- Constellation abbreviations are now consistent between the
:func:`~skyfield.api.load_constellation_map()` table and the
:func:`~skyfield.api.load_constellation_names()` list. Previously,
had been mis-capitalized in the list asCvn
- The :func:`~skyfield.almanac.oppositions_conjunctions()` routine now measures ecliptic longitude using the ecliptic of each specific date, rather than always using the J2000 ecliptic, which should improve its accuracy by several seconds.
- Skyfield’s internal table for the ∆T Earth orientation parameter has been updated, so that its predictions now extend to 2024-04-13.
- Bugfix: Skyfield was giving values several kilometers off when computing the elevation above ground level of a target that was positioned directly above the Earth’s north or south pole.
- Bugfix: the :func:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.is_behind_earth()`
method was incorrectly returning
if the Earth was on the line that joins the two satellites, but over on the far side of the other satellite where it wasn’t really in the way. - Internals: the :meth:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.altaz()` method now
lives on the main position class instead of in two specific
subclasses. If the user mistakenly tries to call
on an instance of the :class:`~skyfield.positionlib.Astrometric` position subclass — which previously lacked the method — then a friendly exception is raised explaining their error.
- Bugfix: minor planets and comets in Skyfield 1.44 would raise an exception if asked for a position in the half of their orbit where they are inbound towards their perihelion.
- Skyfield’s internal table for the ∆T Earth orientation parameter has been updated, so that instead of including measurements only through December 2021 it now knows Earth orientation through September 2022.
- Distance and velocity objects can now be created by calling their unit
names as constructors, like
d = Distance.km(5.0)
andv = Velocity.km_per_s(0.343)
. - Updated the URL from which the Hipparcos database
is downloaded, following a change in the domain for the University of Strasbourg fromu-strasbg.fr
- An attempt at overly clever scripting resulted in a Skyfield 1.43
release without a
in its.tar.gz
; within an hour, a Python 2.7 user had reported that Skyfield could no longer install. This release is identical to 1.43 but (hopefully) installs correctly for everyone!
- Fixed :func:`~skyfield.magnitudelib.planetary_magnitude()` so it works for Saturn even when the time is an array rather than a single time; also, improved its calculation slightly with respect to Uranus. #739
- Improved :func:`~skyfield.data.mpc.load_comets_dataframe()` so that
with the most recent version of Pandas doesn’t stumble over the commas in the final field of (for example) Halley’s Comet and give the errorParserError: Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 12 fields…saw 13
. #707
- Added two new position methods :meth:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.phase_angle()` and :meth:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.fraction_illuminated()` that, given an illuminator (usually the Sun) as their argument, compute whether the observer is looking at the bright side or the dark side of the target body. They replace a pair of old functions in the almanac module.
- The almanac routine :func:`~skyfield.almanac.moon_nodes()` would sometimes skip nodes that were closer together than 14.0 days. It has been tightened down and should now detect all lunar nodes. #662
- Time objects now feature a :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.to_astropy` method.
- The position method :meth:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.to_skycoord` now
sets the
attribute of the sky coordinate it returns, and for now only supports barycentric and geocentric positions. #577
- Times now support arithmetic: you can add or subtract from a time
either a number representing days of Terrestrial Time (TT) or a Python
which Skyfield interprets as TT days and seconds. #568 - Fixed the
vector of the geographic position returned by the :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.subpoint_of()` method. #673 - Skyfield now uses HTTPS instead of FTP to download JPL ephemeris files
. This does risk raising an error for users whose machines have out-of-date root certificates. But it protects the connection from outside tampering, and will keep working if thessd.jpl.nasa.gov
FTP service is ever shut down — as happened earlier this year to FTP on NASA’scddis.nasa.gov
server. #666
- Extended the :func:`~skyfield.magnitudelib.planetary_magnitude()` routine to work with all the major planets, which upgrades it from a prototype feature to a production feature of Skyfield.
- The :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.subpoint()` method has been deprecated, because users reported that its name was a poor match for its behavior. Four new methods have replaced it: :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.latlon_of()`, :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.height_of()`, :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.geographic_position_of()`, and :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.subpoint_of()`. #644
- Added a timescale method :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.linspace()`. #617
- The :func:`~skyfield.almanac.oppositions_conjunctions()` routine, which was originally designed only for planets, can now also handle the Moon (which moves from opposition to conjunction much faster).
