## 12 reg 2019090810 DAL NYG 1 2019 POST
## 13 reg 2019090809 ARI DET 1 2019 POST
## 14 reg 2019090812 NE PIT 1 2019 POST
## 15 reg 2019090900 NO HOU 1 2019 POST
## 16 reg 2019090901 OAK DEN 1 2019 POST
## game_url
## 1 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090500/2019090500_gtd.json
## 2 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090800/2019090800_gtd.json
## 3 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090806/2019090806_gtd.json
## 4 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090805/2019090805_gtd.json
## 5 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090804/2019090804_gtd.json
## 6 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090803/2019090803_gtd.json
## 7 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090802/2019090802_gtd.json
## 8 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090801/2019090801_gtd.json
## 9 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090807/2019090807_gtd.json
## 10 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090808/2019090808_gtd.json
## 11 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090811/2019090811_gtd.json
## 12 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090810/2019090810_gtd.json
## 13 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090809/2019090809_gtd.json
## 14 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090812/2019090812_gtd.json
## 15 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090900/2019090900_gtd.json
## 16 http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/game-center/2019090901/2019090901_gtd.json
## home_score away_score
## 1 3 10
## 2 27 30
## 3 32 27
## 4 16 17
## 5 28 12
## 6 10 59
## 7 26 40
## 8 13 43
## 9 30 24
## 10 21 20
## 11 17 31
## 12 35 17
## 13 27 27
## 14 33 3
## 15 30 28
## 16 24 16
Then we scrape the pbp data using scrape_json_play_by_play(), and check out the data structure. It may take a minute or so to scrape the data. Alternatively, the raw data for completed games can be grabbed in the nflscrapr-data repo.
pbp <- scrape_json_play_by_play(2019090500)
## # A tibble: 6 x 256
## play_id game_id home_team away_team posteam posteam_type defteam
## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 35 2.02e9 CHI GB GB away CHI
## 2 50 2.02e9 CHI GB GB away CHI
## 3 71 2.02e9 CHI GB GB away CHI
## 4 95 2.02e9 CHI GB GB away CHI
## 5 125 2.02e9 CHI GB GB away CHI
## 6 155 2.02e9 CHI GB CHI home GB
## # ... with 249 more variables: side_of_field <chr>, yardline_100 <dbl>,
## # game_date <date>, quarter_seconds_remaining <dbl>,
## # half_seconds_remaining <dbl>, game_seconds_remaining <dbl>,
## # game_half <chr>, quarter_end <dbl>, drive <int>, sp <dbl>, qtr <dbl>,
## # down <fct>, goal_to_go <dbl>, time <chr>, yrdln <chr>, ydstogo <dbl>,
## # ydsnet <dbl>, desc <chr>, play_type <chr>, yards_gained <dbl>,
## # shotgun <dbl>, no_huddle <dbl>, qb_dropback <dbl>, qb_kneel <dbl>,
## # qb_spike <dbl>, qb_scramble <dbl>, pass_length <chr>,
## # pass_location <chr>, air_yards <dbl>, yards_after_catch <dbl>,
## # run_location <chr>, run_gap <chr>, field_goal_result <chr>,
## # kick_distance <dbl>, extra_point_result <chr>,
## # two_point_conv_result <chr>, home_timeouts_remaining <dbl>,
## # away_timeouts_remaining <dbl>, timeout <dbl>, timeout_team <chr>,
## # td_team <chr>, posteam_timeouts_remaining <dbl>,
## # defteam_timeouts_remaining <dbl>, total_home_score <dbl>,
## # total_away_score <dbl>, posteam_score <dbl>, defteam_score <dbl>,
## # score_differential <dbl>, posteam_score_post <dbl>,
## # defteam_score_post <dbl>, score_differential_post <dbl>,
## # no_score_prob <dbl>, opp_fg_prob <dbl>, opp_safety_prob <dbl>,
## # opp_td_prob <dbl>, fg_prob <dbl>, safety_prob <dbl>, td_prob <dbl>,
