diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 921b2ead..d7ea1fa8 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Group: WHATWG
H1: Web IDL
Shortname: webidl
Text Macro: TWITTER webidl
-Text Macro: LATESTRD 2023-09
+Text Macro: LATESTRD 2024-03
Abstract: This standard defines an interface definition language, Web IDL, that can be used to describe interfaces that
Abstract: are intended to be implemented in web browsers.
Translation: ja https://triple-underscore.github.io/WebIDL-ja.html
diff --git a/review-drafts/2024-03.bs b/review-drafts/2024-03.bs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9789559c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/review-drafts/2024-03.bs
@@ -0,0 +1,15257 @@
+Group: WHATWG
+Status: RD
+Date: 2024-03-18
+H1: Web IDL
+Shortname: webidl
+Text Macro: TWITTER webidl
+Text Macro: LATESTRD 2024-03
+Abstract: This standard defines an interface definition language, Web IDL, that can be used to describe interfaces that
+Abstract: are intended to be implemented in web browsers.
+Translation: ja https://triple-underscore.github.io/WebIDL-ja.html
+Complain About: accidental-2119 no
+spec: infra; type: dfn;
+ text: code unit
+ text: list
+spec: ecmascript; type: dfn;
+ for: ECMAScript;
+ text: constructor
+ text: realm
+spec: dom; type: dfn; text: element
+urlPrefix: https://tc39.es/ecma262/; spec: ecmascript
+ type: method; for: ECMAScript
+ text: JSON.stringify(); url: sec-json.stringify
+ text: %Array.prototype.entries%; url: sec-array.prototype.entries
+ text: %Array.prototype.forEach%; url: sec-array.prototype.foreach
+ text: %Array.prototype.keys%; url: sec-array.prototype.keys
+ text: %Array.prototype.values%; url: sec-array.prototype.values
+ text: %Promise.reject%; url: sec-promise.reject
+ text: %Promise.prototype.then%; url: sec-promise.prototype.then
+ type: argument
+ text: NewTarget; url: sec-built-in-function-objects
+ type: abstract-op
+ text: Completion; url: sec-completion-record-specification-type
+ text: IsInteger; url: sec-isinteger
+ text: Type; url: sec-ecmascript-data-types-and-values
+ text: abs; url: eqn-abs
+ text: floor; url: eqn-floor
+ text: max; url: eqn-max
+ text: min; url: eqn-min
+ type: dfn;
+ text: Abstract Closure; url: sec-abstract-closure
+ text: NumericLiteral; url: sec-literals-numeric-literals
+ text: modulo; url: eqn-modulo
+ url: sec-returnifabrupt-shorthands
+ text: !
+ text: ?
+ text: ECMA-262 Immutable Prototype Exotic Objects; url: sec-immutable-prototype-exotic-objects
+ text: abrupt completion; url: sec-completion-record-specification-type
+ text: array iterator object; url: sec-array-iterator-objects
+ text: built-in function object; url: sec-built-in-function-objects
+ text: callable; for: ECMAScript; url: sec-iscallable
+ text: Completion Record; url: sec-completion-record-specification-type
+ text: conventions; for: ECMAScript; url: sec-algorithm-conventions
+ text: current realm; url: current-realm
+ text: element; for: ECMAScript String; url: sec-ecmascript-language-types-string-type
+ text: enumerable; url: sec-property-attributes
+ text: equally close values; url: sec-ecmascript-language-types-number-type
+ text: error objects; for: ECMAScript; url: sec-error-objects
+ url: sec-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots
+ text: internal method
+ text: internal slot
+ for: ordinary object; url: sec-ordinary-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots
+ text: internal method
+ text: internal slot
+ text: own property; url: sec-own-property
+ text: PromiseCapability; url: sec-promisecapability-records
+ text: element size; url: table-the-typedarray-constructors
+urlPrefix: https://tc39.es/proposal-resizablearraybuffer/; spec: RESIZABLE-BUFFERS-PROPOSAL
+ type: abstract-op
+ text: IsResizableArrayBuffer; url: sec-isresizablearraybuffer
+This section is informative.
+This standard defines an interface definition language, Web IDL, that can be used to describe
+interfaces that are intended to be implemented in web browsers. Web IDL is an IDL variant with a
+number of features that allow the behavior of common script objects in the web platform to be
+specified more readily. How interfaces described with Web IDL correspond to constructs within
+JavaScript execution environments is also detailed here.
+Concretely, Web IDL provides a syntax for specifying the surface APIs of web platform objects, as
+well as JavaScript bindings that detail how those APIs manifest as JavaScript constructs. This
+ensures common tasks, such as installing global properties, processing numeric inputs, or exposing
+iteration behavior, remain uniform across web platform specifications: such specifications describe
+their interfaces using Web IDL, and then use prose to specify API-specific details.
+The term "JavaScript" is used to refer to ECMA-262, rather than the official term ECMAScript, since the term JavaScript is more widely known.
+Interface definition language
+This section describes a language, Web IDL, which can be used to define
+interfaces for APIs in the Web platform. A specification that defines Web APIs
+can include one or more IDL fragments that
+describe the interfaces (the state and behavior that objects can exhibit)
+for the APIs defined by that specification.
+An [=IDL fragment=] is
+a sequence of definitions that matches the Definitions grammar symbol.
+The set of [=IDL fragments=] that
+an implementation supports is not ordered.
+See [[#idl-grammar]] for the complete grammar and an explanation of the notation used.
+The different kinds of definitions that can appear in an
+[=IDL fragment=] are:
+[=partial interface|partial interface definitions=],
+[=interface mixins=],
+[=partial interface mixin|partial mixin definitions=],
+[=callback functions=],
+[=callback interfaces=],
+[=partial namespace|partial namespace definitions=],
+[=partial dictionary|partial dictionary definitions=],
+[=typedefs=] and
+[=includes statements=].
+These are all defined in the following sections.
+Each [=definition=]
+(matching Definition)
+can be preceded by a list of [=extended attributes=] (matching
+which can control how the definition will be handled in language bindings.
+The extended attributes defined by this specification that are language binding
+agnostic are discussed in [[#idl-extended-attributes]],
+while those specific to the JavaScript language binding are discussed
+in [[#js-extended-attributes]].
+ [extended_attributes]
+ interface identifier {
+ /* interface_members... */
+ };
+ Definitions :
+ ExtendedAttributeList Definition Definitions
+ ε
+ Definition :
+ CallbackOrInterfaceOrMixin
+ Namespace
+ Partial
+ Dictionary
+ Enum
+ Typedef
+ IncludesStatement
+ The following is an example of an [=IDL fragment=].
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Paint { };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface SolidColor : Paint {
+ attribute double red;
+ attribute double green;
+ attribute double blue;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Pattern : Paint {
+ attribute DOMString imageURL;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface GraphicalWindow {
+ constructor();
+ readonly attribute unsigned long width;
+ readonly attribute unsigned long height;
+ attribute Paint currentPaint;
+ undefined drawRectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height);
+ undefined drawText(double x, double y, DOMString text);
+ };
+ Here, four [=interfaces=]
+ are being defined.
+ The
interface has two
+ [=read only=] [=attributes=],
+ one writable attribute, and two [=operations=]
+ defined on it. Objects that implement the
+ will expose these attributes and operations in a manner appropriate to the
+ particular language being used.
+ In JavaScript, the attributes on the IDL interfaces will be exposed as accessor
+ properties and the operations as data properties whose value is a [=built-in function object=] on a
+ prototype object for all
+ objects; each JavaScript object that implements
+ will have that prototype object in its prototype chain.
+ The [=constructor operation=] that appears on
+ causes a [=constructor=] to exist in JavaScript implementations,
+ so that calling
new GraphicalWindow()
would return a new object
+ that implemented the interface.
+ All [=interfaces=] have the [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=], which ensures the interfaces
+ are only available in [=realms=] whose [=realm/global object=] is a {{Window}} object.
+Every [=interface=],
+[=partial interface|partial interface definition=],
+[=partial namespace|partial namespace definition=],
+[=partial dictionary|partial dictionary definition=],
+[=callback function=],
+[=callback interface=] and
+[=typedef=] (together called named definitions)
+and every [=constant=],
+and [=dictionary member=] has an
+identifier, as do some
+The identifier is determined by an
+identifier token somewhere
+in the declaration:
+* For [=named definitions=],
+ the identifier token that appears
+ directly after the interface, namespace,
+ dictionary, enum
+ or callback keyword
+ determines the identifier of that definition.
+ interface interface_identifier { /* interface_members... */ };
+ partial interface interface_identifier { /* interface_members... */ };
+ namespace namespace_identifier { /* namespace_members... */ };
+ partial namespace namespace_identifier { /* namespace_members... */ };
+ dictionary dictionary_identifier { /* dictionary_members... */ };
+ partial dictionary dictionary_identifier { /* dictionary_members... */ };
+ enum enumeration_identifier { "enum", "values" /* , ... */ };
+ callback callback_identifier = return_type (/* arguments... */);
+ callback interface callback_interface_identifier { /* interface_members... */ };
+* For [=attributes=],
+ [=typedefs=]
+ and [=dictionary members=],
+ the final identifier token before the
+ semicolon at the end of the declaration determines the identifier.
+ [extended_attributes]
+ interface identifier {
+ attribute type attribute_identifier;
+ };
+ typedef type typedef_identifier;
+ dictionary identifier {
+ type dictionary_member_identifier;
+ };
+* For [=constants=],
+ the identifier token before the
+ equals sign determines the identifier.
+ const type constant_identifier = 42;
+* For [=operations=], the
+ identifier token that appears
+ after the return type but before the opening parenthesis (that is,
+ one that is matched as part of the OptionalOperationName
+ grammar symbol in an OperationRest) determines the identifier of the operation. If
+ there is no such identifier token,
+ then the operation does not have an identifier.
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ return_type operation_identifier(/* arguments... */);
+ };
+Note: Operations can have no identifier when they are being used to declare a
+[=special operation|special kind of operation=], such as a getter or setter.
+For all of these constructs, the [=identifier=]
+is the value of the identifier token with any leading
+U+005F (_) removed.
+Note: A leading U+005F (_) is used to escape an identifier from looking
+like a reserved word so that, for example, an interface named "interface
" can be
+defined. The leading U+005F (_) is dropped to unescape the
+Operation arguments can take a slightly wider set of identifiers. In an operation
+declaration, the identifier of an argument is specified immediately after its
+type and is given by either an identifier
+token or by one of the keywords that match the ArgumentNameKeyword
+symbol. If one of these keywords is used, it need not be escaped with a leading
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ return_type operation_identifier(argument_type argument_identifier /* , ... */);
+ };
+ ArgumentNameKeyword :
+ "async"
+ "attribute"
+ "callback"
+ "const"
+ "constructor"
+ "deleter"
+ "dictionary"
+ "enum"
+ "getter"
+ "includes"
+ "inherit"
+ "interface"
+ "iterable"
+ "maplike"
+ "mixin"
+ "namespace"
+ "partial"
+ "readonly"
+ "required"
+ "setlike"
+ "setter"
+ "static"
+ "stringifier"
+ "typedef"
+ "unrestricted"
+If an identifier token is used, then the
+[=identifier=] of the operation argument
+is the value of that token with any leading
+U+005F (_) removed.
+If instead one of the ArgumentNameKeyword
+keyword token is used, then the [=identifier=] of the operation argument
+is simply that token.
+The [=identifier=] of any of the abovementioned
+IDL constructs (except operation arguments) must not be "constructor
+or begin with a U+005F (_). These
+are known as reserved identifiers.
+Although the "toJSON
" [=identifier=] is not a [=reserved identifier=],
+it must only be used for [=regular operations=]
+that convert objects to [=JSON types=],
+as described in [[#idl-tojson-operation]].
+Note: Further restrictions on identifier names for particular constructs can be made
+in later sections.
+Within the set of [=IDL fragments=]
+that a given implementation supports,
+the [=identifier=] of every
+[=callback function=],
+[=callback interface=] and
+must not
+be the same as the identifier of any other
+[=callback function=],
+[=callback interface=] or
+Within an [=IDL fragment=], a reference
+to a [=definition=] need not appear after
+the declaration of the referenced definition. References can also be made
+across [=IDL fragments=].
+ Therefore, the following [=IDL fragment=] is valid:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface B : A {
+ undefined f(SequenceOfLongs x);
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface A {
+ };
+ typedef sequence<long> SequenceOfLongs;
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ demonstrates how [=identifiers=]
+ are given to definitions and [=interface members=].
+ // Typedef identifier: "number"
+ typedef double number;
+ // Interface identifier: "System"
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface System {
+ // Operation identifier: "createObject"
+ // Operation argument identifier: "interface"
+ object createObject(DOMString _interface);
+ // Operation argument identifier: "interface"
+ sequence<object> getObjects(DOMString interface);
+ // Operation has no identifier; it declares a getter.
+ getter DOMString (DOMString keyName);
+ };
+ // Interface identifier: "TextField"
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface TextField {
+ // Attribute identifier: "const"
+ attribute boolean _const;
+ // Attribute identifier: "value"
+ attribute DOMString? _value;
+ };
+ Note that while the second [=attribute=]
+ on the
+ need not have been escaped with an underscore (because "
" is
+ not a keyword in the IDL grammar), it is still unescaped
+ to obtain the attribute's [=identifier=].
+[=IDL fragments=] are used to
+describe object oriented systems. In such systems, objects are entities
+that have identity and which are encapsulations of state and behavior.
+An interface is a definition (matching
+interface InterfaceRest) that declares some
+state and behavior that an object implementing that interface will expose.
+ [extended_attributes]
+ interface identifier {
+ /* interface_members... */
+ };
+An interface is a specification of a set of
+interface members
+(matching InterfaceMembers).
+These are the [=members=] that appear between the braces in the interface declaration.
+Interfaces in Web IDL describe how objects that implement the
+interface behave. In bindings for object oriented languages, it is
+expected that an object that implements a particular IDL interface
+provides ways to inspect and modify the object's state and to
+invoke the behavior described by the interface.
+An interface can be defined to inherit from another interface.
+If the identifier of the interface is followed by a
+U+003A (:)
+and an [=identifier=],
+then that identifier identifies the inherited interface.
+An object that implements an interface that inherits from another
+also implements that inherited interface. The object therefore will also
+have members that correspond to the interface members from the inherited interface.
+ interface identifier : identifier_of_inherited_interface {
+ /* interface_members... */
+ };
+The order that members appear in has significance for property enumeration in the JavaScript binding.
+Interfaces may specify an interface member that has the same name as
+one from an inherited interface. Objects that implement the derived
+interface will expose the member on the derived interface. It is
+language binding specific whether the overridden member can be
+accessed on the object.
+ Consider the following two interfaces.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface A {
+ undefined f();
+ undefined g();
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface B : A {
+ undefined f();
+ undefined g(DOMString x);
+ };
+ In the JavaScript language binding, an instance of
+ will have a prototype chain that looks like the following:
+ [Object.prototype: the Object prototype object]
+ ↑
+ [A.prototype: interface prototype object for A]
+ ↑
+ [B.prototype: interface prototype object for B]
+ ↑
+ [instanceOfB]
+ Calling
in JavaScript will invoke the f defined
+ on
. However, the f from
+ can still be invoked on an object that implements
+ calling
+The inherited interfaces of
+a given interface |A| is the set of all interfaces that |A|
+inherits from, directly or indirectly. If |A| does not [=interface/inherit=]
+from another interface, then the set is empty. Otherwise, the set
+includes the interface |B| that |A| [=interface/inherits=]
+from and all of |B|'s [=inherited interfaces=].
+An interface must not be declared such that
+its inheritance hierarchy has a cycle. That is, an interface
+|A| cannot inherit from itself, nor can it inherit from another
+interface |B| that inherits from |A|, and so on.
+ The [=list=] of inclusive inherited interfaces of an [=interface=] |I|
+ is defined as follows:
+ 1. Let |result| be « ».
+ 1. Let |interface| be |I|.
+ 1. While |interface| is not null:
+ 1. [=list/Append=] |interface| to |result|.
+ 1. Set |interface| to the [=interface=] that |I| [=interface/inherits=] from, if any, and
+ null otherwise.
+ 1. Return |result|.
+Note that general multiple inheritance of interfaces is not supported, and
+objects also cannot implement arbitrary sets of interfaces.
+Objects can be defined to implement a single given interface |A|,
+which means that it also implements all of |A|'s [=inherited interfaces=].
+In addition, an [=includes statement=] can be used
+to define that objects implementing an [=interface=] |A|
+will always also include the [=interface mixin member|members=]
+of the [=interface mixins=] |A| [=includes=].
+Each interface member can be preceded by a list of [=extended attributes=] (matching
+which can control how the interface member will be handled in language bindings.
+ [extended_attributes]
+ interface identifier {
+ [extended_attributes]
+ const type constant_identifier = 42;
+ [extended_attributes]
+ attribute type identifier;
+ [extended_attributes]
+ return_type identifier(/* arguments... */);
+ };
+The IDL for interfaces can be split into multiple parts by using
+partial interface definitions
+(matching partial interface
+The [=identifier=] of a partial
+interface definition must be the same
+as the identifier of an interface definition. All of
+the members that appear on each of the partial interfaces are considered to be
+members of the interface itself.
+ interface SomeInterface {
+ /* interface_members... */
+ };
+ partial interface SomeInterface {
+ /* interface_members... */
+ };
+Note: Partial interface definitions are intended for use as a specification
+editorial aide, allowing the definition of an interface to be separated
+over more than one section of the document, and sometimes multiple documents.
+The order of appearance of an [=interface=]
+definition and any of its [=partial interface=]
+definitions does not matter.
+Note: A partial interface definition cannot specify that the interface
+[=interface/inherits=] from another interface.
+Inheritance is to be specified on the original [=interface=]
+The relevant language binding determines how interfaces correspond to constructs
+in the language.
+The following extended attributes are applicable to interfaces:
+[{{LegacyWindowAlias}}], and
+The following extended attributes are applicable to [=partial interfaces=]:
+[{{LegacyOverrideBuiltIns}}], and
+[=Interfaces=] must be annotated with an [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=].
+The qualified name of an [=interface=] |interface| is defined as follows:
+1. Let |identifier| be the [=identifier=] of |interface|.
+1. If |interface| has a [{{LegacyNamespace}}] [=extended attribute=], then:
+ 1. Let |namespace| be the identifier argument of the [{{LegacyNamespace}}]
+ [=extended attribute=].
+ 1. Return the [=concatenation=] of « |namespace|, |identifier| » with
+ separator U+002E (.).
+1. Return |identifier|.
+ CallbackOrInterfaceOrMixin :
+ "callback" CallbackRestOrInterface
+ "interface" InterfaceOrMixin
+ InterfaceOrMixin :
+ InterfaceRest
+ MixinRest
+ InterfaceRest :
+ identifier Inheritance "{" InterfaceMembers "}" ";"
+ Partial :
+ "partial" PartialDefinition
+ PartialDefinition :
+ "interface" PartialInterfaceOrPartialMixin
+ PartialDictionary
+ Namespace
+ PartialInterfaceOrPartialMixin :
+ PartialInterfaceRest
+ MixinRest
+ PartialInterfaceRest :
+ identifier "{" PartialInterfaceMembers "}" ";"
+ InterfaceMembers :
+ ExtendedAttributeList InterfaceMember InterfaceMembers
+ ε
+ InterfaceMember :
+ PartialInterfaceMember
+ Constructor
+ PartialInterfaceMembers :
+ ExtendedAttributeList PartialInterfaceMember PartialInterfaceMembers
+ ε
+ PartialInterfaceMember :
+ Const
+ Operation
+ Stringifier
+ StaticMember
+ Iterable
+ AsyncIterable
+ ReadOnlyMember
+ ReadWriteAttribute
+ ReadWriteMaplike
+ ReadWriteSetlike
+ InheritAttribute
+ Inheritance :
+ ":" identifier
+ ε
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ demonstrates the definition of two mutually referential [=interfaces=].
+ Both
+ inherit from
. Objects that implement
+ either of those two interfaces will thus have a
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Animal {
+ attribute DOMString name;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Human : Animal {
+ attribute Dog? pet;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Dog : Animal {
+ attribute Human? owner;
+ };
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines
+ simplified versions of a DOM [=interfaces=]
+ and a [=callback interface=].
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Node {
+ readonly attribute DOMString nodeName;
+ readonly attribute Node? parentNode;
+ Node appendChild(Node newChild);
+ undefined addEventListener(DOMString type, EventListener listener);
+ };
+ callback interface EventListener {
+ undefined handleEvent(Event event);
+ };
+ Plain objects can implement a [=callback interface=] like
+ var node = getNode(); // Obtain an instance of Node.
+ var listener = {
+ handleEvent: function(event) {
+ // ...
+ }
+ };
+ node.addEventListener("click", listener); // This works.
+ node.addEventListener("click", function() { ... }); // As does this.
+ It is not possible for such an object to implement an [=interface=] like
, however:
+ var node = getNode(); // Obtain an instance of Node.
+ var newNode = {
+ nodeName: "span",
+ parentNode: null,
+ appendChild: function(newchild) {
+ // ...
+ },
+ addEventListener: function(type, listener) {
+ // ...
+ }
+ };
+ node.appendChild(newNode); // This will throw a TypeError exception.
+Interface mixins
+An interface mixin is a definition (matching interface MixinRest)
+that declares state and behavior that can be [=included=] by one or more [=interfaces=],
+and that are exposed by objects that implement an [=interface=]
+that [=includes=] the [=interface mixin=].
+ interface mixin identifier {
+ /* mixin_members... */
+ };
+Note: [=Interface mixins=], much like [=partial interfaces=],
+are intended for use as a specification editorial aide,
+allowing a coherent set of functionalities to be grouped together,
+and included in multiple interfaces, possibly across documents.
+They are not meant to be exposed through language bindings.
+Guidance on when to choose [=partial interfaces=], [=interface mixins=],
+or [=partial interface mixins=] can be found in [[#using-mixins-and-partials]].
+An [=interface mixin=] is a specification of a set of interface mixin members
+(matching MixinMembers),
+which are the [=constants=], [=regular operations=], [=regular attributes=], and [=stringifiers=]
+that appear between the braces in the [=interface mixin=] declaration.
+These [=constants=], [=regular operations=], [=regular attributes=], and [=stringifiers=]
+describe the behaviors that can be implemented by an object,
+as if they were specified on the [=interface=] that [=includes=] them.
+[=Static attributes=], [=static operations=], [=special operations=], and
+[=iterable declaration|iterable=], [=asynchronously iterable declaration|asynchronously iterable=],
+[=maplike declaration|maplike=], and [=setlike declarations=] cannot appear in [=interface mixin=]
+As with interfaces, the IDL for [=interface mixins=] can be split into multiple parts by using
+partial interface mixin definitions
+(matching partial interface MixinRest).
+The [=identifier=] of a [=partial interface mixin=] [=definition=] must
+be the same as the [=identifier=] of an [=interface mixin=] [=definition=].
+All of the [=interface mixin member|members=] that appear on each of the [=partial interface mixin=] [=definitions=]
+are considered to be [=members=] of the [=interface mixin=] itself,
+and—by extension—of the [=interfaces=] that [=include=] the [=interface mixin=].
+ interface mixin SomeMixin {
+ /* mixin_members... */
+ };
+ partial interface mixin SomeMixin {
+ /* mixin_members... */
+ };
+The order that members appear in has significance for property enumeration
+in the JavaScript binding.
+Note that unlike [=interfaces=] or [=dictionaries=], [=interface mixins=] do not create types.
+Of the extended attributes defined in this specification,
+only the [{{CrossOriginIsolated}}], [{{Exposed}}], and [{{SecureContext}}] extended attributes
+are applicable to [=interface mixins=].
+An includes statement is a definition
+(matching IncludesStatement)
+used to declare that all objects implementing an [=interface=] |I|
+(identified by the first [=identifier=])
+must additionally include the [=interface mixin member|members=] of [=interface mixin=] |M|
+(identified by the second identifier).
+[=Interface=] |I| is said to include
+[=interface mixin=] |M|.
+ interface_identifier includes mixin_identifier;
+The first [=identifier=] must reference a [=interface=] |I|.
+The second identifier must reference an [=interface mixin=] |M|.
+Each [=interface mixin member|member=] of |M| is considered to be
+a [=member=] of each [=interface=] |I|, |J|, |K|, … that [=includes=] |M|,
+as if a copy of each [=interface mixin member|member=] had been made.
+So for a given member m of |M|,
+interface |I| is considered to have a [=member=] mI,
+interface |J| is considered to have a [=member=] mJ,
+interface |K| is considered to have a [=member=] mK, and so on.
+The host interfaces of mI, mJ,
+and mK, are |I|, |J|, and |K| respectively.
+Note: In JavaScript, this implies that each [=regular operation=]
+declared as a [=interface mixin member|member=] of [=interface mixin=] |M|,
+and exposed as a data property with a [=built-in function object=] value,
+is a distinct [=built-in function object=]
+in each [=interface prototype object=]
+whose associated [=interface=] [=includes=] |M|.
+Similarly, for [=attributes=], each copy of the accessor property has
+distinct [=built-in function objects=] for its getters and setters.
+The order of appearance of [=includes statements=] affects the order in which [=interface mixin=]
+are [=included=] by their [=host interface=].
+Issue: [=interface mixin member|Member=] order isn't clearly specified,
+in particular when [=interface mixins=] are defined in separate documents.
+It is discussed in issue #432.
+No [=extended attributes=] defined in this specification are applicable to [=includes statements=].
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines an [=interface=],
+ and an [=interface mixin=],
+ The [=includes statement=] specifies that
's [=interface mixin member|members=]
+ are always included on objects implementing
+ interface Entry {
+ readonly attribute unsigned short entryType;
+ // ...
+ };
+ interface mixin Observable {
+ undefined addEventListener(DOMString type,
+ EventListener listener,
+ boolean useCapture);
+ // ...
+ };
+ Entry includes Observable;
+ A JavaScript implementation would thus have an
+ property in the prototype chain of every
+ var e = getEntry(); // Obtain an instance of Entry.
+ typeof e.addEventListener; // Evaluates to "function".
+ MixinRest :
+ "mixin" identifier "{" MixinMembers "}" ";"
+ MixinMembers :
+ ExtendedAttributeList MixinMember MixinMembers
+ ε
+ MixinMember :
+ Const
+ RegularOperation
+ Stringifier
+ OptionalReadOnly AttributeRest
+ IncludesStatement :
+ identifier "includes" identifier ";"
+Using mixins and partials
+This section is informative.
+[=Interface mixins=] allow the sharing of [=attributes=], [=constants=], and [=operations=]
+across multiple [=interfaces=].
+If you're only planning to extend a single interface,
+you might consider using a [=partial interface=] instead.
+For example, instead of:
+ interface mixin WindowSessionStorage {
+ readonly attribute Storage sessionStorage;
+ };
+ Window includes WindowSessionStorage;
+ partial interface Window {
+ readonly attribute Storage sessionStorage;
+ };
+Additionally, you can rely on extending [=interface mixins=] exposed by other specifications
+to target common use cases, such as [=exposed|exposing=]
+a set of [=attributes=], [=constants=], or [=operations=]
+across both window and worker contexts.
+For example, instead of the common but verbose:
+ interface mixin GlobalCrypto {
+ readonly attribute Crypto crypto;
+ };
+ Window includes GlobalCrypto;
+ WorkerGlobalScope includes GlobalCrypto;
+you can extend the {{WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope}} [=interface mixin=] using a [=partial interface mixin=]:
+ partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope {
+ readonly attribute Crypto crypto;
+ };
+Callback interfaces
+A callback interface is a [=definition=] matching
+callback interface
+identifier {
+} ;.
+It can be implemented by any object, as described in [[#idl-objects]].
+Note: A [=callback interface=] is not an [=interface=]. The name and syntax are left over from
+earlier versions of this standard, where these concepts had more in common.
+A [=callback interface=] is a specification of a set of
+callback interface members
+(matching CallbackInterfaceMembers).
+These are the [=members=] that appear between the braces in the interface declaration.
+ callback interface identifier {
+ /* interface_members... */
+ };
+Note: See also the similarly named [=callback function=] definition.
+[=Callback interfaces=] must define exactly one [=regular operation=].
+ Specification authors should not define
+ [=callback interfaces=]
+ unless required to describe the requirements of existing APIs.
+ Instead, a [=callback function=] should be used.
+ The definition of {{EventListener}} as a
+ [=callback interface=]
+ is an example of an existing API that needs to allow
+ objects with a
+ given property (in this case handleEvent
) to be considered to implement the interface.
+ For new APIs, and those for which there are no compatibility concerns,
+ using a [=callback function=] will allow
+ only a [=function object=] (in the JavaScript
+ language binding).
+[=Callback interfaces=] which declare [=constants=]
+must be annotated with an [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=].
+ CallbackRestOrInterface :
+ CallbackRest
+ "interface" identifier "{" CallbackInterfaceMembers "}" ";"
+ CallbackInterfaceMembers :
+ ExtendedAttributeList CallbackInterfaceMember CallbackInterfaceMembers
+ ε
+ CallbackInterfaceMember :
+ Const
+ RegularOperation
+[=Interfaces=], [=interface mixins=], and [=namespaces=] are specifications of a set of
+members (respectively matching
+MixinMembers, and
+which are the [=constants=], [=attributes=], [=operations=], and
+other declarations that appear between the braces of their declarations.
+[=Attributes=] describe the state that an object
+implementing the [=interface=], [=interface mixin=], or [=namespace=] will expose,
+and [=operations=] describe the behaviors that can be invoked on the object.
+[=Constants=] declare named constant values
+that are exposed as a convenience to users of objects in the system.
+ When an [=interface=] [=includes=] an [=interface mixin=], each [=member=]
+ of the interface mixin is also considered a member of the interface. In contrast,
+ [=interface/inherit|inherited=] interface members are not considered members
+ of the interface.
+The [=constructor steps=], [=getter steps=], [=setter steps=], and [=method steps=] for the various
+[=members=] defined on an [=interface=] or [=interface mixin=] have access to a
+this value, which is an IDL value of the [=interface=] type that the member is
+declared on or that [=includes=] the [=interface mixin=] the member is declared on.
+[=Setter steps=] also have access to the given value,
+which is an IDL value of the type the [=attribute=] is declared as.
+[=Interfaces=], [=interface mixins=], [=callback interfaces=] and [=namespaces=] each support a
+different set of [=members=],
+which are specified in [[#idl-interfaces]], [[#idl-interface-mixins]],
+[[#idl-callback-interfaces]], and [[#idl-namespaces]],
+and summarized in the following informative table:
+ |
+ [=Interfaces=] |
+ [=Callback interfaces=] |
+ [=Interface mixins=] |
+ [=Namespaces=] |
+ [=Constants=] |
+ ● |
+ ● |
+ ● |
+ |
+ [=Regular attributes=] |
+ ● |
+ |
+ ● |
+ Only [=read only=] attributes |
+ [=Static attributes=] |
+ ● |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ [=Regular Operations=] |
+ ● |
+ ● |
+ ● |
+ ● |
+ [=Stringifiers=] |
+ ● |
+ |
+ ● |
+ |
+ [=Special Operations=] |
+ ● |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ [=Static Operations=] |
+ ● |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ [=Iterable declarations=] |
+ ● |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ [=Asynchronously iterable declarations=] |
+ ● |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ [=Maplike declarations=] |
+ ● |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ [=Setlike declarations=] |
+ ● |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+A constant is a declaration (matching
+Const) used to bind a constant value to a name.
+Constants can appear on [=interfaces=] and [=callback interfaces=].
+ Constants have in the past primarily been used to define
+ named integer codes in the style of an enumeration. The Web platform
+ is moving away from this design pattern in favor of the use of strings.
+ Editors who wish to use this feature are strongly advised to discuss this
+ by filing an issue
+ before proceeding.
+const type constant_identifier = 42;
+The [=identifier=] of a
+must not be the same as the identifier
+of another [=interface member=] or [=callback interface member=]
+defined on the same [=interface=] or [=callback interface=].
+The identifier also must not
+be "length
", "name
" or "prototype
+Note: These three names are the names of properties that are defined on the
+[=interface object=] in the JavaScript language binding.
+The type of a constant (matching ConstType)
+must not be any type other than
+a [=primitive type=].
+If an [=identifier=] is used,
+it must reference a [=typedef=]
+whose type is a primitive type.
+The ConstValue part of a
+constant declaration gives the value of the constant, which can be
+one of the two boolean literal tokens (true
+and false), an
+integer token,
+a decimal token,
+or one of the three special floating point constant values
+(-Infinity, Infinity and NaN).
+Note: These values – in addition to strings and the empty sequence – can also be used to specify the
+[=dictionary member/default value|default value of a dictionary member=] or
+of an optional argument.
+Note that strings, the
+empty sequence [], and the default dictionary {} cannot be used as the value of a
+The value of the boolean literal tokens true and
+false are the IDL {{boolean}} values
and false
+ The value of an
integer token
+ is an integer whose value is determined as follows:
+ 1. Let |S| be the sequence of [=scalar values=] matched by the
integer token.
+ 1. Let |sign| be −1 if |S| begins with U+002D (-), and 1 otherwise.
+ 1. Let |base| be the base of the number based on the [=scalar values=] that follow the optional leading U+002D (-):
+ : U+0030 (0), U+0058 (X)
+ : U+0030 (0), U+0078 (x)
+ :: The base is 16.
+ : U+0030 (0)
+ :: The base is 8.
+ : Otherwise
+ :: The base is 10.
+ 1. Let |number| be the result of interpreting all remaining [=scalar values=] following the optional leading U+002D (-)
+ character and any [=scalar values=] indicating the base as an integer specified in base |base|.
+ 1. Return |sign| × |number|.
+The type of an integer token is the same
+as the type of the constant, dictionary member or optional argument it is being used as the value of.
+The value of the integer token must not
+lie outside the valid range of values for its type, as given in
+ The value of a
decimal token is
+ either an IEEE 754 single-precision floating point number or an IEEE 754
+ double-precision floating point number, depending on the type of the
+ constant, dictionary member or optional argument it is being used as the value for, determined as follows:
+ 1. Let |S| be the sequence of [=scalar values=] matched by the
decimal token.
+ 1. Let |result| be the Mathematical Value that would be obtained if
+ |S| were parsed as a JavaScript
+ 1. If the
decimal token is being
+ used as the value for a {{float}} or {{unrestricted float}}, then
+ the value of the
decimal token
+ is the IEEE 754 single-precision floating point number closest to |result|.
+ 1. Otherwise, the
decimal token is being
+ used as the value for a {{double}} or {{unrestricted double}}, and
+ the value of the
decimal token
+ is the IEEE 754 double-precision floating point number closest to |result|. [[!IEEE-754]]
+The value of a constant value specified as
+Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN is either
+an IEEE 754 single-precision floating point number or an IEEE 754
+double-precision floating point number, depending on the type of the
+constant, dictionary member, or optional argument it is being used as the
+value for:
+ : Type {{unrestricted float}}, constant value Infinity
+ :: The value is the IEEE 754 single-precision positive infinity value.
+ : Type {{unrestricted double}}, constant value Infinity
+ :: The value is the IEEE 754 double-precision positive infinity value.
+ : Type {{unrestricted float}}, constant value -Infinity
+ :: The value is the IEEE 754 single-precision negative infinity value.
+ : Type {{unrestricted double}}, constant value -Infinity
+ :: The value is the IEEE 754 double-precision negative infinity value.
+ : Type {{unrestricted float}}, constant value NaN
+ :: The value is the IEEE 754 single-precision NaN value with the bit pattern 0x7fc00000.
+ : Type {{unrestricted double}}, constant value NaN
+ :: The value is the IEEE 754 double-precision NaN value with the bit pattern 0x7ff8000000000000.
+The type of a decimal token is the same
+as the type of the constant, dictionary member or optional argument it is being used as the value of.
+The value of the decimal token must not
+lie outside the valid range of values for its type, as given in [[#idl-types]].
+Also, Infinity, -Infinity and NaN must not
+be used as the value of a {{float}} or {{double}}.
+The value of the null token is the special
+null value that is a member of the
+[=nullable types=]. The type of
+the null token is the same as the
+type of the constant, dictionary member or optional argument it is being used as the value of.
+If |VT| is the type of the value assigned to a constant, and |DT|
+is the type of the constant, dictionary member or optional argument itself, then these types must
+be compatible, which is the case if |DT| and |VT| are identical,
+or |DT| is a [=nullable type=]
+whose [=nullable types/inner type=] is |VT|.
+[=Constants=] are not associated with
+particular instances of the [=interface=] or [=callback interface=]
+on which they appear. It is language binding specific whether
+[=constants=] are exposed on instances.
+ The JavaScript language binding does however
+ allow [=constants=] to be accessed
+ through objects implementing the IDL [=interfaces=]
+ on which the [=constants=] are declared.
+ For example, with the following IDL:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface A {
+ const short rambaldi = 47;
+ };
+ the constant value can be accessed in JavaScript either as
+The following extended attributes are applicable to constants:
+[{{Exposed}}], and
+ Const :
+ "const" ConstType identifier "=" ConstValue ";"
+ ConstValue :
+ BooleanLiteral
+ FloatLiteral
+ integer
+ BooleanLiteral :
+ "true"
+ "false"
+ FloatLiteral :
+ decimal
+ "-Infinity"
+ "Infinity"
+ "NaN"
+ ConstType :
+ PrimitiveType
+ identifier
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ demonstrates how [=constants=]
+ of the above types can be defined.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Util {
+ const boolean DEBUG = false;
+ const octet LF = 10;
+ const unsigned long BIT_MASK = 0x0000fc00;
+ const double AVOGADRO = 6.022e23;
+ };
+An attribute is an [=interface member=] or [=namespace member=]
+inherit AttributeRest,
+static OptionalReadOnly AttributeRest,
+stringifier OptionalReadOnly AttributeRest,
+OptionalReadOnly AttributeRest,
+or AttributeRest)
+that is used to declare data fields with a given type and
+[=identifier=] whose value can
+be retrieved and (in some cases) changed. There are two kinds of attributes:
+1. [=regular attributes=], which are those
+ used to declare that objects implementing the [=interface=]
+ will have a data field member with the given [=identifier=]
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ attribute type identifier;
+ };
+1. [=static attributes=], which are used
+ to declare attributes that are not associated with a particular object implementing the interface
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ static attribute type identifier;
+ };
+If an attribute has no static keyword, then it declares a
+regular attribute. Otherwise,
+it declares a [=static attribute=]. Note that in addition to being [=interface members=],
+[=read only=] [=regular attributes=] can be [=namespace members=] as well.
+The getter steps of an attribute |attr| should be introduced using text of the form “The
getter steps are:” followed by a list, or “The |attr|
getter steps
+are to” followed by an inline description.
+The setter steps of an attribute |attr| should be introduced using text of the form “The
setter steps are:” followed by a list, or “The |attr|
setter steps
+are to” followed by an inline description.
+Note: When defining [=getter steps=], you implicitly have access to [=this=].
+When defining [=setter steps=], you implicitly have access to [=this=] and
+[=the given value=].
+The [=identifier=] of an
+must not be the same as the identifier
+of another [=interface member=]
+defined on the same [=interface=].
+The identifier of a static attribute must not
+be "prototype
+The type of the attribute is given by the type (matching Type)
+that appears after the attribute keyword.
+If the Type is an
+[=identifier=] or an identifier followed by ?,
+then the identifier must
+identify an [=interface=], [=enumeration=],
+[=callback function=], [=callback interface=] or [=typedef=].
+The type of the attribute, after resolving typedefs, must not be a
+[=nullable type|nullable=] or non-nullable version of any of the following types:
+* a [=sequence type=]
+* a [=dictionary type=]
+* a [=record type=]
+* a [=union type=]
+ that has a nullable or non-nullable sequence type, dictionary,
+ or record
+ as one of its [=flattened member types=]
+The attribute is read only if the
+readonly keyword is used before the attribute keyword.
+An object that implements the interface on which a read only attribute
+is defined will not allow assignment to that attribute. It is language
+binding specific whether assignment is simply disallowed by the language,
+ignored or an exception is thrown.
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ readonly attribute type identifier;
+ };
+Attributes whose type is a [=promise type=] must be [=read only=]. Additionally, they cannot have
+any of the [=extended attributes=] [{{LegacyLenientSetter}}], [{{PutForwards}}], [{{Replaceable}}], or
+A [=regular attribute=]
+that is not [=read only=]
+can be declared to inherit its getter
+from an ancestor interface. This can be used to make a read only attribute
+in an ancestor interface be writable on a derived interface. An attribute
+[=inherit its getter|inherits its getter=] if
+its declaration includes inherit in the declaration.
+The read only attribute from which the attribute inherits its getter
+is the attribute with the same identifier on the closest ancestor interface
+of the one on which the inheriting attribute is defined. The attribute
+whose getter is being inherited must be
+of the same type as the inheriting attribute.
+Note: The grammar ensures that inherit does not appear on a [=read only=] attribute
+or a [=static attribute=].
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Ancestor {
+ readonly attribute TheType theIdentifier;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Derived : Ancestor {
+ inherit attribute TheType theIdentifier;
+ };
+When the stringifier keyword is used
+in a [=regular attribute=]
+declaration, it indicates that objects implementing the
+interface will be stringified to the value of the attribute. See
+[[#idl-stringifiers]] for details.
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ stringifier attribute DOMString identifier;
+ };
+The following [=extended attributes=]
+are applicable to regular and static attributes:
+[{{SameObject}}], and
+The following [=extended attributes=]
+are applicable only to regular attributes:
+ ReadOnlyMember :
+ "readonly" ReadOnlyMemberRest
+ ReadOnlyMemberRest :
+ AttributeRest
+ MaplikeRest
+ SetlikeRest
+ ReadWriteAttribute :
+ AttributeRest
+ InheritAttribute :
+ "inherit" AttributeRest
+ AttributeRest :
+ "attribute" TypeWithExtendedAttributes AttributeName ";"
+ AttributeName :
+ AttributeNameKeyword
+ identifier
+ AttributeNameKeyword :
+ "async"
+ "required"
+ OptionalReadOnly :
+ "readonly"
+ ε
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ demonstrates how [=attributes=]
+ can be declared on an [=interface=]:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Animal {
+ // A simple attribute that can be set to any string value.
+ readonly attribute DOMString name;
+ // An attribute whose value can be assigned to.
+ attribute unsigned short age;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Person : Animal {
+ // An attribute whose getter behavior is inherited from Animal, and need not be
+ // specified in the description of Person.
+ inherit attribute DOMString name;
+ };
+An operation is an [=interface member=], [=callback interface
+member=] or [=namespace member=]
+(matching static RegularOperation,
+RegularOperation or
+that defines a behavior that can be invoked on objects implementing the interface.
+There are three kinds of operation:
+1. [=regular operations=], which
+ are those used to declare that objects implementing the
+ [=interface=] will have a method with
+ the given [=identifier=]
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ return_type identifier(/* arguments... */);
+ };
+1. [=special operations=],
+ which are used to declare special behavior on objects
+ implementing the interface, such as object indexing and stringification
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ /* special_keyword */ return_type identifier(/* arguments... */);
+ /* special_keyword */ return_type (/* arguments... */);
+ };
+1. [=static operations=],
+ which are used to declare operations that are not associated with
+ a particular object implementing the interface
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ static return_type identifier(/* arguments... */);
+ };
+If an operation has an identifier but no static
+keyword, then it declares a regular operation.
+If the operation has a
+[=special keyword=]
+used in its declaration (that is, any keyword matching
+Special, or
+the stringifier keyword),
+then it declares a special operation. A single operation can declare
+both a regular operation and a special operation;
+see [[#idl-special-operations]] for details on special operations.
+Note that in addition to being [=interface members=],
+regular operations can also be [=callback interface members=] and [=namespace members=].
+If an operation has no identifier,
+then it must be declared to be a special operation
+using one of the special keywords.
+The identifier of a [=regular operation=] or [=static operation=]
+must not be the same as the identifier
+of a [=constant=] or [=attribute=]
+defined on the same [=interface=], [=callback interface=] or [=namespace=].
+The identifier of a static operation must not be "prototype
+Note: The identifier can be the same
+as that of another operation on the interface, however.
+This is how operation overloading is specified.
+Note: The [=identifier=] of a [=static operation=]
+can be the same as the identifier
+of a [=regular operation=]
+defined on the same [=interface=].
+The return type of the operation is given
+by the type (matching Type)
+that appears before the operation's optional [=identifier=].
+If the return type is an
+[=identifier=] followed by ?,
+then the identifier must
+identify an [=interface=], [=dictionary=], [=enumeration=],
+[=callback function=], [=callback interface=] or [=typedef=].
+An operation's arguments (matching ArgumentList)
+are given between the parentheses in the declaration. Each individual argument is specified
+as a type (matching Type) followed by an [=identifier=]
+(matching ArgumentName).
+Note: For expressiveness, the identifier of an operation argument can also be specified
+as one of the keywords matching the ArgumentNameKeyword
+symbol without needing to escape it.
+If the Type of an operation argument is an identifier
+followed by ?,
+then the identifier must identify an [=interface=],
+[=enumeration=], [=callback function=], [=callback interface=],
+or [=typedef=].
+If the operation argument type is an [=identifier=]
+not followed by ?, then the identifier must
+identify any one of those definitions or a [=dictionary=].
+If the operation argument type, after resolving typedefs,
+is a [=nullable type=],
+its [=nullable types/inner type=] must not be a [=dictionary type=].
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ return_type identifier(type identifier, type identifier /* , ... */);
+ };
+The identifier of each argument must not be the same
+as the identifier of another argument in the same operation declaration.
+Each argument can be preceded by a list of
+[=extended attributes=] (matching
+which can control how a value passed as the argument will be handled in
+language bindings.
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ return_type identifier([extended_attributes] type identifier, [extended_attributes] type identifier /* , ... */);
+ };
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ demonstrates how [=regular operations=]
+ can be declared on an [=interface=]:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Dimensions {
+ attribute unsigned long width;
+ attribute unsigned long height;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Button {
+ // An operation that takes no arguments and returns a boolean.
