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In this project, we propose a facial image enhancement pipeline specifically tailored for low-quality CCTV footage, which is frequently affected by issues such as poor lighting, low resolution, and motion blur. The proposed pipeline integrates four core components: face extraction using OpenCV Haar Cascade Classifier, image enhancement through Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Networks (SRCNN), handling poor lighting conditions with the help of LIME( Low-light Image Enhancement via Illumination Map Estimation)and deblurring via the DeblurGANv2 model. The objective is to improve the visual quality and clarity of facial images captured in challenging conditions, enhancing their usability for identification purposes. Comparative results show significant improvements in image clarity, enabling more accurate and efficient facial recognition from previously unusable footage. The system demonstrates its potential to be applied in real-world problems faced in security and surveillance.

Github link to the MVP. Drive link to the Weights.


Footage captured by CCTV often lacks the necessary quality for accurate facial recognition due to a combination of factors like low resolution, motion blur, and poor lighting conditions. These issues make it difficult to extract meaningful data for identification, leading to gaps in surveillance and law enforcement. The challenge is to develop a system that can automatically detect, enhance, and deblur faces from such low-quality footage in a computationally efficient manner. The objective of this project is to create an end-to-end pipeline capable of enhancing facial images extracted from CCTV footage. The pipeline leverages a combination of deep learning and traditional image processing techniques to address the challenges posed by poor lighting, motion blur, and low resolution. Specifically, this system will:

  • Detect and extract faces from CCTV footage using OpenCV Haar Cascade Classifier.

  • Enhance the resolution and quality of the extracted images using a pre-trained SRCNN.

  • Improve the illumination conditions of the the image frames extracted from video recordings using LIME.

  • Restore clarity to motion-blurred images using DeblurGANv2.

Steps to run the code :

Table of Contents


  • Face Detection and Recognition using VGGFace with ResNet50.
  • Super-Resolution enhancement using SRCNN.
  • Image Deblurring using DeblurGANv2.
  • Interactive Dashboards powered by Streamlit for real-time predictions on video or images.
  • LIME (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations) support for model interpretability.
  • Supports custom datasets for face recognition training.

Project Structure

├──           # Dashboard for predictions
├──                # Live feed prediction dashboard
├──            # Preprocessing and enhancements
├──               # Super-resolution model
├──         # Deblurring model
├──                # LIME model for interpretability
├──             # VGG16 model with classification layers
├── VGGFace_Resnet50.ipynb # Train face recognition model
├──                # Face extraction from dataset
├──         # Custom layers for models
├── requirements.txt       # Python dependencies
└──              # Project documentation (this file)



Ensure you have Python 3.11 and TensorFlow 2.17 installed.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <repository-directory>
  2. Download model weights from the provided Google Drive link and place them in the appropriate locations within the project.

How to Run

  1. Run the Streamlit Dashboard:

    streamlit run

    This dashboard allows you to upload images or videos for face recognition and enhancement.

  2. Run the Live Video Prediction Dashboard:

    streamlit run

    This version works with a pre-recorded video for predictions.

Usage Guide

  1. Dataset Preparation:
    Create folders in the following structure:

  2. Extract Faces from Dataset:
    Run the file to extract faces from the dataset images and store them in the Headsets folder.

  3. Train the Face Recognition Model:
    Use the VGGFace_Resnet50.ipynb notebook to train the model on your own dataset. Training will continue until the desired accuracy is achieved, and the weights will be saved for future use.

  4. Prediction on Dashboard:

    • Upload an image or video on the dashboard to perform face recognition.
    • For live predictions, use with a pre-recorded video.

Models Used

  1. SRCNN (

    • Used for super-resolution enhancement of images.
  2. DeblurGANv2 (

    • Used for deblurring the images.
  3. LIME (

    • Provides model interpretability by showing which features influence the predictions.
  4. VGGFace (

    • Uses VGG16 architecture for feature extraction and includes custom layers for face classification.


Face Detection using OpenCV Haar Cascade Classifier

The first step in the pipeline is to detect faces in the CCTV footage. For this, we utilized the Haar Cascade Classifier from OpenCV. The classifier identifies human faces by scanning the image at multiple scales and detecting features that resemble facial characteristics. While efficient and fast, the method is sensitive to extreme lighting variations and occlusions.

  • Pre-trained Weights: The Haar Cascade model is pre-trained using a large set of positive and negative images, which allows it to generalize across diverse face structures and detect faces efficiently. The pre-trained XML file for the Haar Cascade model is provided in OpenCV's official GitHub repository, making it readily accessible for integration. OpenCV Haar Cascade Pre-trained Weights

  • Why Chosen: This model was chosen for its speed and efficiency in real-time video processing, which is crucial for the high volume of data captured by CCTV systems.

Image Enhancement using SRCNN (Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network)

After detecting faces, we applied the SRCNN model to enhance the resolution of the extracted facial images. SRCNN is a deep learning-based approach that upscales low-resolution images and restores high-frequency details. The network consists of multiple convolutional layers that learn the mapping from low-resolution to high-resolution images, ensuring critical facial features are restored.