## # extra_point_prob <dbl>, two_point_conversion_prob <dbl>, ep <dbl>,
## # epa <dbl>, total_home_epa <dbl>, total_away_epa <dbl>,
## # total_home_rush_epa <dbl>, total_away_rush_epa <dbl>,
## # total_home_pass_epa <dbl>, total_away_pass_epa <dbl>, air_epa <dbl>,
## # yac_epa <dbl>, comp_air_epa <dbl>, comp_yac_epa <dbl>,
## # total_home_comp_air_epa <dbl>, total_away_comp_air_epa <dbl>,
## # total_home_comp_yac_epa <dbl>, total_away_comp_yac_epa <dbl>,
## # total_home_raw_air_epa <dbl>, total_away_raw_air_epa <dbl>,
## # total_home_raw_yac_epa <dbl>, total_away_raw_yac_epa <dbl>, wp <dbl>,
## # def_wp <dbl>, home_wp <dbl>, away_wp <dbl>, wpa <dbl>,
## # home_wp_post <dbl>, away_wp_post <dbl>, total_home_rush_wpa <dbl>,
## # total_away_rush_wpa <dbl>, total_home_pass_wpa <dbl>,
## # total_away_pass_wpa <dbl>, air_wpa <dbl>, yac_wpa <dbl>,
## # comp_air_wpa <dbl>, comp_yac_wpa <dbl>, total_home_comp_air_wpa <dbl>,
## # total_away_comp_air_wpa <dbl>, total_home_comp_yac_wpa <dbl>,
## # total_away_comp_yac_wpa <dbl>, total_home_raw_air_wpa <dbl>, ...
To produce a useful overview, we have to do some choices, including cleaning and grouping the same. There are simply too many different play types, outcomes and variables for each play to visualize. Here, we will focus on sequencing of basic play types, yards gained, scoring, and key defensive actions. Thus, we need to isolate those variables, and create some new ones to deal with edge cases that are not addressed in the pbp data.
# First we compile the play types into five base categories (pass, run, kick, penalty, other)
pbp2 <- pbp %>%
mutate(play_type = case_when(play_type == "no_play" & penalty > 0 ~ "Penalty", TRUE ~ as.character(play_type))) %>% # this translates instances of pre-snap penalties to a 'Penalty' play rather than a no_play
mutate(play_type2 = case_when(
play_type == "pass" ~ "Pass",
play_type == "run" ~ "Run",
play_type == "qb_spike" ~ "Other",
play_type == "qb_kneel" ~ "Other",
play_type == "field_goal" ~ "Kick",
play_type == "extra_point" ~ "Kick",
play_type == "kickoff" ~ "Kick",
play_type == "punt" ~ "Kick",
play_type == "Penalty" ~ "Penalty",
TRUE ~ as.character(play_type))) %>%
# Next we create a new variable that shows score changes by comparing the pre- and post-play team scores
mutate(scorechange = ifelse(
posteam_score != posteam_score_post,
posteam_score_post - posteam_score,
defteam_score - defteam_score_post)) %>%
# Next we create dummy variables for key defensive actions - fumble recoveries, interceptions, and sacks
mutate(other = case_when(
fumble_lost > 0 ~ "Fumble lost",
interception > 0 ~ "Interception",
sack > 0 ~ "Sack",
TRUE ~ "")) %>%
# Next we filter out unknown/missing plays or no plays
filter(!is.na(play_type)) %>%
filter(!play_type == "no_play") %>%
# Next we create a 'step' variable to represent the play number in a given possession
group_by(drive) %>%
step = row_number(),
label = paste0(posteam," (drive ",drive,")")) %>%
# Next we compile a new variable, 'ydsgained2', to represent yards gained from plays or penalties:
ydsgained2 = case_when(
penalty > 0 ~ penalty_yards,
TRUE ~ yards_gained)) %>%
# Next we make sure the play_id is in the right numeric format:
mutate(play_id = as.numeric(play_id))
# Finally before plotting we add in the team logos, to be used for plotting:
nfllogos <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/statsbylopez/BlogPosts/master/nfl_teamlogos.csv") %>% mutate(team_code = as.character(team_code))
pbp2 <- left_join(pbp2,nfllogos,by=c("posteam"="team_code"))
## Warning: `chr_along()` is deprecated as of rlang 0.2.0.
## This warning is displayed once per session.
Now we are ready to plot, which we'll do in a tiled format for illustrate the play-by-play sequencing.