+ boolean isMouseOver();
+ // Overloaded operations.
+ undefined setDimensions(Dimensions size);
+ undefined setDimensions(unsigned long width, unsigned long height);
+ };
+An operation or [=constructor operation=] is considered to be
+if the final argument uses the ... token just
+after the argument type. Declaring an operation to be variadic indicates that
+the operation can be invoked with any number of arguments after that final argument.
+Those extra implied formal arguments are of the same type as the final explicit
+argument in the operation declaration. The final argument can also be omitted
+when invoking the operation. An argument must not
+be declared with the ... token unless it
+is the final argument in the operation's argument list.
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ return_type identifier(type... identifier);
+ return_type identifier(type identifier, type... identifier);
+ };
+[=Extended attributes=]
+that [=takes an argument list|take an argument list=]
+([{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}], of those
+defined in this specification) and [=callback functions=]
+are also considered to be [=variadic=]
+when the ... token is used in their argument lists.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines an interface that has
+ two variadic operations:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface IntegerSet {
+ readonly attribute unsigned long cardinality;
+ undefined union(long... ints);
+ undefined intersection(long... ints);
+ };
+ In the JavaScript binding, variadic operations are implemented by
+ functions that can accept the subsequent arguments:
+ var s = getIntegerSet(); // Obtain an instance of IntegerSet.
+ s.union(); // Passing no arguments corresponding to 'ints'.
+ s.union(1, 4, 7); // Passing three arguments corresponding to 'ints'.
+ A binding for a language that does not support variadic functions
+ might specify that an explicit array or list of integers be passed
+ to such an operation.
+An argument is considered to be an optional argument
+if it is declared with the optional keyword.
+The final argument of a [=variadic=] operation
+is also considered to be an optional argument. Declaring an argument
+to be optional indicates that the argument value can be omitted
+when the operation is invoked. The final argument in an
+operation must not explicitly be declared to be
+optional if the operation is [=variadic=].
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ return_type identifier(type identifier, optional type identifier);
+ };
+Optional arguments can also have a default value
+specified. If the argument's identifier is followed by a U+003D (=)
+and a value (matching DefaultValue),
+then that gives the optional argument its [=optional argument/default value=].
+The implicitly optional final argument of a [=variadic=]
+operation must not have a default value specified.
+The default value is the value to be assumed when the operation is called with the
+corresponding argument omitted.
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ return_type identifier(type identifier, optional type identifier = "value");
+ };
+ It is strongly suggested not to use a [=optional argument/default value=]
+ of true for {{boolean}}-typed arguments,
+ as this can be confusing for authors who might otherwise expect the default
+ conversion of undefined to be used (i.e., false).
+If the type of an argument is a [=dictionary type=] or a [=union type=] that has
+a [=dictionary type=] as one
+of its [=flattened member types=], and that dictionary type and its ancestors have no
+[=dictionary member/required=] [=dictionary member|members=], and the argument is either the final argument or is
+followed only by [=optional arguments=], then the argument must be specified as
+optional and have a default value provided.
+ This is to encourage API designs that do not require authors to pass an
+ empty dictionary value when they wish only to use the dictionary's
+ default values.
+ Usually the default value provided will be {}, but in the
+ case of a [=union type=] that has a dictionary type as one of its
+ [=flattened member types=] a default value could be provided that
+ initializes some other member of the union.
+When a boolean literal token (true or false),
+the null token,
+an integer token, a
+decimal token or one of
+the three special floating point literal values (Infinity,
+-Infinity or NaN) is used as the
+[=optional argument/default value=],
+it is interpreted in the same way as for a [=constant=].
+When the undefined token is used as the
+[=optional argument/default value=],
+the value is the IDL {{undefined}} value.
+ Optional argument default values can also be specified using a
+ token, whose
value is a
+ [=string type=] determined as follows:
+ 1. Let |S| be the sequence of [=scalar values=] matched by
+ the
string token
+ with its leading and trailing U+0022 (") [=scalar values=] removed.
+ 1. Depending on the type of the argument:
+ : {{DOMString}}
+ : {{USVString}}
+ : an [=enumeration=] type
+ :: The value of the string token
+ is |S|.
+ : {{ByteString}}
+ :: Assert: |S| doesn't contain any [=code points=] higher than U+00FF.
+ The value of the string token
+ is the [=isomorphic encoding=] of |S|.
+If the type of the [=optional argument=]
+is an [=enumeration=], then its
+[=optional argument/default value=] if specified must
+be one of the [=enumeration's values=].
+Optional argument default values can also be specified using the
+two token value [], which represents an empty sequence
+value. The type of this value is the same as the type of the optional
+argument it is being used as the default value of. That type
+must be a [=sequence type=], a [=nullable type=] whose [=nullable types/inner type=] is a
+[=sequence type=] or a [=union type=] or [=nullable type|nullable=] union type
+that has a [=sequence type=] in its [=flattened member types=].
+Optional argument default values can also be specified using the two token value
+{}, which represents a default-initialized (as if from ES
+null or an object with no properties) dictionary value. The type
+of this value is the same as the type of the optional argument it is being used
+as the default value of. That type must be a [=dictionary type=], or a [=union
+type=] that has a [=dictionary type=] in its [=flattened member types=].
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ defines an [=interface=]
+ with a single [=operation=]
+ that can be invoked with two different argument list lengths:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface ColorCreator {
+ object createColor(double v1, double v2, double v3, optional double alpha);
+ };
+ It is equivalent to an [=interface=]
+ that has two [=overloaded=]
+ [=operations=]:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface ColorCreator {
+ object createColor(double v1, double v2, double v3);
+ object createColor(double v1, double v2, double v3, double alpha);
+ };
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ defines an [=interface=]
+ with an operation that takes a dictionary argument:
+ dictionary LookupOptions {
+ boolean caseSensitive = false;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface AddressBook {
+ boolean hasAddressForName(USVString name, optional LookupOptions options = {});
+ };
+ If
is called with only one argument, the
+ second argument will be a default-initialized
+ dictionary, which will cause
to be set to
+The following extended attributes are applicable to operations:
+[{{NewObject}}], and
+The method steps of an operation |operation| should be introduced using text of the form
+“The |operation|(arg1, arg2, ...)
+steps are:” followed by a list, or “The |operation|(arg1,
+arg2, ...)
method steps are to” followed by an inline description.
+Note: When defining [=method steps=], you implicitly have access to [=this=].
+ DefaultValue :
+ ConstValue
+ string
+ "[" "]"
+ "{" "}"
+ "null"
+ "undefined"
+ Operation :
+ RegularOperation
+ SpecialOperation
+ RegularOperation :
+ Type OperationRest
+ SpecialOperation :
+ Special RegularOperation
+ Special :
+ "getter"
+ "setter"
+ "deleter"
+ OperationRest :
+ OptionalOperationName "(" ArgumentList ")" ";"
+ OptionalOperationName :
+ OperationName
+ ε
+ OperationName :
+ OperationNameKeyword
+ identifier
+ OperationNameKeyword :
+ "includes"
+ ArgumentList :
+ Argument Arguments
+ ε
+ Arguments :
+ "," Argument Arguments
+ ε
+ Argument :
+ ExtendedAttributeList ArgumentRest
+ ArgumentRest :
+ "optional" TypeWithExtendedAttributes ArgumentName Default
+ Type Ellipsis ArgumentName
+ ArgumentName :
+ ArgumentNameKeyword
+ identifier
+ Ellipsis :
+ "..."
+ ε
+By declaring a toJSON
[=regular operation=],
+an [=interface=] specifies how to convert the objects that implement it to [=JSON types=].
+The toJSON
[=regular operation=] is reserved for this usage.
+It must take zero arguments and return a [=JSON type=].
+The JSON types are:
+* [=numeric types=],
+* {{boolean}},
+* [=string types=],
+* [=nullable types=] whose [=nullable types/inner type=] is a [=JSON type=],
+* [=annotated types=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is a [=JSON type=],
+* [=union types=] whose [=member types=] are [=JSON types=],
+* [=typedefs=] whose [=type being given a new name=] is a [=JSON type=],
+* [=sequence types=] whose parameterized type is a [=JSON type=],
+* [=frozen array types=] whose parameterized type is a [=JSON type=],
+* [=dictionary types=] where the types of all [=dictionary members|members=] declared on the dictionary and all its [=inherited dictionaries=] are [=JSON types=],
+* [=records=] where all of their [=map/values=] are [=JSON types=],
+* {{object}},
+* [=interface types=] that have a toJSON
operation declared on themselves or
+ one of their [=inherited interfaces=].
+How the toJSON
[=regular operation=]
+is made available on an object in a language binding,
+and how exactly the [=JSON types=] are converted into a JSON string,
+is language binding specific.
+Note: In the JavaScript language binding,
+this is done by exposing a toJSON
+which returns the [=JSON type=]
+converted into a JavaScript value
+that can be turned into a JSON string
+by the {{JSON.stringify()}} function.
+Additionally, in the JavaScript language binding,
+the toJSON
operation can take a [{{Default}}] [=extended attribute=],
+in which case the [=default toJSON steps=] are exposed instead.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines an interface
+ that has a
method defined in prose:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Transaction {
+ readonly attribute DOMString from;
+ readonly attribute DOMString to;
+ readonly attribute double amount;
+ readonly attribute DOMString description;
+ readonly attribute unsigned long number;
+ TransactionJSON toJSON();
+ };
+ dictionary TransactionJSON {
+ Account from;
+ Account to;
+ double amount;
+ DOMString description;
+ };
+ The
[=regular operation=] of
+ could be defined as follows:
+ The toJSON()
method steps are:
+ 1. Let |json| be a new [=map=].
+ 1. [=list/For each=] attribute [=identifier=] |attr| in « "from", "to", "amount", "description" »:
+ 1. Let |value| be the result of running the [=getter steps=] of |attr| on [=this=].
+ 1. Set |json|[|attr|] to |value|.
+ 1. Return |json|.
+ In the JavaScript language binding, there would exist a
method on
+ // Get an instance of Transaction.
+ var txn = getTransaction();
+ // Evaluates to an object like this:
+ // {
+ // from: "Bob",
+ // to: "Alice",
+ // amount: 50,
+ // description: "books"
+ // }
+ txn.toJSON();
+ // Evaluates to a string like this:
+ // '{"from":"Bob","to":"Alice","amount":50,"description":"books"}'
+ JSON.stringify(txn);
+Constructor operations
+If an [=interface=] has a [=constructor operation=] member (matching
+Constructor), it indicates that it is possible to
+create objects that [=implement=] the [=interface=] using a [=constructor=].
+Multiple [=constructor operations=] may appear on a given [=interface=].
+For each [=constructor operation=] on the [=interface=], there will be a way to attempt to
+construct an instance by passing the specified arguments.
+The constructor steps of a [=constructor operation=] that is a member of an interface
+named |interface| should be introduced using text of the form “The
+new |interface|(arg1, arg2, ...)
constructor steps
+are:” followed by a list, or “The
+new |interface|(arg1, arg2, ...)
constructor steps
+are to” followed by an inline description.
+The constructor steps must do nothing, initialize the value passed as [=this=], or throw an
+If the constructor does not initialize
+[=this=], one can write “The new Example(init)
+steps are to do nothing.”
+See [[#interface-object]] for details on how a [=constructor operation=] is to be implemented.
+ The following IDL defines two interfaces. The second has [=constructor operations=], while the
+ first does not.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface NodeList {
+ Node item(unsigned long index);
+ readonly attribute unsigned long length;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Circle {
+ constructor();
+ constructor(double radius);
+ attribute double r;
+ attribute double cx;
+ attribute double cy;
+ readonly attribute double circumference;
+ };
+ A JavaScript implementation supporting these interfaces would implement a \[[Construct]]
+ internal method on the
interface object which would return a
+ new object that [=implements=] the interface.
+ It would take either zero or one argument.
+ Issue(whatwg/webidl#698): It is unclear whether the
+ object would implement a \[[Construct]] internal method. In any case, trying to use it as a
+ constructor will cause a {{TypeError}} to be thrown.
+ var x = new Circle(); // This uses the zero-argument constructor to create a
+ // reference to a platform object that implements the
+ // Circle interface.
+ var y = new Circle(1.25); // This also creates a Circle object, this time using
+ // the one-argument constructor.
+ var z = new NodeList(); // This would throw a TypeError, since no
+ // constructor is declared.
+ Constructor :
+ "constructor" "(" ArgumentList ")" ";"
+When an [=interface=] has a stringifier, it indicates that objects
+that implement the interface have a non-default conversion to a string. Stringifiers can be
+specified using a stringifier keyword, which creates a stringifier operation when
+used alone.
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ stringifier;
+ };
+Prose accompanying the interface must define
+the stringification behavior
+of the interface.
+The stringifier keyword
+can also be placed on an [=attribute=].
+In this case, the string to convert the object to is the
+value of the attribute. The stringifier keyword
+must not be placed on an attribute unless
+it is declared to be of type {{DOMString}} or {{USVString}}.
+It also must not be placed on
+a [=static attribute=].
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ stringifier attribute DOMString identifier;
+ };
+On a given [=interface=], there must exist at most one stringifier.
+ Stringifier :
+ "stringifier" StringifierRest
+ StringifierRest :
+ OptionalReadOnly AttributeRest
+ ";"
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ defines an interface that will stringify to the value of its
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Student {
+ constructor();
+ attribute unsigned long id;
+ stringifier attribute DOMString name;
+ };
+ In the JavaScript binding, using a
+ object in a context where a string is expected will result in the
+ value of the object's
property being
+ used:
+ var s = new Student();
+ s.id = 12345678;
+ s.name = '周杰倫';
+ var greeting = 'Hello, ' + s + '!'; // Now greeting == 'Hello, 周杰倫!'.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ defines an interface that has custom stringification behavior that is
+ not specified in the IDL itself.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Student {
+ constructor();
+ attribute unsigned long id;
+ attribute DOMString? familyName;
+ attribute DOMString givenName;
+ stringifier;
+ };
+ Thus, there needs to be prose to explain the stringification behavior.
+ We assume that the
attributes are backed by
+ family name and given name concepts, respectively.
+ The [=stringification behavior=] steps are:
+ 1. If [=this=]'s family name is null, then return [=this=]'s given name.
+ 2. Return the concatenation of [=this=]'s given name, followed by U+0020 SPACE, followed by [=this=]'s family name.
+ A JavaScript implementation of the IDL would behave as follows:
+ var s = new Student();
+ s.id = 12345679;
+ s.familyName = 'Smithee';
+ s.givenName = 'Alan';
+ var greeting = 'Hi ' + s; // Now greeting == 'Hi Alan Smithee'.
+Special operations
+A special operation is a
+declaration of a certain kind of special behavior on objects implementing
+the interface on which the special operation declarations appear.
+Special operations are declared by using a
+special keyword
+in an operation declaration.
+There are three kinds of special operations. The table below indicates
+for a given kind of special operation what special keyword
+is used to declare it and what the purpose of the special operation is:
+ Special operation |
+ Keyword |
+ Purpose |
+ Getters |
+ getter |
+ Defines behavior for when an object is indexed for property retrieval. |
+ Setters |
+ setter |
+ Defines behavior for when an object is indexed for property
+ assignment or creation. |
+ Deleters |
+ deleter |
+ Defines behavior for when an object is indexed for property deletion. |
+Not all language bindings support all of the four kinds of special
+object behavior. When special operations are declared using
+operations with no identifier, then in language bindings that do
+not support the particular kind of special operations there simply
+will not be such functionality.
+ The following IDL fragment defines an interface with a getter and a setter:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Dictionary {
+ readonly attribute unsigned long propertyCount;
+ getter double (DOMString propertyName);
+ setter undefined (DOMString propertyName, double propertyValue);
+ };
+ In language bindings that do not support property getters and setters,
+ objects implementing [=Dictionary=] will not
+ have that special behavior.
+Defining a special operation with an [=identifier=]
+is equivalent to separating the special operation out into its own
+declaration without an identifier. This approach is allowed to
+simplify [=method steps=] of an interface's operations.
+ The following two interfaces are equivalent:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Dictionary {
+ readonly attribute unsigned long propertyCount;
+ getter double getProperty(DOMString propertyName);
+ setter undefined setProperty(DOMString propertyName, double propertyValue);
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Dictionary {
+ readonly attribute unsigned long propertyCount;
+ double getProperty(DOMString propertyName);
+ undefined setProperty(DOMString propertyName, double propertyValue);
+ getter double (DOMString propertyName);
+ setter undefined (DOMString propertyName, double propertyValue);
+ };
+A given [=special keyword=] must not
+appear twice on an operation.
+Getters and setters come in two varieties: ones that
+take a {{DOMString}} as a property name,
+known as
+named property getters and
+named property setters,
+and ones that take an {{unsigned long}}
+as a property index, known as
+indexed property getters and
+indexed property setters.
+There is only one variety of deleter:
+named property deleters.
+See [[#idl-indexed-properties]]
+and [[#idl-named-properties]]
+for details.
+On a given [=interface=],
+there must exist at most one
+[=named property deleter=],
+and at most one of each variety of getter and setter.
+If an interface has a setter of a given variety,
+then it must also have a getter of that
+variety. If it has a [=named property deleter=],
+then it must also have a
+[=named property getter=].
+Special operations declared using operations must not
+be [=variadic=] nor have any
+[=optional arguments=].
+If an object implements more than one [=interface=]
+that defines a given special operation, then it is undefined which (if any)
+special operation is invoked for that operation.
+Indexed properties
+An [=interface=] that defines an [=indexed property getter=]
+is said to support indexed properties.
+By extension, a [=platform object=]
+is said to [=support indexed properties=] if
+it implements an [=interface=] that itself does.
+If an interface [=support indexed properties|supports indexed properties=],
+then the interface definition must be accompanied by
+a description of what indices the object can be indexed with at
+any given time. These indices are called the supported property indices.
+Interfaces that [=support indexed properties=] must define
+an [=integer types|integer-typed=] [=attribute=] named "length
+Indexed property getters must
+be declared to take a single {{unsigned long}} argument.
+Indexed property setters must
+be declared to take two arguments, where the first is an {{unsigned long}}.
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ getter type identifier(unsigned long identifier);
+ setter type identifier(unsigned long identifier, type identifier);
+ getter type (unsigned long identifier);
+ setter type (unsigned long identifier, type identifier);
+ };
+The following requirements apply to the definitions of indexed property getters and setters:
+* If an [=indexed property getter=] was specified using an [=operation=]
+ with an [=identifier=],
+ then the value returned when indexing the object with a given [=supported property indices|supported property index=]
+ is the value that would be returned by invoking the operation, passing
+ the index as its only argument. If the operation used to declare the indexed property getter
+ did not have an identifier, then the interface definition must be accompanied
+ by a description of how to determine the value of an indexed property
+ for a given index.
+* If an [=indexed property setter=] was specified using an operation
+ with an identifier,
+ then the behavior that occurs when indexing the object for property assignment with a given supported property index and value
+ is the same as if the operation is invoked, passing
+ the index as the first argument and the value as the second argument. If the operation used to declare the indexed property setter
+ did not have an identifier, then the interface definition must be accompanied
+ by a description of how to set the value of an existing indexed property
+ and how to set the value of a new indexed property
+ for a given property index and value.
+ Note that if an [=indexed property getter=] or
+ [=indexed property setters|setter=]
+ is specified using an [=operation=] with an [=identifier=],
+ then indexing an object with an integer that is not a [=supported property indices|supported property index=]
+ does not necessarily elicit the same behavior as invoking the operation with that index. The actual behavior in this
+ case is language binding specific.
+ In the JavaScript language binding, a regular property lookup is done. For example, take the following IDL:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface A {
+ getter DOMString toWord(unsigned long index);
+ };
+ Assume that an object implementing
has [=supported property indices=]
+ in the range 0 ≤
index < 2. Also assume that toWord is defined to return
+ its argument converted into an English word. The behavior when invoking the
+ [=operation=] with an out of range index
+ is different from indexing the object directly:
+ var a = getA();
+ a.toWord(0); // Evalautes to "zero".
+ a[0]; // Also evaluates to "zero".
+ a.toWord(5); // Evaluates to "five".
+ a[5]; // Evaluates to undefined, since there is no property "5".
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines an interface
which allows
+ retrieving and setting values by name or by index number:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface OrderedMap {
+ readonly attribute unsigned long size;
+ getter any getByIndex(unsigned long index);
+ setter undefined setByIndex(unsigned long index, any value);
+ getter any get(DOMString name);
+ setter undefined set(DOMString name, any value);
+ };
+ Since all of the special operations are declared using
+ operations with identifiers, the only additional prose
+ that is necessary is that which describes what keys those sets
+ have. Assuming that the
operation is
+ defined to return
null if an
+ attempt is made to look up a non-existing entry in the
, then the following
+ two sentences would suffice:
+ An object map implementing OrderedMap
+ supports indexed properties with indices in the range
+ 0 ≤ index < map.size
+ Such objects also support a named property for every name that,
+ if passed to get()
, would return a non-null value.
+ As described in [[#js-legacy-platform-objects]],
+ a JavaScript implementation would create
+ properties on a [=legacy platform object=] implementing
that correspond to
+ entries in both the named and indexed property sets.
+ These properties can then be used to interact
+ with the object in the same way as invoking the object's
+ methods, as demonstrated below:
+ // Assume map is a legacy platform object implementing the OrderedMap interface.
+ var map = getOrderedMap();
+ var x, y;
+ x = map[0]; // If map.length > 0, then this is equivalent to:
+ //
+ // x = map.getByIndex(0)
+ //
+ // since a property named "0" will have been placed on map.
+ // Otherwise, x will be set to undefined, since there will be
+ // no property named "0" on map.
+ map[1] = false; // This will do the equivalent of:
+ //
+ // map.setByIndex(1, false)
+ y = map.apple; // If there exists a named property named "apple", then this
+ // will be equivalent to:
+ //
+ // y = map.get('apple')
+ //
+ // since a property named "apple" will have been placed on
+ // map. Otherwise, y will be set to undefined, since there
+ // will be no property named "apple" on map.
+ map.berry = 123; // This will do the equivalent of:
+ //
+ // map.set('berry', 123)
+ delete map.cake; // If a named property named "cake" exists, then the "cake"
+ // property will be deleted, and then the equivalent to the
+ // following will be performed:
+ //
+ // map.remove("cake")
+Named properties
+An [=interface=] that defines a [=named property getter=]
+is said to support named properties.
+By extension, a [=platform object=]
+is said to [=support named properties=] if
+it implements an [=interface=] that itself does.
+If an interface [=support named properties|supports named properties=],
+then the interface definition must be accompanied by
+a description of the ordered set of names that can be used to index the object
+at any given time. These names are called the
+supported property names.
+Named property getters and deleters must
+be declared to take a single {{DOMString}} argument.
+Named property setters must
+be declared to take two arguments, where the first is a {{DOMString}}.
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ getter type identifier(DOMString identifier);
+ setter type identifier(DOMString identifier, type identifier);
+ deleter type identifier(DOMString identifier);
+ getter type (DOMString identifier);
+ setter type (DOMString identifier, type identifier);
+ deleter type (DOMString identifier);
+ };
+The following requirements apply to the definitions of named property getters, setters and deleters:
+* If a [=named property getter=] was specified using an [=operation=]
+ with an [=identifier=],
+ then the value returned when indexing the object with a given [=supported property name=]
+ is the value that would be returned by invoking the operation, passing
+ the name as its only argument. If the operation used to declare the named property getter
+ did not have an identifier, then the interface definition must be accompanied
+ by a description of how to determine the value of a named property
+ for a given property name.
+* If a [=named property setter=] was specified using an operation
+ with an identifier,
+ then the behavior that occurs when indexing the object for property assignment with a given supported property name and value
+ is the same as if the operation is invoked, passing
+ the name as the first argument and the value as the second argument. If the operation used to declare the named property setter
+ did not have an identifier, then the interface definition must be accompanied
+ by a description of how to set the value of an existing named property
+ and how to set the value of a new named property
+ for a given property name and value.
+* If a [=named property deleter=] was specified using an operation
+ with an identifier,
+ then the behavior that occurs when indexing the object for property deletion with a given supported property name
+ is the same as if the operation is invoked, passing
+ the name as the only argument. If the operation used to declare the named property deleter
+ did not have an identifier, then the interface definition must be accompanied
+ by a description of how to delete an existing named property
+ for a given property name.
+Note: As with [=indexed properties=],
+if an [=named property getter=],
+[=named property setters|setter=] or
+[=named property deleters|deleter=]
+is specified using an [=operation=] with an [=identifier=],
+then indexing an object with a name that is not a [=supported property name=]
+does not necessarily elicit the same behavior as invoking the operation with that name; the behavior
+is language binding specific.
+Static attributes and operations
+Static attributes and
+static operations are ones that
+are not associated with a particular instance of the
+on which it is declared, and is instead associated with the interface
+itself. Static attributes and operations are declared by using the
+static keyword in their declarations.
+It is language binding specific whether it is possible to invoke
+a static operation or get or set a static attribute through a reference
+to an instance of the interface.
+ StaticMember :
+ "static" StaticMemberRest
+ StaticMemberRest :
+ OptionalReadOnly AttributeRest
+ RegularOperation
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines an interface
that has a static
+ operation declared on it:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Point { /* ... */ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Circle {
+ attribute double cx;
+ attribute double cy;
+ attribute double radius;
+ static readonly attribute long triangulationCount;
+ static Point triangulate(Circle c1, Circle c2, Circle c3);
+ };
+ In the JavaScript language binding, the [=function object=] for
and the accessor property for
+ will exist on the [=interface object=]
+ for
+ var circles = getCircles(); // an Array of Circle objects
+ typeof Circle.triangulate; // Evaluates to "function"
+ typeof Circle.triangulationCount; // Evaluates to "number"
+ Circle.prototype.triangulate; // Evaluates to undefined
+ Circle.prototype.triangulationCount; // Also evaluates to undefined
+ circles[0].triangulate; // As does this
+ circles[0].triangulationCount; // And this
+ // Call the static operation
+ var triangulationPoint = Circle.triangulate(circles[0], circles[1], circles[2]);
+ // Find out how many triangulations we have done
+ window.alert(Circle.triangulationCount);
+If a [=regular operation=]
+or [=static operation=]
+defined on an [=interface=]
+has an [=identifier=]
+that is the same as the identifier of another operation on that
+interface of the same kind (regular or static), then the operation is said to be
+overloaded. When the identifier
+of an overloaded operation is used to invoke one of the
+operations on an object that implements the interface, the
+number and types of the arguments passed to the operation
+determine which of the overloaded operations is actually
+[=Constructor operations=] can be overloaded too.
+There are some restrictions on the arguments
+that overloaded operations and constructors can be
+specified to take, and in order to describe these restrictions,
+the notion of an effective overload set is used.
+A set of overloaded [=operations=] must either:
+* contain no [=operations=] whose [=return type=] is a [=promise type=];
+* only contain [=operations=] whose [=return type=] is a [=promise type=].
+[=Operations=] must not be overloaded across
+[=partial interface=],
+[=interface mixin=], and
+[=partial interface mixin=]
+ For example, the overloads for both
f and
+ are disallowed:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface A {
+ undefined f();
+ };
+ partial interface A {
+ undefined f(double x);
+ undefined g();
+ };
+ partial interface A {
+ undefined g(DOMString x);
+ };
+ Note that [=constructor operations=] and
+ [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}]
+ [=extended attributes=] are disallowed from appearing
+ on [=partial interface=] definitions,
+ so there is no need to also disallow overloading for constructors.
+An effective overload set
+represents the allowable invocations for a particular
+constructor (specified with a [=constructor operation=]
+or [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}]), or
+[=callback function=].
+The algorithm to [=compute the effective overload set=]
+operates on one of the following four types of IDL constructs, and listed with them below are
+the inputs to the algorithm needed to compute the set.
+ : For regular operations
+ : For static operations
+ :: * the [=interface=] on which the [=operations=] are to be found
+ * the [=identifier=] of the operations
+ * the number of arguments to be passed
+ : For constructors
+ :: * the [=interface=] on which the [=constructor operations=] are to be found
+ * the number of arguments to be passed
+ : For legacy factory functions
+ :: * the [=interface=] on which the [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}] [=extended attributes=] are to be found
+ * the [=identifier=] of the legacy factory function
+ * the number of arguments to be passed
+An [=effective overload set=] is used, among other things, to determine whether there are
+ambiguities in the overloaded operations and constructors specified on an interface.
+The [=set/items=] of an [=effective overload set=] are [=tuples=] of the form
+([=effective overload set tuple/callable=], [=type list=], [=optionality list=])
+whose [=tuple/items=] are described below:
+* A callable is an [=operation=]
+ if the [=effective overload set=] is for [=regular operations=],
+ [=static operations=], or [=constructor operations=]; and it is an [=extended attribute=]
+ if the [=effective overload set=] is for [=legacy factory functions=].
+* A type list is a [=list=] of IDL types.
+* An optionality list is a [=list=] of
+ three possible optionality values
+ – "required", "optional" or "variadic" –
+ indicating whether the argument at a given index was
+ declared as being [=optional argument|optional=]
+ or corresponds to a [=variadic=] argument.
+Each [=tuple=] represents an allowable invocation of the operation,
+constructor, or callback function with an argument value list of the given types.
+Due to the use of [=optional arguments=]
+and [=variadic=] operations
+and constructors, there may be multiple items in an [=effective overload set=] identifying
+the same operation or constructor.
+ The algorithm below describes how to
compute the effective overload set.
+ The following input variables are used, if they are required:
+ * the identifier of the operation or legacy factory function is |A|
+ * the argument count is |N|
+ * the interface is |I|
+ Whenever an argument of an extended attribute is mentioned,
+ it is referring to an argument of the extended attribute's
+ [=takes a named argument list|named argument list=].
+ 1. Let |S| be an [=ordered set=].
+ 1. Let |F| be an [=ordered set=] with [=set/items=] as follows,
+ according to the kind of [=effective overload set=]:
+ : For regular operations
+ :: The elements of |F| are the [=regular operations=] with
+ identifier |A| defined on interface |I|.
+ : For static operations
+ :: The elements of |F| are the [=static operations=] with
+ identifier |A| defined on interface |I|.
+ : For constructors
+ :: The elements of |F| are the
+ [=constructor operations=] on interface |I|.
+ : For legacy factory functions
+ :: The elements of |F| are the
+ [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}]
+ [=extended attributes=] on interface |I| whose
+ [=takes a named argument list|named argument lists'=]
+ identifiers are |A|.
+ 1. Let |maxarg| be the maximum number of arguments the operations,
+ legacy factory functions, or callback functions in |F| are declared to take.
+ For [=variadic=] operations and legacy factory functions,
+ the argument on which the ellipsis appears counts as a single argument.
+ Note: So
undefined f(long x, long... y);
is considered to be declared to take two arguments.
+ 1. Let |max| be
max(|maxarg|, |N|).
+ 1. [=set/For each=] operation or extended attribute |X| in |F|:
+ 1. Let |arguments| be the [=list=] of arguments |X| is declared to take.
+ 1. Let |n| be the [=list/size=] of |arguments|.
+ 1. Let |types| be a [=type list=].
+ 1. Let |optionalityValues| be an [=optionality list=].
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |argument| in |arguments|:
+ 1. [=list/Append=] the type of |argument| to |types|.
+ 1. [=list/Append=] "variadic" to |optionalityValues| if |argument| is a final, variadic argument,
+ "optional" if |argument| is [=optional argument|optional=],
+ and "required" otherwise.
+ 1. [=set/Append=] the [=tuple=] (|X|, |types|, |optionalityValues|) to |S|.
+ 1. If |X| is declared to be [=variadic=], then:
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |i| in [=the range=] |n| to |max| − 1, inclusive:
+ 1. Let |t| be a [=type list=].
+ 1. Let |o| be an [=optionality list=].
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |j| in [=the range=] 0 to |n| − 1, inclusive:
+ 1. [=list/Append=] |types|[|j|] to |t|.
+ 1. [=list/Append=] |optionalityValues|[|j|] to |o|.
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |j| in [=the range=] |n| to |i|, inclusive:
+ 1. [=list/Append=] |types|[|n| − 1] to |t|.
+ 1. [=list/Append=] "variadic" to |o|.
+ 1. [=set/Append=] the [=tuple=] (|X|, |t|, |o|) to |S|.
+ 1. Let |i| be |n| − 1.
+ 1. [=iteration/While=] |i| ≥ 0:
+ 1. If |arguments|[|i|] is not [=optional argument|optional=]
+ (i.e., it is not marked as "optional" and is not
+ a final, variadic argument), then [=iteration/break=].
+ 1. Let |t| be a [=type list=].
+ 1. Let |o| be an [=optionality list=].
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |j| in [=the range=] 0 to |i| − 1, inclusive:
+ 1. [=list/Append=] |types|[|j|] to |t|.
+ 1. [=list/Append=] |optionalityValues|[|j|] to |o|.
+ 1. [=set/Append=] the [=tuple=] (|X|, |t|, |o|) to |S|.
+ Note: if |i| is 0, this means to add to |S| the tuple (|X|, « », « »);
+ (where "« »" represents an [=list/is empty|empty list=]).
+ 1. Set |i| to |i| − 1.
+ 1. Return |S|.
+ For the following interface:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface A {
+ /* f1 */ undefined f(DOMString a);
+ /* f2 */ undefined f(Node a, DOMString b, double... c);
+ /* f3 */ undefined f();
+ /* f4 */ undefined f(Event a, DOMString b, optional DOMString c, double... d);
+ };
+ assuming
+ are two other interfaces of which no object can implement both,
+ the [=effective overload set=]
+ for [=regular operations=] with
+ identifier
and argument count 4 is:
+ «
+ (f1, « DOMString », « required »),
+ (f2, « Node, DOMString », « required, required »),
+ (f2, « Node, DOMString, double », « required, required, variadic »),
+ (f2, « Node, DOMString, double, double », « required, required, variadic, variadic »),
+ (f3, « », « »),
+ (f4, « Event, DOMString », « required, required »),
+ (f4, « Event, DOMString, DOMString », « required, required, optional »),
+ (f4, « Event, DOMString, DOMString, double », « required, required, optional, variadic »)
+ »
+Two types are distinguishable if
+the following algorithm returns true.
+1. If one type [=includes a nullable type=]
+ and the other type either
+ [=includes a nullable type=],
+ is a [=union type=] with [=flattened member types=]
+ including a [=dictionary type=], or
+ is a [=dictionary type=],
+ return false.
+ None of the following pairs are distinguishable:
+ -
+ Dictionary1
+ -
(Interface1 or {{long}})?
+ (Interface2 or {{DOMString}})?
+ -
(Interface1 or {{long}}?)
+ (Interface2 or {{DOMString}})?
+ -
(Interface1 or {{long}}?)
+ (Interface2 or {{DOMString}}?)
+ -
(Dictionary1 or {{long}})
+ (Interface2 or {{DOMString}})?
+ -
(Dictionary1 or {{long}})
+ (Interface2 or {{DOMString}}?)
+1. If both types are either a [=union type=] or [=nullable type|nullable=] [=union type=],
+ return true if each member type of the one
+ is distinguishable with each member type of the other,
+ or false otherwise.
+1. If one type is a [=union type=] or nullable union type,
+ return true if each
+ [=member type=] of the union type is distinguishable
+ with the non-union type,
+ or false otherwise.
+1. Consider the two "innermost" types derived by taking each type's [=annotated types/inner type=]
+ if it is an [=annotated type=], and then taking its [=nullable types/inner type=] inner type
+ if the result is a [=nullable type=]. If these two innermost types appear or are in categories
+ appearing in the following table and there is a “●” mark in the corresponding entry
+ or there is a letter in the corresponding entry and the designated additional
+ requirement below the table is satisfied, then return true.
+ Otherwise return false.
+ Categories:
+ - interface-like
+ -
+ * [=interface types=]
+ * [=buffer source types=]
- dictionary-like
+ -
+ * [=dictionary types=]
+ * [=record types=]
+ * [=callback interface types=]
- sequence-like
+ -
+ * [=sequence types=]
+ * [=frozen array types=]
+ |
+ undefined
+ | boolean
+ | numeric types
+ | bigint
+ | string types
+ | object
+ | symbol
+ | interface-like
+ | callback function
+ | dictionary-like
+ | sequence-like
+ |
+ undefined
+ |
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ |
+ | ●
+ |
+ boolean
+ |
+ |
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ |
+ numeric types
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ | (b)
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ |
+ bigint
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ |
+ string types
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ |
+ object
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ | ●
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ symbol
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ |
+ interface-like
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ | (a)
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ | ●
+ |
+ callback function
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ | (c)
+ | ●
+ |
+ dictionary-like
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ | ●
+ |
+ sequence-like
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ 1. The two identified interface-like types are
+ not the same, and no single [=platform object=] implements both
+ interface-like types.
+ 1. The types are distinguishable, but there is
+ a separate restriction on their use in
+ overloading below. Please also note the
+ advice about using unions of these types.
+ 1. A [=callback function=] that does not have
+ [{{LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull}}] extended attribute is
+ distinguishable from a type in the dictionary-like category.
+ For example, when converting an ECMAScript value to [=union
+ type=] which includes a [=callback function=] and a
+ dictionary-like type, if the value is [=ECMAScript/callable=],
+ then it is converted to a [=callback function=]. Otherwise, it is
+ converted to a dictionary-like type.
+ {{double}} and {{DOMString}} are distinguishable because
+ there is a ● at the intersection of [=numeric types=] with [=string types=].
+ {{double}} and {{long}} are not distinguishable because they are both [=numeric types=],
+ and there is no ● or letter at the intersection of [=numeric types=] with [=numeric types=].
+ Given:
+ callback interface CBIface {
+ undefined handle();
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Iface {
+ attribute DOMString attr2;
+ };
+ dictionary Dict {
+ DOMString field1;
+ };
is distinguishable from
+ because there's a ● at the intersection of dictionary-like and interface-like,
+ but it is not distinguishable from
+ because there's no ● at the intersection of dictionary-like and itself.
+ [=Promise types=] do not appear in the above table, and as a consequence are
+ not distinguishable with any other type.
+If there is more than one [=list/item=] in an [=effective overload set=]
+that has a given [=type list=] [=list/size=],
+then for those items there must be an index |i| such that
+for each pair of items the types at index |i| are [=distinguishable=].
+The lowest such index is termed the distinguishing argument index
+for the items of the [=effective overload set=] with the given type list size.
+An [=effective overload set=] must not contain more than
+one [=list/item=] with the same [=type list=] [=list/size=], where one [=list/item=] has a
+{{bigint}} argument at the [=distinguishing argument index=] and another has a [=numeric type=]
+argument at the [=distinguishing argument index=].
+ Consider the [=effective overload set=] shown in the previous example.
+ There are multiple items in the set with type lists 2, 3 and 4.
+ For each of these type list size, the [=distinguishing argument index=] is 0, since
are [=distinguishable=].
+ The following use of overloading however is invalid:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface B {
+ undefined f(DOMString x);
+ undefined f(USVString x);
+ };
+ since {{DOMString}} and {{USVString}} are not distinguishable.
+In addition, for each index |j|, where |j| is less than the
+[=distinguishing argument index=]
+for a given type list size, the types at index |j| in
+all of the items' type lists must be the same,
+and the [=optionality values=] at index |j| in all of the items' optionality lists must
+be the same.
+ The following is invalid:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface B {
+ /* f1 */ undefined f(DOMString w);
+ /* f2 */ undefined f(long w, double x, Node y, Node z);
+ /* f3 */ undefined f(double w, double x, DOMString y, Node z);
+ };
+ For argument count 4, the [=effective overload set=] is:
+ «
+ (f1, « DOMString », « required »),
+ (f2, « long, double, Node, Node », « required, required, required, required »),
+ (f3, « double, double, DOMString, Node », « required, required, required, required »)
+ »
+ Looking at items with type list size 4, the
+ [=distinguishing argument index=]
+ is 2, since
+ {{DOMString}} are [=distinguishable=].
+ However, since the arguments in these two overloads at index 0 are different,
+ the overloading is invalid.
+Overloading vs. union types
+This section is informative.
+For specifications defining IDL [=operations=], it might seem that [=overloaded|overloads=] and a
+combination of [=union types=] and [=optional arguments=] have some feature overlap.
+It is first important to note that [=overloaded|overloads=] have different behaviors than [=union
+types=] or [=optional arguments=], and one
cannot be fully defined using the other (unless,
+of course, additional prose is provided, which can defeat the purpose of the Web IDL type system).
+For example, consider the {{CanvasDrawPath/stroke()}} operations defined on the {{CanvasDrawPath}}
+interface [[HTML]]:
+ interface CanvasDrawPathExcerpt {
+ undefined stroke();
+ undefined stroke(Path2D path);
+ };
+Per the JavaScript language binding, calling
on an object
would attempt to call the second
+overload, yielding a {{TypeError}} since
undefined cannot be
converted to a {{Path2D}}. However, if the operations were instead
+defined with [=optional arguments=] and merged into one,
+ interface CanvasDrawPathExcerptOptional {
+ undefined stroke(optional Path2D path);
+ };
+the [=overload resolution algorithm=] would treat the
path argument as missing
+given the same call
, and not throw any exceptions.
+Note: For this particular example, the latter behavior is actually what Web developers would
+generally expect. If {{CanvasDrawPath}} were to be designed today, [=optional arguments=] would be
+used for
+Additionally, there are semantic differences as well. [=Union types=] are usually used in the sense
+that "any of the types would work in about the same way". In contrast, [=overloaded=] operations are
+designed to map well to language features such as C++ overloading, and are usually a better fit for
+operations with more substantial differences in what they do given arguments of different types.
+However, in most cases, operations with such substantial differences are best off with different
+names to avoid confusion for Web developers, since the JavaScript language does not provide
+language-level overloading. As such, overloads are rarely appropriate for new APIs, instead often
+appearing in legacy APIs or in specialized circumstances.
+That being said, we offer the following recommendations and examples in case of difficulties to
+determine what Web IDL language feature to use:
+* In the unusual case where the operation needs to return values of different types for different
+ argument types, [=overloaded|overloading=] will result in more expressive IDL fragments.
This is almost never appropriate API design, and separate operations with distinct
+ names usually are a better choice for such cases.
+ Suppose there is an operation
that accepts a {{long}},
+ {{DOMString}}, or
(an [=interface type=]) as its
+ only argument, and returns a value of the same type as its argument. It would be clearer to
+ write the IDL fragment using [=overloaded=] operations as
+ interface A {
+ long calculate(long input);
+ DOMString calculate(DOMString input);
+ CalculatableInterface calculate(CalculatableInterface input);
+ };
+ than using a [=union type=] with a [=typedef=] as
+ typedef (long or DOMString or CalculatableInterface) Calculatable;
+ interface A {
+ Calculatable calculate(Calculatable input);
+ };
+ which does not convey the fact that the return value is always of the same type as
+ If the specified
is a new API and does not have any
+ compatibility concerns, it is suggested to use different names for the overloaded operations,
+ perhaps as
+ interface A {
+ long calculateNumber(long input);
+ DOMString calculateString(DOMString input);
+ CalculatableInterface calculateCalculatableInterface(CalculatableInterface input);
+ };
+ which allows Web developers to write explicit and unambiguous code.
+* When the operation has significantly different semantics for different argument types or
+ lengths, [=overloaded|overloading=] is preferred. Again, in such scenarios, it is usually better
+ to create separate operations with distinct names, but legacy APIs sometimes follow this
+ pattern.
+ As an example, the {{CSS/supports(property, value)}} and {{CSS/supports(conditionText)}}
+ operations of the {{CSS}} interface are defined as the
+ following IDL fragment [[CSS3-CONDITIONAL]] [[CSSOM]].
+ partial interface CSS {
+ static boolean supports(CSSOMString property, CSSOMString value);
+ static boolean supports(CSSOMString conditionText);
+ };
+ Using [=optional arguments=] one can rewrite the IDL fragment as follows:
+ partial interface CSSExcerptOptional {
+ static boolean supports(CSSOMString propertyOrConditionText, optional CSSOMString value);
+ };
+ Even though the IDL is shorter in the second version, two distinctively different concepts are
+ conflated in the first argument. Without [=overloaded|overloads=], the question "is
property or
conditionText paired with
+ is much more difficult to answer without reading the [=method steps=] of the operation. This
+ makes the second version remarkably less readable than the first.
+ Another consideration is that the [=method steps=] for [=overloaded=] operations can be
+ specified in separate blocks, which can aid in both reading and writing specifications. This is
+ not the case for [=optional arguments=]. This means that in the first case the specification
+ author can write the [=method steps=] of the operations as:
+ The supports(property, value)
+ method steps are:
+ 1. …
+ ----
+ The supports(conditionText)
method steps are:
+ 1. …
+ Yet using
value as an [=optional argument=], the specification author has to
+ use more boilerplate-style text to effectively replicate the [=overload resolution algorithm=].
+ The supports(|propertyOrConditionText|, |value|)
method steps are:
+ 1. If |value| is given, then:
+ 1. Let property be |propertyOrConditionText|.
+ 1. …
+ 1. Otherwise:
+ 1. Let conditionText be |propertyOrConditionText|.
+ 1. …
+ If the two overloads have little to no shared parts, it is better to leave overload resolution
+ to the IDL mechanism.
+* If the operation accepts multiple types for multiple arguments with no coupling between types of
+ different arguments, [=union types=] can sometimes be the only viable solution.
+ typedef (long long or DOMString or CalculatableInterface) SupportedArgument;
+ interface A {
+ undefined add(SupportedArgument operand1, SupportedArgument operand2);
+ };
+ For the
operation above, to specify it using
+ [=overloaded|overloads=] would require
+ interface A {
+ undefined add(long long operand1, long long operand2);
+ undefined add(long long operand1, DOMString operand2);
+ undefined add(long long operand1, CalculatableInterface operand2);
+ undefined add(DOMString operand1, long long operand2);
+ undefined add(DOMString operand1, DOMString operand2);
+ undefined add(DOMString operand1, CalculatableInterface operand2);
+ undefined add(CalculatableInterface operand1, long long operand2);
+ undefined add(CalculatableInterface operand1, DOMString operand2);
+ undefined add(CalculatableInterface operand1, CalculatableInterface operand2);
+ };
+ and nine times the corresponding prose!