- The
:meth:`Angle.dstr() <skyfield.units.Angle.dstr>`
:meth:`Angle.hstr() <skyfield.units.Angle.hstr>`
methods now accept a
argument that lets callers override Skyfield’s default angle formatting and supply their own; see Formatting angles. #513 - The prototype :func:`~skyfield.magnitudelib.planetary_magnitude()` function now works not only when given a single position, but when given a vector of several positions.
- Replaced the old historic ∆T table from the United States Naval Observatory with up-to-date splines from the 2020 release of the extensive research by Morrison, Stephenson, Hohenkerk, and Zawilski <Morrison, Stephenson, et al> and also adjusted the slope of Skyfield’s near-future ∆T estimates to make the slope of ∆T much less abrupt over the coming century.
- Added a full reference frame object for the :class:`~skyfield.sgp4lib.TEME` reference frame used by SGP4 Earth satellite elements.
- Added a :meth:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.frame_latlon_and_rates()` method that can compute the rates at which angles like altitude and azimuth, or right ascension and declination, are changing.
- Accepted a contributor’s helpful fix for a rounding error that had slightly shifted a few constellation boundaries. #548
- The :class:`~skyfield.timelib.Time` tuple :data:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.utc` and method :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.utc_strftime()` are now backed by the same math, so they always advance to the next calendar day at the same moment. This makes it safe to mix values returned by one of them with values returned by the other. #542
- Vector subtraction now returns the position subclass specific to the resulting vector’s center. #549
- Tweaked several lines of code that build NumPy arrays
to avoid a new deprecation warning
Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated
. NumPy no longer wants to accept a simple constant like0.0
where the resulting array needs a whole row of zeros. #536 - Added an :meth:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.hadec()` position method that returns hour angle and declination. #510
- The default
strings for geographic positions have been streamlined, and no longer raiseValueError
when elevation is an array. They now show simple decimals instead of splitting degrees of longitude and latitude into minutes and seconds; always show elevation, even if zero; properly format NumPy arrays; and abbreviate long arrays. #524 - Fixed :meth:`Angle.dstr() <skyfield.units.Angle.dstr>` and :meth:`Angle.hstr() <skyfield.units.Angle.hstr>` to return an array of strings when the angle itself is an array. #527
- Deprecated the old
class, which not only featured a clunky interface but hid from users the fact that Skyfield was generating IERS2010 positions from latitude and longitude when in fact nearly all users want WGS84 positions. Users are now encouraged to supply latitude and longitude to the :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.latlon()` method of either the :data:`~skyfield.toposlib.wgs84` object or the :data:`~skyfield.toposlib.iers2010` object. Related discussion: #372 - The two new geoid objects :data:`~skyfield.toposlib.wgs84` and :data:`~skyfield.toposlib.iers2010` have also provided a happy new home for the :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.subpoint()` method — which was previously stranded over on the :class:`~skyfield.positionlib.Geocentric` class, where it couldn’t be used with positions of other classes that might be centered at the geocenter. (The old method will remain in place to support legacy code, but is discouraged in new applications.)
- The effects of :ref:`Polar motion` — if configured — are now included both when computing the position in space of an Earth latitude and longitude, and when determining the latitude and longitude beneath a celestial position.
- Added :func:`~skyfield.api.load_constellation_names()`.
- The :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.utc_jpl()` method now correctly
designates its return value as
instead of the ambiguiousUT
. #515
- The position classes have gained methods
:func:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.frame_latlon()`, and
that work with a new library
to offer a number of familiar reference frames. These replace the existing ad-hoc position methods for ecliptic and galactic coordinates, which are now deprecated (but will continue to be supported). See :ref:`reference_frames`. #476 - Added an official :class:`~skyfield.framelib.itrs` reference frame.
- Added support for IERS :ref:`polar motion` 𝑥 and 𝑦.
- Added a method :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.GeographicPosition.lst_hours_at()` that computes Local Sidereal Time.