# Base tile
p <- ggplot(data = pbp2) +
colour="darkgrey") +
scale_fill_manual(limits=c("Pass","Run","Kick","Other","Penalty"),breaks=c("Pass","Run","Kick","Other","Penalty"),values=c("Pass"="#008837","Run"="#0571b0","Other"="#bababa","Kick"="#e66101","Penalty"="#ffff33"),name="Play type") +
scale_alpha(range=c(0.05,1),limits=c(-20,20),breaks=c(-20,-10,0,10,20),labels=c("-20+","-10","0","10","20+"),name="Yards gained") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=1:max(pbp2$step)) +
# Adding NFL logos on the x axis
size=0.04) +
y = reorder(reorder(label,-drive),-play_id),
yend = reorder(reorder(label,-drive),-play_id),
x = 0.1,
xend = 0.3),
# Adding half time and final markers and text
halftime <- pbp2 %>% # identifying where in the drive label sequence half time and full time are
filter(game_half!="Overtime") %>%
group_by(game_half) %>%
top_n(.,-1,-play_id) %>%
select(game_half,label) %>%
mutate(y = length(unique(pbp2$label)) - which(unique(pbp2$label)==label) + 0.5)
p <- p + geom_segment(data = halftime,
y = y,
yend = y,
x = 0.5,
xend = max(pbp2$step)+0.25),
linetype="dashed") +
geom_label(data = halftime,
y = y,
x = max(pbp2$step)-0.25,
label=ifelse(game_half=="Half1","END HALF",ifelse(game_half=="Half2","END REGULATION",""))),
label.size = 0, size = 2, vjust = -0.25, label.padding = unit(0.01,"cm"))
# Adding score text and notation
p <- p +
geom_text(data=pbp2 %>% filter(scorechange!=0), # plotting for possession team scores
size=5) +
geom_text(data=pbp2 %>% filter(scorechange!=0), # plotting for defensive team scores
colour="red") +
geom_label(data=pbp2 %>% filter(scorechange!=0) %>% group_by(drive) %>% top_n(.,-1,-play_id), # adding a score summary for each new score
# Plotting new tile surrounds for key defensive actions (fumbles, interceptions, sacks)
p <- p + geom_tile(data=pbp2 %>% filter(other!=""),
width=1) +
scale_colour_manual(limits=c("Fumble lost","Interception","Sack"),name="Event", values=c("red","red","black")) +
scale_linetype_manual(limits=c("Fumble lost","Interception","Sack"),name="Event",values=c("Fumble lost"="dotted","Interception"="solid","Sack"="dashed"))
# Adding a spacing line between the plot and the legends
p <- p + geom_vline(aes(xintercept=max(pbp2$step+3)),linetype="dashed")
# Adding theme customizations, using hrbrthemes' nice and clear ipsum_tw theme
p <- p +
theme_ipsum_tw() +
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.text.y=element_blank()) +
# Adding labels
y = "",
x = "",
title = paste0("Play-by-Play Overview: ",pbp2$home_team[1]," vs. ",pbp2$away_team[1]," (",pbp2$game_date[1],")"),
subtitle = "'Other' covers spikes and kneels.",
caption = paste0("nfplscrapR data | GameID: ",pbp2$game_id[1], " | design: @wiscostretford")) +
# Sorting and colouring legends
fill = guide_legend(order = 1,override.aes=list(colour=NA)),
alpha = guide_legend(order = 2,override.aes=list(fill="#008837",colour=NA)),
colour = guide_legend(order = 3,override.aes=list(fill=NA)),
linetype = guide_legend(order = 3))
# Final plot