+* Specification authors are encouraged to treat missing argument and
+ argument the same way in the JavaScript language binding.
+ Given the following IDL fragment:
+ interface A {
+ undefined foo();
+ undefined foo(Node? arg);
+ };
+ Using the JavaScript language binding, calling
would both run the steps corresponding to the
operation, with |arg| set to null, while
+ would go to the first overload. This can be a surprising behavior for many API users. Instead,
+ specification authors are encouraged to use an [=optional argument=], which would categorize
+ both
as "|arg| is missing".
+ interface A {
+ undefined foo(optional Node? arg);
+ };
+ In general, optionality is best expressed using the
optional keyword, and not
+ using overloads.
+When the case fits none of the categories above, it is up to the specification author to choose the
+style, since it is most likely that either style would sufficiently and conveniently describe the
+intended behavior. However, the definition and
conversion algorithms of
+[=union types=] and [=optional arguments=] are simpler to implement and reason about than [=overload
+resolution algorithm|those=] of [=overloaded|overloads=], and usually result in more idiomatic APIs
+in the JavaScript language binding. Thus, unless any other considerations apply, [=union types=],
+[=optional arguments=], or both are the default choice.
+Specifications are also free to mix and match union types and overloads, if the author finds it
+appropriate and convenient.
+Iterable declarations
+An [=interface=] can be declared to be
+iterable by using an iterable declaration
+(matching Iterable) in the body of the interface.
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ iterable<value_type>;
+ iterable<key_type, value_type>;
+ };
+Objects implementing an interface that is declared to be iterable
+support being iterated over to obtain a sequence of values.
+Note: In the JavaScript language binding, an interface that is iterable
+will have entries
, forEach
, values
, and {{@@iterator}}
+properties on its [=interface prototype object=].
+If a single type parameter is given, then the interface has a
+value iterator and provides
+values of the specified type.
+If two type parameters are given, then the interface has a
+pair iterator and provides
+[=value pairs=] with the given types.
+A value pair, given a key type and a value type, is a [=/struct=] with two
+1. an [=struct/item=] whose [=struct/name=] is "key", which is referred to as the [=value pair=]'s
+ key, and whose value is an IDL value of the key type;
+1. an [=struct/item=] whose [=struct/name=] is "value", which is referred to as the
+ [=value pair=]'s value, and whose value is an IDL value of the
+ value type.
+A [=value iterator=]
+must only be declared on an interface
+that [=support indexed properties|supports indexed properties=].
+The value-type of the [=value iterator=]
+must be the same as the type returned by
+the [=indexed property getter=].
+A [=value iterator=] is implicitly
+defined to iterate over the object's indexed properties.
+A [=pair iterator=]
+must not be declared on an interface
+that [=support indexed properties|supports indexed properties=].
+Prose accompanying an [=interface=] with a [=pair iterator=] must define a [=/list=] of
+[=value pairs=] for each instance of the [=interface=], which is the list of
+value pairs to iterate over.
+ The JavaScript forEach method that is generated for a
+ [=value iterator=]
+ invokes its callback like Array.prototype.forEach does, and the forEach
+ method for a [=pair iterator=]
+ invokes its callback like Map.prototype.forEach does.
+ Since [=value iterators=]
+ are currently allowed only on interfaces that
+ [=support indexed properties=],
+ it makes sense to use an Array-like forEach method.
+ There could be a need for [=value iterators=]
+ (a) on interfaces that do not
+ [=support indexed properties=],
+ or (b) with a forEach method that instead invokes its callback like
+ Set.prototype.forEach (where the key is the same as the value).
+ If you're creating an API that needs such a forEach method, please
file an issue.
+Note: This is how [=array iterator objects=] work.
+For interfaces that [=support indexed properties=],
+the iterator objects returned by entries
, values
, and {{@@iterator}} are
+actual [=array iterator objects=].
+[=Interfaces=] with an [=iterable declaration=] must not have any [=attributes=], [=constants=], or
+[=regular operations=] named "entries
", "forEach
", "keys
", or
", or have any [=inherited interfaces=] that have [=attributes=], [=constants=],
+or [=regular operations=] with these names.
+ Consider the following interface
, which allows access to
+ a number of
objects keyed by username:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface SessionManager {
+ Session getSessionForUser(DOMString username);
+ iterable<DOMString, Session>;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Session {
+ readonly attribute DOMString username;
+ // ...
+ };
+ The behavior of the iterator could be defined like so:
+ The [=value pairs to iterate over=] are the list of [=value pairs=] with the
+ [=value pair/key=] being the username and the [=value pair/value=] being the open
+ Session
object on the SessionManager
+ object corresponding to that username, sorted by username.
+ In the JavaScript language binding, the [=interface prototype object=]
+ for the
+ has a
method that is a function, which, when invoked,
+ returns an iterator object that itself has a
method that returns the
+ next value to be iterated over. It has
+ methods that iterate over the usernames of session objects
+ and username/
object pairs, respectively. It also has
+ a {{@@iterator}} method that allows a
+ to be used in a
loop that has the same value as the
+ // Get an instance of SessionManager.
+ // Assume that it has sessions for two users, "anna" and "brian".
+ var sm = getSessionManager();
+ typeof SessionManager.prototype.values; // Evaluates to "function"
+ var it = sm.values(); // values() returns an iterator object
+ String(it); // Evaluates to "[object SessionManager Iterator]"
+ typeof it.next; // Evaluates to "function"
+ // This loop will log "anna" and then "brian".
+ for (;;) {
+ let result = it.next();
+ if (result.done) {
+ break;
+ }
+ let session = result.value;
+ console.log(session.username);
+ }
+ // This loop will also log "anna" and then "brian".
+ for (let username of sm.keys()) {
+ console.log(username);
+ }
+ // Yet another way of accomplishing the same.
+ for (let [username, session] of sm) {
+ console.log(username);
+ }
+An interface must not have more than one
+[=iterable declaration=].
+The [=inherited interfaces=]
+of an interface with an
+[=iterable declaration=]
+must not also have an
+[=iterable declaration=].
+An interface with an [=iterable declaration=]
+and its [=inherited interfaces=]
+must not have a
+[=maplike declaration=],
+[=setlike declaration=], or
+[=asynchronously iterable declaration=].
+The following extended attributes are applicable to [=iterable declarations=]:
+[{{Exposed}}], and
+ Iterable :
+ "iterable" "<" TypeWithExtendedAttributes OptionalType ">" ";"
+ OptionalType :
+ "," TypeWithExtendedAttributes
+ ε
+Asynchronously iterable declarations
+An [=interface=] can be declared to be asynchronously iterable by using an
+asynchronously iterable declaration
+(matching AsyncIterable) in the body of the
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ async iterable<value_type>;
+ async iterable<value_type>(/* arguments... */);
+ async iterable<key_type, value_type>;
+ async iterable<key_type, value_type>(/* arguments... */);
+ };
+Objects that [=implement=] an [=interface=] that is declared to be asynchronously iterable support
+being iterated over asynchronously to obtain a sequence of values.
+If a single type parameter is given, then the interface has a
+value asynchronously iterable declaration and asynchronously provides values of the
+specified type. If two type parameters are given, then the interface has a
+pair asynchronously iterable declaration and asynchronously provides
+[=value pairs=] with the given types.
+If given, an [=asynchronously iterable declaration=]'s arguments (matching
+ArgumentList) must all be [=optional arguments=].
+ In the JavaScript language binding, an interface that is asynchronously iterable will have
+ {{@@asyncIterator}} and values
properties on its
+ [=interface prototype object=]. If the interface has a
+ [=pair asynchronously iterable declaration=], it will additionally have
+ entries
and keys
properties. All of these
+ methods can be passed optional arguments, which correspond to the argument list in the
+ [=asynchronously iterable declaration=], and are processed by the
+ [=asynchronous iterator initialization steps=], if any exist.
+ With this in mind, the requirement that all arguments be optional ensures that, in the
+ JavaScript binding, for
can work directly on
+ instances of the interface, since for
calls the
+ {{@@asyncIterator}} method with no arguments.
+Prose accompanying an [=interface=] with an [=asynchronously iterable declaration=] must define a
+get the next iteration result algorithm.
+This algorithm receives the instance of the [=interface=] that is being iterated, as well as the
+async iterator itself (which can be useful for storing state).
+It must return a {{Promise}} that either rejects, resolves with a special end of
+iteration value to signal the end of the iteration, or resolves with one of the following:
+: for [=value asynchronously iterable declarations=]:
+:: a value of the type given in the declaration;
+: for [=pair asynchronously iterable declarations=]:
+:: a [=tuple=] containing a value of the first type given in the declaration, and a value of the second type given in the declaration.
+The prose may also define an asynchronous iterator return algorithm. This
+algorithm receives the instance of the [=interface=] that is being iterated, the async iterator
+itself, and a single argument value of type {{any}}. This algorithm is invoked in the case of
+premature termination of the async iterator. It must return a {{Promise}}; if that promise
+fulfills, its fulfillment value will be ignored, but if it rejects, that failure will be passed on
+to users of the async iterator API.
+In the JavaScript binding, this algorithm allows customizing the behavior when the
+async iterator's return()
method is invoked. This most commonly occurs when a
or return
statement causes an exit from a
We could add a similar hook for throw()
. So far there has been no need,
+but if you are creating an API that needs such capabilities, please
+file an issue.
+The prose may also define asynchronous iterator initialization steps. These
+receive the instance of the [=interface=] being iterated, the newly-created iterator object, and a
+[=list=] of IDL values representing the arguments passed, if any.
+[=Interfaces=] with an [=asynchronously iterable declaration=] must not have any [=attributes=],
+[=constants=], or [=regular operations=] named "entries
", "keys
", or
", or have any [=inherited interfaces=] that have [=attributes=], [=constants=],
+or [=regular operations=] with these names.
+ Consider the following interface
, which allows access
+ to a number of
objects keyed by username:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface SessionManager {
+ Session getSessionForUser(DOMString username);
+ async iterable<DOMString, Session>;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Session {
+ readonly attribute DOMString username;
+ // ...
+ };
+ The behavior of the iterator could be defined like so:
+ The [=asynchronous iterator initialization steps=] for a SessionManager
+ async iterator |iterator| are:
+ 1. Set |iterator|'s current state to "not
+ yet started".
+ To [=get the next iteration result=] for a SessionManager
+ |manager| and its async iterator |iterator|:
+ 1. Let |promise| be a new promise.
+ 1. Let |key| be the following value, if it exists, or null otherwise:
+ : If |iterator|'s [=SessionManager async iterator/current state=] is "not yet
+ started"
+ :: the smallest username in |manager|'s open sessions, in lexicographical order
+ : Otherwise
+ :: the smallest username in |manager|'s open sessions that is greater than
+ |iterator|'s current state, in lexicographical order
+ Note: |iterator|'s [=SessionManager async iterator/current state=] might no longer be
+ present in the open sessions.
+ 1. If |key| is null, then:
+ 1. Resolve |promise| with [=end of iteration=].
+ 1. Otherwise:
+ 1. Let |session| be the Session
object corresponding to |key|.
+ 1. Resolve |promise| with (|username|, |session|).
+ 1. Set |iterator|'s [=SessionManager async iterator/current state=] to |username|.
+ 1. Return |promise|.
+ In the JavaScript language binding, the [=interface prototype object=] for the
[=interface=] has a
method that is a
+ function, which, when invoked, returns an asynchronous iterator object that itself has a
method that returns the next value to be iterated over.
+ It has
methods that iterate over the usernames of
+ session objects and (username,
) object pairs, respectively.
+ It also has a {{@@asyncIterator}} method that allows a
+ to be used in a
for await..of
loop that has the same value as the
+ // Get an instance of SessionManager.
+ // Assume that it has sessions for two users, "anna" and "brian".
+ var sm = getSessionManager();
+ typeof SessionManager.prototype.values; // Evaluates to "function"
+ var it = sm.values(); // values() returns an iterator object
+ typeof it.next; // Evaluates to "function"
+ // This loop will log "anna" and then "brian".
+ for await (let username of sm.keys()) {
+ console.log(username);
+ }
+ // Yet another way of accomplishing the same.
+ for await (let [username, session] of sm) {
+ console.log(username);
+ }
+An [=interface=] must not have more than one [=asynchronously iterable declaration=].
+The [=inherited interfaces=] of an [=interface=] with an [=asynchronously iterable declaration=]
+must not also have an [=asynchronously iterable declaration=].
+An [=interface=] with an [=asynchronously iterable declaration=] and its [=inherited interfaces=]
+must not have a [=maplike declaration=], [=setlike declaration=], or [=iterable declaration=].
+The following extended attributes are applicable to [=asynchronously iterable declarations=]:
+[{{Exposed}}], and
+Issue: these [=extended attributes=] are not currently taken into account.
+When they are, the effect will be as you would expect.
+ AsyncIterable :
+ "async" "iterable" "<" TypeWithExtendedAttributes OptionalType ">" OptionalArgumentList ";"
+ OptionalArgumentList :
+ "(" ArgumentList ")"
+ ε
+Maplike declarations
+An [=interface=] can be declared to be
+maplike by using a maplike declaration
+(matching ReadWriteMaplike or
+readonly MaplikeRest) in the body of the interface.
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ readonly maplike<key_type, value_type>;
+ maplike<key_type, value_type>;
+ };
+Objects implementing an interface that is declared to be maplike
+represent an [=ordered map=] of key–value pairs, initially empty,
+known as that object's map entries.
+The types used for the keys and values are given in the angle
+brackets of the maplike declaration. Keys are required to be unique.
+Specification authors can modify the contents of the [=map entries=],
+which will automatically be reflected in the contents of the object
+as observed by JavaScript code.
+Maplike interfaces support an API for querying the map entries
+appropriate for the language binding. If the readonly
+keyword is not used, then it also supports an API for modifying
+the map entries.
+Note: In the JavaScript language binding, the API for interacting
+with the map entries is similar to that available on JavaScript
+{{Map}} objects. If the readonly
+keyword is used, this includes entries
, get
, keys
, {{@@iterator}} methods, and a
+For read–write maplikes, it also includes clear
, and set
+Maplike interfaces must not have any [=attributes=], [=constants=], or [=regular operations=] named
", "forEach
", "get
", "has
", "size
", or "values
", or have any
+[=inherited interfaces=] that have [=attributes=], [=constants=], or [=regular operations=] with
+these names.
+Read–write maplike interfaces must not
+have any [=attributes=]
+or [=constants=] named
", "delete
+or "set
", or have any [=inherited interfaces=]
+that have [=attributes=] or [=constants=] with these names.
+Note: Read-write maplike interfaces can have regular operations named
", "delete
", or "set
", which will override the default
+implementation of those methods (defined in [[#js-maplike]]). If such regular operations are
+defined, they must match the input and output expectations of each method, defined in their default
+implementation sections.
+An interface must not have more than one
+[=maplike declaration=].
+The [=inherited interfaces=]
+of a maplike interface must not
+also have a [=maplike declaration=].
+A maplike interface and its [=inherited interfaces=]
+must not have an
+[=iterable declaration=],
+an [=asynchronously iterable declaration=],
+a [=setlike declaration=], or
+an [=indexed property getter=].
+ ReadWriteMaplike :
+ MaplikeRest
+ MaplikeRest :
+ "maplike" "<" TypeWithExtendedAttributes "," TypeWithExtendedAttributes ">" ";"
+No [=extended attributes=]
+defined in this specification are applicable to [=maplike declarations=].
+Issue: Add example.
+Setlike declarations
+An [=interface=] can be declared to be
+setlike by using a setlike declaration
+(matching ReadWriteSetlike or
+readonly SetlikeRest) in the body of the interface.
+ interface interface_identifier {
+ readonly setlike<type>;
+ setlike<type>;
+ };
+Objects implementing an interface that is declared to be setlike
+represent an [=ordered set=] of values, initially empty,
+known as that object's set entries.
+The type of the values is given in the angle
+brackets of the setlike declaration. Values are required to be unique.
+Specification authors can modify the contents of the [=set entries=],
+which will automatically be reflected in the contents of the object
+as observed by JavaScript code.
+Setlike interfaces support an API for querying the set entries
+appropriate for the language binding. If the readonly
+keyword is not used, then it also supports an API for modifying
+the set entries.
+Note: In the JavaScript language binding, the API for interacting
+with the set entries is similar to that available on JavaScript
+{{Set}} objects. If the readonly
+keyword is used, this includes entries
, has
, values
+{{@@iterator}} methods, and a size
+For read–write setlikes, it also includes add
, and delete
+Setlike interfaces must not have any [=attributes=], [=constants=], or [=regular operations=] named
", "forEach
", "has
", "keys
", or "values
", or have any [=inherited interfaces=] that have
+[=attributes=], [=constants=], or [=regular operations=] with these names.
+Read–write setlike interfaces must not
+have any [=attributes=]
+or [=constants=] named
", "clear
+or "delete
", or have any [=inherited interfaces=]
+that have [=attributes=] or [=constants=] with these names.
+Note: Read-write setlike interfaces can have regular operations named
", "clear
", or "delete
", which will override the default
+implementation of those methods (defined in [[#js-setlike]]). If such regular operations are
+defined, they must match the input and output expectations of each method, defined in their default
+implementation sections.
+An interface must not have more than one
+[=setlike declaration=].
+The [=inherited interfaces=]
+of a setlike interface must not
+also have a [=setlike declaration=].
+A setlike interface and its [=inherited interfaces=]
+must not have an
+[=iterable declaration=],
+an [=asynchronously iterable declaration=],
+a [=maplike declaration=], or
+an [=indexed property getter=].
+ ReadWriteSetlike :
+ SetlikeRest
+ SetlikeRest :
+ "setlike" "<" TypeWithExtendedAttributes ">" ";"
+No [=extended attributes=]
+defined in this specification are applicable to [=setlike declarations=].
+Issue: Add example.
+A namespace is a definition (matching Namespace) that declares a global singleton with
+associated behaviors.
+ namespace identifier {
+ /* namespace_members... */
+ };
+A namespace is a specification of a set of
+namespace members
+(matching NamespaceMembers), which are the
+[=regular operations=], [=read only=] [=regular attributes=], and [=constants=] that appear between
+the braces in the namespace declaration. These operations and attributes describe the behaviors
+packaged into the namespace.
+As with interfaces, the IDL for namespaces can be split into multiple parts by using
+partial namespace definitions
+(matching partial Namespace). The [=identifier=] of a partial namespace definition must be the same as the identifier of a namespace definition.
+All of the members that appear on each of the partial namespace definitions are
+considered to be members of the namespace itself.
+ namespace SomeNamespace {
+ /* namespace_members... */
+ };
+ partial namespace SomeNamespace {
+ /* namespace_members... */
+ };
+Note: As with partial interface definitions, partial namespace definitions are intended for
+use as a specification editorial aide, allowing the definition of a namespace to be
+separated over more than one section of the document, and sometimes multiple
+The order that members appear in has significance for property enumeration in the JavaScript binding.
+Note that unlike interfaces or dictionaries, namespaces do not create types.
+Of the extended attributes defined in this specification, only the [{{CrossOriginIsolated}}], [{{Exposed}}], and [{{SecureContext}}] extended attributes are applicable to namespaces.
+[=Namespaces=] must be annotated with the [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=].
+ Namespace :
+ "namespace" identifier "{" NamespaceMembers "}" ";"
+ NamespaceMembers :
+ ExtendedAttributeList NamespaceMember NamespaceMembers
+ ε
+ NamespaceMember :
+ RegularOperation
+ "readonly" AttributeRest
+ Const
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines a
+ [=namespace=].
+ namespace VectorUtils {
+ readonly attribute Vector unit;
+ double dotProduct(Vector x, Vector y);
+ Vector crossProduct(Vector x, Vector y);
+ };
+ A JavaScript implementation would then expose a global
+ data property which was a simple object (with prototype
+ {{%Object.prototype%}}) with enumerable data properties for each declared operation, and
+ enumerable get-only accessors for each declared attribute:
+ Object.getPrototypeOf(VectorUtils); // Evaluates to Object.prototype.
+ Object.keys(VectorUtils); // Evaluates to ["dotProduct", "crossProduct"].
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(VectorUtils, "dotProduct"); // Evaluates to { value: <a function>, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }.
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(VectorUtils, "unit"); // Evaluates to { get: <a function>, enumerable: true, configurable: true }.
+A dictionary is a definition (matching
+used to define an [=ordered map=] data type with a fixed, ordered set of [=map/entries=],
+termed dictionary members,
+where [=map/keys=] are strings and [=map/values=] are of a particular type specified in the definition.
+ dictionary identifier {
+ /* dictionary_members... */
+ };
+Dictionary instances do not retain a reference to their language-specific representations (e.g.,
+the corresponding JavaScript object). So for example, returning a dictionary from an [=operation=]
+will result in a new JavaScript object being created from the current values of the dictionary. And,
+an operation that accepts a dictionary as an argument will perform a one-time conversion from the
+given JavaScript value into the dictionary, based on the current properties of the JavaScript
+object. Modifications to the dictionary will not be reflected in the corresponding JavaScript
+object, and vice-versa.
+Dictionaries must not be used as the type of an [=attribute=] or [=constant=].
+A dictionary can be defined to inherit from another dictionary.
+If the identifier of the dictionary is followed by a colon and a [=identifier=],
+then that identifier identifies the inherited dictionary. The identifier
+must identify a dictionary.
+A dictionary must not be declared such that
+its inheritance hierarchy has a cycle. That is, a dictionary
+|A| cannot inherit from itself, nor can it inherit from another
+dictionary |B| that inherits from |A|, and so on.
+ dictionary Base {
+ /* dictionary_members... */
+ };
+ dictionary Derived : Base {
+ /* dictionary_members... */
+ };
+The inherited dictionaries of
+a given dictionary |D| is the set of all dictionaries that |D|
+inherits from, directly or indirectly. If |D| does not [=dictionary/inherit=]
+from another dictionary, then the set is empty. Otherwise, the set
+includes the dictionary |E| that |D| [=interface/inherits=]
+from and all of |E|'s [=inherited dictionaries=].
+[=Dictionary members=] can be specified as
+required, meaning that
+converting a language-specific value to a dictionary requires providing a value for that member. Any
+dictionary member that is not [=dictionary member/required=] is
+Note that specifying [=dictionary members=] as [=dictionary member/required=] only has
+an observable effect when converting other representations of dictionaries (like a JavaScript value
+supplied as an argument to an [=operation=]) to an IDL dictionary. Specification authors should
+leave the members [=dictionary member/optional=] in all other cases, including when a dictionary
+type is used solely as the [=return type=] of [=operations=].
+A given dictionary value of type |D| can have [=map/entries=] for each of the dictionary members
+defined on |D| and on any of |D|'s [=inherited dictionaries=]. Dictionary members that are specified
+as [=dictionary member/required=], or that are specified as having a
+[=dictionary member/default value=], will always have such corresponding [=map/entries=]. Other
+members' entries might or might not [=map/exist=] in the dictionary value.
+ In the JavaScript binding, a value of undefined for the property
+ corresponding to a [=dictionary member=] is treated the same as omitting that property. Thus, it
+ will cause an error if the member is [=dictionary member/required=], or will trigger the
+ [=dictionary member/default value=] if one is present, or will result in no [=map/entry=]
+ existing in the dictionary value otherwise.
+ As with [=optional argument/default value|operation argument default values=], it is strongly
+ encouraged not to use true as the [=dictionary member/default value=] for
+ {{boolean}}-typed [=dictionary members=], as this can be confusing for authors who might
+ otherwise expect the default conversion of undefined to be used (i.e.,
+An [=ordered map=] with string [=map/keys=] can be implicitly treated as a dictionary value of a
+specific dictionary |D| if all of its [=map/entries=] correspond to [=dictionary members=], as long
+as those entries have the correct types, and there are [=map/entries=] present for any
+[=dictionary member/required=] or [=dictionary member/default value|defaulted=] dictionary members.
+ dictionary Descriptor {
+ DOMString name;
+ sequence<unsigned long> serviceIdentifiers;
+ };
+ A
dictionary could be created as in the following steps:
+ 1. Let |identifiers| be « 1, 3, 7 ».
+ 1. Return «[ "name" → "test", "serviceIdentifiers" → |identifiers| ]».
+Each [=dictionary member=] (matching
+DictionaryMember) is specified
+as a type (matching Type) followed by an
+(given by an identifier token following
+the type). The identifier is the key name of the key–value pair.
+If the Type
+is an [=identifier=]
+followed by ?, then the identifier
+must identify an
+[=interface=], [=enumeration=],
+[=callback function=], [=callback interface=] or [=typedef=].
+If the dictionary member type is an identifier
+not followed by ?, then the identifier must
+identify any one of those definitions or a [=dictionary=].
+If the type of the [=dictionary member=], after resolving typedefs,
+is a [=nullable type=],
+its [=nullable types/inner type=] must not be a [=dictionary type=].
+ dictionary identifier {
+ type identifier;
+ };
+If the identifier for an [=dictionary member/optional=] [=dictionary member=] is followed by a
+U+003D (=) and a value (matching DefaultValue), then that gives the dictionary member its default value, which
+is the value used by default when author code or specification text does not provide a value for
+that member.
+ dictionary identifier {
+ type identifier = "value";
+ };
+When a boolean literal token (true or false),
+the null token,
+an integer token, a
+decimal token,
+one of the three special floating point literal values (Infinity,
+-Infinity or NaN),
+a string token, the two
+token sequence [], or the two token sequence {} is
+used as the
+[=dictionary member/default value=],
+it is interpreted in the same way as for an [=operation=]'s
+[=optional argument/default value|optional argument default value=].
+If the type of the [=dictionary member=]
+is an [=enumeration=], then its
+[=dictionary member/default value=] if specified must
+be one of the [=enumeration's values=].
+If the type of the dictionary member is preceded by the
+required keyword, the member is considered a [=dictionary member/required=]
+[=dictionary member=].
+ dictionary identifier {
+ required type identifier;
+ };
+The type of a dictionary member must not include
+the dictionary it appears on. A type includes a dictionary |D|
+if at least one of the following is true:
+* the type is |D|
+* the type is a dictionary that [=dictionary/inherits=] from |D|
+* the type is a [=nullable type=]
+ whose [=nullable types/inner type=] includes |D|
+* the type is a [=sequence type=] or [=frozen array type|frozen array=]
+ whose element type includes |D|
+* the type is a [=union type=],
+ one of whose [=member types=]
+ includes |D|
+* the type is a dictionary, one of whose members or inherited members has
+ a type that includes |D|
+* the type is [=record=]<|K|, |V|>
where |V| includes |D|
+As with interfaces, the IDL for dictionaries can be split into multiple parts
+by using partial dictionary definitions
+(matching partial Dictionary).
+The [=identifier=] of a partial
+dictionary definition must be the same as the
+identifier of a dictionary definition. All of the members that appear on each
+of the partial dictionary definitions are considered to be members of
+the dictionary itself.
+ dictionary SomeDictionary {
+ /* dictionary_members... */
+ };
+ partial dictionary SomeDictionary {
+ /* dictionary_members... */
+ };
+Note: As with partial interface definitions, partial dictionary definitions are intended for use as a specification
+editorial aide, allowing the definition of an interface to be separated
+over more than one section of the document, and sometimes multiple documents.
+The order of the [=dictionary members=]
+on a given dictionary is such that inherited dictionary members are ordered
+before non-inherited members, and the dictionary members on the one
+dictionary definition (including any partial dictionary definitions) are
+ordered lexicographically by the Unicode codepoints that comprise their
+ For example, with the following definitions:
+ dictionary B : A {
+ long b;
+ long a;
+ };
+ dictionary A {
+ long c;
+ long g;
+ };
+ dictionary C : B {
+ long e;
+ long f;
+ };
+ partial dictionary A {
+ long h;
+ long d;
+ };
+ the order of the [=dictionary members=]
+ of a dictionary value of type
+ c, d, g, h, a, b, e, f.
+ Dictionaries need to have their members ordered because
+ in some language bindings the behavior observed when passing
+ a dictionary value to a platform object depends on the order
+ the dictionary members are fetched. For example, consider the
+ following additional interface:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Something {
+ undefined f(A a);
+ };
+ and this JavaScript code:
+ var something = getSomething(); // Get an instance of Something.
+ var x = 0;
+ var dict = { };
+ Object.defineProperty(dict, "d", { get: function() { return ++x; } });
+ Object.defineProperty(dict, "c", { get: function() { return ++x; } });
+ something.f(dict);
+ The order that the dictionary members are fetched in determines
+ what values they will be taken to have. Since the order for
is defined to be c then d,
+ the value for c will be 1 and the value for d will be 2.
+The identifier of a dictionary member must not be
+the same as that of another dictionary member defined on the dictionary or
+on that dictionary's [=inherited dictionaries=].
+No [=extended attributes=] are applicable to dictionaries.
+ Dictionary :
+ "dictionary" identifier Inheritance "{" DictionaryMembers "}" ";"
+ DictionaryMembers :
+ DictionaryMember DictionaryMembers
+ ε
+ DictionaryMember :
+ ExtendedAttributeList DictionaryMemberRest
+ DictionaryMemberRest :
+ "required" TypeWithExtendedAttributes identifier ";"
+ Type identifier Default ";"
+ PartialDictionary :
+ "dictionary" identifier "{" DictionaryMembers "}" ";"
+ Default :
+ "=" DefaultValue
+ ε
+ One use of dictionary types is to allow a number of
+ arguments to
+ an [=operation=] without being
+ constrained as to the order they are specified at the call site. For example,
+ consider the following [=IDL fragment=]:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Point {
+ constructor();
+ attribute double x;
+ attribute double y;
+ };
+ dictionary PaintOptions {
+ DOMString fillPattern = "black";
+ DOMString strokePattern;
+ Point position;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface GraphicsContext {
+ undefined drawRectangle(double width, double height, optional PaintOptions options);
+ };
+ In a JavaScript implementation of the IDL, an Object
+ can be passed in for the
+ // Get an instance of GraphicsContext.
+ var ctx = getGraphicsContext();
+ // Draw a rectangle.
+ ctx.drawRectangle(300, 200, { fillPattern: "red", position: new Point(10, 10) });
+ The members of
are [=dictionary member/optional=].
+ If
is omitted, the definition of
can assume that it has the given default values
+ and not include explicit wording to handle its omission.
needs to explicitly handle the case where
are omitted.
+An exception is a type of object that represents an error and
+which can be thrown or treated as a first class value by implementations. Web IDL has a number of
+pre-defined exceptions that specifications can reference and throw in their definition of
+operations, attributes, and so on. Custom exception types can also be defined, as [=interfaces=]
+that [=interface/inherit=] from {{DOMException}}.
+A simple exception is identified by one of the
+following types:
+* EvalError
+* RangeError
+* ReferenceError
+* TypeError
+* URIError
+These correspond to all of the JavaScript [=ECMAScript/error objects=] (apart from
+{{SyntaxError}} and {{Error}}, which are deliberately
+omitted as they are reserved for use by the JavaScript parser and by authors, respectively). The
+meaning of each [=simple exception=] matches its corresponding error object in the JavaScript
+The second kind of exception is a {{DOMException}}, which provides further
+programmatically-introspectable detail on the error that occurred by giving a [=DOMException/name=].
+Such [=DOMException/names=] are drawn from the DOMException
names table below.
+As {{DOMException}} is an [=interface type=], it can be used as a type in IDL. This
+allows for example an [=operation=] to be declared to have a {{DOMException}} [=return type=]. This
+is generally a bad pattern, however, as exceptions are meant to be thrown and not returned.
+The final kind of exception is a derived interface of {{DOMException}}. These are more complicated,
+and thus described in the dedicated section [[#idl-DOMException-derived-interfaces]].
+[=Simple exceptions=] can be
+created by providing their
+type name. A {{DOMException}} can be [=exception/created=] by providing its [=DOMException/name=]
+followed by {{DOMException}}. Exceptions can also be
+thrown, by providing the same details
+required to [=exception/create=] one. In both cases, the caller may provide additional information
+about what the exception indicates, which is useful when constructing the exception's message.
Here is are some examples of wording to use to create and throw exceptions.
+ To throw a new [=simple exception=] whose type is {{TypeError}}:
+ [=exception/Throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
To throw a new {{DOMException}} with [=DOMException/name=] "{{NotAllowedError}}":
+ [=exception/Throw=] a "{{NotAllowedError}}" {{DOMException}}.
To create a new {{DOMException}} with [=DOMException/name=] "{{SyntaxError}}":
+ Let object be a newly [=exception/created=] "{{SyntaxError}}"
+ {{DOMException}}.
To [=reject=] a promise with a new {{DOMException}} with [=DOMException/name=]
+ "{{OperationError}}":
+ [=Reject=] p with an "{{OperationError}}" {{DOMException}}.
An example of including additional information used to construct the exception message would
+ be:
+ [=exception/Throw=] a "{{SyntaxError}}" {{DOMException}} indicating that the given value
+ had disallowed trailing spaces.
Such additional context is most helpful to implementers when it is not immediately obvious
+ why the exception is being thrown, e.g., because there are many different steps in the algorithm
+ which throw a "{{SyntaxError}}" {{DOMException}}. In contrast, if your specification throws a
+ "{{NotAllowedError}}" {{DOMException}} immediately after checking if the user has provided
+ permission to use a given feature, it's fairly obvious what sort of message the implementation
+ ought to construct, and so specifying it is not necessary.
+The resulting behavior from creating and throwing an exception is language binding specific.
+See [[#js-creating-throwing-exceptions]] for details on what creating and throwing an
+exception entails in the JavaScript language binding.
Base {{DOMException}} error names
+The DOMException
names table below lists all the
+allowed [=DOMException/names=] for instances of the base {{DOMException}} interface, along with a
+description of what such names mean, and legacy numeric error code values.
+Interfaces [=interface/inheriting=] from {{DOMException}}, in the manner described
+in [[#idl-DOMException-derived-interfaces]], will have their own names, not listed in this table.
+When [=exception/creating=] or [=exception/throwing=] a {{DOMException}}, specifications must use
+one of these names. If a specification author believes none of these names are a good fit for their
+case, they must
+file an issue
+to discuss adding a new name to the shared namespace, so that the community can coordinate such
+efforts. Note that adding new use-case-specific names is only important if you believe web
+developers will discriminate multiple error conditions arising from a single API.
The {{DOMException}} names marked as deprecated are kept for legacy purposes, but
+their usage is discouraged.
+Note: Don't confuse the "{{SyntaxError!!exception}}" {{DOMException}} defined here
+with JavaScript's {{SyntaxError}}.
+"{{SyntaxError!!exception}}" {{DOMException}} is used to report parsing errors in web APIs,
+for example when parsing selectors,
+while the JavaScript {{SyntaxError}} is reserved for the JavaScript parser.
+To help disambiguate this further,
+always favor the "{{SyntaxError!!exception}}" {{DOMException}} notation
+over just using {{SyntaxError!!exception}} to refer to the {{DOMException}}. [[DOM]]
+ Name | Description | Legacy code name and value |
+ "IndexSizeError " |
+ Deprecated. Use {{RangeError}} instead. |
+ "HierarchyRequestError " |
+ The operation would yield an incorrect [=node tree=]. [[DOM]] |
+ "WrongDocumentError " |
+ The object is in the wrong [=document=]. [[DOM]] |
+ "InvalidCharacterError " |
+ The string contains invalid characters. |
+ "NoModificationAllowedError " |
+ The object can not be modified. |
+ "NotFoundError " |
+ The object can not be found here. |
+ "NotSupportedError " |
+ The operation is not supported. |
+ "InUseAttributeError " |
+ The attribute is in use by another [=/element=]. [[DOM]] |
+ "InvalidStateError " |
+ The object is in an invalid state. |
+ "SyntaxError " |
+ The string did not match the expected pattern. |
+ SYNTAX_ERR (12) |
+ "InvalidModificationError " |
+ The object can not be modified in this way. |
+ "NamespaceError " |
+ The operation is not allowed by Namespaces in XML. [[XML-NAMES]] |
+ "InvalidAccessError " |
+ Deprecated.
+ Use {{TypeError}} for invalid arguments,
+ "{{NotSupportedError!!exception}}" {{DOMException}} for unsupported operations, and
+ "{{NotAllowedError!!exception}}" {{DOMException}} for denied requests instead.
+ |
+ "TypeMismatchError " |
+ Deprecated. Use {{TypeError}} instead. |
+ "SecurityError " |
+ The operation is insecure. |
+ "NetworkError " |
+ A network error occurred. |
+ NETWORK_ERR (19) |
+ "AbortError " |
+ The operation was aborted. |
+ ABORT_ERR (20) |
+ "URLMismatchError " |
+ Deprecated. |
+ "QuotaExceededError " |
+ The quota has been exceeded. |
+ "TimeoutError " |
+ The operation timed out. |
+ TIMEOUT_ERR (23) |
+ "InvalidNodeTypeError " |
+ The supplied [=node=] is incorrect or has an incorrect ancestor for this operation. [[DOM]] |
+ "DataCloneError " |
+ The object can not be cloned. |
+ "EncodingError " |
+ The encoding operation (either encoded or decoding) failed. |
+ — |
+ "NotReadableError " |
+ The I/O read operation failed. |
+ — |
+ "UnknownError " |
+ The operation failed for an unknown transient reason (e.g. out of memory). |
+ — |
+ "ConstraintError " |
+ A mutation operation in a transaction failed because a constraint was not satisfied. [[INDEXEDDB]] |
+ — |
+ "DataError " |
+ Provided data is inadequate. |
+ — |
+ "TransactionInactiveError " |
+ A request was placed against a transaction which is currently not active, or which is finished. [[INDEXEDDB]] |
+ — |
+ "ReadOnlyError " |
+ The mutating operation was attempted in a "readonly" transaction. [[INDEXEDDB]] |
+ — |
+ "VersionError " |
+ An attempt was made to open a database using a lower version than the existing version. [[INDEXEDDB]] |
+ — |
+ "OperationError " |
+ The operation failed for an operation-specific reason. |
+ — |
+ "NotAllowedError " |
+ The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission. |
+ — |
+ "OptOutError " |
+ The user opted out of the process. |
+ — |
+{{DOMException}} derived interfaces
+When an exception needs to carry additional programmatically-introspectable information, beyond what
+can be provided with a {{DOMException}}'s [=DOMException/name=], specification authors can create an
+[=interface=] which [=interface/inherits=] from {{DOMException}}. Such interfaces need to follow
+certain rules, in order to have a predictable shape for developers. Specifically:
+* The [=identifier=] of the [=interface=] must end with Error
, and must not be any
+ of the names in the DOMException
names table.
+* The [=interface=] must have a [=constructor operation=] which sets the instance's
+ [=DOMException/name=] to the interface's [=identifier=].
+* Their [=constructor operation=] must take as its first parameter an [=optional argument|optional=]
+ {{DOMString}} named |message| defaulting to the empty string, and must set the instance's
+ [=DOMException/message=] to |message|.
+* Their [=constructor operation=] should take as its second parameter a [=dictionary=] containing
+ the additional information that needs to be exposed.
+* They should have [=read only=] [=attributes=], whose names are the same as the members of the
+ constructor dictionary, which return the values accepted by the constructor operation.
+* They should be [=serializable objects=], whose [=serialization steps=] and
+ [=deserialization steps=] preserve the additional information.
+These requirements mean that the inherited {{DOMException/code}} property of these
+interfaces will always return 0.
+ The definition for a {{DOMException}} derived interface which carries along an additional
+ "protocol error code", which is derived from what the server sent over some some hypothetical
+ network protocol "protocol X", could look something like this:
+ [Exposed=Window, Serializable]
+ interface ProtocolXError : DOMException {
+ constructor(optional DOMString message = "", ProtocolXErrorOptions options);
+ readonly attribute unsigned long long errorCode;
+ };
+ dictionary ProtocolXErrorOptions {
+ required [EnforceRange] unsigned long long errorCode;
+ };
+ Every
instance has an
error code,
+ a number.
+ The new ProtocolXError(|message|, |options|)
constructor steps are:
+ 1. Set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/name=] to "ProtocolXError
+ 1. Set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/message=] to |message|.
+ 1. Set [=this=]'s [=ProtocolXError/error code=] to |options|["errorCode
+ The errorCode
getter steps are to return [=this=]'s
+ [=ProtocolXError/error code=].
objects are [=serializable objects=].
+ Their [=serialization steps=], given |value| and |serialized|, are:
+ 1. Run the {{DOMException}} [=serialization steps=] given |value| and |serialized|.
+ 1. Set |serialized|.\[[ErrorCode]] to |value|'s [=ProtocolXError/error code=].
+ Their [=deserialization steps=], given |serialized| and |value|, are:
+ 1. Run the {{DOMException}} [=deserialization steps=] given |serialized| and |value|.
+ 1. Set |value|'s [=ProtocolXError/error code=] to |serialized|.\[[ErrorCode]].
+To [=exception/create=] or [=exception/throw=] a {{DOMException}} derived interface, supply its
+[=interface=] [=identifier=] as well as the additional information needed to construct it.
To throw an instance of the ProtocolXError
+ above:
+ [=exception/Throw=] a ProtocolXError
whose [=ProtocolXError/error code=]
+ is 42.
+An enumeration is a definition (matching
+Enum) used to declare a type
+whose valid values are a set of predefined strings. Enumerations
+can be used to restrict the possible
+{{DOMString}} values that can be assigned to an
+[=attribute=] or passed to an
+enum identifier { "enum", "values" /* , ... */ };
+The enumeration values are specified
+as a comma-separated list of string literals.
+The list of [=enumeration values=]
+must not include duplicates.
+ It is strongly suggested that enumeration values be all lowercase,
+ and that multiple words be separated using dashes or not be
+ separated at all, unless there is a specific reason to use another
+ value naming scheme. For example, an enumeration value that
+ indicates an object should be created could be named
+ "createobject
" or "create-object
+ Consider related uses of enumeration values when deciding whether
+ to dash-separate or not separate enumeration value words so that
+ similar APIs are consistent.
+The behavior when a string value that is not a valid enumeration value
+is used when assigning to an [=attribute=],
+or passed as an [=operation=] argument,
+whose type is the enumeration, is language binding specific.
+Note: In the JavaScript binding, assignment of an invalid string value to an
+[=attribute=] is ignored, while
+passing such a value in other contexts (for example as an [=operation=] argument)
+results in an exception being thrown.
+No [=extended attributes=]
+defined in this specification are applicable to [=enumerations=].
+ Enum :
+ "enum" identifier "{" EnumValueList "}" ";"
+ EnumValueList :
+ string EnumValueListComma
+ EnumValueListComma :
+ "," EnumValueListString
+ ε
+ EnumValueListString :
+ string EnumValueListComma
+ ε
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ defines an [=enumeration=]
+ that is used as the type of an [=attribute=]
+ and an [=operation=] argument:
+ enum MealType { "rice", "noodles", "other" };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Meal {
+ attribute MealType type;
+ attribute double size; // in grams
+ undefined initialize(MealType type, double size);
+ };
+ A JavaScript implementation would restrict the strings that can be
+ assigned to the type property or passed to the initializeMeal function
+ to those identified in the [=enumeration=].
+ var meal = getMeal(); // Get an instance of Meal.
+ meal.initialize("rice", 200); // Operation invoked as normal.
+ try {
+ meal.initialize("sandwich", 100); // Throws a TypeError.
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ meal.type = "noodles"; // Attribute assigned as normal.
+ meal.type = "dumplings"; // Attribute assignment ignored.
+ meal.type == "noodles"; // Evaluates to true.
+Callback functions
+ The “Custom DOM Elements” spec wants to use callback function types for
+ platform object provided functions. Should we rename “callback functions” to
+ just “functions” to make it clear that they can be used for both purposes?
+A callback function is a definition (matching
+callback CallbackRest) used to declare a function type.
+callback identifier = return_type (/* arguments... */);
+Note: See also the similarly named [=callback interfaces=].
+The [=identifier=] on the
+left of the equals sign gives the name of the [=callback function=]
+and the return type and argument list (matching Type
+and ArgumentList) on the right side of the equals
+sign gives the signature of the callback function type.
+[=Callback functions=] must not
+be used as the type of a [=constant=].
+The following extended attribute is applicable to callback functions:
+ CallbackRest :
+ identifier "=" Type "(" ArgumentList ")" ";"
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines
+ a [=callback function=] used for an API that
+ invokes a user-defined function when an operation is complete.
+ callback AsyncOperationCallback = undefined (DOMString status);
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface AsyncOperations {
+ undefined performOperation(AsyncOperationCallback whenFinished);
+ };
+ In the JavaScript language binding, a [=function object=] is
+ passed as the operation argument.
+ var ops = getAsyncOperations(); // Get an instance of AsyncOperations.
+ ops.performOperation(function(status) {
+ window.alert("Operation finished, status is " + status + ".");
+ });
+A typedef is a definition (matching
+used to declare a new name for a type. This new name is not exposed
+by language bindings; it is purely used as a shorthand for referencing
+the type in the IDL.
+typedef type identifier;
+The type being given a new name is specified after the typedef
+keyword (matching TypeWithExtendedAttributes), and the
+identifier token following the
+type gives the name.
+The Type must not
+be the identifier of the same or another [=typedef=].
+No [=extended attributes=]
+defined in this specification are applicable to [=typedefs=].
+ Typedef :
+ "typedef" TypeWithExtendedAttributes identifier ";"
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ demonstrates the use of [=typedefs=]
+ to allow the use of a short
+ [=identifier=] instead of a long
+ [=sequence type=].
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Point {
+ attribute double x;
+ attribute double y;
+ };
+ typedef sequence<Point> Points;
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Widget {
+ boolean pointWithinBounds(Point p);
+ boolean allPointsWithinBounds(Points ps);
+ };
+Objects implementing interfaces
+In a given implementation of a set of [=IDL fragments=],
+an object can be described as being a [=platform object=].