- A new almanac routine :func:`~skyfield.almanac.moon_phase()` returns the Moon phase as an angle where 0° is New Moon, 90° is First Quarter, 180° is Full, and 270° is Last Quarter. #282
- Almanac search routines that previously returned a Boolean true/false
array now return an integer 0/1 array instead, to work around a new
deprecation warning in NumPy which, for example, would have outlawed
using the Boolean array from :func:`~skyfield.almanac.moon_nodes()` to
index into the
list that provides a name for each node. #486 - The undocumented columns
in the Minor Planet Center comets dataframe have been renamedmagnitude_g
following further research on the file format (which does not itself document which magnitude model is intended). #416
- Fix: running
was raising an exceptionFileNotFoundError
if thefinals2000A.all
file was not already on disk, instead of downloading the file automatically. #477
- A new :func:`~skyfield.eclipselib.lunar_eclipses()` routine finds lunar eclipses and determines their degree of totality. #445
- The almanac module’s new :func:`~skyfield.almanac.meridian_transits()` routine can find the moments at which a body transits the meridian and antimeridian. #460
- Fix: the :func:`~skyfield.searchlib.find_minima()` function was
ignoring its
arguments and always using the default values instead. #475 - Fix: the
attribute of Earth satellite objects that were built using :meth:`~skyfield.sgp4lib.EarthSatellite.from_satrec()` was, alas, a half-day off. #466 - Fix: the
constructor argumentsx
, which never worked properly anyway, have been deprecated and are now ignored.
- Skyfield now uses the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) file
for updated ∆T and leap seconds. The USNO is no longer updating the filesdeltat.data
that previous versions of Skyfield used, and thecddis.nasa.gov
server from which they were fetched will discontinue anonymous FTP on 2020 October 31. See downloading-timescale-files. #452 #464 - The comets dataframe built from the MPC file
now includes thereference
column, so users can tell which orbit is most recent if there are several orbits for a single comet. (For example, the file currently lists two C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) orbits.) The comet examples in the documentation now build a dataframe that only includes the most recent orbit for each comet. #463 - Two new methods :meth:`~skyfield.iokit.Loader.days_old()` and :meth:`~skyfield.iokit.Loader.download()` make it simple to download a fresh copy of a file if the copy on disk is older than you would like.
- The various
Skyfield methods now support the%j
day-of-year format code. - Fix: the new Julian calendar support broke support for out-of-range month numbers, wrapping them into the current year instead of letting them overflow into subsequent years. #461
- Fix: a stray debugging
statement was stranded int.dut1
. #455 - The :class:`~skyfield.timelib.Time` object, if manually instantiated without a Julian date fraction, now provides a fraction array with dimensions that match the Julian date argument. #458
- Fix: the new Julian calendar feature was raising an exception in the calendar methods like :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.tt_calendar()` if the time object was in fact an array of times. #450
- Fix: trying to iterate over a time object would raise an exception if the time was created through :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.ut1()`.
- Broken URL: Because the VizieR archive apparently decided to
uncompress their copy of the
Hipparcos catalog file, the old URL now returns a 404 error. As an emergency fix, this version of Skyfield switches to their uncompressedhip_main.dat
. Hopefully they don’t compress it again and break the new URL! A more permanent solution is discussed at: #454 - To unblock this release, removed a few deprecated pre-1.0 experiments
from April 2015 in
that broke because the Hipparcos catalog is no longer compressed; hopefully no one was using them. - In a sweeping internal change, the :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale` and :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time` objects now offer support for the Julian calendar that’s used by historians for dates preceding the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in 1582. See choice of calendars if you want to turn on Julian dates in your application. #450
- The printed appearance of both vectors and of vector functions like Earth locations and Earth satellites have been rewritten to be more informative and consistent.
- Added :func:`~skyfield.timelib.compute_calendar_date()` which lets the caller choose the Julian calendar for ancient dates instead of always using the proleptic Gregorian calendar. This should be particularly useful for historians.
- Added :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.J()` that builds a time array from an array of floating point years. #436
- Added four new
methods for the non-UTC timescales (#443). All four of them support%f
for microseconds, and provide a reasonable default format string for callers who don’t wish to concoct their own: - Thanks to several fixes, comets and asteroids with parabolic and hyperbolic orbits should now raise fewer errors.
- The prototype :func:`~skyfield.magnitudelib.planetary_magnitude()` can now return magnitudes for Uranus without raising an exception. The routine does not yet take into account whether the observer is facing the equator or poles of Uranus, so the magnitude predicted for the planet will only be accurate to within about 0.1 magnitudes.
