1. Dodo (rabbit.white@daum.net)
3-1. 2018-08-01 ~ 2018-08-03 / Jasper / IFRS Project 진행 (로직 등에 대해서 연구) - IFRS Project (research on logic etc.)
3-3. 2018-08-01 ~ 2018-08-03 / Jasper / Apache 2.2, PHP 5.2~5.6를 지원함. / Supports Apache 2.2, PHP 5.2 to 5.6.
3-4. 2018-08-01 ~ 2018-08-03 / Jasper / W3C Validator 검사 완료(W3C Validator Check Completed) / https://validator.w3.org/
(Open the index.php file to configure the environment.)
- 윈도우(Windows)
$root = "C:/{webRootDir}/htdocs";
$directories = '{폴더명 / 없으면 생략}';
- 리눅스(Linux)
$root = '/usr/{경로명}/{계정명}';
$directories = '{폴더명 / 없으면 생략}';
- 사용자 디렉토리( http:// {주소} /~{계정명} )
$directories = '{폴더명 / 없으면 생략}';
$directories = '{~계정명}';
(Set the jasper table with the Create Table command in mysql DB.)
(Set the DB of "controller/JasperAccount/JasperAccount.php")
localhost(Hostname / 호스트명), userId(사용자계정), password(비밀번호), dbname(디비명)
(Access the web site.)
http://{HostName}/book/{tableName}/{random userName}/{startDate}/{endDate}/{language}
http://{호스트명}/book/{테이블이름}/{임의의 사용자명}/{시작일자}/{종료일자}/{언어}
테이블명만 바꾸면, 다중 접속도 가능하다.(If the table name is changed, multiple connections are also available.)
- 190830 JasperAccount PHP, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JR05rByEcY&feature=youtu.be, Accessed by 2018-08-30, Last Modified 2019-08-30.
- PHP.net, http://php.net/docs.php, Last Modified, Accessed By (Ing.)
- MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 14.1 Introduction to InnoDB, https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/innodb-introduction.html, Last Modified, Accessed by (Ing.)
- PHP License, https://opensource.org/licenses/PHP-3.0