+Platform objects are objects
+that implement an [=interface=].
+Legacy platform objects are
+[=platform objects=] that implement an [=interface=] which
+does not have a [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=], and which
+[=support indexed properties|supports indexed properties=],
+[=support named properties|named properties=], or both.
+In a browser, for example,
+the browser-implemented DOM objects (implementing interfaces such as Node
) that provide access to a web page's contents
+to JavaScript running in the page would be [=platform objects=]. These objects might be exotic objects,
+implemented in a language like C++, or they might be native JavaScript objects. Regardless,
+an implementation of a given set of IDL fragments needs to be able to recognize all [=platform objects=]
+that are created by the implementation. This might be done by having some internal state that records whether
+a given object is indeed a platform object for that implementation, or perhaps by observing
+that the object is implemented by a given internal C++ class. How exactly platform objects
+are recognized by a given implementation of a set of IDL fragments is implementation specific.
+All other objects in the system would not be treated as platform objects. For example, assume that
+a web page opened in a browser loads a JavaScript library that implements DOM Core. This library
+would be considered to be a different implementation from the browser provided implementation.
+The objects created by the JavaScript library that implement the Node
+will not be treated as platform objects that implement Node
by the browser implementation.
+[=Callback interfaces=], on the other hand, can be implemented by any JavaScript object. This
+allows Web APIs to invoke author-defined operations. For example, the DOM Events implementation
+allows authors to register callbacks by providing objects that implement the
+{{EventListener}} interface.
+This section lists the types supported by Web IDL,
+the set of values or [[Infra|Infra]] type
+corresponding to each type, and how [=constants=]
+of that type are represented.
+The following types are known as integer types:
+{{unsigned short}},
+{{unsigned long}},
+{{long long}} and
+{{unsigned long long}}.
+The following types are known as numeric types:
+the [=integer types=],
+{{unrestricted float}},
+{{double}} and
+{{unrestricted double}}.
+The primitive types are
+{{bigint}}, {{boolean}} and the [=numeric types=].
+The string types are
+{{DOMString}}, all [=enumeration types=],
+{{ByteString}} and {{USVString}}.
+The buffer types are {{ArrayBuffer}} and {{SharedArrayBuffer}}.
+The typed array types are
+{{Float32Array}}, and
+The buffer view types are {{DataView}} and the [=typed array types=].
+The buffer source types are the [=buffer types=] and the [=buffer view types=].
+The {{object}} type,
+all [=interface types=], and
+all [=callback interface types=]
+are known as object types.
+ When conversions are made from language binding specific types to
+ IDL types in order to invoke an [=operation=]
+ or assign a value to an [=attribute=],
+ all conversions necessary will be performed before the
+ specified functionality of the operation or attribute assignment
+ is carried out. If the conversion cannot
+ be performed, then the operation will not run or
+ the attribute will not be updated. In some language bindings,
+ type conversions could result in an exception being thrown.
+ In such cases, these exceptions will be propagated to the
+ code that made the attempt to invoke the operation or
+ assign to the attribute.
+ Type :
+ SingleType
+ UnionType Null
+ TypeWithExtendedAttributes :
+ ExtendedAttributeList Type
+ SingleType :
+ DistinguishableType
+ "any"
+ PromiseType
+ UnionType :
+ "(" UnionMemberType "or" UnionMemberType UnionMemberTypes ")"
+ UnionMemberType :
+ ExtendedAttributeList DistinguishableType
+ UnionType Null
+ UnionMemberTypes :
+ "or" UnionMemberType UnionMemberTypes
+ ε
+ DistinguishableType :
+ PrimitiveType Null
+ StringType Null
+ identifier Null
+ "sequence" "<" TypeWithExtendedAttributes ">" Null
+ "object" Null
+ "symbol" Null
+ BufferRelatedType Null
+ "FrozenArray" "<" TypeWithExtendedAttributes ">" Null
+ "ObservableArray" "<" TypeWithExtendedAttributes ">" Null
+ RecordType Null
+ "undefined" Null
+ PrimitiveType :
+ UnsignedIntegerType
+ UnrestrictedFloatType
+ "boolean"
+ "byte"
+ "octet"
+ "bigint"
+ UnrestrictedFloatType :
+ "unrestricted" FloatType
+ FloatType
+ FloatType :
+ "float"
+ "double"
+ UnsignedIntegerType :
+ "unsigned" IntegerType
+ IntegerType
+ IntegerType :
+ "short"
+ "long" OptionalLong
+ OptionalLong :
+ "long"
+ ε
+ StringType :
+ "ByteString"
+ "DOMString"
+ "USVString"
+ PromiseType :
+ "Promise" "<" Type ">"
+ RecordType :
+ "record" "<" StringType "," TypeWithExtendedAttributes ">"
+ Null :
+ "?"
+ ε
+The {{any}} type is the union of all other possible
+non-[=union type|union=] types.
+The {{any}} type is like
+a discriminated union type, in that each of its values has a
+specific non-{{any}} type
+associated with it. For example, one value of the
+{{any}} type is the
+{{unsigned long}}
+150, while another is the {{long}} 150.
+These are distinct values.
+The particular type of an {{any}}
+value is known as its specific type.
+(Values of [=union types=] also have
+[=specific types=].)
+The {{undefined}} type has a unique value.
+{{undefined}} constant values in IDL
+are represented with the undefined token.
+{{undefined}} must not be used as the type of an argument in any circumstance
+(in an [=operation=], [=callback function=], [=constructor operation=], etc),
+or as the type of a [=dictionary member=],
+whether directly or in a union.
+Instead, use an [=optional argument=]
+or a non-[=dictionary member/required=] [=dictionary member=].
+Note: This value was previously spelled void
+and more limited in how it was allowed to be used.
+The {{boolean}} type has two values:
and false
+{{boolean}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with the true and
+false tokens.
+The {{byte}} type is a signed integer
+type that has values in the range [−128, 127].
+{{byte}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with integer
+The {{octet}} type is an unsigned integer
+type that has values in the range [0, 255].
+{{octet}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with integer
+The {{short}} type is a signed integer
+type that has values in the range [−32768, 32767].
+{{short}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with integer
+unsigned short
+The {{unsigned short}} type is an unsigned integer
+type that has values in the range [0, 65535].
+{{unsigned short}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with integer
+The {{long}} type is a signed integer
+type that has values in the range [−2147483648, 2147483647].
+{{long}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with integer
+unsigned long
+The {{unsigned long}} type is an unsigned integer
+type that has values in the range [0, 4294967295].
+{{unsigned long}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with integer
+long long
+The {{long long}} type is a signed integer
+type that has values in the range [−9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807].
+{{long long}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with integer
+unsigned long long
+The {{unsigned long long}} type is an unsigned integer
+type that has values in the range [0, 18446744073709551615].
+{{unsigned long long}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with integer
+The {{float}} type is a floating point numeric
+type that corresponds to the set of finite single-precision 32-bit
+IEEE 754 floating point numbers. [[!IEEE-754]]
+{{float}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with decimal
+ Unless there are specific reasons to use a 32-bit floating point type,
+ specifications should use
+ {{double}} rather than {{float}},
+ since the set of values that a {{double}} can
+ represent more closely matches a JavaScript Number.
+unrestricted float
+The {{unrestricted float}} type is a floating point numeric
+type that corresponds to the set of all possible single-precision 32-bit
+IEEE 754 floating point numbers, finite, non-finite, and special "not a number" values (NaNs). [[!IEEE-754]]
+{{unrestricted float}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with decimal
+The {{double}} type is a floating point numeric
+type that corresponds to the set of finite double-precision 64-bit
+IEEE 754 floating point numbers. [[!IEEE-754]]
+{{double}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with decimal
+unrestricted double
+The {{unrestricted double}} type is a floating point numeric
+type that corresponds to the set of all possible double-precision 64-bit
+IEEE 754 floating point numbers, finite, non-finite, and special "not a number" values (NaNs). [[!IEEE-754]]
+{{unrestricted double}} constant values in IDL are
+represented with decimal
+The {{bigint}} type is an arbitrary integer type, unrestricted in range.
+{{bigint}} constant values in IDL are represented with
+integer tokens.
+The {{DOMString}} type corresponds to [=strings=].
+Note: null is not a value of type {{DOMString}}. To allow
+null, a [=nullable type|nullable=] {{DOMString}}, written as
in IDL, needs to be used.
+Note: A {{DOMString}} value might include unmatched [=surrogate=] [=code points=]. Use {{USVString}}
+if this is not desirable.
+There is no way to represent a constant {{DOMString}}
+value in IDL, although {{DOMString}} [=dictionary member=] [=dictionary member/default values=]
+and [=optional argument|operation optional argument=] [=optional argument/default values=]
+can be set to [=value of string literal tokens|the value=] of a
+string literal.
+The {{ByteString}} type corresponds to [=byte sequences=].
+There is no way to represent a constant {{ByteString}}
+value in IDL, although {{ByteString}} [=dictionary member=] [=dictionary member/default values=]
+and [=optional argument|operation optional argument=] [=optional argument/default values=]
+can be set to [=value of string literal tokens|the value=] of a
+string literal.
+ Specifications should only use
+ {{ByteString}} for interfacing with protocols
+ that use bytes and strings interchangeably, such as HTTP. In general,
+ strings should be represented with
+ {{DOMString}} values, even if it is expected
+ that values of the string will always be in ASCII or some
+ 8-bit character encoding. [=sequence types|Sequences=] or
+ [=frozen array type|frozen arrays=] with {{octet}} or {{byte}}
+ elements, {{Uint8Array}}, or {{Int8Array}} should be used for holding
+ 8-bit data rather than {{ByteString}}.
+The {{USVString}} type
+corresponds to [=scalar value strings=].
+Depending on the context,
+these can be treated as sequences of either 16-bit unsigned integer [=code units=]
+or [=scalar values=].
+There is no way to represent a constant {{USVString}}
+value in IDL, although {{USVString}} [=dictionary member=] [=dictionary member/default values=]
+and [=optional argument|operation optional argument=] [=optional argument/default values=]
+can be set to [=value of string literal tokens|the value=] of a
+string literal.
+ Specifications should only use
+ {{USVString}} for APIs that perform
+ text processing and need a string of
+ [=scalar values=] to operate on. Most APIs that use strings
+ should instead be using {{DOMString}},
+ which does not make any interpretations of the [=code units=]
+ in the string. When in doubt, use {{DOMString}}.
+The {{object}} type corresponds to the set of
+all possible non-null object references.
+There is no way to represent a constant {{object}}
+value in IDL.
+To denote a type that includes all possible object references plus the
+null value, use the [=nullable type=]
+The {{symbol}} type corresponds to the set of all possible symbol values. Symbol values are opaque,
+non-{{object}} values which nevertheless have identity (i.e., are only equal to themselves).
+There is no way to represent a constant {{symbol}} value in IDL.
+Interface types
+An [=identifier=] that
+identifies an [=interface=] is used to refer to
+a type that corresponds to the set of all possible non-null references to objects that
+implement that interface.
+An IDL value of the interface type is represented just
+by an object reference.
+There is no way to represent a constant object reference value for
+a particular interface type in IDL.
+To denote a type that includes all possible references to objects implementing
+the given interface plus the null value,
+use a [=nullable type=].
+Callback interface types
+An [=identifier=] that identifies a [=callback interface=] is used to refer to a type that
+corresponds to the set of all possible non-null references to objects.
+An IDL value of the interface type is represented by a tuple of an object reference and a
+callback context.
+The [=callback context=] is a language binding specific value, and is used to store information
+about the execution context at the time the language binding specific object reference is
+converted to an IDL value.
+Note: For JavaScript objects, the [=callback context=] is used to hold a reference to the
+incumbent settings object at the time the Object value is converted to an IDL
+callback interface type value. See [[#js-callback-interface]].
+There is no way to represent a constant object reference value for a particular
+[=callback interface type=] in IDL.
+To denote a type that includes all possible references to objects plus the null
+value, use a [=nullable type=].
+Dictionary types
+An [=identifier=] that
+identifies a [=dictionary=] is used to refer to
+a type that corresponds to the set of all dictionaries that adhere to
+the dictionary definition.
+The literal syntax for [=ordered maps=] may also be used to represent dictionaries, when it is
+implicitly understood from context that the map is being treated as an instance of a specific
+dictionary type. However, there is no way to represent a constant dictionary value inside IDL
+Enumeration types
+An [=identifier=] that
+identifies an [=enumeration=] is used to
+refer to a type whose values are the set of strings (sequences of
+[=code units=], as with
+{{DOMString}}) that are the
+[=enumeration's values=].
+Like {{DOMString}}, there is no way to represent a constant [=enumeration=]
+value in IDL, although enumeration-typed [=dictionary member=] [=dictionary member/default values=]
+and [=optional argument|operation optional argument=] [=optional argument/default values=]
+can be set to [=value of string literal tokens|the value=] of a
+string literal.
+Callback function types
+An [=identifier=] that identifies
+a [=callback function=] is used to refer to
+a type whose values are references to objects that are functions with the given signature.
+Note: If the [{{LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull}}] [=extended attribute=] is specified on the [=definition=] of
+the [=callback function=], the values can be references to objects that are not functions.
+An IDL value of the callback function type is represented by a tuple of an object
+reference and a [=callback context=].
+Note: As with [=callback interface types=], the [=callback context=] is used to hold a
+reference to the incumbent settings object at
+the time a JavaScript Object value is converted to an IDL
+callback function type value. See [[#js-callback-function]].
+There is no way to represent a constant [=callback function=]
+value in IDL.
+Nullable types — |T|?
+A nullable type is an IDL type constructed
+from an existing type (called the inner type),
+which just allows the additional value null
+to be a member of its set of values. [=Nullable types=]
+are represented in IDL by placing a U+003F (?)
+character after an existing type.
+The [=nullable types/inner type=] must not be:
+* {{any}},
+* a [=promise type=],
+* an [=observable array type=],
+* another nullable type, or
+* a [=union type=] that itself [=includes a nullable type=]
+ or has a dictionary type as one of its [=flattened member types=].
+Note: Although dictionary types can in general be nullable,
+they cannot when used as the type of an operation argument or a dictionary member.
+Nullable type constant values in IDL are represented in the same way that
+constant values of their [=nullable types/inner type=]
+would be represented, or with the null token.
+ For example, a type that allows the values
false and
+ is written as
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface NetworkFetcher {
+ undefined get(optional boolean? areWeThereYet = false);
+ };
+ The following [=interface=] has two
+ [=attributes=]: one whose value can
+ be a {{DOMString}} or the
+ value, and another whose value can be a reference to a
+ object or the
null value:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Node {
+ readonly attribute DOMString? namespaceURI;
+ readonly attribute Node? parentNode;
+ // ...
+ };
+Sequence types — sequence<|T|>
+The sequence<|T|>
+type is a parameterized type whose values are (possibly zero-length) [=lists=] of
+values of type |T|.
+Sequences are always passed by value. In
+language bindings where a sequence is represented by an object of
+some kind, passing a sequence to a [=platform object=]
+will not result in a reference to the sequence being kept by that object.
+Similarly, any sequence returned from a platform object
+will be a copy and modifications made to it will not be visible to the platform object.
+The literal syntax for [=lists=] may also be used to represent sequences, when it is implicitly
+understood from context that the list is being treated as a sequences. However, there is no way to
+represent a constant sequence value inside IDL fragments.
+Sequences must not be used as the
+type of an [=attribute=] or
+Note: This restriction exists so that it is clear to specification writers
+and API users that [=sequence types|sequences=]
+are copied rather than having references
+to them passed around. Instead of a writable [=attribute=] of a sequence
+type, it is suggested that a pair of [=operations=] to get and set the
+sequence is used.
+Any [=list=] can be implicitly treated as a sequence<|T|>
, as long as it contains
+only [=list/items=] that are of type |T|.
+Record types — record<|K|, |V|>
+A record type is a parameterized type whose values are [=ordered maps=] with
+[=map/keys=] that are instances of |K| and [=map/values=] that are instances of |V|. |K| must be one
+of {{DOMString}}, {{USVString}}, or {{ByteString}}.
+The literal syntax for [=ordered maps=] may also be used to represent records, when it is implicitly
+understood from context that the map is being treated as a record. However, there is no way to
+represent a constant record value inside IDL fragments.
+Records are always passed by value. In language bindings where a record
+is represented by an object of some kind, passing a record
+to a [=platform object=] will not result in a reference to the record
+being kept by that object. Similarly, any record returned from a
+platform object will be a copy and modifications made to it will not be visible
+to the platform object.
+Records must not be used as the type of an [=attribute=] or
+Any [=ordered map=] can be implicitly treated as a record<|K|, |V|>
, as long as
+it contains only [=map/entries=] whose [=map/keys=] are all of of type |K| and whose [=map/values=]
+are all of type |V|.
+Promise types — Promise<|T|>
+A promise type is a parameterized type
+whose values are references to objects that “is used as a place holder
+for the eventual results of a deferred (and possibly asynchronous) computation
+result of an asynchronous operation”.
+See section 25.4
+of the JavaScript specification for details on the semantics of promise objects.
+Promise types are non-nullable, but |T| may be nullable.
+There is no way to represent a promise value in IDL.
+Union types
+A union type is a type whose set of values
+is the union of those in two or more other types. Union types (matching
+are written as a series of types separated by the or keyword
+with a set of surrounding parentheses.
+The types which comprise the union type are known as the
+union's member types.
+ For example, you might write (Node or DOMString)
+ or (double or sequence<double>)
. When applying a
+ ? suffix to a
+ [=union type=]
+ as a whole, it is placed after the closing parenthesis,
+ as in (Node or DOMString)?
+ Note that the [=member types=]
+ of a union type do not descend into nested union types. So for
+ (double or (sequence<long> or Event) or (Node or DOMString)?)
the member types
+ are double
, (sequence<long> or Event)
+ (Node or DOMString)?
+Like the {{any}} type, values of
+union types have a [=specific type=],
+which is the particular [=member type=]
+that matches the value.
+ The flattened member types
+ of a [=union type=], possibly [=annotated type|annotated=], is a set of types determined as
+ follows:
+ 1. Let |T| be the [=union type=].
+ 1. Initialize |S| to ∅.
+ 1. For each [=member type=] |U| of |T|:
+ 1. If |U| is an [=annotated type=], then
+ set |U| to be the [=annotated types/inner type=] of |U|.
+ 1. If |U| is a [=nullable type=], then
+ set |U| to be the [=nullable types/inner type=] of |U|.
+ 1. If |U| is a [=union type=], then
+ add to |S| the [=flattened member types=]
+ of |U|.
+ 1. Otherwise, |U| is not a [=union type=].
+ Add |U| to |S|.
+ 1. Return |S|.
+Note: For example, the [=flattened member types=]
+of the [=union type=]
+(Node or (sequence<long> or Event) or (XMLHttpRequest or DOMString)? or sequence<(sequence<double> or NodeList)>)
+are the six types Node
, sequence<long>
, Event
, DOMString
+sequence<(sequence<double> or NodeList)>
+ The number of nullable member types
+ of a [=union type=] is an integer
+ determined as follows:
+ 1. Let |T| be the [=union type=].
+ 1. Initialize |n| to 0.
+ 1. For each [=member type=] |U| of |T|:
+ 1. If |U| is a [=nullable type=], then:
+ 1. Set |n| to |n| + 1.
+ 1. Set |U| to be the [=nullable types/inner type=] of |U|.
+ 1. If |U| is a [=union type=], then:
+ 1. Let |m| be the [=number of nullable member types=] of |U|.
+ 1. Set |n| to |n| + |m|.
+ 1. Return |n|.
+The {{any}} type must not
+be used as a [=member types|union member type=].
+The [=number of nullable member types=]
+of a [=union type=] must
+be 0 or 1, and if it is 1 then the union type must also not have
+a [=dictionary type=] in its [=flattened member types=].
+A type includes a nullable type if:
+* the type is a [=nullable type=], or
+* the type is an [=annotated type=] and its [=annotated types/inner type=] is a nullable type, or
+* the type is a [=union type=] and its
+ [=number of nullable member types=] is 1.
+Each pair of [=flattened member types=]
+in a [=union type=], T and U,
+must be [=distinguishable=].
+It is possible to create a union of {{bigint}} and a [=numeric type=].
+However, this is generally only supposed to be used for interfaces such as
+[[ECMA-402#numberformat-objects|NumberFormat]], which formats the values rather than using them in
+It would not be appropriate to accept such a union, only to then convert values of the
+[=numeric type=] to a {{bigint}} for further processing, as this runs the risk of introducing
+precision errors.
+file an issue
+before using this feature.
+A type includes undefined if:
+* the type is {{undefined}}, or
+* the type is a [=nullable type=] and its [=nullable types/inner type=] [=includes undefined=], or
+* the type is an [=annotated type=] and its [=annotated types/inner type=] [=includes undefined=], or
+* the type is a [=union type=] and one of its [=member types=] [=includes undefined=].
+[=Union type=] constant values
+in IDL are represented in the same way that constant values of their
+[=member types=] would be
+Annotated types
+Additional types can be created from existing ones by specifying certain [=extended attributes=] on
+the existing types. Such types are called annotated types, and the types they
+annotate are called inner types.
+ [Clamp] long
defines a new [=annotated type=], whose behavior is based on that of
+ the [=annotated types/inner type=] {{long}}, but modified as specified by the [{{Clamp}}]
+ extended attribute.
+The following extended attributes are applicable to types:
+[{{EnforceRange}}], and
+ The
extended attributes associated with
+ an IDL type |type| are determined as follows:
+ 1. Let |extended attributes| be a new empty [=ordered set|set=].
+ 1. If |type| appears as part of a
+ production, [=set/append=] each of the [=extended attributes=] present in the production's
ExtendedAttributeList to
+ |extended attributes|.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface I {
+ attribute [XAttr] long attrib;
+ undefined f1(sequence<[XAttr] long> arg);
+ undefined f2(optional [XAttr] long arg);
+ maplike<[XAttr2] DOMString, [XAttr3] long>;
+ };
+ dictionary D {
+ required [XAttr] long member;
+ };
+ 1. If |type| is a [=member type=] of a [=union type=] |U|, [=set/append=] each of the
+ [=extended attributes associated with=] |U| to |extended attributes|.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface I {
+ attribute [XAttr] (long or Node) attrib;
+ };
+ 1. If |type| appears as part of a
Type production
+ directly within an
Argument production,
+ [=set/append=] to |extended attributes| all of the [=extended attributes=] present in the
+ production's
ExtendedAttributeList that are
+ [=applicable to types=].
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface I {
+ undefined f([XAttr] long attrib);
+ };
+ Note that this is an example of this step only if [
] is
+ [=applicable to types=]; otherwise [
] applies to the argument, and not
+ the argument's type.
+ 1. If |type| appears as part of a
Type production
+ directly within a
+ production, [=set/append=] to |extended attributes| all of the [=extended attributes=]
+ present in the production's
ExtendedAttributeList that are
+ [=applicable to types=].
+ dictionary D {
+ [XAttr] long member;
+ };
+ Note that this is an example of this step only if [
] is
+ [=applicable to types=]; otherwise [
] applies to the dictionary
+ member, and not the member's type.
+ 1. If |type| is a [=typedef=], [=set/append=] the [=extended attributes associated with=] the
+ [=type being given a new name=] to |extended attributes|.
+ typedef [XAttr] long xlong;
+ 1. Return |extended attributes|.
+For any type, the [=extended attributes associated with=] it must only contain
+[=extended attributes=] that are [=applicable to types=].
+Buffer source types
+There are a number of types that correspond to sets of all possible non-null
+references to objects that represent a buffer of data or a view on to a buffer of
+data. The table below lists these types and the kind of buffer or view they represent.
+ Type
+ | Kind of buffer
+ |
+ ArrayBuffer
+ | An object that holds a pointer (which can be null) to a buffer of a fixed number of bytes
+ |
+ SharedArrayBuffer
+ | An object that holds a pointer (which cannot be null) to a shared buffer of a fixed number of bytes
+ |
+ DataView
+ | A view on to a [=buffer type=] instance that allows typed access to integers and floating point values stored at arbitrary offsets into the buffer
+ |
+ Int8Array
+ | A view on to a [=buffer type=] instance that exposes it as an array of two's complement signed integers of the given size in bits
+ |
+ Int16Array
+ |
+ Int32Array
+ |
+ BigInt64Array
+ |
+ Uint8Array
+ | A view on to a [=buffer type=] instance that exposes it as an array of unsigned integers of the given size in bits
+ |
+ Uint16Array
+ |
+ Uint32Array
+ |
+ BigUint64Array
+ |
+ Uint8ClampedArray
+ | A view on to a [=buffer type=] instance that exposes it as an array of unsigned 8-bit integers with clamped conversions
+ |
+ Float32Array
+ | A view on to a [=buffer type=] instance that exposes it as an array of IEEE 754 floating point numbers of the given size in bits
+ |
+ Float64Array
+ |
+Note: These types all correspond to classes defined in JavaScript.
+There is no way to represent a constant value of any of these types in IDL.
+At the specification prose level, IDL [=buffer source types=] are simply references to objects. To
+inspect or manipulate the bytes inside the buffer, specification prose needs to use the algorithms
+in [[#js-buffer-source-types]].
+ BufferRelatedType :
+ "ArrayBuffer"
+ "SharedArrayBuffer"
+ "DataView"
+ "Int8Array"
+ "Int16Array"
+ "Int32Array"
+ "Uint8Array"
+ "Uint16Array"
+ "Uint32Array"
+ "Uint8ClampedArray"
+ "BigInt64Array"
+ "BigUint64Array"
+ "Float32Array"
+ "Float64Array"
+Frozen array types — FrozenArray<|T|>
+A frozen array type is a parameterized
+type whose values are references to objects that hold a fixed length array
+of unmodifiable values. The values in the array are of type |T|.
+Since FrozenArray<|T|> values
+are references, they are unlike [=sequence types=],
+which are lists of values that are passed by value.
+There is no way to represent a constant frozen array value in IDL.
+Observable array types — ObservableArray<|T|>
+An observable array type is a parameterized type
+whose values are references to a combination of a mutable list of objects of type |T|, as well as
+behavior to perform when author code modifies the contents of the list.
+The parameterized type |T| must not be a [=dictionary type=], [=sequence type=], [=record type=],
+or [=observable array type=]. However, |T| may be nullable.
+Similar to [=sequence types=] and [=frozen array types=], observable array types wrap around
+JavaScript array types, imposing additional semantics on their usage.
+Observable array types must only be used as the type of [=regular attributes=] defined on an [=interface=].
+For an attribute whose type is an observable array type, specification authors can specify a series
+of algorithms:
+* set an indexed value, which accepts an IDL
+ value that is about to be set in the observable array, and the index at which it is being set;
+* delete an indexed value, which accepts an
+ IDL value that is about to be removed from the observable array, and the index from which it is
+ being removed.
+Both of these algorithms are optional, and if not provided, the default behavior will be to do
+nothing. Either algorithm may throw an exception, e.g., to reject invalid values.
+Note that when JavaScript code sets an existing index to a new value, this will first call the
+[=observable array attribute/delete an indexed value=] algorithm to remove the existing value, and
+then the [=observable array attribute/set an indexed value=] algorithm with the new value.
+Every [=regular attribute=] whose type is an [=observable array type=] has a
+backing list, which is a [=list=], initially empty.
+Specification authors can modify the contents of the backing list, which will automatically be
+reflected in the contents of the observable array as observed by JavaScript code. Similarly, any
+modifications by JavaScript code to the contents of the observable array will be reflected back into
+the backing list, after passing through the [=observable array attribute/set an indexed value=] and
+[=observable array attribute/delete an indexed value=] algorithms.
+There is no way to represent a constant observable array value in IDL.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines an [=interface=] with an observable array attribute:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Building {
+ attribute ObservableArray<Employee> employees;
+ };
+ The behavior of the attribute could be defined like so:
+ The [=observable array attribute/set an indexed value=] algorithm for
+ Building
's employees
attribute, given
+ |employee| and |index|, is:
+ 1. If |employee| is not allowed to enter the building today, then throw a
+ "{{NotAllowedError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. If |index| is greater than 200, then throw a "{{QuotaExceededError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. Put |employee| to work!
+ The [=observable array attribute/delete an indexed value=] algorithm for
+ Building
's employees
attribute, given
+ |employee| and index, is:
+ 1. Alert security that |employee| has left the building.
+ Then, JavaScript code could manipulate the
property in
+ various ways:
+ // Get an instance of Building.
+ const building = getBuilding();
+ building.employees.push(new Employee("A"));
+ building.employees.push(new Employee("B"));
+ building.employees.push(new Employee("C"));
+ building.employees.splice(2, 1);
+ const employeeB = building.employees.pop();
+ building.employees = [new Employee("D"), employeeB, new Employee("C")];
+ building.employees.length = 0;
+ // Will throw:
+ building.employees.push("not an Employee; a string instead");
+ All of these manipulations would pass through the above-defined
+ [=observable array attribute/set an indexed value=] algorithm, potentially throwing if the
+ conditions described there were met. They would also perform the appropriate side effects listed
+ there and in the [=observable array attribute/delete an indexed value=] algorithm.
+ Another thing to note about the above code example is how all of the JavaScript array methods
+ from {{%Array.prototype%}} work on the observable array. Indeed, it fully behaves like an
+ const normalArray = [];
+ // If building.employees were defined as an indexed property getter interface: normalArray
+ // would contains a single item, building.employees.
+ //
+ // For observable arrays (and frozen arrays): normalArray contains all of the items inside
+ // of building.employees.
+ normalArray.concat(building.employees);
+ // names is a JavaScript Array.
+ const names = building.employees.map(employee => employee.name);
+ // Passes various brand checks:
+ console.assert(building.employees instanceof Array);
+ console.assert(Array.isArray(building.employees));
+ console.assert(building.employees.constructor === Array);
+ // Even is treated as an array by JSON.stringify! (Note the outer []s.)
+ console.assert(JSON.stringify(building.employees) === `[{}]`);
+Extended attributes
+An extended attribute is an annotation
+that can appear on
+types as [=annotated types=],
+[=interface members=],
+[=interface mixin members=],
+[=callback interface members=],
+[=namespace members=],
+[=dictionary members=],
+and [=operation=] arguments, and
+is used to control how language bindings will handle those constructs.
+Extended attributes are specified with an
+which is a square bracket enclosed, comma separated list of
+The ExtendedAttribute
+grammar symbol matches nearly any sequence of tokens, however the
+[=extended attributes=]
+defined in this document only accept a more restricted syntax.
+Any extended attribute encountered in an
+[=IDL fragment=] is
+matched against the following five grammar symbols to determine
+which form (or forms) it is in:
+This specification defines a number of extended attributes that
+are applicable to the JavaScript language binding, which are described in
+Each extended attribute definition will state which of the above
+five forms are allowed.
+ ExtendedAttributeList :
+ "[" ExtendedAttribute ExtendedAttributes "]"
+ ε
+ ExtendedAttributes :
+ "," ExtendedAttribute ExtendedAttributes
+ ε
+ ExtendedAttribute :
+ "(" ExtendedAttributeInner ")" ExtendedAttributeRest
+ "[" ExtendedAttributeInner "]" ExtendedAttributeRest
+ "{" ExtendedAttributeInner "}" ExtendedAttributeRest
+ Other ExtendedAttributeRest
+ ExtendedAttributeRest :
+ ExtendedAttribute
+ ε
+ ExtendedAttributeInner :
+ "(" ExtendedAttributeInner ")" ExtendedAttributeInner
+ "[" ExtendedAttributeInner "]" ExtendedAttributeInner
+ "{" ExtendedAttributeInner "}" ExtendedAttributeInner
+ OtherOrComma ExtendedAttributeInner
+ ε
+ Other :
+ integer
+ decimal
+ identifier
+ string
+ other
+ "-"
+ "-Infinity"
+ "."
+ "..."
+ ":"
+ ";"
+ "<"
+ "="
+ ">"
+ "?"
+ "*"
+ "ByteString"
+ "DOMString"
+ "FrozenArray"
+ "Infinity"
+ "NaN"
+ "ObservableArray"
+ "Promise"
+ "USVString"
+ "any"
+ "bigint"
+ "boolean"
+ "byte"
+ "double"
+ "false"
+ "float"
+ "long"
+ "null"
+ "object"
+ "octet"
+ "or"
+ "optional"
+ "record"
+ "sequence"
+ "short"
+ "symbol"
+ "true"
+ "unsigned"
+ "undefined"
+ ArgumentNameKeyword
+ BufferRelatedType
+ OtherOrComma :
+ Other
+ ","
+ IdentifierList :
+ identifier Identifiers
+ Identifiers :
+ "," identifier Identifiers
+ ε
+ ExtendedAttributeNoArgs :
+ identifier
+ ExtendedAttributeArgList :
+ identifier "(" ArgumentList ")"
+ ExtendedAttributeIdent :
+ identifier "=" identifier
+ ExtendedAttributeWildcard :
+ identifier "=" "*"
+ ExtendedAttributeIdentList :
+ identifier "=" "(" IdentifierList ")"
+ ExtendedAttributeNamedArgList :
+ identifier "=" identifier "(" ArgumentList ")"
+JavaScript binding
+This section describes how definitions written with the IDL defined in
+[[#idl]] correspond to particular constructs
+in JavaScript, as defined by the ECMAScript Language Specification
+Unless otherwise specified, objects defined in this section are ordinary objects as described in
+[[ecmascript#sec-ordinary-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots]], and if the
+object is a [=function object=], [[ecmascript#sec-built-in-function-objects]].
+This section may redefine certain internal methods and internal slots of objects. Other
+specifications may also override the definitions of any internal method or internal slots of a
+[=platform object=] that is an instance of an [=interface=]. These objects with changed semantics
+shall be treated in accordance with the rules for exotic objects.
+ As overriding internal JavaScript object methods is a low level operation and
+ can result in objects that behave differently from ordinary objects,
+ this facility should not be used unless necessary
+ for security or compatibility. This is currently used to define the
+ {{HTMLAllCollection}} and {{Location}} interfaces. [[HTML]]
+Unless otherwise specified, exotic objects defined in this section and other specifications have the
+same [=ordinary object/internal slots=] as ordinary objects, and all of the internal methods for
+which alternative definitions are not given are the same as [=ordinary object/internal
+methods|those=] of ordinary objects.
+Unless otherwise specified, the \[[Extensible]] internal slot
+of objects defined in this section has the value true.
+Unless otherwise specified, the \[[Prototype]] internal slot
+of objects defined in this section is {{%Object.prototype%}}.
+Some objects described in this section are defined to have a class string,
+which is the string to include in the string returned from Object.prototype.toString
+If an object has a [=class string=] |classString|, then the object must,
+at the time it is created, have a property whose name is the {{@@toStringTag}} symbol
+with PropertyDescriptor{\[[Writable]]: false,
+\[[Enumerable]]: false, \[[Configurable]]: true,
+\[[Value]]: |classString|}.
+ Algorithms in this section use the conventions described in [[ecmascript#sec-algorithm-conventions]], such as the use of steps and substeps, the use of mathematical
+ operations, and so on. This section may also reference abstract operations
+ and notations defined in other parts of ECMA-262.
+When an algorithm says to
+throw a |Something|Error
+then this means to construct a new JavaScript |Something|Error
object in
+the [=current realm=] and to throw it, just as the algorithms in ECMA-262 do.
+Note that algorithm steps can call in to other algorithms and abstract operations and
+not explicitly handle exceptions that are thrown from them. When an exception
+is thrown by an algorithm or abstract operation and it is not explicitly
+handled by the caller, then it is taken to end the algorithm and propagate out
+to its caller, and so on.
+ Consider the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be the JavaScript value passed in to this algorithm.
+ 1. Let |y| be the result of calling [=?=]
+ 1. Return |y|.
+ Since
ToString can throw an exception (for example if passed the object
({ toString: function() { throw 1 } })
), and the exception is
+ not handled in the above algorithm, if one is thrown then it causes this
+ algorithm to end and for the exception to propagate out to its caller, if there
+ is one.
+JavaScript environment
+In a JavaScript implementation of a given set of
+[=IDL fragments=],
+there will exist a number of JavaScript objects that correspond to
+definitions in those [=IDL fragments=].
+These objects are termed the initial objects,
+and comprise the following:
+* [=interface objects=]
+* [=legacy callback interface objects=]
+* [=legacy factory functions=]
+* [=interface prototype objects=]
+* [=named properties objects=]
+* [=iterator prototype objects=]
+* [=attribute getters=]
+* [=attribute setters=]
+* the function objects that correspond to operations
+* the function objects that correspond to stringifiers
+Each [=realm=]
+must have its own unique set of each of
+the [=initial objects=], created
+before control enters any JavaScript execution context associated with the
+realm, but after the [=realm/global object=] for that realm is created. The \[[Prototype]]s
+of all initial objects in a given [=realm=] must come from
+that same [=realm=].
+ In an HTML user agent, multiple [=realms=] can exist when
+ multiple frames or windows are created. Each frame or window will have
+ its own set of [=initial objects=],
+ which the following HTML document demonstrates:
+ <!DOCTYPE html>
+ <title>Different Realms</title>
+ <iframe id=a></iframe>
+ <script>
+ var iframe = document.getElementById("a");
+ var w = iframe.contentWindow; // The global object in the frame
+ Object == w.Object; // Evaluates to false, per ECMA-262
+ Node == w.Node; // Evaluates to false
+ iframe instanceof w.Node; // Evaluates to false
+ iframe instanceof w.Object; // Evaluates to false
+ iframe.appendChild instanceof Function; // Evaluates to true
+ iframe.appendChild instanceof w.Function; // Evaluates to false
+ </script>
+Note: All [=interfaces=] define which [=realms=] they are [=exposed=] in.
+This allows, for example, [=realms=] for Web Workers to [=expose=]
+different sets of supported interfaces from those exposed in realms
+for Web pages.
+Although at the time of this writing the JavaScript specification does not reflect this,
+every JavaScript object must have an associated [=realm=]. The mechanisms
+for associating objects with realms are, for now, underspecified. However, we note that
+in the case of [=platform objects=], the
+associated realm is equal to the object's [=relevant realm=], and
+for non-exotic [=function objects=] (i.e. not [=ECMAScript/callable=] proxies, and not bound functions)
+the associated realm is equal to the value of the [=function object=]'s \[[Realm]] internal
+JavaScript type mapping
+This section describes how types in the IDL map to types in JavaScript.
+Each sub-section below describes how values of a given IDL type are represented
+in JavaScript. For each IDL type, it is described how JavaScript values are
+converted to an IDL value
+when passed to a [=platform object=] expecting that type, and how IDL values
+of that type are converted to JavaScript values
+when returned from a platform object.
+Note that the sub-sections and algorithms below also apply to [=annotated types=] created by applying
+extended attributes to the types named in their headers.
+Since the IDL {{any}} type
+is the union of all other IDL types, it can correspond to any
+JavaScript value type.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{any}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. If |V| is
undefined, then
+ return the unique {{undefined}} IDL value.
+ 1. If |V| is
null, then
+ return the
null {{object|object?}} reference.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is Boolean, then
+ return the {{boolean}} value that represents the same truth value.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is Number, then
+ return the result of
converting |V|
+ to an {{unrestricted double}}.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is BigInt, then
+ return the result of
converting |V|
+ to a {{bigint}}.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is String, then
+ return the result of
converting |V|
+ to a {{DOMString}}.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is Symbol, then
+ return the result of
converting |V|
+ to a {{symbol}}.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is Object, then
+ return an IDL {{object}} value that references |V|.
+ An IDL {{any}} value is [=converted to a JavaScript value=]
+ according to the rules for converting
+ the [=specific type=] of the IDL {{any}} value
+ as described in the remainder of this section.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=] to an IDL {{undefined}} value by
+ returning the unique {{undefined}} value, ignoring |V|.
+ The unique IDL {{undefined}} value is [=converted to a JavaScript value|converted=] to the
+ JavaScript undefined value.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{boolean}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be the result of computing
+ 1. Return the IDL {{boolean}} value that is the one that
+ represents the same truth value as the
+ JavaScript Boolean value |x|.
+ The IDL {{boolean}} value true
+ is [=convert to a JavaScript value|converted=] to
+ the JavaScript true value and the IDL {{boolean}}
+ value false
is converted to the JavaScript
+ false value.
+Integer types
+Mathematical operations used in this section,
+including those defined in [[ecmascript#sec-algorithm-conventions]],
+are to be understood as computing exact mathematical results
+on mathematical real numbers.
+In effect, where x is a Number value,
+“operating on x” is shorthand for
+“operating on the mathematical real number that represents the same numeric value as x”.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{byte}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
ConvertToInt(|V|, 8, "
+ 1. Return the IDL {{byte}} value that represents the same numeric value as |x|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{byte}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is a Number that represents
+ the same numeric value as the IDL {{byte}} value.
+ The Number value will be an integer in the range [−128, 127].
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{octet}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
ConvertToInt(|V|, 8, "
+ 1. Return the IDL {{octet}} value that represents the same numeric value as |x|.
+ The result of [=convert to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{octet}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is a Number that represents
+ the same numeric value as the IDL
+ {{octet}} value.
+ The Number value will be an integer in the range [0, 255].
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{short}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
ConvertToInt(|V|, 16, "
+ 1. Return the IDL {{short}} value that represents the same numeric value as |x|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{short}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is a Number that represents the
+ same numeric value as the IDL
+ {{short}} value.
+ The Number value will be an integer in the range [−32768, 32767].
+unsigned short
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{unsigned short}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
ConvertToInt(|V|, 16, "
+ 1. Return the IDL {{unsigned short}} value that represents the same numeric value as |x|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{unsigned short}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is a Number that
+ represents the same numeric value as the IDL
+ {{unsigned short}} value.
+ The Number value will be an integer in the range [0, 65535].
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{long}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
ConvertToInt(|V|, 32, "
+ 1. Return the IDL {{long}} value that represents the same numeric value as |x|.
+ The result of [=convert to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{long}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is a Number that
+ represents the same numeric value as the IDL
+ {{long}} value.
+ The Number value will be an integer in the range [−2147483648, 2147483647].
+unsigned long
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{unsigned long}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
ConvertToInt(|V|, 32, "
+ 1. Return the IDL {{unsigned long}} value that represents the same numeric value as |x|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{unsigned long}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is a Number that
+ represents the same numeric value as the IDL
+ {{unsigned long}} value.
+ The Number value will be an integer in the range [0, 4294967295].
+long long
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{long long}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
ConvertToInt(|V|, 64, "
+ 1. Return the IDL {{long long}} value that represents the same numeric value as |x|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{long long}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is a Number value that
+ represents the closest numeric value to the {{long long}},
+ choosing the numeric value with an even significand if there are
+ two [=equally close values=].
+ If the {{long long}} is in the range
+ [−253 + 1, 253 − 1], then the Number
+ will be able to represent exactly the same value as the
+ {{long long}}.
+unsigned long long
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{unsigned long long}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
ConvertToInt(|V|, 64, "
+ 1. Return the IDL {{unsigned long long}} value that represents the same numeric value as |x|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{unsigned long long}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is a Number value that
+ represents the closest numeric value to the {{unsigned long long}},
+ choosing the numeric value with an even significand if there are
+ two [=equally close values=].
+ If the {{unsigned long long}} is less than or equal to 253 − 1,
+ then the Number will be able to
+ represent exactly the same value as the
+ {{unsigned long long}}.
+Abstract operations
+ 1. Let |r| be
+ 1. If |n| < 0, then return -1 × |r|.
+ 1. Otherwise, return |r|.
ConvertToInt(|V|, |bitLength|, |signedness|):
+ 1. If |bitLength| is 64, then:
+ 1. Let |upperBound| be 2
53 − 1.
+ 1. If |signedness| is "
", then let |lowerBound| be 0.
+ 1. Otherwise let |lowerBound| be −2
53 + 1.
+ Note: this ensures {{long long}} types
+ [=extended attribute associated with|associated with=] [{{EnforceRange}}] or
+ [{{Clamp}}] [=extended attributes=] are representable in JavaScript's [=Number type=]
+ as unambiguous integers.
+ 1. Otherwise, if |signedness| is "
", then:
+ 1. Let |lowerBound| be 0.
+ 1. Let |upperBound| be 2
|bitLength| − 1.
+ 1. Otherwise:
+ 1. Let |lowerBound| be -2
|bitLength| − 1.
+ 1. Let |upperBound| be 2
|bitLength| − 1 − 1.
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
+ 1. If |x| is −0, then set |x| to +0.
+ 1. If the conversion is to an IDL type [=extended attribute associated with|associated with=]
+ the [{{EnforceRange}}] [=extended attribute=], then:
+ 1. If |x| is
NaN, +∞, or −∞,
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Set |x| to
+ 1. If |x| < |lowerBound| or |x| > |upperBound|,
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return |x|.
+ 1. If |x| is not
NaN and the conversion is to an IDL type
+ [=extended attribute associated with|associated with=] the [{{Clamp}}] extended attribute,
+ then:
+ 1. Set |x| to
max(|x|, |lowerBound|), |upperBound|).
+ 1. Round |x| to the nearest integer, choosing the even integer if it lies halfway between two,
+ and choosing +0 rather than −0.
+ 1. Return |x|.
+ 1. If |x| is
NaN, +0, +∞, or −∞,
+ then return +0.
+ 1. Set |x| to
+ 1. Set |x| to |x| [=modulo=] 2
+ 1. If |signedness| is "
" and |x| ≥ 2
|bitLength| − 1,
+ then return |x| − 2
+ 1. Otherwise, return |x|.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{float}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
+ 1. If |x| is
NaN, +∞, or −∞,
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Let |S| be the set of finite IEEE 754 single-precision floating
+ point values except −0, but with two special values added: 2
128 and
+ −2
+ 1. Let |y| be the number in |S| that is closest
+ to |x|, selecting the number with an
even significand if there are two [=equally close values=].
+ (The two special values 2
128 and −2
+ are considered to have even significands for this purpose.)