- The official ∆T files on NASA’s FTP server have stopped receiving
updates — they have no new data beyond February, the start of the
global pandemic. Unless they are updated by next February, older
versions of Skyfield will unfortunately download the files all over
again every time :meth:`~skyfield.iokit.Loader.timescale()` is called
(unless the
parameter is provided). To make Skyfield less fragile going forward:- The loader’s :meth:`~skyfield.iokit.Loader.timescale()` method now
defaults to
, telling it to use the ∆T and leap second files that ship with Skyfield internally. To download new ∆T files from NASA and the leap second file from the International Earth Rotation Service, specifybuiltin=False
. - The concept of an “expired” file has been removed from
. Skyfield is now much simpler: if a file with the correct name exists, Skyfield uses it. See :ref:`downloading-timescale-files` if you still want your application to check the age of your timescale files and automatically download new ones.
- The loader’s :meth:`~skyfield.iokit.Loader.timescale()` method now
defaults to
- The ICRF.separation_from() method now officially supports the combination of an array of positions with a single reference position! Its previous support for that combination was, alas, accidental, and was broken with the 1.23 release. #414 #424
- A prototype :func:`~skyfield.magnitudelib.planetary_magnitude()` routine has been added with support for several planets. #210
- The
timezone that Skyfield returns in Python datetimes is now either the Python Standard Library’s own UTC object, if it supplies one, or else is defined by Skyfield itself. Skyfield no longer silently tries importing the wholepytz
package merely to use its UTC object — which also means that the timezone returned by Skyfield longer offers the non-standardlocalize()
method. #413
- Added :func:`~skyfield.data.stellarium.parse_constellations()` and :func:`~skyfield.data.stellarium.parse_star_names()` to load Stellarium star names and constellation lines. Constellation lines are featured in a new example script :ref:`neowise-chart` that produces a finder chart for comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE.
- The Hipparcos star catalog should now load faster, having switched behind the scenes to a higher performance Pandas import routine.
- Fixed the ability of :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.utc()` to
accept a Python
object as its argument. #409 - Slightly lowered the precision of two tests when they detect that Python is compiled for a 32-bit processor, so the test suite can succeed when contributors package Skyfield for 32-bit Linux. #411
- Added methods :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.from_datetime()` and
:meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.from_datetimes()` to the
:class:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale` class, to better advertise the
ability to build a Skyfield time from a Python
— an ability that was previously overloaded into theyear
parameter of the :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.utc()` method (where it is still supported for backwards compatibility, but no longer documented). - Fix: improved the accuracy with which velocity is converted between the Earth-fixed ITRF frame that rotates with the Earth and the inertial GCRS frame that does not. In particular, this should make Earth satellite velocities more accurate.
- Added :doc:`kepler-orbits` support for generating the positions of comets and asteroids from Minor Planet Center data files.
- Added :func:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.is_behind_earth()` to determine whether a celestial object is blocked from an Earth satellite’s view by the Earth itself.
- Replaced the awkward and hard-to-explain
search parameter with the conceptually simplerstep_days
parameter, and updated the instructions in :doc:`searches` to match. - Made the :meth:`~skyfield.iokit.Loader.tle_file()` import method less
strict about Earth satellite names: any text on the line before two
lines of TLE data is now saved as the satellite name. A parameter
turns this off if, for particular TLE files, this leads to unwanted text being saved.
- Skyfield’s improved time precision (stored internally as two floats) is now used in computing ephemeris positions, Earth orientation, and light-travel time, producing position angles which change much more smoothly over time on a sub-milliarcsecond scale.
- :doc:`searches` is now documented for custom events that users define themselves, instead of only being documented for the official pre-written :doc:`almanac` functions. Not only discrete events but also maxima and minima are now officially supported and documented, thanks to a rewrite of the underlying code.
- Time objects no longer cache the nutation and precession matrices, since they are never used again after being multiplied together to create the equinox-of-date rotation matrix. This should save 144 bytes for each time in a :class:`~skyfield.timelib.Time` array.