  • Pre-trained Weights: The SRCNN model was employed with pre-trained weights available from the official paper repository.SRCNN Pre-trained Weights These weights were trained on large datasets of low and high-resolution image pairs, allowing the model to perform super-resolution on a wide variety of images.

  • Why Chosen: SRCNN was selected for its balance between effectiveness and computational efficiency. Although more advanced models such as SRGAN or EDSR could provide even better results, SRCNN offered a faster and more straightforward approach, making it well-suited for the scale of this project.

Improving poor lighting conditions using LIME.

The LIME algorithm models an image as the product of its reflectance (R) and illumination (T), expressed mathematically as $I(x) = R(x) \times T(x)$. To estimate the illumination map $T(x)$, the algorithm identifies the brightest channel by taking the maximum pixel values across the RGB channels, under the assumption that the brightest channel contains the most relevant illumination information.

To ensure smooth transitions between illumination values, a weighting matrix $W$ is constructed based on the first-order derivatives in both vertical and horizontal directions. This strategy helps maintain consistency across adjacent pixels. LIME further refines the illumination map through iterative optimization. The process involves solving multiple subproblems: illumination estimation using Fourier transforms ($T$ subproblem), reflectance estimation through gradient descent ($G$ subproblem), and auxiliary updates involving parameters $Z$ and $u$.

The enhanced brightness is achieved by applying gamma correction to the illumination map, which compresses the dynamic range for more balanced lighting. The final enhanced image is produced by dividing the original image by the illumination map, followed by clamping pixel values to maintain valid intensity levels. This process effectively mitigates low-light conditions, resulting in an image with uniform brightness and improved visibility.

  • Why Chosen: LIME is a simple and efficient method for image enhancement, operating directly in the spatial domain without the need for large datasets or complex computations. It preserves natural lighting, introduces fewer artifacts, and is more resilient to noise than traditional methods like histogram equalization, which often amplify noise and produce unnatural results. Compared to Retinex-based models, LIME offers a faster, simpler solution for estimating illumination. Unlike deep learning models such as SRCNN or GANs, which require extensive training and computational power, LIME is lightweight and can be applied universally without training, making it ideal for practical use in low-light conditions.

Deblurring with DeblurGANv2

Many facial images extracted from CCTV footage suffer from motion blur due to subject movement. To address this, we employed DeblurGANv2, a state-of-the-art deblurring model based on generative adversarial networks (GANs). The model consists of a generator(a convolutional neural network) that learns to restore blurred images and a discriminator that assesses the quality of the deblurred images.DeblurGANv2 Pre-trained Weights

  • The architecture is based on a U-Net-like structure with residual blocks. It uses InstanceNormalization layers instead of the more traditional BatchNormalization to avoid batch size sensitivity and to enhance performance on images. The architecture consists of:

    • Reflection Padding 2D: Initial reflection padding, convolution, and activation to preserve edge information which is essential for image processing tasks.

    • Downsampling layers: Progressively reduces the image size while increasing the feature depth.

    • Residual blocks: These allow the model to better capture fine details and maintain information across multiple scales.

    • **Upsampling layers:**These restore the image back to the original size after the downsampling.

    • Final convolution and tanh activation: Produces the output image with pixel values between [-1, 1].

  • Pre-trained Weights: DeblurGANv2 is used with pre-trained weights available in the official implementation repository. These weights were trained on extensive datasets of blurred and sharp image pairs, making it highly effective in handling various types of motion blur.

  • Image Pre-processing: Before feeding an image into the generator,The pixel values are normalized from the range [0, 255] to [-1, 1], which is the input range required by the generator (due to the tanh output activation).

  • Image Post-processing: After the generator outputs the deblurred image, The pixel values are rescaled from the [-1, 1] range back to [0, 255] for displaying or converting the image back to a format that can be saved (For eg: PNG or JPEG).

  • Why Chosen: DeblurGANv2 was chosen due to its ability to handle complex blurring patterns and its superior performance compared to traditional deblurring techniques. It stands out as an advanced model for image deblurring due to its GAN-based adversarial training, multi-scale feature handling via FPN (Feature Pyramid Network for Multi-Scale Blur Handling), high perceptual quality with improved loss functions, and robustness to real-world conditions.Its ability to restore sharpness in images and handle a wide range of blur-scenarios with minimal computational overhead made it an ideal choice for this pipeline.

Model Architecture


Challenges and Limitations

  • Lighting and Occlusion: While the Haar Cascade Classifier is efficient, it falters in cases of occlusion or poor lighting. Future iterations could integrate more robust face detection models, such as deep learning-based detectors that can handle a broader range of scenarios.

  • Real-time Processing: Although the current pipeline can process individual frames efficiently, real-time processing of continuous video streams remains a challenge. Incorporating GPU acceleration and optimizing the models for faster inference times will be essential for real-time deployment.

  • Fixed Image Size: The pre-trained model used for deblurring assumes all input images are resized to 256x256 pixels during preprocessing.This size constraint may degrade the quality of the output, especially if the original images have a higher resolution.