+ 1. If |y| is 2
128 or −2
128, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. If |y| is +0 and |x| is negative, return −0.
+ 1. Return |y|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{float}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is the Number value that represents the same numeric value as the IDL
+ {{float}} value.
+unrestricted float
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{unrestricted float}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
+ 1. If |x| is
NaN, then return the IDL {{unrestricted float}} value that represents the IEEE 754 NaN value with the bit pattern 0x7fc00000 [[!IEEE-754]].
+ 1. Let |S| be the set of finite IEEE 754 single-precision floating
+ point values except −0, but with two special values added: 2
128 and
+ −2
+ 1. Let |y| be the number in |S| that is closest
+ to |x|, selecting the number with an
even significand if there are two [=equally close values=].
+ (The two special values 2
128 and −2
+ are considered to have even significands for this purpose.)
+ 1. If |y| is 2
128, return +∞.
+ 1. If |y| is −2
128, return −∞.
+ 1. If |y| is +0 and |x| is negative, return −0.
+ 1. Return |y|.
+Note: Since there is only a single JavaScript NaN value,
+it must be canonicalized to a particular single precision IEEE 754 NaN value. The NaN value
+mentioned above is chosen simply because it is the quiet NaN with the lowest
+value when its bit pattern is interpreted as an unsigned 32-bit integer.
+ The result of [=convert to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{unrestricted float}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is a Number:
+ 1. If the IDL {{unrestricted float}} value is a NaN,
+ then the Number value is NaN.
+ 1. Otherwise, the Number value is
+ the one that represents the same numeric value as the IDL
+ {{unrestricted float}} value.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{double}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
+ 1. If |x| is
NaN, +∞, or −∞,
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return the IDL {{double}} value
+ that represents the same numeric value as |x|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{double}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is the Number value that represents the
+ same numeric value as the IDL {{double}} value.
+unrestricted double
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{unrestricted double}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
+ 1. If |x| is
NaN, then
+ return the IDL {{unrestricted double}} value that represents
+ the IEEE 754 NaN value with the bit pattern 0x7ff8000000000000 [[!IEEE-754]].
+ 1. Return the IDL {{unrestricted double}} value
+ that represents the same numeric value as |x|.
+Note: Since there is only a single JavaScript NaN value,
+it must be canonicalized to a particular double precision IEEE 754 NaN value. The NaN value
+mentioned above is chosen simply because it is the quiet NaN with the lowest
+value when its bit pattern is interpreted as an unsigned 64-bit integer.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{unrestricted double}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is a Number:
+ 1. If the IDL {{unrestricted double}} value is a NaN,
+ then the Number value is NaN.
+ 1. Otherwise, the Number value is
+ the one that represents the same numeric value as the IDL
+ {{unrestricted double}} value.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{bigint}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=] [$ToBigInt$](|V|).
+ 1. Return the IDL {{bigint}} value that represents the same numeric value as |x|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{bigint}} value to a JavaScript value is a BigInt:
+ 1. Return the {{BigInt}} value that represents the same numeric value as the IDL {{bigint}}
+ value.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is converted
+ to an IDL [=numeric type=] |T| or {{bigint}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=] [$ToNumeric$](|V|).
+ 1. If [$Type$](|x|) is BigInt, then
+ 1. Return the IDL {{bigint}} value that represents the same numeric value as |x|.
+ 1. Assert: [$Type$](|x|) is Number.
+ 1. Return the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=] |x| to |T|.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{DOMString}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. If |V| is
null and the conversion is to an IDL type
+ [=extended attribute associated with|associated with=] the [{{LegacyNullToEmptyString}}] extended
+ attribute, then return the {{DOMString}} value that represents the empty string.
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
+ 1. Return the IDL {{DOMString}} value that represents the same sequence of code units as the one the JavaScript String value |x| represents.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{DOMString}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is the String
+ value that represents the same sequence of [=code units=] that the
+ IDL {{DOMString}} represents.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{ByteString}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=]
+ 1. If the value of any
[=ECMAScript String/element=]
+ of |x| is greater than 255, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return an IDL {{ByteString}} value
+ whose length is the length of |x|, and where the value of each element is
+ the value of the corresponding element of |x|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{ByteString}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is a String
+ value whose length is the length of the {{ByteString}},
+ and the value of each [=ECMAScript String/element=] of which is the value
+ of the corresponding element of the {{ByteString}}.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{USVString}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |string| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |V|
+ to a {{DOMString}}.
+ 1. Return an IDL {{USVString}} value that is the result of
+ [=string/convert|converting=] |string| to a sequence of [=scalar values=].
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{USVString}} value |S| to a JavaScript
+ value is |S|.
+IDL {{object}}
+values are represented by JavaScript Object values.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{object}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is not Object, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return the IDL {{object}} value that is a reference to the same object as |V|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL {{object}} value to a JavaScript
+ value is the Object value that represents a reference to the same object that the
+ IDL {{object}} represents.
+IDL {{symbol}} values are represented by JavaScript Symbol values.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=] to an IDL {{symbol}} value
+ by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is not Symbol, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return the IDL {{symbol}} value that is a reference to the same symbol as |V|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=] an IDL {{symbol}} value to a
+ JavaScript value is the Symbol value that represents a reference to the same
+ symbol that the IDL {{symbol}} represents.
+Interface types
+IDL [=interface type=]
+values are represented by JavaScript Object values (including [=function objects=]).
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL [=interface type=] value by running the following algorithm (where |I| is the [=interface=]):
+ 1. If |V| [=implements=] |I|, then return the IDL [=interface type=] value that represents a reference to that platform object.
+ 1. [=JavaScript/Throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL [=interface type=]
+ value to a JavaScript value is the Object
+ value that represents a reference to the same object that the IDL
+ [=interface type=] value represents.
+Callback interface types
+IDL [=callback interface type=]
+values are represented by JavaScript Object values (including [=function objects=]).
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL [=callback interface type=] value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is not Object, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return the IDL [=callback interface type=] value that represents a reference to |V|, with
+ the
incumbent settings object as the [=callback context=].
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL [=callback interface type=]
+ value to a JavaScript value is the Object
+ value that represents a reference to the same object that the IDL
+ [=callback interface type=] value represents.
+Dictionary types
+IDL [=dictionary type=] values are represented
+by JavaScript Object values. Properties on
+the object (or its prototype chain) correspond to [=dictionary members=].
+ A JavaScript value |jsDict| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL [=dictionary type=] value by
+ running the following algorithm (where |D| is the [=dictionary type=]):
+ 1. If
Type(|jsDict|) is not Undefined, Null or Object, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Let |idlDict| be an empty [=ordered map=], representing a dictionary of type |D|.
+ 1. Let |dictionaries| be a list consisting of |D| and all of |D|'s [=inherited dictionaries=],
+ in order from least to most derived.
+ 1. For each dictionary |dictionary| in |dictionaries|, in order:
+ 1. For each dictionary member |member| declared on |dictionary|, in lexicographical order:
+ 1. Let |key| be the [=identifier=] of |member|.
+ 1. Let |jsMemberValue| be a JavaScript value, depending on
+ : Undefined
+ : Null
+ :: undefined
+ : anything else
+ :: [=?=] Get(|jsDict|, |key|)
+ 1. If |jsMemberValue| is not
undefined, then:
+ 1. Let |idlMemberValue| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |jsMemberValue| to an IDL value whose type is the type |member| is declared to be of.
+ 1. [=map/Set=] |idlDict|[|key|] to |idlMemberValue|.
+ 1. Otherwise, if |jsMemberValue| is
undefined but |member| has a [=dictionary member/default value=], then:
+ 1. Let |idlMemberValue| be |member|'s default value.
+ 1. [=map/Set=] |idlDict|[|key|] to |idlMemberValue|.
+ 1. Otherwise, if |jsMemberValue| is
undefined and |member| is
+ [=dictionary member/required=], then throw a {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. Return |idlDict|.
+Note: The order that [=dictionary members=] are looked
+up on the JavaScript object are not necessarily the same as the object's property enumeration order.
+ An IDL dictionary value |V| is [=converted to a JavaScript value|converted=]
+ to a JavaScript Object value by
+ running the following algorithm (where |D| is the [=dictionary=]):
+ 1. Let |O| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$]({{%Object.prototype%}}).
+ 1. Let |dictionaries| be a list consisting of |D| and all of |D|'s [=inherited dictionaries=],
+ in order from least to most derived.
+ 1. For each dictionary |dictionary| in |dictionaries|, in order:
+ 1. For each dictionary member |member| declared on |dictionary|, in lexicographical order:
+ 1. Let |key| be the [=identifier=] of |member|.
+ 1. If |V|[|key|] [=map/exists=], then:
+ 1. Let |idlValue| be |V|[|key|].
+ 1. Let |value| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=] |idlValue| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Perform [=!=]
CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(|O|, |key|, |value|).
Recall that if |member| has a [=dictionary member/default value=],
+ then |key| will always [=map/exist=] in |V|.
+ 1. Return |O|.
+Enumeration types
+IDL [=enumeration types=] are represented by JavaScript String
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL [=enumeration|enumeration type=] value as follows
+ (where |E| is the [=enumeration=]):
+ 1. Let |S| be the result of calling [=?=]
+ 1. If |S| is not one of |E|'s [=enumeration values=],
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return the enumeration value of type |E| that is equal to |S|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL [=enumeration|enumeration type=] value to a JavaScript
+ value is the String
+ value that represents the same sequence of [=code units=] as
+ the [=enumeration value=].
+Callback function types
+IDL [=callback function types=] are represented by JavaScript [=function objects=], except in the
+[{{LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull}}] case, when they can be any object.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL [=callback function type=] value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. If the result of calling
IsCallable(|V|) is
+ and the conversion to an IDL value
+ is not being performed due
+ to |V| being assigned to an [=attribute=]
+ whose type is a [=nullable type|nullable=]
+ [=callback function=]
+ that is annotated with [{{LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull}}],
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return the IDL [=callback function type=] value
+ that represents a reference to the same object that |V| represents, with the
incumbent settings object as the [=callback context=].
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL [=callback function type=]
+ value to a JavaScript value is a reference to the same object
+ that the IDL [=callback function type=] value represents.
+Nullable types — |T|?
+IDL [=nullable type=] values are represented
+by values of either the JavaScript type corresponding to the [=nullable types/inner type|inner IDL type=], or
+the JavaScript null value.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL [=nullable type=]
+ value (where |T| is the [=nullable types/inner type=]) as follows:
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is not Object, and
+ the conversion to an IDL value is being performed due
+ to |V| being assigned to an [=attribute=]
+ whose type is a [=nullable type|nullable=]
+ [=callback function=]
+ that is annotated with [{{LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull}}],
+ then return the IDL
+ [=nullable type=]
+ value
+ 1. Otherwise, if |V| is
+ and |T| [=includes undefined=],
+ return the unique {{undefined}} value.
+ 1. Otherwise, if |V| is
null or
undefined, then return the IDL
+ [=nullable type=]
+ value
+ 1. Otherwise, return the result of
+ [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |V|
+ using the rules for the [=nullable types/inner type|inner IDL type=]
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL [=nullable type=] value to a JavaScript value is:
+ 1. If the IDL [=nullable type=] |T|?
+ value is null,
+ then the JavaScript value is null.
+ 1. Otherwise, the JavaScript value is the result of
+ [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ the IDL [=nullable type=] value
+ to the [=nullable types/inner type|inner IDL type=] |T|
+Sequences — sequence<|T|>
+IDL sequence<|T|> values are represented by
+JavaScript Array values.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL
sequence<T> value as follows:
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is not Object,
+ [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Let |method| be [=?=]
GetMethod(|V|, {{@@iterator}}).
+ 1. If |method| is
+ [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return the result of [=creating a sequence from an iterable|creating a sequence=]
+ from |V| and |method|.
+ An IDL sequence value |S| of type
sequence<T> is
+ [=converted to a JavaScript value|converted=]
+ to a JavaScript Array object as follows:
+ 1. Let |n| be the length of |S|.
+ 1. Let |A| be a new Array object created as if by the expression
+ 1. Initialize |i| to be 0.
+ 1. While |i| < |n|:
+ 1. Let |V| be the value in |S| at index |i|.
+ 1. Let |E| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |V| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Let |P| be the result of calling [=!=]
+ 1. Perform [=!=]
CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(|A|, |P|, |E|).
+ 1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
+ 1. Return |A|.
+Creating a sequence from an iterable
+ To create an IDL value of type
+ given an iterable |iterable| and an iterator getter |method|,
+ perform the following steps:
+ 1. Let |iter| be [=?=]
sync, |method|).
+ 1. Initialize |i| to be 0.
+ 1. Repeat
+ 1. Let |next| be [=?=]
+ 1. If |next| is
+ then return an IDL sequence value of type
+ of length |i|, where the value of the element
+ at index |j| is
+ |S|
+ 1. Let |nextItem| be [=?=]
+ 1. Initialize |S|
|i| to the result of
+ [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |nextItem| to an IDL value of type |T|.
+ 1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
+ The following [=interface=] defines
+ an [=attribute=] of a sequence
+ type as well as an [=operation=]
+ with an argument of a sequence type.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Canvas {
+ sequence<DOMString> getSupportedImageCodecs();
+ undefined drawPolygon(sequence<double> coordinates);
+ sequence<double> getLastDrawnPolygon();
+ // ...
+ };
+ In a JavaScript implementation of this interface, an Array
+ object with elements of type String is used to
+ represent a
, while an
+ Array with elements of type Number
+ represents a
. The
+ Array objects are effectively passed by
+ value; every time the
+ function is called a new Array is
+ returned, and whenever an Array is
+ passed to
no reference
+ will be kept after the call completes.
+ // Obtain an instance of Canvas. Assume that getSupportedImageCodecs()
+ // returns a sequence with two DOMString values: "image/png" and "image/svg+xml".
+ var canvas = getCanvas();
+ // An Array object of length 2.
+ var supportedImageCodecs = canvas.getSupportedImageCodecs();
+ // Evaluates to "image/png".
+ supportedImageCodecs[0];
+ // Each time canvas.getSupportedImageCodecs() is called, it returns a
+ // new Array object. Thus modifying the returned Array will not
+ // affect the value returned from a subsequent call to the function.
+ supportedImageCodecs[0] = "image/jpeg";
+ // Evaluates to "image/png".
+ canvas.getSupportedImageCodecs()[0];
+ // This evaluates to false, since a new Array object is returned each call.
+ canvas.getSupportedImageCodecs() == canvas.getSupportedImageCodecs();
+ // An Array of Numbers...
+ var a = [0, 0, 100, 0, 50, 62.5];
+ // ...can be passed to a platform object expecting a sequence<double>.
+ canvas.drawPolygon(a);
+ // Each element will be converted to a double by first calling ToNumber().
+ // So the following call is equivalent to the previous one, except that
+ // "hi" will be alerted before drawPolygon() returns.
+ a = [false, "",
+ { valueOf: function() { alert("hi"); return 100; } }, 0,
+ "50", new Number(62.5)];
+ canvas.drawPolygon(a);
+ // Modifying an Array that was passed to drawPolygon() is guaranteed not to
+ // have an effect on the Canvas, since the Array is effectively passed by value.
+ a[4] = 20;
+ var b = canvas.getLastDrawnPolygon();
+ alert(b[4]); // This would alert "50".
+Records — record<|K|, |V|>
+IDL [=record=]<|K|, |V|> values are represented by
+JavaScript Object values.
+ A JavaScript value |O| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL
[=record=]<|K|, |V|>
value as follows:
+ 1. If
Type(|O|) is not Object,
+ [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Let |result| be a new empty instance of
[=record=]<|K|, |V|>
+ 1. Let |keys| be [=?=] |O|.\[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |key| of |keys|:
+ 1. Let |desc| be [=?=] |O|.\[[GetOwnProperty]](|key|).
+ 1. If |desc| is not
+ and |desc|.\[[Enumerable]] is
+ 1. Let |typedKey| be |key| [=converted to an IDL value=] of type |K|.
+ 1. Let |value| be [=?=]
Get(|O|, |key|).
+ 1. Let |typedValue| be |value| [=converted to an IDL value=] of type |V|.
+ 1. [=map/Set=] |result|[|typedKey|] to |typedValue|.
+ Note: It's possible that |typedKey| is already in |result|,
+ if |K| is {{USVString}} and |key| contains unpaired surrogates.
+ 1. Return |result|.
+ An IDL
value |D| is
+ [=converted to a JavaScript value|converted=]
+ to a JavaScript value as follows:
+ 1. Let |result| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$]({{%Object.prototype%}}).
+ 1. [=map/For each=] |key| → |value| of |D|:
+ 1. Let |jsKey| be |key| [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be |value| [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. Let |created| be [=!=]
CreateDataProperty(|result|, |jsKey|, |jsValue|).
+ 1. Assert: |created| is
+ 1. Return |result|.
+ Passing the JavaScript value
{b: 3, a: 4}
as a
[=record=]<DOMString, double>
+ would result in the IDL value «[ "
" → 3, "
" → 4 ]».
+ Records only consider [=own property|own=] [=enumerable=]
+ properties, so given an IDL operation
record<DOMString, double>
+ identity(record<DOMString, double> arg)
which returns its
+ argument, the following code passes its assertions:
+ let proto = {a: 3, b: 4};
+ let obj = {__proto__: proto, d: 5, c: 6}
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, "e", {value: 7, enumerable: false});
+ let result = identity(obj);
+ console.assert(result.a === undefined);
+ console.assert(result.b === undefined);
+ console.assert(result.e === undefined);
+ let entries = Object.entries(result);
+ console.assert(entries[0][0] === "d");
+ console.assert(entries[0][1] === 5);
+ console.assert(entries[1][0] === "c");
+ console.assert(entries[1][1] === 6);
+ Record keys and values can be constrained, although keys can only be
+ constrained among the three string types.
+ The following conversions have the described results:
+ Value | Passed to type | Result |
+ {"😞": 1} |
+ [=record=]<ByteString, double> |
+ {{TypeError}} |
+ {"\uD83D": 1} |
+ [=record=]<USVString, double> |
+ «[ "\uFFFD " → 1 ]» |
+ {"\uD83D": {hello: "world"}} |
+ [=record=]<DOMString, double> |
+ «[ "\uD83D " → 0 ]» |
+Promise types — Promise<|T|>
+IDL [=promise type=] values are represented by JavaScript [=PromiseCapability=] records.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=] to an IDL
value as follows:
+ 1. Let |promiseCapability| be [=?=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
+ 1. Perform [=?=] [$Call$](|promiseCapability|.\[[Resolve]],
+ « |V| »).
+ 1. Return |promiseCapability|.
+ The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ an IDL [=promise type=] value to a JavaScript
+ value is the value of the \[[Promise]] field of the record that
+ IDL [=promise type=] represents.
+Creating and manipulating Promises
+ To
create a new
in a [=realm=] |realm|,
+ perform the following steps:
+ 1. Let |constructor| be |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Promise%}}]].
+ 1. Return [=?=] [$NewPromiseCapability$](|constructor|).
+ To create a
resolved promise of type
, with |x| (a value of type |T|) in a [=realm=]
+ |realm|, perform the following steps:
+ 1. Let |value| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=] |x| to a
+ JavaScript value.
+ 1. Let |constructor| be |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Promise%}}]].
+ 1. Let |promiseCapability| be [=?=] [$NewPromiseCapability$](|constructor|).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$Call$](|promiseCapability|.\[[Resolve]],
+ « |value| »).
+ 1. Return |promiseCapability|.
+ To create a
rejected promise of type
, with reason |r| (a
+ JavaScript value) in a [=realm=] |realm|, perform the following steps:
+ 1. Let |constructor| be |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Promise%}}]].
+ 1. Let |promiseCapability| be [=?=] [$NewPromiseCapability$](|constructor|).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$Call$](|promiseCapability|.\[[Reject]],
+ « |r| »).
+ 1. Return |promiseCapability|.
+ To
resolve a
|p| with |x| (a
+ value of type |T|), perform the following steps:
+ 1. If |x| is not given, then let it be the {{undefined}} value.
+ 1. Let |value| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=] |x| to a
+ JavaScript value.
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$Call$](|p|.\[[Resolve]],
undefined, « |value| »).
+ If |T| is {{undefined}}, then the |x| argument is optional, allowing a simpler "[=resolve=] p" usage.
+ To
reject a
+ |p| with reason |r| (a JavaScript value), perform the following steps:
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$Call$](|p|.\[[Reject]],
undefined, « |r| »).
+ To
+ to a
|promise|, given one or two sets of steps
+ to perform, covering when the promise is fulfilled, rejected, or both, perform the following
+ steps:
+ 1. Let |onFulfilledSteps| be the following steps given argument |V|:
+ 1. Let |value| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |V| to an IDL
+ value of type |T|.
+ 1. If there is a set of steps to be run if the promise was fulfilled, then let |result| be
+ the result of performing them, given |value| if |T| is not {{undefined}}. Otherwise, let
+ |result| be |value|.
+ 1. Return |result|, [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|onFulfilledSteps|, « »):
+ 1. Let |onRejectedSteps| be the following steps given argument |R|:
+ 1. Let |reason| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |R| to an IDL value of type {{any}}.
+ 1. If there is a set of steps to be run if the promise was rejected, then let |result| be
+ the result of performing them, given |reason|. Otherwise, let |result| be
+ [=a promise rejected with=] |reason|.
+ 1. Return |result|, [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. Let |onRejected| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|onRejectedSteps|, « »):
+ 1. Let |constructor| be |promise|.\[[Promise]].\[[Realm]].\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Promise%}}]].
+ 1. Let |newCapability| be [=?=] [$NewPromiseCapability$](|constructor|).
+ Note: Not all callers will use the returned {{Promise}}. Implementations might wish to
+ avoid creating |newCapability| in those cases.
+ 1. Return [$PerformPromiseThen$](|promise|.\[[Promise]], |onFulfilled|, |onRejected|,
+ |newCapability|).
+ Note: This algorithm will behave in a very similar way to the
+ {{%Promise.prototype.then%|promise.then()}} method.
+ In particular, if the steps return a value of type |U| or
, this algorithm returns a
as well.
+ To perform some steps
upon fulfillment of a
|promise| given some steps |steps| taking a
+ value of type |T|, perform the following steps:
+ 1. Return the result of [=promise/reacting=] to |promise|:
+ * If |promise| was fulfilled with value |v|, then:
+ 1. Perform |steps| with |v|.
+ To perform some steps
upon rejection of a
|promise| given some steps
+ |steps| taking a JavaScript value, perform the following steps:
+ 1. Return the result of [=promise/reacting=] to |promise|:
+ * If |promise| was rejected with reason |r|, then:
+ 1. Perform |steps| with |r|.
+ To
wait for all with a [=list=] of
values |promises|, with success steps
+ |successSteps| that take a [=list=] of |T| values and failure steps |failureSteps| that take a
+ rejection reason {{any}} value, perform the following steps:
+ 1. Let |fullfilledCount| be 0.
+ 1. Let |rejected| be false.
+ 1. Let |rejectionHandlerSteps| be the following steps given |arg|:
+ 1. If |rejected| is true, abort these steps.
+ 1. Set |rejected| to true.
+ 1. Perform |failureSteps| given |arg|.
+ 1. Let |rejectionHandler| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|rejectionHandlerSteps|, « »):
+ 1. Let |total| be |promises|'s [=list/size=].
+ 1. If |total| is 0, then:
+ 1. [=Queue a microtask=] to perform |successSteps| given « ».
+ 1. Return.
+ 1. Let |index| be 0.
+ 1. Let |result| be a [=list=] containing |total| null values.
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |promise| of |promises|:
+ 1. Let |promiseIndex| be |index|.
+ 1. Let |fulfillmentHandler| be the following steps given |arg|:
+ 1. Set |result|[|promiseIndex|] to |arg|.
+ 1. Set |fullfilledCount| to |fullfilledCount| + 1.
+ 1. If |fullfilledCount| equals |total|, then perform |successSteps| given |result|.
+ 1. Let |fulfillmentHandler| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillmentHandler|, « »):
+ 1. Perform [$PerformPromiseThen$](|promise|, |fulfillmentHandler|, |rejectionHandler|).
+ 1. Set |index| to |index| + 1.
+ To
get a promise for waiting for all
+ with a [=list=] of
values |promises| and a
+ [=realm=] |realm|, perform the following steps:
+ 1. Let |promise| be [=a new promise=] of type
+ |realm|.
+ 1. Let |successSteps| be the following steps, given |results|:
+ 1. [=Resolve=] |promise| with |results|.
+ 1. Let |failureSteps| be the following steps, given |reason|:
+ 1. [=Reject=] |promise| with |reason|.
+ 1. [=Wait for all=] with |promises|, given |successSteps| and |failureSteps|.
+ 1. Return |promise|.
This definition is useful when you wish to aggregate the results of multiple
+ promises, and then produce another promise from them, in the same way that
+ {{Promise/all()|Promise.all()}} functions for JavaScript code. If you do not need to produce
+ another promise, then [=waiting for all=] is likely better.
+ To
mark as handled a
|promise|, set
+ |promise|.\[[Promise]].\[[PromiseIsHandled]] to true.
This definition is useful for promises for which you expect rejections to often
+ be ignored; it ensures such promises do not cause {{Window/unhandledrejection}} events. The most
+ common use case is for promise properties, which the web developer might or might not consult.
+ An example is the {{WritableStreamDefaultWriter/closed|writableStreamWriter.closed}} promise.
is an [=operation=] that returns a promise that will be fulfilled in a
+ number of milliseconds.
+ It illustrates how simply you can resolve a promise, with one line of prose.
+ interface I {
+ Promise<undefined> delay(unrestricted double ms);
+ };
+ The delay(|ms|)
method steps are:
+ 1. Let |realm| be [=this=]'s [=relevant realm=].
+ 1. Let |taskSource| be some appropriate [=task source=].
+ 1. If |ms| is NaN, let |ms| be +0; otherwise let |ms| be the maximum of |ms| and +0.
+ 1. Let |p| be [=a new promise=] in |realm|.
+ 1. Run the following steps [=in parallel=]:
+ 1. Wait |ms| milliseconds.
+ 1. [=Queue a task=] on |taskSource| to [=resolve=] |p|.
+ 1. Return |p|.
+ The
[=operation=] is much like
+ delay
function, except it will validate its arguments.
+ This shows how to use rejected promises to signal immediate failure before even starting any
+ asynchronous operations.
+ interface I {
+ Promise<undefined> validatedDelay(unrestricted double ms);
+ };
+ The validatedDelay(|ms|)
method steps are:
+ 1. Let |realm| be [=this=]'s [=relevant realm=].
+ 1. Let |taskSource| be some appropriate [=task source=].
+ 1. If |ms| is NaN, return [=a promise rejected with=] a {{TypeError}} in |realm|.
+ 1. If |ms| < 0, return [=a promise rejected with=] a {{RangeError}} in |realm|.
+ 1. Let |p| be [=a new promise=] in |realm|.
+ 1. Run the following steps [=in parallel=]:
+ 1. Wait |ms| milliseconds.
+ 1. [=Queue a task=] on |taskSource| to [=resolve=] |p|.
+ 1. Return |p|.
is an [=operation=] that adds an extra number of milliseconds of delay
+ between |promise| settling and the returned promise settling.
+ interface I {
+ Promise<any> addDelay(Promise<any> promise, unrestricted double ms);
+ };
+ The addDelay(|ms|, |promise|)
method steps are:
+ 1. Let |realm| be [=this=]'s [=relevant realm=].
+ 1. Let |taskSource| be some appropriate [=task source=].
+ 1. If |ms| is NaN, let |ms| be +0; otherwise let |ms| be the maximum of |ms| and +0.
+ 1. Let |p| be [=a new promise=] in |realm|.
+ 1. [=promise/React=] to |promise|:
+ * If |promise| was fulfilled with value |v|, then:
+ 1. Run the following steps [=in parallel=]:
+ 1. Wait |ms| milliseconds.
+ 1. [=Queue a task=] on |taskSource| to [=resolve=] |p| with |v|.
+ * If |promise| was rejected with reason |r|, then:
+ 1. Run the following steps [=in parallel=]:
+ 1. Wait |ms| milliseconds.
+ 1. [=Queue a task=] on |taskSource| to [=reject=] |p| with |r|.
+ 1. Return |p|.
is an [=attribute=] that signals when some part of some
+ environment, e.g. a DOM document, becomes "ready".
+ It illustrates how to encode environmental asynchronicity.
+ interface Environment {
+ readonly attribute Promise<undefined> ready;
+ };
+ Every
object must have a
ready promise,
+ which is a
+ The ready
attribute getter steps are:
+ 1. Return [=this=]'s [=Environment/ready promise=].
+ To create an Environment
object in a [=realm=] |realm|, perform the following
+ steps:
+ 1. Let |taskSource| be some appropriate [=task source=].
+ 1. Let |environment| be [=new=] Environment
object in |realm|.
+ 1. Set |environment|'s [=Environment/ready promise=] to [=a new promise=] in |realm|.
+ 1. Run the following steps [=in parallel=]:
+ 1. Do some asynchronous work.
+ 1. If |environment| becomes ready successfully, then [=queue a task=] on |taskSource| to
+ [=resolve=] |environment|'s [=Environment/ready promise=].
+ 1. If |environment| fails to become ready, then [=queue a task=] on |taskSource| to
+ [=reject=] |environment|'s [=Environment/ready promise=] with a
+ "{{NetworkError!!exception}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. Return |environment|.
is an [=operation=] that requests that the user add the current web
+ page as a bookmark.
+ It's drawn from
+ iterative design work and illustrates a more real-world scenario of appealing to
+ environmental asynchrony, as well as immediate rejections.
+ interface I {
+ Promise<undefined> addBookmark();
+ };
+ The addBookmark()
method steps are:
+ 1. Let |taskSource| be some appropriate [=task source=].
+ 1. If this method was not invoked as a result of explicit user action, return
+ [=a promise rejected with=] a "{{SecurityError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. If the document's mode of operation is standalone, return [=a promise rejected with=] a
+ "{{NotSupportedError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. Let |promise| be [=a new promise=].
+ 1. Let |info| be the result of getting a web application's metadata.
+ 1. Run the following steps [=in parallel=]:
+ 1. Using |info|, and in a manner that is user-agent specific, allow the end user to make a
+ choice as to whether they want to add the bookmark.
+ 1. If the end-user aborts the request to add the bookmark (e.g., they hit escape, or
+ press a "cancel" button), then [=queue a task=] on |taskSource| to [=reject=]
+ |promise| with an "{{AbortError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. Otherwise, [=queue a task=] on |taskSource| to [=resolve=] |promise|.
+ 1. Return |promise|.
+ Several places in [[SERVICE-WORKERS]] use [=get a promise to wait for all=].
illustrates a simplified version of one of their uses.
+ It takes as input a [=sequence=] of URLs, and returns a promise for a [=sequence=] of
+ {{Response}} objects created by fetching the corresponding URL.
+ If any of the fetches fail, it will return [=a promise rejected with=] that failure.
+ interface I {
+ Promise<sequence<Response>> batchRequest(sequence<USVString> urls);
+ };
+ The batchRequest(|urls|)
method steps are:
+ 1. Let |responsePromises| be « ».
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |url| of |urls|:
+ 1. Let |p| be the result of calling {{WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope/fetch()}} with |url|.
+ 1. [=list/Append=] |p| to |responsePromises|.
+ 1. Let |p| be the result of [=getting a promise to wait for all=] with |responsePromises|.
+ 1. Return |p|.
+Union types
+IDL [=union type=] values are represented by JavaScript values
+that correspond to the union's [=member types=].
+ To [=converted to an IDL value|convert a JavaScript value=] |V| to an IDL [=union type=]
+ value is done as follows:
+ 1. If the [=union type=] [=includes undefined=]
+ and |V| is
+ then return the unique {{undefined}} value.
+ 1. If the [=union type=] [=includes a nullable type=] and
+ |V| is
null or
+ then return the IDL value
+ 1. Let |types| be the [=flattened member types=]
+ of the [=union type=].
+ 1. If |V| is
null or
undefined, then:
+ 1. If |types| includes a [=dictionary type=], then return the
+ result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |V| to that dictionary type.
+ 1. If |V| [=is a platform object=], then:
+ 1. If |types| includes an [=interface type=] that |V|
+ [=implements=], then return the IDL value that is a reference to the object |V|.
+ 1. If |types| includes {{object}}, then return the IDL value
+ that is a reference to the object |V|.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is Object, |V| has an \[[ArrayBufferData]]
+ [=/internal slot=], and
IsSharedArrayBuffer(|V|) is false, then:
+ 1. If |types| includes {{ArrayBuffer}}, then return the
+ result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to {{ArrayBuffer}}.
+ 1. If |types| includes {{object}}, then return the IDL value
+ that is a reference to the object |V|.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is Object, |V|, has an \[[ArrayBufferData]]
+ [=/internal slot=], and
IsSharedArrayBuffer(|V|) is true, then:
+ 1. If |types| includes {{SharedArrayBuffer}}, then return the
+ result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to {{SharedArrayBuffer}}.
+ 1. If |types| includes {{object}}, then return the IDL value
+ that is a reference to the object |V|.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is Object and |V| has a \[[DataView]] [=/internal slot=], then:
+ 1. If |types| includes {{DataView}}, then return the
+ result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to {{DataView}}.
+ 1. If |types| includes {{object}}, then return the IDL value
+ that is a reference to the object |V|.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is Object and |V| has a \[[TypedArrayName]] [=/internal slot=], then:
+ 1. If |types| includes a [=typed array type=]
+ whose name is the value of |V|'s \[[TypedArrayName]] [=/internal slot=], then return the
+ result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to that type.
+ 1. If |types| includes {{object}}, then return the IDL value
+ that is a reference to the object |V|.
+ 1. If
IsCallable(|V|) is true, then:
+ 1. If |types| includes a [=callback function=]
+ type, then return the result of
+ [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to that callback function type.
+ 1. If |types| includes {{object}}, then return the IDL value
+ that is a reference to the object |V|.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is Object, then:
+ 1. If |types| includes a [=sequence type=], then
+ 1. Let |method| be [=?=]
GetMethod(|V|, {{@@iterator}}).
+ 1. If |method| is not
+ return the result of
+ [=creating a sequence from an iterable|creating a sequence=]
+ of that type from |V| and |method|.
+ 1. If |types| includes a [=frozen array type=], then
+ 1. Let |method| be [=?=]
GetMethod(|V|, {{@@iterator}}).
+ 1. If |method| is not
+ return the result of
+ [=Creating a frozen array from an iterable|creating a frozen array=]
+ of that type from |V| and |method|.
+ 1. If |types| includes a [=dictionary type=], then return the
+ result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to that dictionary type.
+ 1. If |types| includes a [=record type=], then return the
+ result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to that record type.
+ 1. If |types| includes a [=callback interface=]
+ type, then return the result of
+ [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to that [=callback interface type=].
+ 1. If |types| includes {{object}}, then return the IDL value
+ that is a reference to the object |V|.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is Boolean, then:
+ 1. If |types| includes {{boolean}},
+ then return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to {{boolean}}.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is Number, then:
+ 1. If |types| includes a [=numeric type=],
+ then return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to that [=numeric type=].
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is BigInt, then:
+ 1. If |types| includes {{bigint}},
+ then return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to {{bigint}}
+ 1. If |types| includes a [=string type=],
+ then return the result of
+ [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to that type.
+ 1. If |types| includes a [=numeric type=] and {{bigint}},
+ then return the result of [=converted to a numeric type or bigint|converting=]
+ |V| to either that [=numeric type=] or {{bigint}}.
+ 1. If |types| includes a [=numeric type=],
+ then return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to that [=numeric type=].
+ 1. If |types| includes {{boolean}},
+ then return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to {{boolean}}.
+ 1. If |types| includes {{bigint}},
+ then return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to {{bigint}}.
+ 1. [=JavaScript/Throw=] a
+ An IDL union type value is
+ [=converted to a JavaScript value=]
+ according to the rules for converting the [=specific type=]
+ of the IDL union type value as described in this section ([[#js-type-mapping]]).
+Buffer source types
+A value of an IDL {{ArrayBuffer}} is represented by an object of the corresponding JavaScript class.
+If it is not [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the [{{AllowResizable}}]
+[=extended attribute=], it can only be backed by JavaScript {{ArrayBuffer}}
+objects |V| for which IsResizableArrayBuffer(|V|) is false.
+A value of an IDL {{SharedArrayBuffer}} is represented by an object of the corresponding JavaScript
+class. If it is not [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the [{{AllowResizable}}]
+[=extended attribute=], it can only be backed by JavaScript
+{{SharedArrayBuffer}} objects |V| for which
+IsResizableArrayBuffer(|V|) is false.
+Values of the IDL [=buffer view types=] are represented by objects of the corresponding JavaScript
+class, with the following additional restrictions on those objects.
+ -
+ If the type is not [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] either the
+ [{{AllowResizable}}] or [{{AllowShared}}] [=extended attribute=], if applicable, they can
+ only be backed by JavaScript {{ArrayBuffer}} objects |V| for which IsResizableArrayBuffer(|V|) is false.
+ -
+ If the type is [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the
+ [{{AllowResizable}}] [=extended attribute=] but not with the [{{AllowShared}}] [=extended
+ attribute=], if applicable, they can only be backed by JavaScript
+ {{ArrayBuffer}} objects.
+ -
+ If the type is [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the [{{AllowShared}}]
+ [=extended attribute=] but not with the [{{AllowResizable}}] [=extended attribute=], they
+ can only be backed by JavaScript {{ArrayBuffer}} and
+ {{SharedArrayBuffer}} objects |V| for which
+ IsResizableArrayBuffer(|V|) is false.
+ -
+ If the type is [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] both the
+ [{{AllowResizable}}] and the [{{AllowShared}}] [=extended attribute|extended attributes=],
+ they can be backed by any JavaScript {{ArrayBuffer}} or
+ {{SharedArrayBuffer}} object.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{ArrayBuffer}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is not Object,
+ or |V| does not have an \[[ArrayBufferData]] [=/internal slot=],
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. If
IsSharedArrayBuffer(|V|) is true, then [=JavaScript/throw=]
+ a
+ 1. If the conversion is not to an IDL type
+ [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the [{{AllowResizable}}]
+ [=extended attribute=], and
IsResizableArrayBuffer(|V|) is true,
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return the IDL {{ArrayBuffer}} value that is a reference
+ to the same object as |V|.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{SharedArrayBuffer}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is not Object,
+ or |V| does not have an \[[ArrayBufferData]] [=/internal slot=],
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. If
IsSharedArrayBuffer(|V|) is false, then [=JavaScript/throw=]
+ a
+ 1. If the conversion is not to an IDL type
+ [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the [{{AllowResizable}}]
+ [=extended attribute=], and
IsResizableArrayBuffer(|V|) is true,
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return the IDL {{SharedArrayBuffer}} value that is a reference
+ to the same object as |V|.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{DataView}} value by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is not Object,
+ or |V| does not have a \[[DataView]] [=/internal slot=],
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. If the conversion is not to an IDL type
+ [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the [{{AllowShared}}]
+ [=extended attribute=], and
IsSharedArrayBuffer(|V|.\[[ViewedArrayBuffer]]) is true,
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. If the conversion is not to an IDL type
+ [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the [{{AllowResizable}}]
+ [=extended attribute=], and
IsResizableArrayBuffer(|V|.\[[ViewedArrayBuffer]]) is true,
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return the IDL {{DataView}} value that is a reference
+ to the same object as |V|.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is
+ [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL {{Int8Array}},
+ {{Int16Array}},
+ {{Int32Array}},
+ {{Uint8Array}},
+ {{Uint16Array}},
+ {{Uint32Array}},
+ {{Uint8ClampedArray}},
+ {{BigInt64Array}},
+ {{BigUint64Array}},
+ {{Float32Array}} or
+ {{Float64Array}} value
+ by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |T| be the IDL type |V| is being converted to.
+ 1. If
Type(|V|) is not Object,
+ or |V| does not have a \[[TypedArrayName]] [=/internal slot=]
+ with a value equal to |T|'s name,
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. If the conversion is not to an IDL type
+ [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the [{{AllowShared}}]
+ [=extended attribute=], and
IsSharedArrayBuffer(|V|.\[[ViewedArrayBuffer]]) is true,
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. If the conversion is not to an IDL type
+ [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the [{{AllowResizable}}]
+ [=extended attribute=], and
IsResizableArrayBuffer(|V|.\[[ViewedArrayBuffer]]) is true,
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Return the IDL value of type |T| that is a reference to the same object as |V|.
+The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+an IDL value of any [=buffer source type=]
+to a JavaScript value is the Object value that represents
+a reference to the same object that the IDL value represents.
+ To create an {{ArrayBuffer}} from a [=byte sequence=]
+ |bytes| in a [=realm=] |realm|:
+ 1. Let |jsArrayBuffer| be [=?=]
+ [$AllocateArrayBuffer$](|realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%ArrayBuffer%}}]], |bytes|'s
+ [=byte sequence/length=]).
+ 1. Let |arrayBuffer| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |jsArrayBuffer|
+ to an IDL value of type {{ArrayBuffer}}.
+ 1. [=ArrayBuffer/Write=] |bytes| into |arrayBuffer|.
+ 1. Return |arrayBuffer|.
+ To create a {{SharedArrayBuffer}} from a
+ [=byte sequence=] |bytes| in a [=realm=] |realm|:
+ 1. Let |jsSharedArrayBuffer| be [=?=]
+ [$AllocateSharedArrayBuffer$](|realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%SharedArrayBuffer%}}]], |bytes|'s
+ [=byte sequence/length=]).
+ 1. Let |sharedArrayBuffer| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |jsSharedArrayBuffer| to an IDL value of type {{SharedArrayBuffer}}.
+ 1. [=SharedArrayBuffer/Write=] |bytes| into |sharedArrayBuffer|.
+ 1. Return |sharedArrayBuffer|.
+ To create one of the {{ArrayBufferView}} types from a
+ [=byte sequence=] |bytes| in a [=realm=] |realm|:
+ 1. Assert: if the type is not {{DataView}}, then |bytes|'s [=byte sequence/length=] [=modulo=]
+ the [=element size=] of that type is 0.
+ 1. Let |arrayBuffer| be the result of [=ArrayBuffer/creating=] an {{ArrayBuffer}} from |bytes|
+ in |realm|.
+ 1. Let |jsArrayBuffer| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |arrayBuffer| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Let |constructor| be the appropriate constructor from |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]] for the type
+ of {{ArrayBufferView}} being created.
+ 1. Let |jsView| be [=!=] [$Construct$](|constructor|, « |jsArrayBuffer| »).
+ 1. Return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |jsView| into the given type.
+ To get a copy of the bytes held by the buffer source
+ given a [=buffer source type=] instance |bufferSource|:
+ 1. Let |jsBufferSource| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |bufferSource| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Let |jsArrayBuffer| be |jsBufferSource|.
+ 1. Let |offset| be 0.
+ 1. Let |length| be 0.
+ 1. If |jsBufferSource| has a \[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] [=/internal slot=], then:
+ 1. Set |jsArrayBuffer| to |jsBufferSource|.\[[ViewedArrayBuffer]].
+ 1. Set |offset| to |jsBufferSource|.\[[ByteOffset]].
+ 1. Set |length| to |jsBufferSource|.\[[ByteLength]].
+ 1. Otherwise:
+ 1. Assert: |jsBufferSource| is an {{ArrayBuffer}} or
+ {{SharedArrayBuffer}} object.
+ 1. Set |length| to |jsBufferSource|.\[[ArrayBufferByteLength]].
+ 1. If [$IsDetachedBuffer$](|jsArrayBuffer|) is true, then return the empty
+ [=byte sequence=].
+ 1. Let |bytes| be a new [=byte sequence=] of [=byte sequence/length=] equal to |length|.
+ 1. For |i| in [=the range=] |offset| to |offset| + |length| − 1, inclusive, set
+ |bytes|[|i| − |offset|] to [$GetValueFromBuffer$](|jsArrayBuffer|, |i|, Uint8,
+ true, Unordered).
+ 1. Return |bytes|.
+ The byte length of a [=buffer source type=] instance
+ |bufferSource| is the value returned by the following steps:
+ 1. Let |jsBufferSource| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |bufferSource| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. If |jsBufferSource| has a \[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] internal slot, then return
+ |jsBufferSource|.\[[ByteLength]].
+ 1. Return |jsBufferSource|.\[[ArrayBufferByteLength]].
+ The underlying buffer of a [=buffer source type=] instance
+ |bufferSource| is the value returned by the following steps:
+ 1. If |bufferSource| is a [=buffer type=] instance, then return |bufferSource|.
+ 1. Let |jsBufferView| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |bufferSource| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Let |jsBuffer| be |jsBufferView|.\[[ViewedArrayBuffer]].
+ 1. If [$IsSharedArrayBuffer$](|jsBuffer|) is false, then return the result of
+ [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |jsBuffer| to an IDL value of type {{ArrayBuffer}}.
+ 1. Return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |jsBuffer| to an IDL value of
+ type {{SharedArrayBuffer}}.
+ To write a
+ [=byte sequence=] |bytes| into a [=buffer type=] instance |arrayBuffer|, optionally given a
+ |startingOffset|
+ (default 0):
+ 1. Let |jsArrayBuffer| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |arrayBuffer| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Assert: |bytes|'s [=byte sequence/length=] ≤ |jsArrayBuffer|.\[[ArrayBufferByteLength]]
+ − |startingOffset|.
+ 1. For |i| in [=the range=] |startingOffset| to |startingOffset| + |bytes|'s [=byte
+ sequence/length=] − 1, inclusive, perform [$SetValueInBuffer$](|jsArrayBuffer|,
+ |i|, Uint8, |bytes|[|i| - |startingOffset|], true, Unordered).
+ To write a [=byte sequence=] |bytes| into an
+ {{ArrayBufferView}} |view|, optionally given a
+ |startingOffset| (default 0):
+ 1. Let |jsView| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=] |view| to
+ a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Assert: |bytes|'s [=byte sequence/length=] ≤ |jsView|.\[[ByteLength]] −
+ |startingOffset|.