- It is now possible to :ref:`from-satrec` thanks to a new Earth satellite constructor method. #384
- Added :meth:`~skyfield.iokit.Loader.build_url()` that returns the URL from which Skyfield will download a file. #382
- Added :meth:`~skyfield.jpllib.SpiceKernel.close()` to support applications that need to do fine-grained resource management or whose testing framework check for dangling open files. #374
- Skyfield’s dependency list now asks for “jplephem” version 2.13 or
later. Skyfield 1.21, alas, could incur a
Module not found
error when importingjplephem.exceptions
if a user had an old “jplephem” version already installed. #386
- Added :func:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.is_sunlit()` to determine whether Earth satellites in orbit are in Earth’s shadow or not, thanks to a pull request from Jesse Coffey.
- Added :func:`~skyfield.positionlib.position_of_radec()`
to replace the poorly designed
. - Skyfield :class:`~skyfield.timelib.Time` objects now have microsecond internal accuracy, so round trips to and from Python datetimes should now preserve all the microsecond digits.
- The :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.utc_strftime()` method now rounds to the nearest minute or second if it sees that either minutes or seconds are the smallest unit of time in the format string.
- The 6 numbers in the sequence
can now be accessed by the attribute namesyear
, andsecond
. - Nutation routines should now be faster and have a smaller memory footprint, thanks to a rewrite that uses more optimized NumPy calls. #373
- Thanks to Jérôme Deuchnord, the exception raised when asking for a position out-of-range of a JPL ephemeris now shows the calendar dates for which the ephemeris is valid and carries several useful attributes. #356
- Erik Tollerud contributed a fix for a deprecation warning about SSL from the most recent versions of Python (“cafile, cpath and cadefault are deprecated, use a custom context instead”). The file download routine now auto-detects which mechanism your Python supports. #363
- Added an
argument to :meth:`~skyfield.planetarylib.PlanetaryConstants.build_latlon_degrees()`.
- To hopefully fix the
errors that some users encounter when downloading timescale files, Skyfield has taken the risk of switching away from your system’s SSL certificates to the certificate bundle from thecertifi
package. #317 - Added a new almanac routine for finding :ref:`lunar-nodes`. #361
- Gave geographic location objects a new
method that returns their raw ITRF coordinates. #354 - Fixed the sign of the velocity vector when two vectors are directly geometrically subtracted. #355
- Deprecated the old hybrid-key satellite dictionary returned by
in favor of a simple list returned by the new :meth:`~skyfield.iokit.Loader.tle_file()` routine. #345 - The almanac :func:`~skyfield.searchlib.find_discrete()` routine no longer returns extraneous values in its second return value if no changes of state were found. #339 #351
- Added documentation and support for computing lunar libration. #80
- Upgraded to a new version of the
Python library that, when possible, uses the fast official C++ implementation of SGP4. - Added a :meth:`~skyfield.sgp4lib.EarthSatellite.find_events()` Earth satellite method that finds the times at which a satellite rises, culminates, and sets.
- Improved the logic behind the :doc:`almanac` routines to avoid rare situations in which a cluster of nearly identical times would be produced for what should really be considered a single event. #333
- Fixed the :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.utc_strftime()` method so it does not report that every day in all of recorded history is a Monday. #335
- Added basic :doc:`planetary` support, enough to compute the position of a given latitude and longitude on the surface of the Moon. #79 #124 #258
- Added :func:`~skyfield.almanac.oppositions_conjunctions()` for finding the dates when a planet is at opposition and conjunction with the sun.
- Added :func:`~skyfield.trigonometry.position_angle_of()` for computing astronomical position angles.
- Changed the URL for the Hipparcos catalog, because the VizieR archives FTP server is no longer responding. #301
- Added a :func:`~skyfield.almanac.dark_twilight_day()` function that not only handles sunrise and sunset but also all three kinds of twilight. #225
- Changed the URL from which leap second files are downloaded; the server that previously provided them is no longer responding. Thanks to Richard Shaw for the pull request. #296 #297
- Added a :func:`~skyfield.almanac.risings_and_settings()` function for computing rising and setting times. #271
- Provided a constellation lookup routine through :func:`~skyfield.api.load_constellation_map()`.
- Added a
function. - Fixed the
method in the case where a single observer position is observing an entire vector of target positions. #229
- Fix: an exception was being thrown when creating a
pointed at a Windows directory for which Python’sos.makedirs()
function returned a spurious error. #283 - The internal
routine can now be given aniterations=0
argument if the caller wants geocentric latitude and longitude.