Future Enhancement Implementation: Face Recognition for Security and Surveillance Systems

The project's future enhancement focuses on creating a real-time face recognition system for automating attendance tracking. The system utilizes the VGGFace model, based on VGG16 for feature extraction, while the classification layer is custom-trained on a dataset of suspect faces. The enhancement includes an image processing pipeline to ensure high-quality face detection and recognition during live tracking.

Concept of Transfer Learning

The system leverages transfer learning, a machine learning technique where a model developed for a task is reused as the starting point for a different but related task. In this implementation:

  • VGG16 was pretrained on large-scale face recognition data as part of VGGFace. It has already learned general features of human faces, such as edges, shapes, and facial structures.

  • Instead of training a model from scratch, the pretrained VGG16 feature extraction layers were retained, allowing the system to reuse the knowledge gained from extensive training on facial features

  • A custom classification layer was then added on top of these feature extraction layers, which was trained specifically to recognize the faces of suspects in our dataset.

System Architecture

  • Dataset Structure: The dataset was organized such that each suspect has a dedicated folder containing at least ten face images: Dataset/Class_name/images

  • Suspect Database: A JSON file was maintained alongside the dataset, containing each suspect's unique details (name, id, status), which are used for suspect identification during recognition.

  • Model Training:

    • The VGG16 feature extraction layers were frozen to retain the pretrained weights, and only the custom classification layer was trained to map the extracted features to suspect classes.

    • The training process involved resizing images to 224x224 pixels and using callbacks to monitor training performance until the model achieved the desired accuracy.

    • After training, the model's weights were saved for future use in real-time face recognition.

Sample Output Images

Real-Time Face Recognition System

The live face recognition system works as follows:

  • Loading the Model: The trained VGGFace model, along with the custom classification layer, is loaded from the saved weights.

  • Live Video Stream: A live camera feed captures real-time footage of suspects.

  • Face Detection: The OpenCV Haar Cascade Classifier is employed to detect faces in each frame of the video stream.

  • Image Enhancement Pipeline: The OpenCV Haar Cascade Classifier is employed to detect faces in each frame of the video stream.

    • SRCNN: Enhances the resolution of the detected faces, improving the clarity of low-resolution images.

    • LIME: Increases the illumination in poor-light image frames.

    • DeblurGANv2: Removes motion blur from images, ensuring the detected faces are sharp and suitable for recognition.

  • Face Recognition: The enhanced face images are resized to 224x224 pixels and passed through the VGGFace model, which predicts the class ID corresponding to the suspect.

  • Suspect Identification: The predicted class ID is cross-referenced with the suspect database stored in the JSON file to retrieve the suspect's details, such as name, id and status.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Image Quality: The live video feed or the video recording of the suspect might include low-quality images due to lighting or motion, which are effectively handled by the SRCNN, LIME and DeblurGANv2 pipelines, ensuring that the images are of sufficient quality for recognition.

  • Real-Time Processing: The system is optimized for real-time performance, ensuring that each video frame is processed quickly without significant delays in face detection and recognition.

  • Multiple Faces: The system is capable of handling multiple faces in real-time, recognizing and flagging alerts for multiple suspects recognised in the frame.


The face recognition system successfully identifies suspects in real-time. By leveraging transfer learning with the VGGFace model and image enhancement techniques, the system achieved high accuracy and efficiency in recognition.

  • Recognition Accuracy: The combination of the VGGFace model, transfer learning, and image enhancement allowed for accurate student identification even in challenging conditions.

  • Efficient Processing: The system handled real-time video frames smoothly, maintaining high performance in face detection and recognition.

Implementing Dashboard for real-time Monitoring:

The Streamlit interface acts as an interactive dashboard for users to engage with the facial reconstruction and recognition pipeline. On the left hand side of the interface, users can upload pre-recorded videos in formats such as MP4 or AVI. Upon uploading, the video is displayed with playback options, and users can also view terminal logs detailing the processing steps in real time. On the right hand side, suspect details, such as name, ID, and status, are presented in a structured table format for easy reference. Once a video is processed, the system analyzes each frame to detect and classify faces. If a match is found, the interface displays both the found face from the video and the actual suspect image side by side for visual comparison, along with the prediction confidence and class information.The use of Streamlit provides a smooth, interactive experience without the need for complex back-end systems, ensuring that even non-technical users can interact with the model results efficiently. This same interface is also used in live video-streaming wherein the suspects are identified in a live-video feed through web-cam.



  • Dong, C., Loy, C. C., He, K., & Tang, X. (2015). Image Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Networks (SRCNN). IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.

  • Kupyn, O., Martyniuk, T., Wu, J., & Wang, Z. (2019). DeblurGAN-v2: Deblurring (Orders-of-Magnitude) Faster and Better. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).

  • Keras VGGFace GitHub Repository.

  • Guo, X., Li, Y., & Ling, H. (2017). LIME: Low-Light Image Enhancement via Illumination Map Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26(2), 982--993. LIME Implementation GitHub Repository.