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Frontend Mentor - Space tourism website solution

This is a solution to the Space tourism website challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for each of the website's pages depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • View each page and be able to toggle between the tabs to see new information



My process

Built with

What am I learning

I like a challenge ! So this time I took an Intermediate challenge to learn Next.js. Easy you might say, but no so fast. I also choose to throw Typescript in the mix. And to round things off I'll use tailwind css

Do I know any one of them? No. Will that stop me? Not even close !

How did I do ?

NextJs is fantastic! Easy to set up, even from scratch. The Next js router makes it clear that Next js is SSR orientated. The Next/Image for lazy image rendering is good for performance.

Tailwind CSS is what I needed. I thought the lengthy classnames wouldn't suit me, but I was wrong. The sole fact of not having to name anything is a big bonus. I had to tweak a few utility classes to suit my needs but, nothing too fancy and, overall the experience was great.

Typescript. You and I are going to have the best love/hate relationship. My first programming language was Java. It's a cumbersome language but, you get what you write and, if anything is wrong, it will tell you. Typescript has the same feel. When you feel lazy, it has (not) a subtle way you telling you you have to define everything single variable. Sure, vanilla JS works but does it? By the end, I felt much more confident writing code.

Useful resources

  • React Docs
  • Next Js Docs
  • Typescript Docs
  • TailwindCSS Docs
  • - Awesome Youtube channel. has a "Concept/framework in 100sec" playlist to quickly learn the very basics of a Programming language, framework, or concept. There are also longer videos for more in-depth frontend mini-projects.
  • Kevin Powell - Discovered on FrontendMentor with the partnership on this challenge and where my CSS game step up to all new level.
  • Google - Last but not least, the ultimate bug solver!



A huge thank you to my wife Andrea for her unconditional support and love. To my parents the MVP's of my upbringing!