+ 1. Assert: if |view| is not a {{DataView}}, then |bytes|'s [=byte sequence/length=] [=modulo=]
+ the [=element size=] of |view|'s type is 0.
+ 1. Let |arrayBuffer| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |jsView|.\[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] to an IDL value of type {{ArrayBuffer}}.
+ 1. [=ArrayBuffer/Write=] |bytes| into |arrayBuffer| with
+ [=ArrayBuffer/write/startingOffset=] set to |jsView|.\[[ByteOffset]] +
+ |startingOffset|.
+ Extreme care must be taken when writing specification text that
+ [=ArrayBuffer/writes=] into a [=buffer source type=] instance, as the underlying data
+ can easily be changed by the script author or other APIs at unpredictable times. This is
+ especially true if a {{SharedArrayBuffer}} object is involved.
+ For the non-shared cases, a more recommended pattern is to [=ArrayBuffer/transfer=] the
+ {{ArrayBuffer}} first if possible, to ensure the writes cannot overlap with other modifications,
+ and then give the new {{ArrayBuffer}} instance to author code as necessary. Alternately, you can
+ [=get a copy of the bytes held by the buffer source=], modify those bytes, and then use them to
+ [=ArrayBuffer/create=] a new {{ArrayBuffer}} or {{ArrayBufferView}} to give back to author code.
+ To
detach an {{ArrayBuffer}} |arrayBuffer|:
+ 1. Let |jsArrayBuffer| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |arrayBuffer| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Perform [=?=] [$DetachArrayBuffer$](|jsArrayBuffer|).
This will throw an exception if |jsArrayBuffer| has an \[[ArrayBufferDetachKey]]
+ that is not undefined, such as is the case with the value of {{Memory|WebAssembly.Memory}}'s
+ {{Memory/buffer}} attribute. [[WASM-JS-API-1]]
Detaching a buffer that is already [=BufferSource/detached=] is a no-op.
+ A [=buffer source type=] instance |bufferSource| is
+ detached if the following steps return true:
+ 1. Let |jsArrayBuffer| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |bufferSource| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. If |jsArrayBuffer| has a \[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] internal slot, then set |jsArrayBuffer| to
+ |jsArrayBuffer|.\[[ViewedArrayBuffer]].
+ 1. Return [$IsDetachedBuffer$](|jsArrayBuffer|).
+ To
transfer an {{ArrayBuffer}} |arrayBuffer|, optionally
+ given a [=realm=] |targetRealm|:
+ 1. Let |jsArrayBuffer| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |arrayBuffer| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Assert: [$IsDetachedBuffer$](|jsArrayBuffer|) is false.
+ 1. Let |arrayBufferData| be |jsArrayBuffer|.\[[ArrayBufferData]].
+ 1. Let |arrayBufferByteLength| be |jsArrayBuffer|.\[[ArrayBufferByteLength]].
+ 1. Perform [=?=] [$DetachArrayBuffer$](|jsArrayBuffer|).
+ 1. If |targetRealm| is not given, let |targetRealm| be the [=current realm=].
+ 1. Let |jsTransferred| be [=!=]
+ [$AllocateArrayBuffer$](|targetRealm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%ArrayBuffer%}}]], 0).
+ 1. Set |jsTransferred|.\[[ArrayBufferData]] to |arrayBufferData|.
+ 1. Set |jsTransferred|.\[[ArrayBufferByteLength]] to |arrayBufferByteLength|.
+ 1. Return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |jsTransferred| to an IDL
+ value of type {{ArrayBuffer}}.
This will throw an exception under the same circumstances as
+ [=ArrayBuffer/detaching=].
+Frozen arrays — FrozenArray<|T|>
+Values of frozen array types are represented by frozen JavaScript
+Array object references.
+ A JavaScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
+ to an IDL
FrozenArray<|T|> value
+ by running the following algorithm:
+ 1. Let |values| be the result of
+ [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to IDL type
+ 1. Return the result of
+ [=create a frozen array|creating a frozen array=]
+ from |values|.
+ To
create a frozen array
+ from a sequence of values of type |T|, follow these steps:
+ 1. Let |array| be the result of
+ [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ the sequence of values of type |T| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Perform [=!=]
SetIntegrityLevel(|array|, "
+ 1. Return |array|.
+The result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+an IDL FrozenArray<|T|> value to a JavaScript
+value is the Object value that represents a reference
+to the same object that the IDL FrozenArray<|T|> represents.
+Creating a frozen array from an iterable
+ To create an IDL value of type
FrozenArray<|T|> given an
+ iterable |iterable| and an iterator getter |method|, perform the following steps:
+ 1. Let |values| be the result of [=creating a sequence from an iterable|creating a sequence=]
+ of type
sequence<|T|> from |iterable| and |method|.
+ 1. Return the result of [=create a frozen array|creating a frozen array=] from |values|.
+Observable arrays — ObservableArray<|T|>
+Values of observable array types are represented by [=observable array exotic objects=].
+Instead of the usual conversion algorithms, observable array types have special handling as part of
+the [=attribute getter=] and [=attribute setter=] algorithms.
+In the JavaScript binding, JavaScript objects that represent [=platform objects=] have a
+backing observable array exotic object for each [=regular attribute=] of an
+[=observable array type=]. These are created and managed as part of the [=define the attributes=]
+ The [=observable array attribute/backing list=] for an observable array attribute in the
+ JavaScript binding, given a [=platform object=] |obj| and an attribute |attribute|, is the
+ [=list=] returned by the following algorithm:
+ 1. Assert: |obj| [=implements=] an [=interface=] with the [=regular attribute=] |attribute|.
+ 1. Let |oa| be |obj|'s [=backing observable array exotic object=] for |attribute|.
+ 1. Return |oa|.\[[ProxyHandler]].\[[BackingList]].
+Extended attributes
+This section defines a number of
+[=extended attributes=]
+whose presence affects the JavaScript binding.
+If the [{{AllowResizable}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on a [=buffer type=], it creates a new
+IDL type that allows for the respective corresponding JavaScript {{ArrayBuffer}}
+or {{SharedArrayBuffer}} object to be resizable.
+If the [{{AllowResizable}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on one of the [=buffer view types=] and
+the [{{AllowShared}}] [=extended attribute=] does not, it creates a new IDL type that allows the
+buffer view type to be backed by a JavaScript {{ArrayBuffer}} that is
+resizable, instead of only by a fixed-length {{ArrayBuffer}}.
+If the [{{AllowResizable}}] [=extended attribute=] and the [{{AllowShared}}] [=extended attribute=]
+both appear on one of the [=buffer view types=], it creates a new IDL type that allows the buffer
+view type to be additionally backed by a JavaScript {{SharedArrayBuffer}}
+that is growable.
+The [{{AllowResizable}}] extended attribute must [=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+A type that is not a [=buffer source type=] must not be
+[=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the [{{AllowResizable}}] extended attribute.
+See the rules for converting JavaScript values to IDL [=buffer source types=] in
+[[#js-buffer-source-types]] for the specific requirements that the use of [{{AllowResizable}}] entails.
+See the example in [[#AllowShared]] for example usage of both [{{AllowResizable}}] and [{{AllowShared}}].
+If the [{{AllowShared}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on one of the [=buffer view types=], it
+creates a new IDL type that allows the object to be backed by an {{SharedArrayBuffer}} instead of
+only by an {{ArrayBuffer}}.
+The [{{AllowShared}}] extended attribute must [=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+A type that is not a [=buffer view type=] must not be
+[=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the [{{AllowShared}}] extended attribute.
+See the rules for converting JavaScript values to IDL [=buffer view types=] in
+[[#js-buffer-source-types]] for the specific requirements that the use of [{{AllowShared}}] entails.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] demonstrates the possible combinations of the
+ [{{AllowResizable}}] and [{{AllowShared}}] [=extended attribute=]:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface ExampleBufferFeature {
+ undefined writeInto(ArrayBufferView dest);
+ undefined writeIntoResizable([AllowResizable] ArrayBufferView dest);
+ undefined writeIntoShared([AllowShared] ArrayBufferView dest);
+ undefined writeIntoSharedResizable([AllowResizable, AllowShared] ArrayBufferView dest);
+ };
+ With this definition,
+ -
+ A call to
with any [=buffer view type=] backed by
+ either a resizable {{ArrayBuffer}} instance or a {{SharedArrayBuffer}} instance,
+ will throw a {{TypeError}} exception.
+ -
+ A call to
with any [=buffer view type=] backed by
+ a {{SharedArrayBuffer}} instance, will throw a
+ {{TypeError}} exception.
+ -
+ A call to
with any [=buffer view type=] backed by a
+ resizable {{ArrayBuffer}} instance or a growable {{SharedArrayBuffer}} instance,
+ will throw a {{TypeError}} exception.
+ -
+ A call to
will accept any
+ [=buffer view type=] backed by a {{ArrayBuffer}} instance or a
+ {{SharedArrayBuffer}} instance.
+If the [{{Clamp}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on one of the [=integer types=], it creates a new
+IDL type such that that when a JavaScript Number is converted to the IDL type,
+out-of-range values will be clamped to the range of valid values, rather than using the operators
+that use a modulo operation (ToInt32, ToUint32, etc.).
+The [{{Clamp}}]
+extended attribute must
+[=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+A type annotated with the [{{Clamp}}] extended attribute must not appear in a [=read only=]
+attribute. A type must not be [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] both the
+[{{Clamp}}] and [{{EnforceRange}}] extended attributes. A type that is not an [=integer type=] must
+not be [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the [{{Clamp}}] extended attribute.
+See the rules for converting JavaScript values to the various IDL integer
+types in [[#js-integer-types]]
+for the specific requirements that the use of
+[{{Clamp}}] entails.
+ In the following [=IDL fragment=],
+ two [=operations=] are declared that
+ take three {{octet}} arguments; one uses
+ the [{{Clamp}}] [=extended attribute=]
+ on all three arguments, while the other does not:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface GraphicsContext {
+ undefined setColor(octet red, octet green, octet blue);
+ undefined setColorClamped([Clamp] octet red, [Clamp] octet green, [Clamp] octet blue);
+ };
+ A call to
+ Number values that are out of range for an
+ {{octet}} are clamped to the range [0, 255].
+ // Get an instance of GraphicsContext.
+ var context = getGraphicsContext();
+ // Calling the non-[Clamp] version uses ToUint8 to coerce the Numbers to octets.
+ // This is equivalent to calling setColor(255, 255, 1).
+ context.setColor(-1, 255, 257);
+ // Call setColorClamped with some out of range values.
+ // This is equivalent to calling setColorClamped(0, 255, 255).
+ context.setColorClamped(-1, 255, 257);
+If the [{{CrossOriginIsolated}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on an
+[=partial interface=],
+[=interface mixin=],
+[=partial interface mixin=],
+[=callback interface=],
+[=partial namespace=],
+[=interface member=],
+[=interface mixin member=], or
+[=namespace member=],
+it indicates that the construct is [=exposed=] only within an environment whose
+[=environment settings object/cross-origin isolated capability=] is true. The
+[{{CrossOriginIsolated}}] extended attribute must not be used on any other construct.
+The [{{CrossOriginIsolated}}] extended attribute must [=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+If [{{CrossOriginIsolated}}] appears on an [=overloaded=] [=operation=],
+then it must appear on all overloads.
+The [{{CrossOriginIsolated}}] [=extended attribute=] must not be specified both on
+* an [=interface member=] and its [=interface=] or [=partial interface=];
+* an [=interface mixin member=] and its [=interface mixin=] or [=partial interface mixin=];
+* a [=namespace member=] and its [=namespace=] or [=partial namespace=].
+Note: This is because adding the [{{CrossOriginIsolated}}] [=extended attribute=] on a [=member=]
+when its containing definition is also annotated with the [{{CrossOriginIsolated}}]
+[=extended attribute=] does not further restrict the exposure of the [=member=].
+An [=interface=] without the [{{CrossOriginIsolated}}] [=extended attribute=]
+must not [=interface/inherit=] from another interface
+that does specify [{{CrossOriginIsolated}}].
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines an interface with one [=operation=] that is executable
+ from all contexts, and two which are executable only from cross-origin isolated contexts.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface ExampleFeature {
+ // This call will succeed in all contexts.
+ Promise <Result> calculateNotSoSecretResult();
+ // This operation will not be exposed to a non-isolated context. In such a context,
+ // there will be no "calculateSecretResult" property on ExampleFeature.prototype.
+ [CrossOriginIsolated] Promise<Result> calculateSecretResult();
+ // The same applies here: the attribute will not be exposed to a non-isolated context,
+ // and in such a context there will be no "secretBoolean" property on
+ // ExampleFeature.prototype.
+ [CrossOriginIsolated] readonly attribute boolean secretBoolean;
+ };
+ // HighResolutionTimer will not be exposed in a non-isolated context, nor will its members.
+ // In such a context, there will be no "HighResolutionTimer" property on Window.
+ [Exposed=Window, CrossOriginIsolated]
+ interface HighResolutionTimer {
+ DOMHighResTimeStamp getHighResolutionTime();
+ };
+ // The interface mixin members defined below will never be exposed in a non-isolated
+ // context, regardless of whether the interface that includes them is. That is, in
+ // non-isolated context, there will be no "snap" property on ExampleFeature.prototype.
+ [CrossOriginIsolated]
+ interface mixin Snapshotable {
+ Promise<boolean> snap();
+ };
+ ExampleFeature includes Snapshotable;
+ // On the other hand, the following interface mixin members will be exposed to a
+ // non-isolated context when included by a host interface that doesn't have the
+ // [CrossOriginIsolated] extended attribute. That is, in a non-isolated context, there will
+ // be a "log" property on ExampleFeature.prototype.
+ interface mixin Loggable {
+ Promise<boolean> log();
+ };
+ ExampleFeature includes Loggable;
+If the [{{Default}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on a [=regular operation=], then it indicates
+that the appropriate [=default method steps=] must be carried out when the operation is invoked.
+The [{{Default}}] extended attribute must
+[=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+The [{{Default}}] extended attribute must not be used on anything other than a [=regular operation=]
+that [=has default method steps=] defined.
+ As an example, the [{{Default}}] extended attribute is suitable
+ for use on
[=regular operations=]:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Animal {
+ attribute DOMString name;
+ attribute unsigned short age;
+ [Default] object toJSON();
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Human : Animal {
+ attribute Dog? pet;
+ [Default] object toJSON();
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Dog : Animal {
+ attribute DOMString? breed;
+ };
+ In the JavaScript language binding, there would exist a
method on
+ and (via inheritance)
+ // Get an instance of Human.
+ var alice = getHuman();
+ // Evaluates to an object like this (notice how "pet" still holds
+ // an instance of Dog at this point):
+ //
+ // {
+ // name: "Alice",
+ // age: 59,
+ // pet: Dog
+ // }
+ alice.toJSON();
+ // Evaluates to an object like this (notice how "breed" is absent,
+ // as the Dog interface doesn't use the default toJSON steps):
+ //
+ // {
+ // name: "Tramp",
+ // age: 6
+ // }
+ alice.pet.toJSON();
+ // Evaluates to a string like this:
+ // '{"name":"Alice","age":59,"pet":{"name":"Tramp","age":6}}'
+ JSON.stringify(alice);
+If the [{{EnforceRange}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on one of the [=integer types=], it creates
+a new IDL type such that that when a JavaScript Number is converted to the IDL
+type, out-of-range values will cause an exception to be thrown, rather than being converted to a
+valid value using using the operators that use a modulo operation (ToInt32, ToUint32, etc.).
+The Number will be rounded toward zero before being checked against its range.
+The [{{EnforceRange}}]
+extended attribute must
+[=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+A type annotated with the [{{EnforceRange}}] extended attribute must not appear in a
+[=read only=] attribute. A type must not be [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=]
+both the [{{Clamp}}] and [{{EnforceRange}}] extended attributes. A type that is not an
+[=integer type=] must not be [=extended attributes associated with|associated with=] the
+[{{EnforceRange}}] extended attribute.
+See the rules for converting JavaScript values to the various IDL integer
+types in [[#js-type-mapping]]
+for the specific requirements that the use of
+[{{EnforceRange}}] entails.
+ In the following [=IDL fragment=],
+ two [=operations=] are declared that
+ take three {{octet}} arguments; one uses
+ the [{{EnforceRange}}] [=extended attribute=]
+ on all three arguments, while the other does not:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface GraphicsContext {
+ undefined setColor(octet red, octet green, octet blue);
+ undefined setColorEnforcedRange([EnforceRange] octet red, [EnforceRange] octet green, [EnforceRange] octet blue);
+ };
+ In a JavaScript implementation of the IDL, a call to setColorEnforcedRange with
+ Number values that are out of range for an
+ {{octet}} will result in an exception being
+ thrown.
+ // Get an instance of GraphicsContext.
+ var context = getGraphicsContext();
+ // Calling the non-[EnforceRange] version uses ToUint8 to coerce the Numbers to octets.
+ // This is equivalent to calling setColor(255, 255, 1).
+ context.setColor(-1, 255, 257);
+ // When setColorEnforcedRange is called, Numbers are rounded towards zero.
+ // This is equivalent to calling setColor(0, 255, 255).
+ context.setColorEnforcedRange(-0.9, 255, 255.2);
+ // The following will cause a TypeError to be thrown, since even after
+ // rounding the first and third argument values are out of range.
+ context.setColorEnforcedRange(-1, 255, 256);
+When the [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on
+an [=interface=],
+[=partial interface=],
+[=interface mixin=],
+[=partial interface mixin=],
+[=callback interface=],
+[=partial namespace=], or
+an individual [=interface member=],
+[=interface mixin member=], or
+[=namespace member=],
+it indicates that the construct is exposed
+on that particular set of global interfaces.
+The [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=] must either
+[=takes an identifier|take an identifier=],
+[=takes an identifier list|take an identifier list=] or
+[=takes a wildcard|take a wildcard=].
+Each of the identifiers mentioned must be a [=global name=] of some [=interface=] and be unique.
+The own exposure set is either a [=/set=] of identifiers or the special value
, defined as follows:
+ : If the [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=] [=takes an identifier=] |I|
+ :: The [=own exposure set=] is the [=/set=] « |I| ».
+ : If the [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=] [=takes an identifier list=] |I|
+ :: The [=own exposure set=] is the [=/set=] |I|.
+ : If the [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=] [=takes a wildcard=]
+ :: The [=own exposure set=] is *
+ [Exposed=*]
is to be used with care.
+ It is only appropriate when an API does not expose significant new capabilities.
+ If the API might be restricted or disabled in some environments,
+ it is preferred to list the globals explicitly.
+The exposure set intersection of a construct |C| and interface-or-null |H| is defined as
+1. Assert: |C| is an [=interface member=], [=interface mixin member=], [=namespace member=],
+ [=partial interface=], [=partial interface mixin=], [=partial namespace=], or
+ [=interface mixin=].
+1. Assert: |H| is an [=interface=] or null.
+1. If |H| is null, return |C|'s [=own exposure set=].
+1. If |C|'s [=own exposure set=] is *
, return |H|'s [=exposure set=].
+1. If |H|'s [=exposure set=] is *
, return |C|'s [=own exposure set=].
+1. Return the [=set/intersection=] of |C|'s [=own exposure set=] and |H|'s
+ [=exposure set=].
+ To get the exposure set of a construct |C|,
+ run the following steps:
+ 1. Assert: |C| is an [=interface=], [=callback interface=], [=namespace=],
+ [=interface member=], [=interface mixin member=], or [=namespace member=].
+ 1. Let |H| be |C|'s [=host interface=] if |C| is an [=interface mixin member=], or null otherwise.
+ 1. If |C| is an [=interface member=], [=interface mixin member=], or [=namespace member=], then:
+ 1. If the [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=] is specified on |C|,
+ return the [=exposure set intersection=] of |C| and |H|.
+ 1. Set |C| to the
+ [=interface=], [=partial interface=],
+ [=interface mixin=], [=partial interface mixin=],
+ [=namespace=], or [=partial namespace=]
+ |C| is declared on.
+ 1. If |C| is a [=partial interface=], [=partial interface mixin=], or [=partial namespace=], then:
+ 1. If the [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=] is specified on |C|,
+ return the [=exposure set intersection=] of |C| and |H|.
+ 1. Set |C| to the original [=interface=], [=interface mixin=], or [=namespace=] definition
+ of |C|.
+ 1. If |C| is an [=interface mixin=], then:
+ 1. Assert: |H| is not null.
+ 1. If the [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=] is specified on |C|,
+ return the [=exposure set intersection=] of |C| and |H|.
+ 1. Set |C| to |H|.
+ 1. Assert: |C| is an [=interface=], [=callback interface=] or [=namespace=].
+ 1. Assert: The [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=] is specified on |C|.
+ 1. Return |C|'s [=own exposure set=].
+If [{{Exposed}}] appears on an [=overloaded=] [=operation=],
+then it must appear identically on all overloads.
+The [{{Exposed}}] extended attribute must not be specified both on
+an [=interface member=], [=interface mixin member=], or [=namespace member=], and on
+the [=partial interface=], [=partial interface mixin=], or [=partial namespace=] definition
+the [=member=] is declared on.
+Note: This is because adding an [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=] on a
+[=partial interface=], [=partial interface mixin=], or [=partial namespace=]
+is shorthand for annotating each of its [=members=].
+If [{{Exposed}}] appears on a [=partial interface=] or [=partial namespace=],
+then the partial's [=own exposure set=] must be a subset of
+the [=exposure set=] of the partial's original [=interface=] or [=namespace=].
+If [{{Exposed}}] appears on an [=interface member|interface=] or [=namespace member=],
+then the [=member=]'s [=exposure set=] must be a subset
+of the [=exposure set=] of the [=interface=] or [=namespace=] it is a member of.
+If [{{Exposed}}] appears both on a [=partial interface mixin=]
+and its original [=interface mixin=],
+then the [=partial interface mixin=]'s [=own exposure set=]
+must be a subset of the [=interface mixin=]'s [=own exposure set=].
+If [{{Exposed}}] appears both on an [=interface mixin member=]
+and the [=interface mixin=] it is a member of,
+then the [=interface mixin members=]'s [=own exposure set=]
+must be a subset of the [=interface mixin=]'s [=own exposure set=].
+If an interface |X| [=interface/inherits=] from another interface |Y|
+then the [=exposure set=] of |X| must be a subset of the [=exposure set=] of |Y|.
+Note: As an [=interface mixin=] can be [=included=] by different [=interfaces=],
+the [=exposure set=] of its [=interface mixin member|members=] is a function of
+the [=interface=] that [=includes=] them.
+If the [=interface mixin member=], [=partial interface mixin=], or [=interface mixin=]
+is annotated with an [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=],
+then the [=interface mixin member=]'s [=exposure set=]
+is the [=set/intersection=] of the relevant construct's [=own exposure set=]
+with the [=host interface=]'s [=exposure set=].
+Otherwise, it is the [=host interface=]'s [=exposure set=].
+ An [=interface=], [=callback interface=], [=namespace=], or [=member=] |construct| is
+ exposed in a given [=realm=] |realm| if the following steps
+ return true:
+ 1. If |construct|'s [=exposure set=] is not *
, and |realm|.\[[GlobalObject]] does
+ not implement an [=interface=] that is in |construct|'s [=exposure set=], then return false.
+ 1. If |realm|'s [=realm/settings object=] is not a [=secure context=], and |construct| is
+ [=conditionally exposed=] on [{{SecureContext}}], then return false.
+ 1. If |realm|'s [=realm/settings object=]'s
+ [=environment settings object/cross-origin isolated capability=] is false, and |construct|
+ is [=conditionally exposed=] on [{{CrossOriginIsolated}}], then return false.
+ 1. Return true.
+ An [=interface=], [=callback interface=], [=namespace=], or [=member=] |construct| is
+ conditionally exposed on a given
+ [=extended attribute=] |exposure condition| if the following steps return true:
+ 1. Assert: |construct| is an [=interface=], [=callback interface=], [=namespace=],
+ [=interface member=], [=interface mixin member=], or [=namespace member=].
+ 1. Let |H| be |construct|'s [=host interface=] if |construct| is an [=interface mixin member=],
+ or null otherwise.
+ 1. If |construct| is an [=interface member=], [=interface mixin member=], or
+ [=namespace member=], then:
+ 1. If the |exposure condition| [=extended attribute=] is specified on |construct|,
+ then return true.
+ 1. Otherwise, set |construct| to be the
+ [=interface=], [=partial interface=],
+ [=interface mixin=], [=partial interface mixin=],
+ [=namespace=], or [=partial namespace=]
+ |construct| is declared on.
+ 1. If |construct| is a [=partial interface=], [=partial interface mixin=], or
+ [=partial namespace=], then:
+ 1. If the |exposure condition| [=extended attribute=] is specified on |construct|,
+ then return true.
+ 1. Otherwise, set |construct| to be the original [=interface=], [=interface mixin=], or
+ [=namespace=] definition of |construct|.
+ 1. If |construct| is an [=interface mixin=], then:
+ 1. If the |exposure condition| [=extended attribute=] is specified on |construct|,
+ then return true.
+ 1. Otherwise, set |construct| to |H|.
+ 1. Assert: |construct| is an [=interface=], [=callback interface=] or [=namespace=].
+ 1. If the |exposure condition| [=extended attribute=] is specified on |construct|,
+ then return true.
+ 1. Otherwise, return false.
+Note: Since it is not possible for the [=relevant settings object=]
+for a JavaScript global object to change whether it is a
+[=secure context=] or [=environment settings object/cross-origin isolated capability=] over time, an
+implementation's decision to create properties for an interface or interface member can be made
+once, at the time the [=initial objects=] are created.
+[[#js-operations]], and
+for the specific requirements that the use of
+[{{Exposed}}] entails.
+ [{{Exposed}}] is intended to be used to control whether [=interfaces=],
+ [=callback interfaces=], [=namespaces=], or individual [=interface member|interface=],
+ [=interface mixin member|mixin=] or [=namespace members=] are available for use in workers,
+ {{Worklet}}, {{Window}}, or any combination of the above.
+ The following IDL fragment shows how that might be achieved:
+ [Exposed=Window, Global=Window]
+ interface Window {
+ // ...
+ };
+ // By using the same identifier Worker for both SharedWorkerGlobalScope
+ // and DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope, both can be addressed in an [Exposed]
+ // extended attribute at once.
+ [Exposed=Worker, Global=Worker]
+ interface SharedWorkerGlobalScope : WorkerGlobalScope {
+ // ...
+ };
+ [Exposed=Worker, Global=Worker]
+ interface DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope : WorkerGlobalScope {
+ // ...
+ };
+ // Dimensions is available for use in workers and on the main thread.
+ [Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
+ interface Dimensions {
+ constructor(double width, double height);
+ readonly attribute double width;
+ readonly attribute double height;
+ };
+ // WorkerNavigator is only available in workers. Evaluating WorkerNavigator
+ // in the global scope of a worker would give you its interface object, while
+ // doing so on the main thread will give you a ReferenceError.
+ [Exposed=Worker]
+ interface WorkerNavigator {
+ // ...
+ };
+ // Node is only available on the main thread. Evaluating Node
+ // in the global scope of a worker would give you a ReferenceError.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Node {
+ // ...
+ };
+ // MathUtils is available for use in workers and on the main thread.
+ [Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
+ namespace MathUtils {
+ double someComplicatedFunction(double x, double y);
+ };
+ // WorkerUtils is only available in workers. Evaluating WorkerUtils
+ // in the global scope of a worker would give you its namespace object, while
+ // doing so on the main thread will give you a ReferenceError.
+ [Exposed=Worker]
+ namespace WorkerUtils {
+ undefined setPriority(double x);
+ };
+ // NodeUtils is only available in the main thread. Evaluating NodeUtils
+ // in the global scope of a worker would give you a ReferenceError.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ namespace NodeUtils {
+ DOMString getAllText(Node node);
+ };
+If the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on an [=interface=],
+it indicates that objects implementing this interface will
+be used as the global object in a [=realm=].
+The [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=] also defines the
+global names for the [=interface=]:
+ : If the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=] [=takes an identifier=]
+ :: « the given [=identifier=] »
+ : If the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=] [=takes an identifier list=]
+ :: the identifier list
+The [{{Global}}] extended attribute must be one of the forms given above.
+Note: The [=global names=] for the [=interface=] are the [=identifiers=] that can be used to
+reference it in the [{{Exposed}}] [=extended attribute=].
+A single name can be shared across multiple different global interfaces,
+allowing an interface to more easily use [{{Exposed}}] to expose itself to all of them at once.
+For example, "Worker
" is used to refer to several distinct types of threading-related
+global interfaces.
+For these global [=interfaces=], the structure of the prototype chain and how properties
+corresponding to [=interface members=] will be reflected on the prototype objects will be different
+from other interfaces. Specifically:
+1. Any [=named properties=]
+ will be exposed on an object in the prototype chain – the
+ [=named properties object=] –
+ rather than on the object itself.
+1. [=Interface members=] from the
+ [=interface=]
+ will correspond to properties on the object itself rather than on
+ [=interface prototype objects=].
+All [=realms=] have an is global prototype chain mutable boolean,
+which can be set when the [=realm=] is created.
+Its value can not change during the lifetime of the [=realm=].
+By default it is set to false.
+This allows the ShadowRealm
global to have a mutable prototype.
+ Placing named properties on an object in the prototype chain
+ is done so that variable declarations and bareword assignments
+ will shadow the named property with a property on the global
+ object itself.
+ Placing properties corresponding to interface members on
+ the object itself will mean that common feature detection
+ methods like the following will work:
+ var indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB ||
+ window.mozIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB;
+ var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
+ window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || ...;
+ Because of the way variable declarations are handled in
+ JavaScript, the code above would result in the
+ and
+ to
undefined, as the shadowing variable
+ property would already have been created before the
+ assignment is evaluated.
+If the [{{Global}}] [=extended attributes=] is
+used on an [=interface=], then:
+* The interface must not define a [=named property setter=].
+* The interface must not define [=indexed property getters=] or [=indexed property setter|setters=].
+* The interface must not define a [=constructor operation=].
+* The interface must not also be declared with the [{{LegacyOverrideBuiltIns}}]
+ extended attribute.
+* The interface must not [=interface/inherit=] from another interface with the
+ [{{LegacyOverrideBuiltIns}}] extended attribute.
+* Any other interface must not [=interface/inherit=] from it.
+If [{{Global}}] is specified on
+a [=partial interface=]
+definition, then that partial interface definition must
+be the part of the interface definition that defines
+the [=named property getter=].
+The [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=] must not
+be used on an [=interface=] that can have more
+than one object implementing it in the same [=realm=].
+Note: This is because the [=named properties object=],
+which exposes the named properties, is in the prototype chain, and it would not make
+sense for more than one object's named properties to be exposed on an object that
+all of those objects inherit from.
+If an interface is declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=], then
+there must not be more than one
+[=member=] across
+the interface
+with the same [=identifier=].
+There also must not be more than
+one [=stringifier=]
+or more than one [=iterable declaration=],
+[=asynchronously iterable declaration=],
+[=maplike declaration=] or
+[=setlike declaration=]
+across those interfaces.
+Note: This is because all of the [=members=] of the interface
+get flattened down on to the object that [=implements=] the interface.
+See [[#named-properties-object]] for the specific requirements
+that the use of [{{Global}}] entails for [=named properties=],
+and [[#js-constants]], [[#js-attributes]] and [[#js-operations]]
+for the requirements relating to the location of properties
+corresponding to [=interface members=].
+ The
interface exposes frames as properties on the
+ object. Since the
object also serves as the
+ JavaScript global object, variable declarations or assignments to the named properties
+ will result in them being replaced by the new value. Variable declarations for
+ attributes will not create a property that replaces the existing one.
+ [Exposed=Window, Global=Window]
+ interface Window {
+ getter any (DOMString name);
+ attribute DOMString name;
+ // ...
+ };
+ The following HTML document illustrates how the named properties on the
object can be shadowed, and how
+ the property for an attribute will not be replaced when declaring
+ a variable of the same name:
+ <!DOCTYPE html>
+ <title>Variable declarations and assignments on Window</title>
+ <iframe name=abc></iframe>
+ <!-- Shadowing named properties -->
+ <script>
+ window.abc; // Evaluates to the iframe's Window object.
+ abc = 1; // Shadows the named property.
+ window.abc; // Evaluates to 1.
+ </script>
+ <!-- Preserving properties for IDL attributes -->
+ <script>
+ Window.prototype.def = 2; // Places a property on the prototype.
+ window.hasOwnProperty("length"); // Evaluates to true.
+ length; // Evaluates to 1.
+ def; // Evaluates to 2.
+ </script>
+ <script>
+ var length; // Variable declaration leaves existing property.
+ length; // Evaluates to 1.
+ var def; // Variable declaration creates shadowing property.
+ def; // Evaluates to undefined.
+ </script>
+If the [{{NewObject}}]
+[=extended attribute=]
+appears on a [=regular operation|regular=]
+or [=static operations|static=]
+then it indicates that when calling the operation,
+a reference to a newly created object
+must always be returned.
+The [{{NewObject}}]
+extended attribute must
+[=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+The [{{NewObject}}]
+extended attribute must not
+be used on anything other than a [=regular operation|regular=]
+or [=static operations|static=]
+whose [=return type=]
+is an [=interface type=] or
+a [=promise type=].
+ As an example, this extended attribute is suitable for use on
+ the {{Document/createElement()}} operation on the {{Document}} interface,
+ since a new object is always returned when
+ it is called. [[DOM]]
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Document : Node {
+ [NewObject] Element createElement(DOMString localName);
+ // ...
+ };
+If the [{{PutForwards}}]
+[=extended attribute=]
+appears on a [=read only=]
+[=regular attribute=] declaration whose type is
+an [=interface type=],
+it indicates that assigning to the attribute will have specific behavior.
+Namely, the assignment is “forwarded” to the attribute (specified by
+the extended attribute argument) on the object that is currently
+referenced by the attribute being assigned to.
+The [{{PutForwards}}] extended
+attribute must [=takes an identifier|take an identifier=].
+Assuming that:
+* |A| is the [=attribute=]
+ on which the [{{PutForwards}}]
+ extended attribute appears,
+* |I| is the [=interface=]
+ on which |A| is declared,
+* |J| is the [=interface type=]
+ that |A| is declared to be of, and
+* |N| is the [=identifier=]
+ argument of the extended attribute,
+then there must be another
+[=attribute=] |B|
+declared on |J| whose [=identifier=]
+is |N|. Assignment of a value to the attribute |A|
+on an object implementing |I| will result in that value
+being assigned to attribute |B| of the object that |A|
+references, instead.
+Note that [{{PutForwards}}]-annotated
+[=attributes=] can be
+chained. That is, an attribute with the [{{PutForwards}}]
+[=extended attribute=]
+can refer to an attribute that itself has that extended attribute.
+There must not exist a cycle in a
+chain of forwarded assignments. A cycle exists if, when following
+the chain of forwarded assignments, a particular attribute on
+an [=interface=] is
+encountered more than once.
+An attribute with the [{{PutForwards}}]
+extended attribute must not also be declared
+with the [{{LegacyLenientSetter}}] or
+[{{Replaceable}}] extended attributes.
+The [{{PutForwards}}]
+extended attribute must not be used
+on an [=attribute=] that
+is not [=read only=].
+The [{{PutForwards}}] extended attribute
+must not be used on a
+[=static attribute=].
+The [{{PutForwards}}] extended attribute
+must not be used on an attribute declared on
+a [=namespace=].
+See the Attributes section for how
+is to be implemented.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines interfaces for names and people.
+ The [{{PutForwards}}] extended
+ attribute is used on the
+ of the
interface to indicate
+ that assignments to that attribute result in assignments to the
attribute of the
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Name {
+ attribute DOMString full;
+ attribute DOMString family;
+ attribute DOMString given;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Person {
+ [PutForwards=full] readonly attribute Name name;
+ attribute unsigned short age;
+ };
+ In the JavaScript binding, this would allow assignments to the
+ var p = getPerson(); // Obtain an instance of Person.
+ p.name = 'John Citizen'; // This statement...
+ p.name.full = 'John Citizen'; // ...has the same behavior as this one.
+If the [{{Replaceable}}]
+[=extended attribute=]
+appears on a [=read only=]
+[=regular attribute=],
+it indicates that setting the corresponding property on the
+[=platform object=] will result in
+an own property with the same name being created on the object
+which has the value being assigned. This property will shadow
+the accessor property corresponding to the attribute, which
+exists on the [=interface prototype object=].
+The [{{Replaceable}}]
+extended attribute must
+[=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+An attribute with the [{{Replaceable}}]
+extended attribute must not also be declared
+with the [{{LegacyLenientSetter}}] or
+[{{PutForwards}}] extended attributes.
+The [{{Replaceable}}]
+extended attribute must not be used
+on an [=attribute=] that
+is not [=read only=].
+The [{{Replaceable}}] extended attribute
+must not be used on a
+[=static attribute=].
+The [{{Replaceable}}] extended attribute
+must not be used on an attribute declared on
+a [=namespace=].
+See [[#js-attributes]]
+for the specific requirements that the use of
+[{{Replaceable}}] entails.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ defines an [=interface=]
+ with an [=operation=]
+ that increments a counter, and an [=attribute=]
+ that exposes the counter's value, which is initially 0:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Counter {
+ [Replaceable] readonly attribute unsigned long value;
+ undefined increment();
+ };
+ Assigning to the
+ on a [=platform object=] implementing
+ will shadow the property that corresponds to the
+ [=attribute=]:
+ var counter = getCounter(); // Obtain an instance of Counter.
+ counter.value; // Evaluates to 0.
+ counter.hasOwnProperty("value"); // Evaluates to false.
+ Object.getPrototypeOf(counter).hasOwnProperty("value"); // Evaluates to true.
+ counter.increment();
+ counter.increment();
+ counter.value; // Evaluates to 2.
+ counter.value = 'a'; // Shadows the property with one that is unrelated
+ // to Counter::value.
+ counter.hasOwnProperty("value"); // Evaluates to true.
+ counter.increment();
+ counter.value; // Evaluates to 'a'.
+ delete counter.value; // Reveals the original property.
+ counter.value; // Evaluates to 3.
+If the [{{SameObject}}]
+[=extended attribute=]
+appears on a [=read only=]
+[=attribute=], then it
+indicates that when getting the value of the attribute on a given
+object, the same value must always
+be returned.
+The [{{SameObject}}]
+extended attribute must
+[=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+The [{{SameObject}}]
+extended attribute must not
+be used on anything other than a [=read only=]
+whose type is an [=interface type=]
+or {{object}}.
+ As an example, this extended attribute is suitable for use on
+ the {{Document/implementation}} attribute on the {{Document}} interface
+ since the same object is always returned for a given
+ {{Document}} object. [[DOM]]
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Document : Node {
+ [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMImplementation implementation;
+ // ...
+ };
+If the [{{SecureContext}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on an
+[=partial interface=],
+[=interface mixin=],
+[=partial interface mixin=],
+[=callback interface=],
+[=partial namespace=],
+[=interface member=],
+[=interface mixin member=], or
+[=namespace member=],
+it indicates that the construct is [=exposed=]
+only within a [=secure context=].
+The [{{SecureContext}}] extended attribute must not be used
+on any other construct.
+The [{{SecureContext}}] extended attribute must [=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+If [{{SecureContext}}] appears on an [=overloaded=] [=operation=],
+then it must appear on all overloads.
+The [{{SecureContext}}] [=extended attribute=] must not be specified both on
+* an [=interface member=] and its [=interface=] or [=partial interface=];
+* an [=interface mixin member=] and its [=interface mixin=] or [=partial interface mixin=];
+* a [=namespace member=] and its [=namespace=] or [=partial namespace=].
+Note: This is because adding the [{{SecureContext}}] [=extended attribute=] on a [=member=] when
+its containing definition is also annotated with the [{{SecureContext}}] [=extended attribute=]
+does not further restrict the exposure of the [=member=].
+An [=interface=] without the [{{SecureContext}}] [=extended attribute=]
+must not [=interface/inherit=] from another interface
+that does specify [{{SecureContext}}].
+[{{SecureContext}}] must not be specified on a construct is that is [=conditionally exposed=] on
+[{{CrossOriginIsolated}}]. (Doing so would be redundant, since every environment which is
+[=environment settings object/cross-origin isolated capability|cross-origin isolated=] is also a
+[=secure context=].)
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines an interface
+ with one [=operation=] that is executable from all
+ contexts, and two which are executable only from secure contexts.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface ExampleFeature {
+ // This call will succeed in all contexts.
+ Promise <Result> calculateNotSoSecretResult();
+ // This operation will not be exposed to a non-secure context. In such a context,
+ // there will be no "calculateSecretResult" property on ExampleFeature.prototype.
+ [SecureContext] Promise<Result> calculateSecretResult();
+ // The same applies here: the attribute will not be exposed to a non-secure context,
+ // and in a non-secure context there will be no "secretBoolean" property on
+ // ExampleFeature.prototype.
+ [SecureContext] readonly attribute boolean secretBoolean;
+ };
+ // HeartbeatSensor will not be exposed in a non-secure context, nor will its members.
+ // In such a context, there will be no "HeartbeatSensor" property on Window.
+ [Exposed=Window, SecureContext]
+ interface HeartbeatSensor {
+ Promise<float> getHeartbeatsPerMinute();
+ };
+ // The interface mixin members defined below will never be exposed in a non-secure context,
+ // regardless of whether the interface that includes them is. That is, in a non-secure
+ // context, there will be no "snap" property on ExampleFeature.prototype.
+ [SecureContext]
+ interface mixin Snapshotable {
+ Promise<boolean> snap();
+ };
+ ExampleFeature includes Snapshotable;
+ // On the other hand, the following interface mixin members will be exposed to a non-secure
+ // context when included by a host interface that doesn't have the [SecureContext] extended
+ // attribute. That is, in a non-secure context, there will be a "log" property on
+ // ExampleFeature.prototype.
+ interface mixin Loggable {
+ Promise<boolean> log();
+ };
+ ExampleFeature includes Loggable;
+If the [{{Unscopable}}]
+[=extended attribute=]
+appears on a [=regular attribute=]
+or [=regular operation=], it
+indicates that an object that [=implements=] an interface with the given
+interface member will not include its property name in any object
+environment record with it as its base object. The result of this is
+that bare identifiers matching the property name will not resolve to
+the property in a with
statement. This is achieved by
+including the property name on the
+[=interface prototype object=]'s
+{{@@unscopables}} property's value.
+The [{{Unscopable}}]
+extended attribute must
+[=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+The [{{Unscopable}}]
+extended attribute must not appear on
+anything other than a [=regular attribute=]
+or [=regular operation=].
+The [{{Unscopable}}] extended attribute must not be used on an attribute declared on a
+See [[#interface-prototype-object]]
+for the specific requirements that the use of
+[{{Unscopable}}] entails.
+ For example, with the following IDL:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Thing {
+ undefined f();
+ [Unscopable] g();
+ };
+ the
property can be referenced with a bare identifier
+ in a
statement but the
property cannot:
+ var thing = getThing(); // An instance of Thing
+ with (thing) {
+ f; // Evaluates to a Function object.
+ g; // Throws a ReferenceError.
+ }
+Legacy extended attributes
+This section defines a number of [=extended attributes=] whose presence affects the JavaScript
+binding. Unlike those in [[#js-extended-attributes]], these exist only so that legacy Web platform
+features can be specified. They should not be used in specifications, unless required to specify the
+behavior of legacy APIs.
+Editors who believe they have a good reason for using these extended attributes are strongly advised
+to discuss this by
+filing an issue
+before proceeding.
+Instead of using this feature, give your interface a [=constructor operation=].
+If the [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}]
+[=extended attribute=]
+appears on an [=interface=],
+it indicates that the JavaScript global object will have a property with the
+specified name whose value is a function that can
+create objects that implement the interface.
+Multiple [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}] extended
+attributes may appear on a given interface.
+The [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}] extended attribute must
+[=takes a named argument list|take a named argument list=].
+The identifier that occurs directly after the
+“=” is the [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}]'s identifier.
+For each [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}] extended attribute on the interface,
+there will be a way to construct an object that
+[=implements=] the interface by passing the specified arguments to the [=constructor=]
+that is the value of the aforementioned property.
+The [=LegacyFactoryFunction identifier|identifier=] used for the legacy factory function must not
+be the same as that used by a [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}]
+extended attribute on another interface, must not
+be the same as an [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifier=] used by a [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}]
+extended attribute on this interface or another interface,
+must not be the same as an [=identifier=] of an interface
+that has an [=interface object=],
+and must not be one of the
+[=reserved identifiers=].
+The [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}] and [{{Global}}] [=extended attributes=] must not be specified on the
+same [=interface=].
+See [[#legacy-factory-functions]] for details on how legacy factory functions
+are to be implemented.
+ The following IDL defines an interface that uses the
+ [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}] extended
+ attribute.
+ [Exposed=Window,
+ LegacyFactoryFunction=Audio(DOMString src)]
+ interface HTMLAudioElement : HTMLMediaElement {
+ // ...
+ };
+ A JavaScript implementation that supports this interface will
+ allow the construction of
+ objects using the
+ typeof Audio; // Evaluates to 'function'.
+ var a2 = new Audio('a.flac'); // Creates an HTMLAudioElement using the
+ // one-argument constructor.
+ As an additional legacy quirk, these factory functions will have a
+ property equal to the
of the original interface:
+ console.assert(Audio.prototype === HTMLAudioElement.prototype);
+If the [{{LegacyLenientSetter}}]
+[=extended attribute=]
+appears on a [=read only=]
+[=regular attribute=],
+it indicates that a no-op setter will be generated for the attribute's
+accessor property. This results in erroneous assignments to the property
+in strict mode to be ignored rather than causing an exception to be thrown.
+Pages have been observed where authors have attempted to polyfill an IDL attribute
+by assigning to the property, but have accidentally done so even if the property exists. In strict
+mode, this would cause an exception to be thrown, potentially breaking page. Without
+[{{LegacyLenientSetter}}], this could prevent a browser from shipping the feature.
