This repository is for modeling an entrained flow reactor (EFR). The reactor operates at fast pyrolysis conditions to thermochemically convert biomass into gaseous products.
efr - Python files representing the EFR program.
params - Parameter and kinetics files for the EFR program.
The EFR program requires the latest version of Python and several packages as listed in the requirements.txt
The EFR program is run from the command line using Python.
# run the EFR program using the Blend3 feedstock parameters
$ python efr params/ -em -sp
# use C and H from ultimate analysis to determine biomass composition
$ python efr params/ --biocomp=ult
# run a batch reactor model and plot the results
$ python efr params/ -ba -sp
# view all available commands for running the EFR program
$ python efr --help
If you would like to contribute code to this project, please submit a Pull Request. Questions, comments, and other feedback can be submitted on the Issues page.