All entries are made manually. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Upgrade ElectronJS from v6 to v8 [Will Walker]
- Remove 'networking' container, as its use is for University of Delaware devices only [Will Walker]
- Simplify output in electron\
- Rollback to v6 of ElectronJS [Michal Ruda]
- Add the hostname entry to the /etc/hosts file [Will Walker]
- Update ElectronJS to v7.0.0 [Will Walker]
- Restructure electron docker container [Will Walker]
- Allow a singular URL to not refresh [Will Walker]
- Remove old Intel video driver package [Will Walker]
- Add new container "networking" that configures the DNS servers for HostOS dnsmasq service [Will Walker]
- Update ElectronJS to v6.0.10 [Will Walker]
- Include Intel video drivers for the new WYSE 3040 [Will Walker]
- Update ElectronJS to v6.0.0 [Will Walker]
- Complete restructure of main.js
- Utilization of powerSaveBlocker to keep display alive [Kyle O'Donnell]
- Instead of loading x URLs for one browserWindow, load x number of browserWindows and cycle through them [Will Walker]
- Dynamic loading of environment variables [CJ Lambert]
- Renaming of slide variables
[CJ Lambert] - Renaming of slide variables
[CJ Lambert]
- Removal of launcher HTML files [Will Walker]
- Removal of
Environment Variable [Will Walker]
- Clean up Dockerfile.template
- Include zoom functionality via
Environment Variable - Include Safety Alert functionality via
Environment Variable
- Updated Electron to v5.0 [Will Walker]
- Included --no-sandbox flag with startx electron command [Will Walker]
- Clean up script code [Will Walker]
- Remove deprecated X flags [Will Walker]
- Clean up splash code [Will Walker]
- Rework ElectronJS code to allow for better env storage [Will Walker]
- Set default env vars and use nice splash screen [Will Walker]
- Rename containers [Will Walker]
- Clean up electron scripts [Will Walker]
- Introduces support for devices other than amd64 by replacing FROM arch line with %%BALENA_MACHINE_NAME%% [Will Walker]
- Extended stability for x11vnc using -find flag [Will Walker]
- Create function for infinite looping [CJ Lambert & Will Walker]
- Initial commit for all code. Basing off of multi-container image used for timestations. Starting with Debian Buster due to expected release date by end of semester. [Will Walker]