- You can now call
to use time scale files that Skyfield carries internally, instead of downloading them. Note that the time scale files distributed with any given version of Skyfield will gradually fall out of date. - Fix: indexing a position now returns a position with an actual velocity. #241
- Fix: the
now correctly pulls stellar parallax data from the dataframe if available. #266 - Fix: :func:`~skyfield.searchlib.find_discrete()` was generating empty arrays of search dates, upsetting the astronomy code, if the start and end dates were very close together. #240
- Fix: teach Skyfield the new format of the Naval Observatory ∆T data
, whose change in format caused Skyfield to start throwing an exception for new users. #236
- Added :func:`~skyfield.almanac.seasons` to the :doc:`almanac` module that can be used to predict solstices and equinoxes.
- Fix: the ecliptic coordinate routines no longer raise
ValueError: too many values to unpack
if they are passed a time array. #207 #208
- There is now an :doc:`almanac` module that can compute the times of sunrise, sunset, and the phases of the moon, based on the search algorithms announced at my recent PyBay talk “An Import Loop and a Fiery Reentry.”
- Two new methods :meth:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.cirs_xyz()` and :meth:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.cirs_radec()` have been contributed which provide support for rotating a position into the Celestial Intermediate Reference System (CIRS). #192
- Skyfield now supports loading the Hipparcos star catalog as a Pandas dataframe, providing the user with convenient mechanisms for looking up a single star by HIP number or filtering the entire catalog by magnitude. See :doc:`stars` for details.
- Ecliptic coordinates can now be produced for epochs other than J2000
thanks to a new optional parameter specifying the desired epoch for
method. - A position that gives a position, velocity, and time can now be converted into full osculating orbital elements through the routine :func:`~skyfield.elementslib.osculating_elements_of()`.
- A couple of bugs in the
routine have been fixed. #193 #194
- Both of the loader methods :meth:`~skyfield.iokit.Loader.open()` and
now accept not just URLs but also plain local file paths; they correctly re-download a remote file if “reload=True” is specified; and they allow specifying a different local “filename=” than the one at the end of the URL. - Earth satellite objects no longer try to instantiate a timescale object of their own, which often kicked off an unexpected download of the three files needed to build a timescale.
- Satellite names are now correctly loaded from Space-Track TLE files.
- The ability to create times using Julian Dates is now better advertised,
thanks to dedicated timescale methods whose names end in
- The :meth:`~skyfield.positionlib.Geocentric.subpoint()` method now normalizes the longitude values it returns into the range −180° to 180° #182 and returns an actual elevation instead of zero. #185
- Earth satellites now return a real velocity vector instead of zero. #187
- Earth satellites now offer an :meth:`~skyfield.sgp4lib.EarthSatellite.ITRF_position_velocity_error()` method that returns raw ITRF coordinates for users interested in them. #85
- You can now specify the distance to an object when generating a position from altitude and azimuth coordinates. #158
- The dictionary of satellites returned when you read a TLE file now supports lookup by integer satellite ID, not just by name, and now knows how to parse TLE files from Space-Track. #163 #167
- Star coordinates can now be offered for any epoch, not just J2000. #166
- You can now create a time object given the UT1 date. #91
- Fractional Julian years are now available on
objects as.J
. - The parameter DUT1 is now available on
objects as.dut1
. #176
- Geocentric coordinates now have a :meth:`~skyfield.positionlib.Geocentric.subpoint()` method that computes the latitude and longitude of the point beneath that body.
- All of the
time constructor methods now accept arrays. - Emergency fix to stop Skyfield
from endlessly downloading new copies of
, since the file has gone out of date at the USNO site. - Fixed ability of a :class:`~skyfield.starlib.Star` to be initialized with a tuple that breaks units into minutes and seconds (broke in version 1.2).
- Issues fixed: #170 #172
- The documentation now describes how to create an excerpt of a large JPL ephemeris without downloading the entire file. Several Skyfield tests now run much faster because they use an ephemeris excerpt instead of waiting for a download.
- For
a leading~
now means “your home directory”. - You can now initialize a velocity from kilometers per second
. - Empty time and angle objects no longer raise an exception when printed. (Thanks, JoshPaterson!)