+The [{{LegacyLenientSetter}}] extended attribute
+must [=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+It must not be used on anything other than
+a [=read only=] [=regular attribute=].
+An attribute with the [{{LegacyLenientSetter}}]
+extended attribute must not also be declared
+with the [{{PutForwards}}]
+or [{{Replaceable}}] extended attributes.
+The [{{LegacyLenientSetter}}] extended attribute must not be used on an attribute declared on a
+See the Attributes section for how
+[{{LegacyLenientSetter}}] is to be implemented.
+ The following IDL fragment defines an interface that uses the
+ [{{LegacyLenientSetter}}] extended
+ attribute.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Example {
+ [LegacyLenientSetter] readonly attribute DOMString x;
+ readonly attribute DOMString y;
+ };
+ A JavaScript implementation that supports this interface will
+ have a setter on the accessor property that correspond to x,
+ which allows any assignment to be ignored in strict mode.
+ "use strict";
+ var example = getExample(); // Get an instance of Example.
+ // Fine; while we are in strict mode, there is a setter that is a no-op.
+ example.x = 1;
+ // Throws a TypeError, since we are in strict mode and there is no setter.
+ example.y = 1;
+If the [{{LegacyLenientThis}}]
+[=extended attribute=]
+appears on a [=regular attribute=],
+it indicates that invocations of the attribute's getter or setter
+with a this value that is not an
+object that [=implements=] the [=interface=]
+on which the attribute appears will be ignored.
+The [{{LegacyLenientThis}}] extended attribute
+[=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+It must not be used on a
+[=static attribute=].
+The [{{LegacyLenientThis}}] extended attribute must not be used on an attribute declared on a
+See the Attributes section for how
+is to be implemented.
+ The following IDL fragment defines an interface that uses the
+ [{{LegacyLenientThis}}] extended
+ attribute.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Example {
+ [LegacyLenientThis] attribute DOMString x;
+ attribute DOMString y;
+ };
+ A JavaScript implementation that supports this interface will
+ allow the getter and setter of the accessor property that corresponds
+ to x to be invoked with something other than an
+ object.
+ var example = getExample(); // Get an instance of Example.
+ var obj = { };
+ // Fine.
+ example.x;
+ // Ignored, since the this value is not an Example object and [LegacyLenientThis] is used.
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Example.prototype, "x").get.call(obj);
+ // Also ignored, since Example.prototype is not an Example object and [LegacyLenientThis] is used.
+ Example.prototype.x;
+ // Throws a TypeError, since Example.prototype is not an Example object.
+ Example.prototype.y;
+Instead of using this feature, interface names can be formed with a naming
+convention of starting with a particular prefix for a set of interfaces, as part of the identifier,
+without the intervening dot.
+If the [{{LegacyNamespace}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on an [=interface=], it indicates that
+the [=interface object=] for this interface will not be created as a property of the global
+object, but rather as a property of the [=namespace=] identified by the argument to the extended
+The [{{LegacyNamespace}}] extended attribute must [=take an identifier=].
+This identifier must be the [=identifier=] of a [=namespace=] definition.
+The [{{LegacyNamespace}}] and [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}]
+extended attributes must not be specified on the same interface.
+See [[#namespace-object]] for details on how an interface is exposed on a namespace.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines a [=namespace=] and an [=interface=] which
+ uses [{{LegacyNamespace}}] to be defined inside of it.
+ namespace Foo { };
+ [LegacyNamespace=Foo]
+ interface Bar {
+ constructor();
+ };
+ In a JavaScript implementation of the above namespace and interface, the
+ constructor Bar can be accessed as follows:
+ var instance = new Foo.Bar();
+If the [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on an [=interface=],
+it indicates that an [=interface object=]
+will not exist for the interface in the JavaScript binding.
+The [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}] extended attribute
+must [=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+The [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}] extended attribute
+must not be specified on an interface that has any
+[=constructors=] or [=static operations=] defined on it.
+An interface that does not have the [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}] extended
+attribute specified must not inherit
+from an interface that has the [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}] extended
+attribute specified.
+See [[#js-interfaces]]
+for the specific requirements that the use of
+[{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}] entails.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines two interfaces, one whose interface object
+ is exposed on the JavaScript global object, and one whose isn't:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Storage {
+ undefined addEntry(unsigned long key, any value);
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window,
+ LegacyNoInterfaceObject]
+ interface Query {
+ any lookupEntry(unsigned long key);
+ };
+ A JavaScript implementation of the above IDL would allow
+ manipulation of
+ prototype, but not
+ typeof Storage; // evaluates to "object"
+ // Add some tracing alert() call to Storage.addEntry.
+ var fn = Storage.prototype.addEntry;
+ Storage.prototype.addEntry = function(key, value) {
+ alert('Calling addEntry()');
+ return fn.call(this, key, value);
+ };
+ typeof Query; // evaluates to "undefined"
+ var fn = Query.prototype.lookupEntry; // exception, Query isn't defined
+If the [{{LegacyNullToEmptyString}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on the {{DOMString}} or {{USVString}} type,
+it creates a new IDL type such that that when a JavaScript null is converted to the IDL type,
+it will be handled differently from its default handling. Instead of being stringified to
", which is the default, it will be converted to the empty string.
+The [{{LegacyNullToEmptyString}}] extended attribute must not be
+[=extended attribute associated with|associated with=] a type that is not {{DOMString}} or {{USVString}}.
+Note: This means that even DOMString?
must not use [{{LegacyNullToEmptyString}}], since
+null is a valid value of that type.
+See [[#js-DOMString]] for the specific requirements that the use of [{{LegacyNullToEmptyString}}] entails.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines an interface that has one attribute whose type has the
+ extended attribute, and one operation whose argument's type has the extended attribute:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Dog {
+ attribute DOMString name;
+ attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString owner;
+ boolean isMemberOfBreed([LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString breedName);
+ };
+ A JavaScript implementation implementing the
+ interface would convert a
null value
+ assigned to the
property or passed as the
+ argument to the
+ to the empty string rather than "
+ var d = getDog(); // Assume d is a platform object implementing the Dog
+ // interface.
+ d.name = null; // This assigns the string "null" to the .name
+ // property.
+ d.owner = null; // This assigns the string "" to the .owner property.
+ d.isMemberOfBreed(null); // This passes the string "" to the isMemberOfBreed
+ // function.
+If the [{{LegacyOverrideBuiltIns}}]
+[=extended attribute=]
+appears on an [=interface=],
+it indicates that for a [=legacy platform object=] implementing the interface,
+properties corresponding to all of
+the object's [=supported property names=]
+will appear to be on the object,
+regardless of what other properties exist on the object or its
+prototype chain. This means that named properties will always shadow
+any properties that would otherwise appear on the object.
+This is in contrast to the usual behavior, which is for named properties
+to be exposed only if there is no property with the
+same name on the object itself or somewhere on its prototype chain.
+The [{{LegacyOverrideBuiltIns}}]
+extended attribute must
+[=takes no arguments|take no arguments=]
+and must not appear on an interface
+that does not define a [=named property getter=]
+or that also is declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=].
+If the extended attribute is specified on
+a [=partial interface=]
+definition, then that partial interface definition must
+be the part of the interface definition that defines
+the [=named property getter=].
+If the [{{LegacyOverrideBuiltIns}}] extended attribute is specified on a
+[=partial interface=] definition, it is considered to appear on the
+[=interface=] itself.
+See [[#js-legacy-platform-objects]]
+and [[#legacy-platform-object-defineownproperty]]
+for the specific requirements that the use of
+[{{LegacyOverrideBuiltIns}}] entails.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ defines two [=interfaces=],
+ one that has a [=named property getter=]
+ and one that does not.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface StringMap {
+ readonly attribute unsigned long length;
+ getter DOMString lookup(DOMString key);
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window,
+ LegacyOverrideBuiltIns]
+ interface StringMap2 {
+ readonly attribute unsigned long length;
+ getter DOMString lookup(DOMString key);
+ };
+ In a JavaScript implementation of these two interfaces,
+ getting certain properties on objects implementing
+ the interfaces will result in different values:
+ // Obtain an instance of StringMap. Assume that it has "abc", "length" and
+ // "toString" as supported property names.
+ var map1 = getStringMap();
+ // This invokes the named property getter.
+ map1.abc;
+ // This fetches the "length" property on the object that corresponds to the
+ // length attribute.
+ map1.length;
+ // This fetches the "toString" property from the object's prototype chain.
+ map1.toString;
+ // Obtain an instance of StringMap2. Assume that it also has "abc", "length"
+ // and "toString" as supported property names.
+ var map2 = getStringMap2();
+ // This invokes the named property getter.
+ map2.abc;
+ // This also invokes the named property getter, despite the fact that the "length"
+ // property on the object corresponds to the length attribute.
+ map2.length;
+ // This too invokes the named property getter, despite the fact that "toString" is
+ // a property in map2's prototype chain.
+ map2.toString;
+If the [{{LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on a [=callback function=], then
+it indicates that any value assigned to an [=attribute=] whose type is a [=nullable type|nullable=]
+[=callback function=] will be converted more loosely: if the value is not an object, it will be
+converted to null, and if the value is not [=ECMAScript/callable=], it will be converted to a
+[=callback function=] value that does nothing when called.
+See [[#js-nullable-type]], [[#js-callback-function]] and [[#js-invoking-callback-functions]]
+for the specific requirements that the use of
+[{{LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull}}] entails.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines an interface that has one
+ attribute whose type is a [{{LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull}}]-annotated
+ [=callback function=] and another whose type is a
+ [=callback function=] without the [=extended attribute=]:
+ callback OccurrenceHandler = undefined (DOMString details);
+ [LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull]
+ callback ErrorHandler = undefined (DOMString details);
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Manager {
+ attribute OccurrenceHandler? handler1;
+ attribute ErrorHandler? handler2;
+ };
+ In a JavaScript implementation, assigning a value that is not
+ an object (such as a Number value), or that is not [=ECMAScript/callable=]
+ to handler1 will have different behavior from that when assigning
+ to handler2:
+ var manager = getManager(); // Get an instance of Manager.
+ manager.handler1 = function() { };
+ manager.handler1; // Evaluates to the function.
+ try {
+ manager.handler1 = 123; // Throws a TypeError.
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ try {
+ manager.handler1 = {}; // Throws a TypeError.
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ manager.handler2 = function() { };
+ manager.handler2; // Evaluates to the function.
+ manager.handler2 = 123;
+ manager.handler2; // Evaluates to null.
+ manager.handler2 = {};
+ manager.handler2; // Evaluates to the object.
+If the [{{LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties}}]
+[=extended attribute=]
+appears on a [=interface=]
+that [=support named properties|supports named properties=],
+it indicates that all the interface's named properties are unenumerable.
+The [{{LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties}}]
+extended attribute must
+[=takes no arguments|take no arguments=]
+and must not appear on an interface
+that does not define a [=named property getter=].
+If the [{{LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties}}]
+extended attribute is specified on an interface, then it applies to all its derived interfaces and
+must not be specified on any of them.
+See [[#legacy-platform-object-getownproperty]]
+for the specific requirements that the use of
+If the [{{LegacyUnforgeable}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on
+[=regular attributes=] or non-[=static operations|static=] [=operations=],
+it indicates that the attribute or operation
+will be reflected as a JavaScript property
+in a way that means its behavior cannot be modified
+and that performing a property lookup on the object
+will always result in the attribute's property value being returned.
+In particular, the property will be non-configurable
+and will exist as an own property on the object itself
+rather than on its prototype.
+An attribute or operation is said to be
+unforgeable on a given interface |A|
+if the attribute or operation is declared on |A|,
+and is annotated with the [{{LegacyUnforgeable}}] [=extended attribute=].
+The [{{LegacyUnforgeable}}] extended attribute must [=takes no arguments|take no arguments=].
+The [{{LegacyUnforgeable}}] [=extended attribute=] must not appear
+on anything other than a [=regular attribute=]
+or a non-[=static operations|static=] [=operation=].
+If it does appear on an [=operation=],
+then it must appear on all operations
+with the same [=identifier=] on that interface.
+The [{{LegacyUnforgeable}}] extended attribute must not be used
+on an attribute declared on a [=namespace=].
+If an attribute or operation |X| is [=unforgeable=] on an interface |A|,
+and |A| is one of the [=inherited interfaces=] of another interface |B|,
+then |B| must not have a [=regular attribute=]
+or non-[=static operations|static=] [=operation=]
+with the same [=identifier=] as |X|.
+ For example, the following is disallowed:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface A1 {
+ [LegacyUnforgeable] readonly attribute DOMString x;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface B1 : A1 {
+ undefined x(); // Invalid; would be shadowed by A1's x.
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface B2 : A1 { };
+ B2 includes M1;
+ interface mixin M1 {
+ undefined x(); // Invalid; B2's copy of x would be shadowed by A1's x.
+ };
+See [[#js-attributes]],
+[[#js-legacy-platform-objects]] and
+for the specific requirements that the use of
+[{{LegacyUnforgeable}}] entails.
+ The following [=IDL fragment=] defines
+ an interface that has two [=attributes=],
+ one of which is designated as [{{LegacyUnforgeable}}]:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface System {
+ [LegacyUnforgeable] readonly attribute DOMString username;
+ readonly attribute long long loginTime;
+ };
+ In a JavaScript implementation of the interface, the username attribute will be exposed as a non-configurable property on the
+ object itself:
+ var system = getSystem(); // Get an instance of System.
+ system.hasOwnProperty("username"); // Evaluates to true.
+ system.hasOwnProperty("loginTime"); // Evaluates to false.
+ System.prototype.hasOwnProperty("username"); // Evaluates to false.
+ System.prototype.hasOwnProperty("loginTime"); // Evaluates to true.
+ try {
+ // This call would fail, since the property is non-configurable.
+ Object.defineProperty(system, "username", { value: "administrator" });
+ } catch (e) { }
+ // This defineProperty call would succeed, because System.prototype.loginTime
+ // is configurable.
+ var forgedLoginTime = 5;
+ Object.defineProperty(System.prototype, "loginTime", { value: forgedLoginTime });
+ system.loginTime; // So this now evaluates to forgedLoginTime.
+If the [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on an [=interface=],
+it indicates that the {{Window}} [=interface=] will have a property
+for each [=identifier=] mentioned in the extended attribute,
+whose value is the [=interface object=] for the interface.
+The [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] extended attribute must either
+[=takes an identifier|take an identifier=] or
+[=takes an identifier list|take an identifier list=].
+The identifiers that occur after the
+“=” are the [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}]'s identifiers.
+Each of the [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifiers=] of [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}]
+must not be the same as one used by a [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}]
+extended attribute on this interface or another interface,
+must not be the same as the [=LegacyFactoryFunction identifier|identifier=] used by a [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}]
+extended attribute on this interface or another interface,
+must not be the same as an [=identifier=] of an interface that has an [=interface object=],
+and must not be one of the [=reserved identifiers=].
+The [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] and [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}]
+extended attributes must not be specified on the same interface.
+The [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] and [{{LegacyNamespace}}]
+extended attributes must not be specified on the same interface.
+The [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] extended attribute must not be specified
+on an interface that does not include the {{Window}} [=interface=]
+in its [=exposure set=].
+An interface must not have more than one [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] extended attributes specified.
+See [[#js-interfaces]] for details on how legacy window aliases
+are to be implemented.
+ The following IDL defines an interface that uses the
+ [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] extended attribute.
+ [Exposed=Window,
+ LegacyWindowAlias=WebKitCSSMatrix]
+ interface DOMMatrix : DOMMatrixReadOnly {
+ // ...
+ };
+ A JavaScript implementation that supports this interface will
+ expose two properties on the {{Window}} object with the same value
+ and the same characteristics;
+ one for exposing the [=interface object=] normally,
+ and one for exposing it with a legacy name.
+ WebKitCSSMatrix === DOMMatrix; // Evaluates to true.
+ var m = new WebKitCSSMatrix(); // Creates a new object that
+ // implements DOMMatrix.
+ m.constructor === DOMMatrix; // Evaluates to true.
+ m.constructor === WebKitCSSMatrix; // Evaluates to true.
+ {}.toString.call(m); // Evaluates to '[object DOMMatrix]'.
+Certain algorithms in the sections below are defined to
+perform a security check on a given
+object. This check is used to determine whether a given
+[=operation=] invocation or
+[=attribute=] access should be
+allowed. The security check takes the following three inputs:
+1. the [=platform object=] on
+ which the operation invocation or attribute access is being done,
+1. the [=identifier=]
+ of the operation or attribute, and
+1. the type of the [=function object=] –
+ "method
" (when it corresponds to an IDL operation), or
+ "getter
" or "setter
" (when it corresponds to the
+ getter or setter function of an IDL attribute).
+Note: The HTML Standard defines how a security check is performed. [[!HTML]]
+Overload resolution algorithm
+ In order to define how function invocations are resolved, the
overload resolution algorithm
+ is defined. Its input is an [=effective overload set=],
+ |S|, and a list of JavaScript values, |args|.
+ Its output is a pair consisting of the [=operation=] or
+ [=extended attribute=] of one of |S|'s entries
+ and a list of IDL values or the special value “missing”. The algorithm behaves as follows:
+ 1. Let |maxarg| be the length of the longest type list of the entries in |S|.
+ 1. Let |n| be the [=list/size=] of |args|.
+ 1. Initialize |argcount| to be min(|maxarg|, |n|).
+ 1. Remove from |S| all entries whose type list is not of length |argcount|.
+ 1. If |S| is empty, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Initialize |d| to −1.
+ 1. Initialize |method| to
+ 1. If there is more than one entry in |S|, then set
+ |d| to be the [=distinguishing argument index=]
+ for the entries of |S|.
+ 1. Initialize |values| to be an empty list, where each entry will be either an IDL value or the special value “missing”.
+ 1. Initialize |i| to 0.
+ 1. While |i| < |d|:
+ 1. Let |V| be |args|[|i|].
+ 1. Let |type| be the type at index |i| in the type list of any entry in |S|.
+ Note: All entries in |S| at this point have the same type and [=optionality value=] at index |i|.
+ 1. Let |optionality| be the value at index |i| in the list of [=optionality values=] of any entry in |S|.
+ 1. If |optionality| is “optional” and |V| is
undefined, then:
+ 1. If the argument at index |i| is declared with a [=optional argument/default value=],
+ then append to |values| that default value.
+ 1. Otherwise, append to |values| the special value “missing”.
+ 1. Otherwise, append to |values| the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to IDL type |type|.
+ 1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
+ 1. If |i| = |d|, then:
+ 1. Let |V| be |args|[|i|].
+ Note: This is the argument that will be used to resolve which overload is selected.
+ 1. If |V| is
undefined, and there is an entry in |S|
+ whose list of [=optionality values=] has “optional” at index |i|,
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if |V| is
null or
+ and there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * a [=nullable type=]
+ * a [=dictionary type=]
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=] or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type that [=includes a nullable type=] or that
+ has a [=dictionary type=] in its [=flattened member types|flattened members=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if |V| [=is a platform object=], and
+ there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * an [=interface type=] that |V| [=implements=]
+ * {{object}}
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] version of any of the above types
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if
Type(|V|) is Object, |V| has an \[[ArrayBufferData]] [=/internal slot=], and
+ there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * {{ArrayBuffer}}
+ * {{SharedArrayBuffer}}
+ * {{object}}
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] version of either of the above types
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if
Type(|V|) is Object, |V| has a \[[DataView]] [=/internal slot=], and
+ there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * {{DataView}}
+ * {{object}}
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] version of either of the above types
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if
Type(|V|) is Object, |V| has a \[[TypedArrayName]] [=/internal slot=], and
+ there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * a [=typed array type=] whose name
+ is equal to the value of |V|'s \[[TypedArrayName]] [=/internal slot=]
+ * {{object}}
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] version of either of the above types
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if
IsCallable(|V|) is true,
+ and there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * a [=callback function=] type
+ * {{object}}
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] version of any of the above types
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if
Type(|V|) is Object and
+ there is an entry in |S| that has one of the
+ following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * a [=sequence type=]
+ * a [=frozen array type=]
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] version of any of the above types
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ and after performing the following steps,
+ 1. Let |method| be [=?=]
GetMethod(|V|, {{@@iterator}}).
+ |method| is not
undefined, then remove from |S| all
+ other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if
Type(|V|) is Object and
+ there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * a [=callback interface type=]
+ * a [=dictionary type=]
+ * a [=record type=]
+ * {{object}}
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] version of any of the above types
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if
Type(|V|) is Boolean
+ and there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * {{boolean}}
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] {{boolean}}
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if
Type(|V|) is Number
+ and there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * a [=numeric type=]
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] [=numeric type=]
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if
Type(|V|) is BigInt
+ and there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * {{bigint}}
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] {{bigint}}
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * a [=string type=]
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] version of any of the above types
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * a [=numeric type=]
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] [=numeric type=]
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * {{boolean}}
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] {{boolean}}
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if there is an entry in |S| that has one of the following types at position |i| of its type list,
+ * {{bigint}}
+ * a [=nullable type|nullable=] {{bigint}}
+ * an [=annotated type=] whose [=annotated types/inner type=] is one of the above types
+ * a [=union type=], [=nullable type|nullable=] union type, or [=annotated type|annotated=] union type
+ that has one of the above types in its [=flattened member types=]
+ then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: if there is an entry in |S| that has {{any}} at position |i|
+ of its type list, then remove from |S| all other entries.
+ 1. Otherwise: [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Let |callable| be the [=operation=] or [=extended attribute=]
+ of the single entry in |S|.
+ 1. If |i| = |d| and |method| is not
undefined, then
+ 1. Let |V| be |args|[|i|].
+ 1. Let |T| be the type at index |i| in the
+ type list of the remaining entry in |S|.
+ 1. If |T| is a [=sequence type=], then
+ append to |values| the result of
+ [=creating a sequence from an iterable|creating a sequence=]
+ of type |T| from |V| and |method|.
+ 1. Otherwise, |T| is a [=frozen array type=].
+ Append to |values| the result of
+ [=Creating a frozen array from an iterable|creating a frozen array of type T from V and method=].
+ 1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
+ 1. While |i| < |argcount|:
+ 1. Let |V| be |args|[|i|].
+ 1. Let |type| be the type at index |i| in the type list of the remaining entry in |S|.
+ 1. Let |optionality| be the value at index |i| in the list of [=optionality values=] of the remaining entry in |S|.
+ 1. If |optionality| is “optional” and |V| is
undefined, then:
+ 1. If the argument at index |i| is declared with a [=optional argument/default value=],
+ then append to |values| that default value.
+ 1. Otherwise, append to |values| the special value “missing”.
+ 1. Otherwise, append to |values| the result of
+ [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |V| to IDL type |type|.
+ 1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
+ 1. While |i| is less than the number of arguments |callable| is declared to take:
+ 1. If |callable|'s argument at index |i| is declared with a [=optional argument/default value=],
+ then append to |values| that default value.
+ 1. Otherwise, if |callable|'s argument at index |i| is not variadic, then append to |values| the special value “missing”.
+ 1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
+ 1. Return the pair <|callable|, |values|>.
+ The overload resolution algorithm performs both the identification
+ of which overloaded operation, constructor, etc. is being called,
+ and the conversion of the JavaScript argument values to their
+ corresponding IDL values. Informally, it operates as follows.
+ First, the selection of valid overloads is done by considering
+ the number of JavaScript arguments that were passed in to the function:
+ * If there are more arguments passed in than the longest
+ overload argument list, then they are ignored.
+ * After ignoring these trailing arguments, only overloads
+ that can take this exact number of arguments are considered.
+ If there are none, then a {{TypeError}} is thrown.
+ Once we have a set of possible overloads with the right number
+ of arguments, the JavaScript values are converted from left to right.
+ The nature of the restrictions on overloading means that if we
+ have multiple possible overloads at this point, then there will
+ be one position in the argument list that will be used to
+ distinguish which overload we will finally select; this is
+ the [=distinguishing argument index=].
+ We first convert the arguments to the left of the distinguishing
+ argument. (There is a requirement that an argument to the left of
+ the distinguishing argument index has the same type as in the other
+ overloads, at the same index.) Then we inspect the type of the
+ JavaScript value that is passed in at the distinguishing argument
+ index to determine which IDL type it can correspond to.
+ This allows us to select the final overload that will
+ be invoked. If the value passed in is
+ and there is an overload with an
optional argument at this
+ position, then
+ we will choose that overload. If there is no valid overload for the type of
+ value passed in here, then we throw a {{TypeError}}.
+ Generally, the inspection of the value at the distinguishing argument index does not have any
+ side effects, and the only side effects in the overload resolution algorithm are the result of
+ converting the JavaScript values to IDL values.
+ (An exception exists when one of the overloads has a [=sequence type=] or [=frozen array type=]
+ at the distinguishing argument index.
+ In this case, we attempt to get the {{@@iterator}} property to determine the appropriate
+ overload, and perform the conversion of the distinguishing argument separately before continuing
+ with the next step.)
+ At this point, we have determined which overload to use. We now
+ convert the remaining arguments, from the distinguishing argument onwards,
+ again ignoring any additional arguments that were ignored due to being passed
+ after the last possible argument.
+ When converting an
optional argument's JavaScript value to its
+ equivalent IDL value,
undefined will be converted into the
optional argument's default value,
+ if it has one, or a special value “missing” otherwise.
Optional arguments corresponding to a final, variadic argument do
+ not treat
undefined as a special “missing” value, however.
+ The
undefined value is converted to the type
+ of variadic argument as would be done for a non-
+ argument.
+For every [=interface=] that is [=exposed=] in
+a given [=realm=] and that is not declared with
+the [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}] or [{{LegacyNamespace}}] [=extended attributes=],
+a corresponding property exists on the [=realm=]'s [=realm/global object=].
+The name of the property is the [=identifier=] of the interface,
+and its value is an object called the interface object.
+The characteristics of an interface object are described in [[#interface-object]].
+If the [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] extended attribute was specified on an [=exposed=] interface,
+then for each [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifier=] in [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}]'s [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifiers=]
+there exists a corresponding property on the {{Window}} global object.
+The name of the property is the given [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifier=],
+and its value is a reference to the [=interface object=] for the [=interface=].
+In addition, for every [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}] extended attribute on an [=exposed=] interface,
+a corresponding property exists on the JavaScript global object.
+The name of the property is the [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}]'s [=LegacyFactoryFunction identifier|identifier=],
+and its value is an object called a legacy factory function,
+which allows creation of objects that implement the interface.
+The characteristics of a legacy factory function are described in [[#legacy-factory-functions]].
+ Some JavaScript methods defined in this section will perform an implementation check in their opening steps,
+ to ensure they're being called on the correct kind of object
+ and that the method is valid to call from the current context.
+ To implementation-check an object |jsValue|
+ against the interface |interface|,
+ with the identifier |name|
+ and the type |type|:
+ 1. Let |object| to [=?=] [$ToObject$](|jsValue|).
+ 1. If |object| is a [=platform object=],
+ then [=perform a security check=], passing:
+ * the platform object |object|
+ * the identifier |name|
+ * the type |type|
+ 1. If |object| does not [=implement=] |interface|, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. Return |object|.
+ Issue: This algo is not yet consistently used everywhere.
+Interface object
+The [=interface object=] for a given [=interface=] is a [=built-in function object=].
+It has properties that correspond to the [=constants=] and [=static operations=]
+defined on that interface,
+as described in sections [[#js-constants]] and [[#js-operations]].
+If the [=interface=] is declared with a [=constructor operation=],
+then the [=interface object=] can be called as a [=constructor=]
+to create an object that [=implements=] that interface.
+Calling that interface as a function will throw an exception.
+[=Interface objects=] whose [=interfaces=] are not declared
+with a [=constructor operation=] will throw when called,
+both as a function and as a [=constructor=].
+An [=interface object=] for an [=interface=]
+has an associated object called the [=interface prototype object=].
+This object has properties that correspond to
+the [=regular attributes=] and [=regular operations=] defined on the interface,
+and is described in more detail in [[#interface-prototype-object]].
+Note: Since an [=interface object=] is a [=function object=]
+the typeof
operator will return "function" when applied to an interface object.
+An interface may have overridden constructor steps, which can
+change the behavior of the [=interface object=] when called or constructed. By
+default interfaces do not have such steps.
+ In general, constructors are described by defining a [=constructor operation=] and its behavior.
+ The [=overridden constructor steps=] are used only for more complicated situations.
+ Editors who wish to use this feature are strongly advised to discuss this by
+ filing an issue before proceeding.
+ The [=interface object=] for a given [=interface=] |I|
+ with [=identifier=] |id| and in [=realm=] |realm|
+ is
created as follows:
+ 1. Let |steps| be |I|'s [=overridden constructor steps=] if they exist, or
+ the following steps otherwise:
+ 1. If |I| was not declared with a [=constructor operation=],
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. If {{NewTarget}} is
undefined, then
+ [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Let |args| be the passed arguments.
+ 1. Let |n| be the [=list/size=] of |args|.
+ 1. Let |id| be the identifier of interface |I|.
+ 1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for constructors with [=identifier=] |id| on
+ [=interface=] |I| and with argument count |n|, and let |S| be the result.
+ 1. Let <|constructor|, |values|> be the result
+ of passing |S| and |args| to the [=overload resolution algorithm=].
+ 1. Let |object| be the result of [=internally create a new object implementing the
+ interface|internally creating a new object implementing=] |I|, with |realm| and
+ {{NewTarget}}.
+ 1. Perform the [=constructor steps=] of |constructor|
+ with |object| as [=this=] and |values| as the argument values.
+ 1. Let |O| be |object|, [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. Assert: |O| is an object that [=implements=] |I|.
+ 1. Assert: |O|.\[[Realm]] is |realm|.
+ 1. Return |O|.
+ 1. Let |constructorProto| be |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Function.prototype%}}]].
+ 1. If |I| inherits from some other interface |P|,
+ then set |constructorProto| to the [=interface object=] of |P| in |realm|.
+ 1. Let |F| be
CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « \[[Unforgeables]] »,
+ |realm|, |constructorProto|).
+ 1. Let |unforgeables| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](
+ 1. [=Define the unforgeable regular operations=] of |I| on |unforgeables|, given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the unforgeable regular attributes=] of |I| on |unforgeables|, given |realm|.
+ 1. Set |F|.\[[Unforgeables]] to |unforgeables|.
+ Note: this object is never exposed to user code. It exists only to ensure all instances
+ of an interface with an unforgeable member use the same JavaScript function objects for
+ [=attribute getters=], [=attribute setters=] and [=creating an operation
+ function|operation functions=].
+ 1. Perform
SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
+ 1. Let |length| be 0.
+ 1. If |I| was declared with a [=constructor operation=], then
+ 1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for constructors with [=identifier=] |id| on
+ [=interface=] |I| and with argument count 0, and let |S| be the result.
+ 1. Set |length| to the length of the
+ shortest argument list of the entries in |S|.
+ 1. Perform
SetFunctionLength(|F|, |length|).
+ 1. Let |proto| be the result of [=create an interface prototype object|creating an interface
+ prototype object=] of [=interface=] |I| in |realm|.
+ 1. Perform [=!=]
DefinePropertyOrThrow(|F|, "
+ PropertyDescriptor{\[[Value]]: |proto|, \[[Writable]]:
false, \[[Enumerable]]:
false, \[[Configurable]]:
+ 1. [=Define the constants=] of [=interface=] |I| on |F| given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the static attributes=] of [=interface=] |I| on |F| given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the static operations=] of [=interface=] |I| on |F| given |realm|.
+ 1. Return |F|.
+Legacy factory functions
+A [=legacy factory function=] that exists due to one or more
+[{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}] [=extended attributes=]
+with a given [=LegacyFactoryFunction identifier|identifier=] is a [=built-in function object=].
+It allows constructing objects that
+implement the interface on which the
+[{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}] extended attributes appear.
+ The [=legacy factory function=] with [=LegacyFactoryFunction identifier|identifier=] |id|
+ for a given [=interface=] |I| in [=realm=] |realm|
+ is
created as follows:
+ 1. Let |steps| be the following steps:
+ 1. If {{NewTarget}} is
undefined, then
+ [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Let |args| be the passed arguments.
+ 1. Let |n| be the [=list/size=] of |args|.
+ 1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for legacy factory functions with [=identifier=] |id|
+ on [=interface=] |I| and with argument count |n|, and let |S| be the result.
+ 1. Let <|constructor|, |values|> be the result of passing |S| and
+ |args| to the [=overload resolution algorithm=].
+ 1. Let |object| be the result of [=internally create a new object implementing the
+ interface|internally creating a new object implementing=] |I|, with |realm| and
+ {{NewTarget}}.
+ 1. Perform the [=constructor steps=] of |constructor|
+ with |object| as [=this=] and |values| as the argument values.
+ 1. Let |O| be |object|, [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. Assert: |O| is an object that [=implements=] |I|.
+ 1. Assert: |O|.\[[Realm]] is |realm|.
+ 1. Return |O|.
+ 1. Let |F| be
CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform
SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
+ 1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for legacy factory functions with [=identifier=] |id|
+ on [=interface=] |I| and with argument count 0, and let |S| be the result.
+ 1. Let |length| be the length of the shortest argument list of the entries in |S|.
+ 1. Perform
SetFunctionLength(|F|, |length|).
+ 1. Let |proto| be the [=interface prototype object=] of [=interface=] |I| in |realm|.
+ 1. Perform [=!=]
DefinePropertyOrThrow(|F|, "
+ PropertyDescriptor{\[[Value]]: |proto|, \[[Writable]]:
false, \[[Enumerable]]:
false, \[[Configurable]]:
+ 1. Return |F|.
+Interface prototype object
+There will exist an interface prototype object
+for every [=interface=] defined,
+regardless of whether the interface was declared
+with the [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}] [=extended attribute=].
+ The [=interface prototype object=] for a given [=interface=] |interface| and [=realm=] |realm|
+ is
created as follows:
+ 1. Let |proto| be null.
+ 1. If |interface| is declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=],
+ and |interface| [=support named properties|supports named properties=],
+ then set |proto| to the result of [=create a named properties object|creating a named
+ properties object=] for |interface| and |realm|.
+ 1. Otherwise, if |interface| is declared to inherit from another interface,
+ then set |proto| to the [=interface prototype object=] in |realm|
+ of that [=inherited interface=].
+ 1. Otherwise, if |interface| is the {{DOMException}} [=interface=],
+ then set |proto| to |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Error.prototype%}}]].
+ 1. Otherwise, set |proto| to |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Object.prototype%}}]].
+ 1. Assert:
Type(|proto|) is Object.
+ 1. Let |interfaceProtoObj| be null.
+ 1. If |realm|'s [=is global prototype chain mutable=] is true, then:
+ 1. Set |interfaceProtoObj| to [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](|proto|).
+ 1. Otherwise, if |interface| is declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=], or
+ |interface| is in the set of [=inherited interfaces=] of an interface
+ that is declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=], then:
+ 1. Set |interfaceProtoObj| to [$MakeBasicObject$](« \[[Prototype]], \[[Extensible]] »).
+ 1. Set |interfaceProtoObj|.\[[Prototype]] to |proto|.
+ 1. Set the internal methods of |interfaceProtoObj|
+ which are specific to [=immutable prototype exotic objects=]
+ to the definitions specified in
+ [=ECMA-262 Immutable prototype exotic objects=].
+ 1. Otherwise, set |interfaceProtoObj| to [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](|proto|).
+ 1. If |interface| has any [=member=] declared with the [{{Unscopable}}] [=extended attribute=],
+ then:
+ 1. Let |unscopableObject| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](
+ 1. [=list/For each=] [=exposed=] [=member=] |member| of |interface|
+ that is declared with the [{{Unscopable}}] [=extended attribute=]:
+ 1. Let |id| be |member|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Perform [=!=]
CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(|unscopableObject|, |id|,
+ 1. Let |desc| be the PropertyDescriptor{\[[Value]]: |unscopableObject|,
+ \[[Writable]]:
false, \[[Enumerable]]:
+ \[[Configurable]]:
+ 1. Perform [=!=]
DefinePropertyOrThrow(|interfaceProtoObj|, {{@@unscopables}}, |desc|).
+ 1. If |interface| is not declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=], then:
+ 1. [=Define the regular attributes=] of |interface| on |interfaceProtoObj| given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the regular operations=] of |interface| on |interfaceProtoObj| given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the iteration methods=] of |interface| on |interfaceProtoObj| given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the asynchronous iteration methods=] of |interface| on |interfaceProtoObj|
+ given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the constants=] of |interface| on |interfaceProtoObj| given |realm|.
+ 1. If the [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}] [=extended attribute=] was not specified on |interface|, then:
+ 1. Let |constructor| be the [=interface object=] of |interface| in |realm|.
+ 1. Let |desc| be the PropertyDescriptor{\[[Writable]]:
+ \[[Enumerable]]:
false, \[[Configurable]]:
+ \[[Value]]: |constructor|}.
+ 1. Perform [=!=]
DefinePropertyOrThrow(|interfaceProtoObj|, "
", |desc|).
+ 1. Return |interfaceProtoObj|.
+Additionally, [=interface prototype objects=] get properties declaratively from:
+* [[#js-stringifier]],
+* [[#js-maplike]], and
+* [[#js-setlike]].
+Issue: Define those properties imperatively instead.
+ The [=interface prototype object=]
+ of an [=interface=] that is defined with
+ the [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}]
+ [=extended attribute=]
+ will be accessible.
+ For example, with the following IDL:
+ [Exposed=Window,
+ LegacyNoInterfaceObject]
+ interface Foo {
+ };
+ partial interface Window {
+ attribute Foo foo;
+ };
+ it is not possible to access the interface prototype object through
+ the [=interface object=]
+ (since it does not exist as
). However, an instance
+ of
can expose the interface prototype
+ object by calling its \[[GetPrototypeOf]]
+ [=/internal method=] –
+ this example.
+The [=class string=] of an [=interface prototype object=] is the [=interface=]'s [=qualified name=].
+Named properties object
+For every [=interface=] declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=]
+that [=support named properties|supports named properties=],
+there will exist an object known as the named properties object
+for that interface on which named properties are exposed.
+ The [=named properties object=] for a given [=interface=] |interface| and [=realm=] |realm|,
+ is created as follows:
+ 1. Let |proto| be null.
+ 1. If |interface| is declared to inherit from another interface,
+ then set |proto| to the [=interface prototype object=] in |realm| for the [=inherited interface=].
+ 1. Otherwise, set |proto| to |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Object.prototype%}}]].
+ 1. Let |obj| be [$MakeBasicObject$](« \[[Prototype]], \[[Extensible]] »).
+ 1. Set |obj|.\[[GetOwnProperty]] as specified in [[#named-properties-object-getownproperty]].
+ 1. Set |obj|.\[[DefineOwnProperty]] as specified in [[#named-properties-object-defineownproperty]].
+ 1. Set |obj|.\[[Delete]] as specified in [[#named-properties-object-delete]].
+ 1. Set |obj|.\[[SetPrototypeOf]] as specified in [[#named-properties-object-setprototypeof]].
+ 1. Set |obj|.\[[PreventExtensions]] as specified in [[#named-properties-object-preventextensions]].
+ 1. Set |obj|.\[[Prototype]] to |proto|.
+ 1. Return |obj|.
+Note: The \[[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method of a named properties object
+continues to use OrdinaryOwnPropertyKeys,
+unlike the counterpart for [=legacy platform objects=].
+Since named properties are not “real” own properties,
+they will not be returned by this internal method.
+The [=class string=] of a [=named properties object=]
+is the concatenation of the [=interface=]'s
+[=identifier=] and the string "Properties
+ When the \[[GetOwnProperty]] internal method of a [=named properties object=] |O|
+ is called with property key |P|, the following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let |A| be the [=interface=] for the [=named properties object=] |O|.
+ 1. Let |object| be |O|.\[[Realm]]'s [=realm/global object=].
+ 1. Assert: |object| [=implements=] |A|.
+ 1. If the result of running the [=named property visibility algorithm=] with
+ property name |P| and object |object| is true, then:
+ 1. Let |operation| be the operation used to declare the named property getter.
+ 1. Let |value| be an uninitialized variable.
+ 1. If |operation| was defined without an [=identifier=], then
+ set |value| to the result of performing the steps listed in the interface description to
+ [=determine the value of a named property=]
+ with |P| as the name.
+ 1. Otherwise, |operation| was defined with an identifier. Set |value| to the result
+ of performing the steps listed in the description of |operation| with |P| as the only argument value.
+ 1. Let |desc| be a newly created [=Property Descriptor=] with no fields.
+ 1. Set |desc|.\[[Value]] to the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |value| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. If |A| [=implements=] an interface with the
+ [{{LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties}}]
+ [=extended attribute=],
+ then set |desc|.\[[Enumerable]] to
+ otherwise set it to
+ 1. Set |desc|.\[[Writable]] to
true and
+ |desc|.\[[Configurable]] to
+ 1. Return |desc|.
+ 1. Return
OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(|O|, |P|).
+ When the \[[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of a [=named properties object=] is called,
+ the following steps are taken:
+ 1. Return false.
+ When the \[[Delete]] internal method of a [=named properties object=] is called,
+ the following steps are taken:
+ 1. Return false.
+ When the \[[SetPrototypeOf]] internal method of a [=named properties object=] |O| is called with
+ JavaScript language value |V|, the following step is taken:
+ 1. If |O|'s [=associated realm=]'s [=is global prototype chain mutable=] is true,
+ return [=?=] [$OrdinarySetPrototypeOf$](|O|, |V|).
+ 1. Return [=?=]
SetImmutablePrototype(|O|, |V|).
+ When the \[[PreventExtensions]] internal method of a [=named properties object=] is called,
+ the following steps are taken:
+ 1. Return false.
+ Note: this keeps [=named properties object=] extensible by
+ making \[[PreventExtensions]] fail.
+[=Constants=] are exposed on [=interface objects=],
+[=legacy callback interface objects=],
+[=interface prototype objects=], and
+on the single object that [=implements=] the interface,
+when an interface is declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=].
+ To
define the constants of [=interface=], [=callback interface=], or [=namespace=]
+ |definition| on |target|, given [=realm=] |realm|, run the following steps:
+ 1. [=list/For each=] [=constant=] |const| that is a [=member=] of |definition|:
+ 1. If |const| is not [=exposed=] in |realm|, then [=iteration/continue=].
+ 1. Let |value| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |const|'s IDL value to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Let |desc| be the PropertyDescriptor{\[[Writable]]:
+ \[[Enumerable]]:
true, \[[Configurable]]:
+ \[[Value]]: |value|}.
+ 1. Let |id| be |const|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Perform [=!=]
DefinePropertyOrThrow(|target|, |id|, |desc|).
+[=Static attributes=] are exposed on the [=interface object=].
+[=Regular attributes=] are exposed on the [=interface prototype object=],
+unless the attribute is [=unforgeable=] or
+if the interface was declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=],
+in which case they are exposed on every object that [=implements=] the interface.
+ To define the regular attributes of [=interface=] or [=namespace=] |definition| on |target|,
+ given [=realm=] |realm|, run the following steps:
+ 1. Let |attributes| be the [=list=] of [=regular attributes=] that are [=members=] of |definition|.
+ 1. [=list/Remove=] from |attributes| all the [=attributes=] that are [=unforgeable=].
+ 1. [=Define the attributes=] |attributes| of |definition| on |target| given |realm|.
+ To define the static attributes of [=interface=] or [=namespace=] |definition| on |target|,
+ given [=realm=] |realm|, run the following steps:
+ 1. Let |attributes| be the [=list=] of [=static attributes=] that are [=members=] of |definition|.
+ 1. [=Define the attributes=] |attributes| of |definition| on |target| given |realm|.
+ To define the unforgeable regular attributes of [=interface=] or [=namespace=] |definition| on |target|,
+ given [=realm=] |realm|, run the following steps:
+ 1. Let |attributes| be the [=list=] of [=unforgeable=] [=regular attributes=] that are [=members=] of |definition|.
+ 1. [=Define the attributes=] |attributes| of |definition| on |target| given |realm|.
+ To
define the attributes |attributes| of [=interface=] or [=namespace=] |definition| on |target|
+ given [=realm=] |realm|, run the following steps:
+ 1. [=list/For each=] [=attribute=] |attr| of |attributes|:
+ 1. If |attr| is not [=exposed=] in |realm|, then [=iteration/continue=].
+ 1. Let |getter| be the result of creating an [=attribute getter=]
+ given |attr|, |definition|, and |realm|.
+ 1. Let |setter| be the result of creating an [=attribute setter=]
+ given |attr|, |definition|, and |realm|.
+ Note: the algorithm to create an [=attribute setter=]
+ returns
undefined if |attr| is [=read only=].
+ 1. Let |configurable| be
false if |attr| is [=unforgeable=]
+ and
true otherwise.
+ 1. Let |desc| be the PropertyDescriptor{\[[Get]]: |getter|, \[[Set]]: |setter|,
+ \[[Enumerable]]:
true, \[[Configurable]]: |configurable|}.
+ 1. Let |id| be |attr|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Perform [=!=]
DefinePropertyOrThrow(|target|, |id|, |desc|).
+ 1. If |attr|'s type is an [=observable array type=] with type argument |T|, then set
+ |target|'s [=backing observable array exotic object=] for |attr| to the result of
+ [=creating an observable array exotic object=] in |realm|, given |T|, |attr|'s
+ [=set an indexed value=] algorithm, and |attr|'s [=delete an indexed value=] algorithm.
+ The
attribute getter is created as follows, given an
+ [=attribute=] |attribute|, a [=namespace=] or [=interface=] |target|, and a [=realm=] |realm|:
+ 1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps:
+ 1. Try running the following steps:
+ 1. Let |idlObject| be null.
+ 1. If |target| is an [=interface=], and |attribute| is a [=regular attribute=]:
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be the
this value, if it is not
null or
undefined, or |realm|'s
+ [=realm/global object=] otherwise.
