// Database defines an interface for adding and querying vector embeddings of `location.Location` records.
type Database interface {
// Add adds a `Location` record to the underlying database implementation.
Add(context.Context, *location.Location) error
// Query results a list of `QueryResult` instances for records matching a `location.Location` in the underlying database implementation.
Query(context.Context, *location.Location) ([]*QueryResult, error)
// MeetsThreshold returns a boolean value indicating whether a `QueryResult` instance satisfies a given threshold value.
MeetsThreshold(context.Context, *QueryResult, float64) (bool, error)
// Close performs and terminating functions required by the database.
Close(context.Context) error
tl;dr – As of this writing most of the work and testing (and successes) has been happening around the SQLiteDatabase and DuckDB implementations.
The BleveDatabase
implementation uses the Bleve indexing library to store and query vector embeddings.
The syntax for creating a new BleveDatabase
import (
ctx := context.Background()
, _ := vector.NewDatabase(ctx, "bleve://{PATH}?{PARAMETERS")
Valid parameters for the BleveDatabase
implemetation are:
Name | Value | Required | Notes |
embedder-uri | string | yes | A valid Embedder URI. |
dimensions | int | no | The dimensionality of the vector embeddings to store and query. Default is 768 . |
By default {PATH}
strings take the form of a local path on disk.
If a path contains the string {tmp}
then the (BleveDatabase) code will create a new Bleve database to be used for storing and querying documents. That database will be created in whatever temporary folder the operating system defines and removed the (BleveDatabase) Close
method is invoked.
Note: This code was last tested before the adoption of small, temporary databases. When indexing 7.3M Overture Data place records the final database was both really big (multiple dozens of GB if memory serves) and really slow. It is worth revisiting how effective things are with on-demand per-geohash databases.
Use of the BleveDatabase
implementation requires tools be built with the -bleve
The ChromemDatabase
implementation uses the philippgille/chromem-go package to store and query vector embeddings. In turn chromem-go
uses the Ollama application's REST API to generate embeddings for a text. This package assumes that the Ollama application has already installed, is running and set up to use the models necessary to generate embeddings. Please consult the Ollama documentation for details.
The syntax for creating a new ChromemDatabase
import (
ctx := context.Background()
, _ := vector.NewDatabase(ctx, "chromem://?{PARAMETERS")
Valid parameters for the ChromemDatabase
implemetation are:
Name | Value | Required | Notes |
model | string | yes | The name of the model you want to Ollama API to use when generating embeddings. |
Note: This code was last tested before the adoption of small, temporary databases. When indexing 7.3M Overture Data place records the final (on-disk) database was both really big (almost 100 GB, I think) and really slow. It is worth revisiting how effective things are with on-demand and in-memory per-geohash databases.
Use of the ChromemDatabase
implementation requires tools be built with the -chromem
The DuckDBDatabase
uses the DuckDB database and the VSS extension to store and query vector embeddings.
The syntax for creating a new DuckDBDatabase
import (
_ "github.com/marcboeker/go-duckdb"
ctx := context.Background()
, _ := vector.NewDatabase(ctx, "duckdb://?{PARAMETERS")
Valid parameters for the DuckDBDatabase
implemetation are:
Name | Value | Required | Notes |
embedder-uri | string | yes | A valid Embedder URI. |
dimensions | int | no | The dimensionality of the vector embeddings to store and query. Default is 768 . |
max_distance | float | no | The maximum distance between any two records being queried. Default is 5.0 |
max_results | int | no | The maximum number of results to return for any given query. Default is 10 |
refresh | bool | no | A boolean flag to indicate whether existing records should be updated. Default is false . |
max-conns | int | no | If defined, sets the maximum number of open connections to the database. |
do not take a DSN parameter since, as of this writing, vector embeddings are not (can not) be persisted to disk yet.
Use of the DuckDBDatabase
implementation requires tools be built with the -duckdb
The OpensearchDatabase
uses the OpenSearch document storage engine to store and query vector embeddings.
The syntax for creating a new OpensearchDatabase
import (
ctx := context.Background()
, _ := vector.NewDatabase(ctx, "opensearch://?{PARAMETERS")
Valid parameters for the OpensearchDatabase
implemetation are:
Name | Value | Required | Notes |
client-uri | string | yes | A URI string that can be parsed by the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-opensearch/client.ClientOptionsFromURI method. |
model | string | yes | The name of the model you want to use when generating embeddings. |
Some things to note:
Given 7.3M Overture places and a containerized single-node OpenSearch instance (24GB) on an M-series laptop, storing dense vectors (768) for both name and address fields indexing required:
- ~24 hours to store everything
- 177GB of disk space (OpenSearch data)
Querying anything (for example cmd/compare-alltheplaces
) is brutally slow, like "20771 records in 3h20m0" and the log files are full of "knn.circuit_breaker.triggered" errors. The (containerized) CPU was often pegged at 100% using a steady 15GB of RAM. This is using a single synchronous worker to do lookups. Anything more seems to cause the container to kill itself after a while.
Additionally, all of the steps required to configure Opensearch as a vector database are assumed to have happened before constructor (above) is invoked. This code was last tested before the adoption of small, temporary databases and it is something worth revisiting but this will also require adding code to spin up, configure and tear down individual (per-geohash) OpenSearch indices on demand. Have a look at the Makefile is this directory for an example of all the steps necessary to make this possible.
Use of the OpenSearchDatabase
implementation requires tools be built with the -opensearch
The SQLiteDatabase
implementation uses Alex Garcia's sqlite-vec extension (and its Go language bindings) to store and query vector embeddings.
The syntax for creating a new SQLiteDatabase
import (
_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"
ctx := context.Background()
, _ := vector.NewDatabase(ctx, "sqlite://?{PARAMETERS")
Valid parameters for the SQLiteDatabase
implemetation are:
Name | Value | Required | Notes |
dsn | string | yes | DSN strings are discussed below. |
embedder-uri | string | yes | A valid Embedder URI. |
dimensions | int | no | The dimensionality of the vector embeddings to store and query. Default is 768 . |
max_distance | float | no | The maximum distance between any two records being queried. Default is 5.0 |
max_results | int | no | The maximum number of results to return for any given query. Default is 10 |
compression | string | no | The type of compression to use when storing (and querying) embeddings. Valid options are: none, quantize, matroyshka. Default is none . Consult the sqlite-vec extension documentation for details. |
refresh | bool | no | A boolean flag to indicate whether existing records should be updated. Default is false . |
max-conns | int | no | If defined, sets the maximum number of open connections to the database. |
By default DSN strings take the form detailed in the mattn/go-sqlite3 documentation.
If a DSN contains the string {tmp}
then the (SQLiteDatabase) code will create a new SQLite database to be used for storing and querying documents. That database will be created in whatever temporary folder the operating system defines and removed the (SQLiteDatabase) Close
method is invoked.
Use of the SQLiteDatabase
implementation requires tools be built with the -sqlite_vec