- Issues fixed: #160 #161 #162
- Positions can now be converted to AstroPy with :meth:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.to_skycoord()`.
- You can now provide a timescale of your own to an :meth:`~skyfield.sgp4lib.EarthSatellite` instead of having it trying to load one itself.
- Downloaded files are no longer marked as executable on Windows.
- A friendly error message, rather than an obscure traceback, is now returned if you try converting a position to alt/az coordinates but the position was not measured from a position on the Earth’s surface.
- Brought the core API to maturity: replaced the narrow concept of building a “body” from several ephemeris segments with the general concept of a vector function that is the sum of several simpler vector functions.
- Added support for adding and subtracting vector functions.
- Deprecated the Earth
method in favor of vector addition. - Deprecated the Earth
method in favor of vector addition. - Deprecated the body
method in favor of vector subtraction. - Celestrak satellite files can now be opened with
- Attempted to speed up Earth satellite calculations by caching a single time scale object instead of creating a new one each time.
- Fixed a possible divide-by-zero error when applying deflection to an apparent position.
- The
method of an observer on the Earth’s surface now correctly accounts for the way that the Earth’s gravity will deflect the apparent position of objects that are not exactly overhead, bringing Skyfield’s agreement with the Naval Observatory’s NOVAS library to within half a milliarcsecond. - The time method
method no longer raises aTypeError
when its value is an array. - Running
on aTime
array now produces a more compact string that only mentions the start and end of the time period. - The
call no longer attempts to animate a progress bar if the user is running it under IDLE, which would try to accumulate the updates as a single long line that eventually hangs the window.
- Added an api document to the project, in reverent imitation of the Pandas API Reference that I keep open in a browser tab every time I am using the Pandas library.
- New method ICRF.separation_from() computes the angular separation between two positions.
- Fixed
between Time objects and other unrelated objects so that it no longer raises an exception.
Introduced the
object with methodsutc()
, andtdb()
for building time objects, along with aload.timescale()
method for building a newTimescale
. The load method downloads ∆T and leap second data from official data sources and makes sure the files are kept up to date. This replaces all former techniques for building and specifying dates and times.Renamed
and switched fromjd
as the typical variable used for time in the documentation.Deprecated timescale keyword arguments like
for both theTime
constructor and also for all methods that take time as an argument, includingBody.at()
.Users who want to specify a target directory when downloading a file will now create their own loader object, instead of having to specify a special keyword argument for every download:
load = api.Loader('~/ephemeris-files') load('de421.bsp')
Users can now supply a target
when downloading a file:load('de421.bsp', directory='~/ephemerides')
Fix: removed inadvertent dependency on the Pandas library.
was raising aPermissionError
on Windows after a successful download when it tried to rename the new file.
- Skyfield now generates its own estimate for
if the user does not supply their owndelta_t=
keyword when specifying a date. This should make altitude and azimuth angles much more precise. - The leap-second table has been updated to include 2015 July 1.
- Both ecliptic and galactic coordinates are now supported.
Skyfield has dropped the 16-megabyte JPL ephemeris DE421 as an install dependency, since users might choose another ephemeris, or might not need one at all. You now ask for a SPICE ephemeris to be downloaded at runtime with a call like
planets = load('de421.bsp')
.Planets are no longer offered as magic attributes, but are looked up through the square bracket operator. So instead of typing
you should now typeplanets['mars']
. You can runprint(planets)
to learn which bodies an ephemeris supports.- Ask for planet positions with
instead ofbody(t)
. Per IAU 2012 Resolution B2, Skyfield now uses lowercase au for the astronomical unit, and defines it as exactly 149 597 870 700 meters. While this API change is awkward for existing users, I wanted to make the change while Skyfield is still pre-1.0. If this breaks a program that you already have running, please remember that a quick
will get you up and running again until you have time to edit your code and turnAU
- To prevent confusion, the :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.astimezone()`
and :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.utc_datetime()` methods
have been changed to return only a
object. If you also need a leap second flag returned, call the new methods :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.astimezone_and_leap_second()` and :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.utc_datetime_and_leap_second()`.
- The floating-point values of an angle
, anda.hours
are now attributes instead of method calls.