+ (This will subsequently cause a {{TypeError}} in a few steps, if
+ the global object does not implement |target| and [{{LegacyLenientThis}}] is not
+ specified.)
+ 1. If |jsValue| [=is a platform object=], then [=perform a security check=],
+ passing |jsValue|, |attribute|'s [=identifier=], and "getter".
+ 1. If |jsValue| does not [=implement=] |target|, then:
+ 1. If |attribute| was specified with the [{{LegacyLenientThis}}]
+ [=extended attribute=], then return
+ 1. Otherwise, [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. If |attribute|'s type is an [=observable array type=], then return |jsValue|'s
+ [=backing observable array exotic object=] for |attribute|.
+ 1. Set |idlObject| to the IDL [=interface type=] value that represents a reference
+ to |jsValue|.
+ 1. Let |R| be the result of running the [=getter steps=] of |attribute| with
+ |idlObject| as [=this=].
+ 1. Return the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=] |R| to a
+ JavaScript value of the type |attribute| is declared as.
+ And then, if
an exception |E| was thrown:
+ 1. If |attribute|'s type is a [=promise type=], then return
+ [=!=]
Call({{%Promise.reject%}}, {{%Promise%}}, «|E|»).
+ 1. Otherwise, end these steps and allow the exception to propagate.
+ 1. Let |F| be
CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |name| be the string "
" prepended to |attribute|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Perform
SetFunctionName(|F|, |name|).
+ 1. Perform
SetFunctionLength(|F|, 0).
+ 1. Return |F|.
+ The
attribute setter is created as follows, given an
+ [=attribute=] |attribute|, a [=namespace=] or [=interface=] |target|, and a [=realm=] |realm|:
+ 1. If |target| is a [=namespace=]:
+ 1. Assert: |attribute| is [=read only=].
+ 1. Return
+ 1. If |attribute| is [=read only=] and does not have a
+ [{{LegacyLenientSetter}}], [{{PutForwards}}] or [{{Replaceable}}] [=extended attribute=], return
undefined; there is no [=attribute setter=] function.
+ 1. Assert: |attribute|'s type is not a [=promise type=].
+ 1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps:
+ 1. If no arguments were passed, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Let |V| be the value of the first argument passed.
+ 1. Let |id| be |attribute|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Let |idlObject| be null.
+ 1. If |attribute| is a [=regular attribute=]:
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be the
this value, if it is not
null or
undefined, or |realm|'s
+ [=realm/global object=] otherwise.
+ (This will subsequently cause a {{TypeError}} in a few steps, if
+ the global object does not implement |target| and [{{LegacyLenientThis}}] is not
+ specified.)
+ 1. If |jsValue| [=is a platform object=], then [=perform a security check=], passing
+ |jsValue|, |id|, and "setter".
+ 1. Let |validThis| be true if |jsValue| [=implements=] |target|, or false otherwise.
+ 1. If |validThis| is false and |attribute| was not specified with the [{{LegacyLenientThis}}]
+ [=extended attribute=], then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. If |attribute| is declared with the [{{Replaceable}}] extended attribute, then:
+ 1. Perform [=?=]
CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(|jsValue|, |id|, |V|).
+ 1. Return
+ 1. If |validThis| is false, then return
+ 1. If |attribute| is declared with a [{{LegacyLenientSetter}}] extended attribute, then
+ return
+ 1. If |attribute| is declared with a [{{PutForwards}}] extended attribute, then:
+ 1. Let |Q| be [=?=]
Get(|jsValue|, |id|).
+ 1. If
Type(|Q|) is not Object, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Let |forwardId| be the identifier argument of the [{{PutForwards}}] extended
+ attribute.
+ 1. Perform [=?=]
Set(|Q|, |forwardId|, |V|,
+ 1. Return
+ 1. Set |idlObject| to the IDL [=interface type=] value that represents a reference
+ to |jsValue|.
+ 1. If |attribute|'s type is an [=observable array type=] with type argument |T|:
+ 1. Let |newValues| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |V| to
+ an IDL value of type
+ 1. Let |oa| be |idlObject|'s |attribute|'s [=backing observable array exotic object=].
+ 1. [=observable array exotic object/Set the length=] of |oa|.\[[ProxyHandler]] to 0.
+ 1. Let |i| be 0.
+ 1. While |i| < |newValues|'s [=list/size=]:
+ 1. Perform the algorithm steps given by
+ |oa|.\[[ProxyHandler]].\[[SetAlgorithm]], given |newValues|[|i|] and |i|.
+ 1. [=list/Append=] |newValues|[|i|] to |oa|.\[[ProxyHandler]].\[[BackingList]].
+ 1. Return
+ 1. Let |idlValue| be determined as follows:
+ - |attribute|'s type is an [=enumeration=]
+ -
+ 1. Let |S| be [=?=] ToString(|V|).
+ 1. If |S| is not one of the [=enumeration's values=], then
+ return undefined.
+ 1. Otherwise, |idlValue| is the enumeration value equal to |S|.
+ - Otherwise
+ -
+ |idlValue| is the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |V| to an
+ IDL value of |attribute|'s type.
+ 1. Perform the [=setter steps=] of |attribute|,
+ with |idlObject| as [=this=] and |idlValue| as [=the given value=].
+ 1. Return
+ 1. Let |F| be
CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |name| be the string "
" prepended to |id|.
+ 1. Perform
SetFunctionName(|F|, |name|).
+ 1. Perform
SetFunctionLength(|F|, 1).
+ 1. Return |F|.
+Note: Although there is only a single property for an IDL attribute, since
+accessor property getters and setters are passed a [=this=]
+value for the object on which property corresponding to the IDL attribute is
+accessed, they are able to expose instance-specific data.
+Note: Attempting to assign to a property corresponding to a
+[=read only=] [=attribute=]
+results in different behavior depending on whether the script doing so is in strict mode.
+When in strict mode, such an assignment will result in a {{TypeError}}
+being thrown. When not in strict mode, the assignment attempt will be ignored.
+For each unique [=identifier=] of an [=exposed=] [=operation=] defined on the [=interface=],
+there exist a corresponding property.
+[=Static operations=] are exposed of the [=interface object=].
+[=Regular operations=] are exposed on the [=interface prototype object=],
+unless the operation is [=unforgeable=] or
+the interface was declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=],
+in which case they are exposed on every object that [=implements=] the interface.
+ To define the regular operations of [=interface=] or [=namespace=] |definition| on |target|, given [=realm=] |realm|,
+ run the following steps:
+ 1. Let |operations| be the [=list=] of [=regular operations=] that are [=members=] of |definition|.
+ 1. [=list/Remove=] from |operations| all the [=operations=] that are [=unforgeable=].
+ 1. [=Define the operations=] |operations| of |definition| on |target| given |realm|.
+ To define the static operations of [=interface=] or [=namespace=] |definition| on |target|, given [=realm=] |realm|,
+ run the following steps:
+ 1. Let |operations| be the [=list=] of [=static operations=] that are [=members=] of |definition|.
+ 1. [=Define the operations=] |operations| of |definition| on |target| given |realm|.
+ To define the unforgeable regular operations of [=interface=] or [=namespace=] |definition| on |target|, given [=realm=] |realm|,
+ run the following steps:
+ 1. Let |operations| be the [=list=] of [=unforgeable=] [=regular operations=] that are [=members=] of |definition|.
+ 1. [=Define the operations=] |operations| of |definition| on |target| given |realm|.
+ To
define the operations |operations| of [=interface=] or [=namespace=] |definition| on |target|,
+ given [=realm=] |realm|, run the following steps:
+ 1. [=list/For each=] [=operation=] |op| of |operations|:
+ 1. If |op| is not [=exposed=] in |realm|, then [=iteration/continue=].
+ 1. Let |method| be the result of [=creating an operation function=]
+ given |op|, |definition|, and |realm|.
+ 1. Let |modifiable| be
false if |op| is [=unforgeable=]
+ and
true otherwise.
+ 1. Let |desc| be the PropertyDescriptor{\[[Value]]: |method|,
+ \[[Writable]]: |modifiable|, \[[Enumerable]]:
+ \[[Configurable]]: |modifiable|}.
+ 1. Let |id| be |op|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Perform [=!=]
DefinePropertyOrThrow(|target|, |id|, |desc|).
+ To
create an operation function,
+ given an [=operation=] |op|, a [=namespace=] or [=interface=] |target|, and a [=realm=] |realm|:
+ 1. Let |id| be |op|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps, given function argument
+ values |args|:
+ 1. Try running the following steps:
+ 1. Let |idlObject| be null.
+ 1. If |target| is an [=interface=], and |op| is not a [=static operation=]:
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be the
this value, if it is not
null or
undefined, or |realm|'s
+ [=realm/global object=] otherwise.
+ (This will subsequently cause a {{TypeError}} in a few steps, if
+ the global object does not implement |target| and [{{LegacyLenientThis}}] is not
+ specified.)
+ 1. If |jsValue| [=is a platform object=], then [=perform a security check=],
+ passing |jsValue|, |id|, and "method".
+ 1. If |jsValue| does not [=implement=] the interface |target|,
+ [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Set |idlObject| to the IDL [=interface type=] value that represents a reference
+ to |jsValue|.
+ 1. Let |n| be the [=list/size=] of |args|.
+ 1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for [=regular operations=] (if |op| is a
+ regular operation) or for [=static operations=] (if |op| is a static operation)
+ with [=identifier=] |id| on |target| and with argument count |n|, and let |S| be
+ the result.
+ 1. Let <|operation|, |values|> be the result of passing
+ |S| and |args| to the [=overload resolution algorithm=].
+ 1. Let |R| be
+ 1. If |operation| is declared with a [{{Default}}] [=extended attribute=], then:
+ 1. Assert: |operation| [=has default method steps=].
+ 1. Set |R| to the result of running the [=default method steps=] for |operation|,
+ with |idlObject| as [=this=] and |values| as the argument values.
+ 1. Otherwise, set |R| to the result of running the [=method steps=] of |operation|,
+ with |idlObject| as [=this=] and |values| as the argument values.
+ 1. Return |R|, [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ Issue(whatwg/webidl#674): |R| is assumed to be an IDL value of the type |op| is declared to return.
+ And then, if
an exception |E| was thrown:
+ 1. If |op| has a [=return type=]
+ that is a [=promise type=], then return
+ [=!=]
Call({{%Promise.reject%}}, {{%Promise%}}, «|E|»).
+ 1. Otherwise, end these steps and allow the exception to propagate.
+ 1. Let |F| be
CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform
SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
+ 1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for [=regular operations=] (if |op| is a regular
+ operation) or for [=static operations=] (if |op| is a static operation) with [=identifier=]
+ |id| on |target| and with argument count 0, and let |S| be the result.
+ 1. Let |length| be the length of the shortest argument list in the entries in |S|.
+ 1. Perform
SetFunctionLength(|F|, |length|).
+ 1. Return |F|.
+Default operations
+A [=regular operation=]
+has default method steps
+if its [=identifier=] appears in the first column of the following table. In that case, its
+default method steps are those given by the algorithm linked from the second column of
+the table, and the operation must have the return type given in the third column of the table.
+ [=Identifier=]
+ | [=Default method steps=]
+ | [=Return type=] |
+ "toJSON "
+ | The [=default toJSON steps=]
+ | {{object}} |
+A [=regular operation=] that does not [=have default method steps=] must not be declared with a
+[{{Default}}] [=extended attribute=].
+Default toJSON operation
+ The default toJSON steps for an [=interface=] |I| are:
+ 1. Let |map| be a new [=ordered map=].
+ 1. Let |stack| be the result of [=create an inheritance stack|creating an inheritance stack=]
+ for [=interface=] |I|.
+ 1. Invoke [=collect attribute values of an inheritance stack=] given [=this=], |stack|, and
+ |map|.
+ 1. Let |result| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$]({{%Object.prototype%}}).
+ 1. [=map/For each=] |key| → |value| of |map|,
+ 1. Let |k| be |key| [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. Let |v| be |value| [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|result|, |k|, |v|).
+ 1. Return |result|.
+ To collect attribute values of an inheritance stack given a [=platform object=]
+ |object|, a [=stack=] |stack|, and an [=ordered map=] |map|:
+ 1. Let |I| be the result of [=stack/pop|popping=] from |stack|.
+ 1. Invoke [=collect attribute values=] given |object|, |I|, and |map|.
+ 1. If |stack| [=stack/is not empty=], then invoke
+ [=collect attribute values of an inheritance stack=] given |object|, |stack|, and |map|.
+ To collect attribute values given a [=platform object=] |object|, an [=interface=]
+ |I|, and an [=ordered map=] |map|:
+ 1. If a toJSON
operation with a [{{Default}}] [=extended attribute=] is declared
+ on |I|, then [=list/for each=] [=exposed=] [=regular attribute=] |attr| that is an
+ [=interface member=] of |I|, in order:
+ 1. Let |id| be the [=identifier=] of |attr|.
+ 1. Let |value| be the result of running the [=getter steps=] of |attr| with |object| as
+ [=this=].
+ 1. If |value| is a [=JSON type=], then [=map/set=] |map|[|id|] to |value|.
+ To create an inheritance stack for [=interface=] |I|,
+ run the following steps:
+ 1. Let |stack| be a new [=stack=].
+ 1. [=stack/Push=] |I| onto |stack|.
+ 1. [=iteration/While=] |I| [=interface/inherits=] from an [=interface=],
+ 1. Let |I| be that [=interface=].
+ 1. [=stack/Push=] |I| onto |stack|.
+ 1. Return |stack|.
+ Only [=regular attributes=] of [=interfaces=] that declare a
operation with
+ a [{{Default}}] [=extended attribute=] are included, even if an [=inherited interface=] declares
+ such a
operation. For example, consider the following [=IDL fragment=]:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface A {
+ [Default] object toJSON();
+ attribute DOMString a;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface B : A {
+ attribute DOMString b;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface C : B {
+ [Default] object toJSON();
+ attribute DOMString c;
+ };
+ Calling the
method of an object implementing interface
defined above would return the following JSON object:
+ {
+ "a": "...",
+ "c": "..."
+ }
+ Calling the
method of an object implementing interface
) defined above would return:
+ {
+ "a": "..."
+ }
+ A
operation can also be declared on an [=interface mixin=] (or
+ [=partial interface=]) and is equivalent to declaring it on the original [=interface=]. For
+ example, consider the following [=IDL fragment=]:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface D {
+ attribute DOMString d;
+ };
+ interface mixin M {
+ [Default] object toJSON();
+ attribute DOMString m;
+ };
+ D includes M;
+ Calling the
method of an object implementing interface
defined above would return:
+ {
+ "d": "...",
+ "m": "..."
+ }
+If the [=interface=] has an [=exposed=] [=stringifier=],
+then there must exist a property with the following characteristics:
+* The name of the property is "toString
+* If the [=stringifier=] is [=unforgeable=] on the interface
+ or if the interface was declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=],
+ then the property exists on every object that [=implements=] the interface.
+ Otherwise, the property exists on the [=interface prototype object=].
+* The property has attributes
+ { \[[Writable]]: |B|, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: |B| },
+ where |B| is false if the stringifier is [=unforgeable=] on the interface,
+ and true otherwise.
+ The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=], which behaves as follows:
+ 1. Let |thisValue| be the
this value.
+ 1. Let |O| be [=?=]
+ 1. If |O| [=is a platform object=],
+ then [=perform a security check=], passing:
+ * the platform object |O|,
+ * the [=identifier=] of the [=stringifier=], and
+ * the type "
+ 1. If |O| does not [=implement=] the [=interface=]
+ on which the stringifier was declared, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Let |V| be an uninitialized variable.
+ 1. Depending on how
was specified:
+ : as a declaration
+ :: Set |V| to the result of performing the [=stringification behavior=]
+ of the interface.
+ : on an [=attribute=]
+ :: Set |V| to the result of running the [=getter steps=] of the attribute
+ (or those listed in the [=getter steps=] of the inherited attribute, if this attribute is declared to
+ [=inherit its getter=]),
+ with |O| as [=this=].
+ 1. Return the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=] |V| to a String value.
+* The value of the [=function object=]'s length
+ property is the Number value 0.
+* The value of the [=function object=]'s name
+ property is the String value "toString
+Iterable declarations
+ To define the iteration methods
+ of [=interface=] |definition| on |target|, given [=realm=] |realm|, run the following steps:
+ 1. If |definition| has an [=indexed property getter=], then:
+ 1. Perform [$DefineMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@iterator}},
+ {{%Array.prototype.values%}}, false).
+ 1. If |definition| has a [=value iterator=], then:
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|target|, "entries
+ {{%Array.prototype.entries%}}).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|target|, "keys
+ {{%Array.prototype.keys%}}).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|target|, "values
+ {{%Array.prototype.values%}}).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|target|, "forEach
+ {{%Array.prototype.forEach%}}).
+ 1. Otherwise, if |definition| has a [=pair iterator=], then:
+ 1. Define the {{@@iterator}} and entries
+ 1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps:
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be [=?=] [$ToObject$](this value).
+ 1. If |jsValue| [=is a platform object=], then [=perform a security check=],
+ passing |jsValue|, "@@iterator
", and "method
+ 1. If |jsValue| does not [=implement=] |definition|, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. Return a newly created [=default iterator object=] for |definition|, with
+ |jsValue| as its [=default iterator object/target=], "key+value
+ as its [=default iterator object/kind=], and [=default iterator object/index=]
+ set to 0.
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "entries
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Perform [$DefineMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@iterator}}, |F|, false).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|target|, "entries
", |F|).
+ 1. Define the keys
+ 1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps:
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be [=?=] [$ToObject$](this value).
+ 1. If |jsValue| [=is a platform object=], then [=perform a security check=],
+ passing |jsValue|, "keys
", and "method
+ 1. If |jsValue| does not [=implement=] |definition|, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. Return a newly created [=default iterator object=] for |definition|, with
+ |jsValue| as its [=default iterator object/target=], "key
" as its
+ [=default iterator object/kind=], and [=default iterator object/index=] set to 0.
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "keys
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|target|, "keys
", |F|).
+ 1. Define the values
+ 1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps:
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be [=?=] [$ToObject$](this value).
+ 1. If |jsValue| [=is a platform object=], then [=perform a security check=],
+ passing |jsValue|, "values
", and "method
+ 1. If |jsValue| does not [=implement=] |definition|, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. Return a newly created [=default iterator object=] for |definition|, with
+ |jsValue| as its [=default iterator object/target=], "value
" as its
+ [=default iterator object/kind=], and [=default iterator object/index=] set to 0.
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "values
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|target|, "values
", |F|).
+ 1. Define the forEach
+ 1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps, given function argument values
+ |callback| and |thisArg|:
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be [=?=] [$ToObject$](this value).
+ 1. If |jsValue| [=is a platform object=], then [=perform a security check=],
+ passing |jsValue|, "forEach
", and "method
+ 1. If |jsValue| does not [=implement=] |definition|, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. Let |idlCallback| be |callback|, [=converted to an IDL value|converted=] to a
+ {{Function}}.
+ 1. Let |idlObject| be the IDL [=interface type=] value that represents a reference
+ to |jsValue|.
+ 1. Let |pairs| be |idlObject|'s list of [=value pairs to iterate over=].
+ 1. Let |i| be 0.
+ 1. While |i| < |pairs|'s [=list/size=]:
+ 1. Let |pair| be |pairs|[|i|].
+ 1. [=Invoke=] |idlCallback| with « |pair|'s [=value pair/value=], |pair|'s
+ [=value pair/key=], |idlObject| » and with |thisArg| as the
+ [=callback this value=].
+ 1. Set |pairs| to |idlObject|'s current list of
+ [=value pairs to iterate over=]. (It might have changed.)
+ 1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "forEach
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 1).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|target|, "forEach
", |F|).
+Default iterator objects
+A default iterator object for a given
+[=interface=], target and iteration kind
+is an object whose \[[Prototype]] [=/internal slot=] is the
+[=iterator prototype object=]
+for the [=interface=].
+A [=default iterator object=]
+has three internal values:
+* its target, which is an object whose values are to be
+ iterated,
+* its kind, which is the iteration kind,
+* its index, which is the current index into the values
+ to be iterated.
+Note: Default iterator objects are only used for [=pair iterators=];
+[=value iterators=], as they are currently
+restricted to iterating over an object's
+[=support indexed properties|supported indexed properties=],
+use standard JavaScript Array iterator objects.
+Note: [=Default iterator objects=] do not have [=class strings=]; when Object.prototype.toString()
is called on a [=default
+iterator object=] of a given [=interface=], the [=class string=] of the
+[=iterator prototype object=] of that [=interface=] is used.
+Iterator prototype object
+The iterator prototype object
+for a given [=interface=]
+is an object that exists for every interface that has a
+[=pair iterator=]. It serves as the
+prototype for [=default iterator objects=]
+for the interface.
+The \[[Prototype]] [=/internal slot=] of an [=iterator prototype object=]
+must be {{%IteratorPrototype%}}.
+ The
iterator result for a [=value pair=] |pair| and a kind |kind| is given by the
+ following steps:
+ 1. Let |result| be a value determined by the value of |kind|:
+ : "key
+ :: 1. Let |idlKey| be |pair|'s [=value pair/key=].
+ 1. Let |key| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=] |idlKey| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. |result| is |key|.
+ : "value
+ :: 1. Let |idlValue| be |pair|'s [=value pair/value=].
+ 1. Let |value| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=] |idlValue| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. |result| is |value|.
+ : "key+value
+ :: 1. Let |idlKey| be |pair|'s [=value pair/key=].
+ 1. Let |idlValue| be |pair|'s [=value pair/value=].
+ 1. Let |key| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=] |idlKey| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Let |value| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=] |idlValue| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Let |array| be [=!=] [$ArrayCreate$](2).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|array|, "0
", |key|).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|array|, "1
", |value|).
+ 1. |result| is |array|.
+ 1. Return [$CreateIterResultObject$](|result|,
+ An [=iterator prototype object=] must have a
data property with attributes
+ { \[[Writable]]:
true, \[[Enumerable]]:
true, \[[Configurable]]:
true }
+ and whose value is a [=built-in function object=] that behaves as follows:
+ 1. Let |interface| be the [=interface=] for which the
+ [=iterator prototype object=] exists.
+ 1. Let |thisValue| be the
this value.
+ 1. Let |object| be [=?=]
+ 1. If |object| [=is a platform object=],
+ then [=perform a security check=], passing:
+ * the platform object |object|,
+ * the identifier "
", and
+ * the type "
+ 1. If |object| is not a [=default iterator object=] for |interface|,
+ then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ 1. Let |index| be |object|'s [=default iterator object/index=].
+ 1. Let |kind| be |object|'s [=default iterator object/kind=].
+ 1. Let |values| be |object|'s [=default iterator object/target=]'s [=value pairs to iterate over=].
+ 1. Let |len| be the length of |values|.
+ 1. If |index| is greater than or equal to |len|, then
+ return
+ 1. Let |pair| be the entry in |values| at index |index|.
+ 1. Set |object|'s index to |index| + 1.
+ 1. Return the [=iterator result=] for |pair| and |kind|.
+The [=class string=] of an [=iterator prototype object=] for a given [=interface=]
+is the result of concatenating the [=identifier=] of the [=interface=]
+and the string " Iterator
+Asynchronous iterable declarations
+ To define the asynchronous iteration methods of [=interface=] |definition| on
+ |target|, given [=realm=] |realm|, run the following steps:
+ 1. If |definition| does not have an an [=asynchronously iterable declaration=] (of either
+ sort), then return.
+ 1. Assert: |definition| does not have an [=indexed property getter=] or an
+ [=iterable declaration=].
+ 1. If |definition| has a [=pair asynchronously iterable declaration=], then define the
+ {{@@asyncIterator}} and entries
+ 1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps, given function argument values |args|:
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be [=?=] [$ToObject$](this value).
+ 1. If |jsValue| [=is a platform object=], then [=perform a security check=], passing
+ |jsValue|, "@@asyncIterator
", and "method
+ 1. If |jsValue| does not [=implement=] |definition|, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. Let |idlObject| be the IDL [=interface type=] value that represents a reference to
+ |jsValue|.
+ 1. Let |idlArgs| be the result of
+ [=converting arguments for an asynchronous iterator method=] given |args|.
+ 1. Let |iterator| be a newly created [=default asynchronous iterator object=] for
+ |definition| with |idlObject| as its
+ [=default asynchronous iterator object/target=], "key+value
" as its
+ [=default asynchronous iterator object/kind=], and
+ [=default asynchronous iterator object/is finished=] set to false.
+ 1. Run the [=asynchronous iterator initialization steps=] for |definition| with
+ |idlObject|, |iterator|, and |idlArgs|, if any such steps exist.
+ 1. Return |iterator|.
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "entries
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Perform [$DefineMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@asyncIterator}}, |F|, false).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|target|, "entries
", |F|).
+ 1. If |definition| has a [=pair asynchronously iterable declaration=], then define the
+ keys
+ 1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps, given function argument values |args|:
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be [=?=] [$ToObject$](this value).
+ 1. If |jsValue| [=is a platform object=], then [=perform a security check=], passing
+ |jsValue|, "keys
", and "method
+ 1. If |jsValue| does not [=implement=] |definition|, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. Let |idlObject| be the IDL [=interface type=] value that represents a reference to
+ |jsValue|.
+ 1. Let |idlArgs| be the result of
+ [=converting arguments for an asynchronous iterator method=] given |args|.
+ 1. Let |iterator| be a newly created [=default asynchronous iterator object=] for
+ |definition| with |idlObject| as its
+ [=default asynchronous iterator object/target=], "key
" as its
+ [=default asynchronous iterator object/kind=], and
+ [=default asynchronous iterator object/is finished=] set to false.
+ 1. Run the [=asynchronous iterator initialization steps=] for |definition| with
+ |idlObject|, |iterator|, and |idlArgs|, if any such steps exist.
+ 1. Return |iterator|.
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "keys
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|target|, "keys
", |F|).
+ 1. Define the values
, and possibly {{@@asyncIterator}}, methods:
+ 1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps, given function argument values |args|:
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be [=?=] [$ToObject$](this value).
+ 1. If |jsValue| [=is a platform object=], then [=perform a security check=], passing
+ |jsValue|, "values
", and "method
+ 1. If |jsValue| does not [=implement=] |definition|, then [=JavaScript/throw=] a
+ {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. Let |idlObject| be the IDL [=interface type=] value that represents a reference to
+ |jsValue|.
+ 1. Let |idlArgs| be the result of
+ [=converting arguments for an asynchronous iterator method=] given |args|.
+ 1. Let |iterator| be a newly created [=default asynchronous iterator object=] for
+ |definition| with |idlObject| as its
+ [=default asynchronous iterator object/target=], "value
" as its
+ [=default asynchronous iterator object/kind=], and
+ [=default asynchronous iterator object/is finished=] set to false.
+ 1. Run the [=asynchronous iterator initialization steps=] for |definition| with
+ |idlObject|, |iterator|, and |idlArgs|, if any such steps exist.
+ 1. Return |iterator|.
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "values
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|target|, "values
", |F|).
+ 1. If |definition| has a [=value asynchronously iterable declaration=], then perform [=!=]
+ [$DefineMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@asyncIterator}}, |F|, false).
+ To
convert arguments for an asynchronous iterator method,
+ given an [=interface=] |definition| that has an [=asynchronously iterable declaration=] and a
+ [=list=] of JavaScript values |args|:
+ 1. Let |idlArgs| be an empty list.
+ 1. Let |argCount| be the number of arguments of |definition|'s
+ [=asynchronously iterable declaration=], or 0 if the [=asynchronously iterable declaration=]
+ does not have an argument list.
+ 1. Let |i| be 0.
+ 1. While |i| < |argCount|:
+ 1. If |i| ≥ |args|'s [=list/size=], or if |args|[|i|] is
+ then:
+ 1. If the argument to the [=asynchronously iterable declaration=] at index |i| is
+ declared with a [=optional argument/default value=], then [=list/append=] that
+ default value to |idlArgs|.
+ 1. Otherwise, [=list/append=] to |idlArgs| the special value "missing".
+ 1. Otherwise, [=list/append=] to |idlArgs| the result of
+ [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |args|[|i|] to the IDL type given in the
+ [=asynchronously iterable declaration=]'s argument list at index |i|.
+ 1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
+ 1. Return |idlArgs|.
This is essentially a hyper-specialization of the
+ [=overload resolution algorithm=] for the case where no overloads are allowed and all arguments
+ are optional.
+Default asynchronous iterator objects
+A default asynchronous iterator
+object for a given [=interface=], target and iteration kind is an object whose \[[Prototype]]
+[=/internal slot=] is the [=asynchronous iterator prototype object=] for the [=interface=].
+A [=default asynchronous iterator object=] has internal values:
+* its target, which is an object whose
+ values are to be iterated,
+* its kind, which is the iteration kind,
+* its ongoing promise, which is a
+ {{Promise}} or null,
+* its is finished, which is a boolean.
+Note: [=Default asynchronous iterator objects=] do not have [=class strings=]; when
is called on a
+[=default asynchronous iterator object=] of a given [=interface=], the [=class string=] of the
+[=asynchronous iterator prototype object=] of that [=interface=] is used.
+Asynchronous iterator prototype object
+asynchronous iterator prototype object
+for a given [=interface=] is an object that exists for every interface that has an
+[=asynchronously iterable declaration=].
+It serves as the prototype for [=default asynchronous iterator objects=] for the interface.
+The \[[Prototype]] [=/internal slot=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype object=] must be
+ An [=asynchronous iterator prototype object=] must have a
+ property with attributes { \[[Writable]]:
+ \[[Enumerable]]:
true, \[[Configurable]]:
true }
+ and whose value is a [=built-in function object=] that behaves as follows:
+ 1. Let |interface| be the [=interface=] for which the
+ [=asynchronous iterator prototype object=] exists.
+ 1. Let |thisValidationPromiseCapability| be [=!=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
+ 1. Let |thisValue| be the
this value.
+ 1. Let |object| be
+ 1. [$IfAbruptRejectPromise$](|object|, |thisValidationPromiseCapability|).
+ 1. If |object| [=is a platform object=], then [=perform a security check=], passing:
+ * the platform object |object|,
+ * the identifier "
", and
+ * the type "
+ If this threw an exception |e|, then:
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$Call$](|thisValidationPromiseCapability|.\[[Reject]],
undefined, « |e| »).
+ 1. Return |thisValidationPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
+ 1. If |object| is not a [=default asynchronous iterator object=] for |interface|, then:
+ 1. Let |error| be a new
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$Call$](|thisValidationPromiseCapability|.\[[Reject]],
undefined, « |error| »).
+ 1. Return |thisValidationPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
+ 1. Let |nextSteps| be the following steps:
+ 1. Let |nextPromiseCapability| be [=!=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
+ 1. If |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/is finished=] is true, then:
+ 1. Let |result| be [$CreateIterResultObject$](
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$Call$](|nextPromiseCapability|.\[[Resolve]],
undefined, « |result| »).
+ 1. Return |nextPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
+ 1. Let |kind| be |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/kind=].
+ 1. Let |nextPromise| be the result of
+ [=get the next iteration result|getting the next iteration result=] with |object|'s
+ [=default asynchronous iterator object/target=] and |object|.
+ 1. Let |fulfillSteps| be the following steps, given |next|:
+ 1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=] to
+ null.
+ 1. If |next| is [=end of iteration=], then:
+ 1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/is finished=] to true.
+ 1. Return [$CreateIterResultObject$](
+ 1. Otherwise, if |interface| has a [=pair asynchronously iterable declaration=]:
+ 1. Assert: |next| is a [=value pair=].
+ 1. Return the [=iterator result=] for |next| and |kind|.
+ 1. Otherwise:
+ 1. Assert: |interface| has a [=value asynchronously iterable declaration=].
+ 1. Assert: |next| is a value of the type that appears in the declaration.
+ 1. Let |value| be |next|, [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. Return [$CreateIterResultObject$](|value|,
+ 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Let |rejectSteps| be the following steps, given |reason|:
+ 1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=] to
+ null.
+ 1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/is finished=] to true.
+ 1. [=JavaScript/Throw=] |reason|.
+ 1. Let |onRejected| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|rejectSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Perform [$PerformPromiseThen$](|nextPromise|, |onFulfilled|, |onRejected|,
+ |nextPromiseCapability|).
+ 1. Return |nextPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
+ 1. Let |ongoingPromise| be |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=].
+ 1. If |ongoingPromise| is not null, then:
+ 1. Let |afterOngoingPromiseCapability| be [=!=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
+ 1. Let |onSettled| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|nextSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Perform [$PerformPromiseThen$](|ongoingPromise|, |onSettled|, |onSettled|,
+ |afterOngoingPromiseCapability|).
+ 1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=] to
+ |afterOngoingPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
+ 1. Otherwise:
+ 1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=] to the result of
+ running |nextSteps|.
+ 1. Return |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=].
+ If an [=asynchronous iterator return=] algorithm is defined for the [=interface=], then the
+ [=asynchronous iterator prototype object=] must have a
+ property with attributes { \[[Writable]]:
+ \[[Enumerable]]:
true, \[[Configurable]]:
true }
+ and whose value is a [=built-in function object=], taking one argument |value|, that behaves as
+ follows:
+ 1. Let |interface| be the [=interface=] for which the
+ [=asynchronous iterator prototype object=] exists.
+ 1. Let |returnPromiseCapability| be [=!=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
+ 1. Let |thisValue| be the
this value.
+ 1. Let |object| be
+ 1. [$IfAbruptRejectPromise$](|object|, |returnPromiseCapability|).
+ 1. If |object| [=is a platform object=], then [=perform a security check=], passing:
+ * the platform object |object|,
+ * the identifier "
", and
+ * the type "
+ If this threw an exception |e|, then:
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$Call$](|returnPromiseCapability|.\[[Reject]],
undefined, « |e| »).
+ 1. Return |returnPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
+ 1. If |object| is not a [=default asynchronous iterator object=] for |interface|, then:
+ 1. Let |error| be a new
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$Call$](|returnPromiseCapability|.\[[Reject]],
undefined, « |error| »).
+ 1. Return |returnPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
+ 1. Let |returnSteps| be the following steps:
+ 1. Let |returnPromiseCapability| be [=!=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
+ 1. If |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/is finished=] is true, then:
+ 1. Let |result| be [$CreateIterResultObject$](|value|,
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$Call$](|returnPromiseCapability|.\[[Resolve]],
undefined, « |result| »).
+ 1. Return |returnPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
+ 1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/is finished=] to true.
+ 1. Return the result of running the [=asynchronous iterator return=] algorithm for
+ |interface|, given |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/target=], |object|,
+ and |value|.
+ 1. Let |ongoingPromise| be |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=].
+ 1. If |ongoingPromise| is not null, then:
+ 1. Let |afterOngoingPromiseCapability| be [=!=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
+ 1. Let |onSettled| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|returnSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Perform [$PerformPromiseThen$](|ongoingPromise|, |onSettled|, |onSettled|,
+ |afterOngoingPromiseCapability|).
+ 1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=] to
+ |afterOngoingPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
+ 1. Otherwise:
+ 1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=] to the result of
+ running |returnSteps|.
+ 1. Let |fulfillSteps| be the following steps:
+ 1. Return [$CreateIterResultObject$](|value|,
+ 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Perform [$PerformPromiseThen$](|object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing
+ promise=], |onFulfilled|,
undefined, |returnPromiseCapability|).
+ 1. Return |returnPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
+The [=class string=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype object=] for a given [=interface=] is
+the result of concatenating the [=identifier=] of the [=interface=] and the string
+" AsyncIterator
+Maplike declarations
+If an [=interface=] |A| is declared with
+a [=maplike declaration=], then
+there exists a number of additional properties on |A|'s
+[=interface prototype object=].
+These additional properties are described in the sub-sections below.
+There must exist a size
property on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes
+ { \[[Get]]: |G|, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true },
+ where |G| is the interface's map size getter,
+ defined below.
+ The [=map size getter=] is a [=built-in function object=]
+ whose behavior when invoked is as follows:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "size
" and type "getter
+ 1. Let |map| be the [=map entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Return |map|'s [=map/size=], [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 0.
+ The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "get size
+There must exist a data property whose name is the {{@@iterator}} symbol on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: false, \[[Configurable]]: true }
+and whose value is the [=function object=] that is the value of
+the entries
+ To create a map iterator
+ from a [=/map=] |map|
+ and a |kind| which is either "key+value
", "key
", or "value
+ 1. Let |closure| be a new [=/Abstract Closure=] with no parameters
+ that captures |map| and |kind| and performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. [=map/For each=] |key| → |value| of |map|:
+ 1. Set |key| and |value| to each [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. If |kind| is "key
", let |result| be |key|.
+ 1. Else if |kind| is "value
", let |result| be |value|.
+ 1. Else, let |result| be [$CreateArrayFromList$](« |key|, |value| »).
+ 1. Perform [=?=] [$GeneratorYield$]([$CreateIterResultObject$](|result|, false)).
+ Note: The [=map/size=] of |map|, and the order of its entries,
+ might have changed while execution of this abstract operation
+ was paused by [$Yield$].
+ 1. Return undefined.
+ 1. Return [$CreateIteratorFromClosure$](|closure|, "%MapIteratorPrototype%
", {{%MapIteratorPrototype%}}).
+There must exist an entries
data property on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ whose behavior when invoked is as follows:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "entries
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |map| be the [=map entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Return the result of [=creating a map iterator=] from |map| with kind "key+value
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 0.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "entries
+There must exist a keys
data property on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ whose behavior when invoked is as follows:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "keys
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |map| be the [=map entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Return the result of [=creating a map iterator=] from |map| with kind "key
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 0.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "keys
+There must exist a values
data property on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ whose behavior when invoked is as follows:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "values
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |map| be the [=map entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Return the result of [=creating a map iterator=] from |map| with kind "value
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 0.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "values
+There must exist a forEach
data property on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ whose behavior when invoked is as follows:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "forEach
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |map| be the [=map entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Let |callbackFn| be the first argument passed to the function, or undefined if not supplied.
+ 1. If [$IsCallable$](|callbackFn|) is false, [=JavaScript/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. Let |thisArg| be the second argument passed to the function, or undefined if not supplied.
+ 1. [=map/For each=] |key| → |value| of |map|:
+ 1. Let |jsKey| and |jsValue| be |key| and |value| [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. Perform [=?=] [$Call$](|callbackFn|, |thisArg|, « |jsValue|, |jsKey|, |O| »).
+ 1. Return undefined.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 1.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "forEach
+There must exist a get
data property on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ that behaves as follows when invoked:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "get
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |map| be the [=map entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Let |keyType| be the key type specified in the [=maplike declaration=].
+ 1. Let |keyArg| be the first argument passed to this function, or undefined if not supplied.
+ 1. Let |key| be |keyArg| [=converted to an IDL value=] of type |keyType|.
+ 1. If |key| is -0, set |key| to +0.
+ 1. If |map|[|key|] [=map/exists=], then return |map|[|key|],
+ [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 1.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "get
+There must exist a has
data property on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ that behaves as follows when invoked:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "has
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |map| be the [=map entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Let |keyType| be the key type specified in the [=maplike declaration=].
+ 1. Let |keyArg| be the first argument passed to this function, or undefined if not supplied.
+ 1. Let |key| be |keyArg| [=converted to an IDL value=] of type |keyType|.
+ 1. If |key| is -0, set |key| to +0.
+ 1. If |map|[|key|] [=map/exists=], then return true;
+ otherwise return false.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 1.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "has
+If |A| does not declare a [=member=] with identifier "set
+and |A| was declared with a read–write maplike declaration,
+then there must exist a set
data property
+on |A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ that behaves as follows when invoked:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "set
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |map| be the [=map entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Let |keyType| be the key type specified in the [=maplike declaration=], and |valueType| be the value type.
+ 1. Let |keyArg| be the first argument passed to this function, or undefined if not supplied.
+ 1. Let |key| be |keyArg| [=converted to an IDL value=] of type |keyType|.
+ 1. If |key| is -0, set |key| to +0.
+ 1. Let |valueArg| be the second argument passed to this function, or undefined if not supplied.
+ 1. Let |value| be |valueArg| [=converted to an IDL value=] of type |valueType|.
+ 1. [=map/Set=] |map|[|key|] to |value|.
+ 1. Return |O|.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 2.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "set
+If the interface does declare a set
+it should similarly map a -0 key to +0,
+and must return [=this=].
+If |A| does not declare a [=member=] with identifier "delete
+and |A| was declared with a read–write maplike declaration,
+then there must exist a delete
data property
+on |A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ that behaves as follows when invoked:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "delete
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |map| be the [=map entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Let |keyType| be the key type specified in the [=maplike declaration=].
+ 1. Let |keyArg| be the first argument passed to this function, or undefined if not supplied.
+ 1. Let |key| be |keyArg| [=converted to an IDL value=] of type |keyType|.
+ 1. If |key| is -0, set |key| to +0.
+ 1. Let |retVal| be true if |map|[|key|] exists,
+ or else false.
+ 1. [=map/Remove=] |map|[|key|].
+ 1. Return |retVal|.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 1.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "delete
+If the interface does declare a delete
+it should similarly map a -0 key to +0,
+and must return a {{boolean}} indicating whether the key was present or not.
+If |A| does not declare a [=member=] with identifier "clear
+and |A| was declared with a read–write maplike declaration,
+then there must exist a clear
data property
+on |A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ that behaves as follows when invoked:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "clear
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |map| be the [=map entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. [=map/Clear=] |map|.
+ Note: The [=/map=] is preserved because there may be existing
+ iterators, currently suspended, iterating over it.
+ 1. Return undefined.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 0.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "clear
+If the interface does declare a clear
+it must preserve the [=map entries=] object (rather than generating a new one)
+and must return {{undefined}}.
+Setlike declarations
+If an [=interface=] |A| is declared with a [=setlike declaration=],
+then there exists a number of additional properties on |A|'s [=interface prototype object=].
+These additional properties are described in the sub-sections below.
+A size
property must exist on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Get]]: |G|, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true },
+ where |G| is the interface's set size getter,
+ defined below.
+ The [=set size getter=] is a [=built-in function object=]
+ whose behavior when invoked is as follows:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "size
" and type "getter
+ 1. Let |set| be the [=set entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Return |set|'s [=set/size=], [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 0.
+ The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "get size
+There must exist a data property whose name is the {{@@iterator}} symbol on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: false, \[[Configurable]]: true }
+and whose value is the [=function object=] that is the value of
+the values
+ To create a set iterator
+ from a [=/set=] |set|
+ and a |kind| which is either "key+value
" or "value
+ 1. Let |closure| be a new [=/Abstract Closure=] with no parameters
+ that captures |set| and |kind| and performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. [=set/For each=] |entry| of |set|:
+ 1. Set |entry| to be |entry| [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. If |kind| is "value
", let |result| be |entry|.
+ 1. Else, let |result| be [$CreateArrayFromList$](« |entry|, |entry| »).
+ 1. Perform [=?=] [$GeneratorYield$]([$CreateIterResultObject$](|result|, false)).
+ Note: The [=set/size=] of |set|, and the order of its entries,
+ might have changed while execution of this abstract operation
+ was paused by [$Yield$].
+ 1. Return undefined.
+ 1. Return [$CreateIteratorFromClosure$](|closure|, "%SetIteratorPrototype%
", {{%SetIteratorPrototype%}}).
+There must exist an entries
data property on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ whose behavior when invoked is as follows:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "entries
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |set| be the [=set entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Return the result of [=creating a set iterator=] from |set| with kind "key+value
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is
+the Number value 0.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is
+the String value "entries
+A keys
data property must exist
+on |A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }
+and whose value is the [=function object=] that is the value of
+the values
+There must exist a values
data property on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ whose behavior when invoked is as follows:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "values
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |set| be the [=set entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Return the result of [=creating a set iterator=] from |set| with kind "value
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is
+the Number value 0.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is
+the String value "values
+There must exist a forEach
data property on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ whose behavior when invoked is as follows:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "forEach
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |set| be the [=set entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Let |callbackFn| be the first argument passed to the function, or undefined if not supplied.
+ 1. If [$IsCallable$](|callbackFn|) is false, [=JavaScript/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. Let |thisArg| be the second argument passed to the function, or undefined if not supplied.
+ 1. [=map/For each=] |value| of |set|:
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be |value| [=converted to a JavaScript value=].
+ 1. Perform [=?=] [$Call$](|callbackFn|, |thisArg|, « |jsValue|, |jsValue|, |O|»).
+ 1. Return undefined.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 1.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "forEach
+There must exist a has
data property on
+|A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ that behaves as follows when invoked:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "has
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |set| be the [=set entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Let |valueType| be the value type specified in the [=setlike declaration=].
+ 1. Let |valueArg| be the first argument passed to this function, or undefined if not supplied.
+ 1. Let |value| be |valueArg| [=converted to an IDL value=] of type |valueType|.
+ 1. If |value| is -0, set |value| to +0.
+ 1. If |set| [=set/contains=] |value|, then return true,
+ otherwise return false.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is a Number value 1.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "has
+If |A| does not declare a [=member=] with identifier "add
+and |A| was declared with a read–write setlike declaration,
+then there must exist an add
data property
+on |A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ that behaves as follows when invoked:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "add
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |set| be the [=set entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. Let |valueType| be the value type specified in the [=setlike declaration=].
+ 1. Let |valueArg| be the first argument passed to this function, or undefined if not supplied.
+ 1. Let |value| be |valueArg| [=converted to an IDL value=] of type |valueType|.
+ 1. If |value| is -0, set |value| to +0.
+ 1. [=set/Append=] |value| to |set|.
+ 1. Return |O|.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 1.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "add
+If the interface does declare an add
+it should similarly map a -0 value to +0,
+and must return the value that was set.
+If |A| does not declare a [=member=] with identifier "delete
+and |A| was declared with a read–write setlike declaration,
+then there must exist a delete
data property
+on |A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ that behaves as follows when invoked:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "delete
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |set| be |O|'s [=set entries=].
+ 1. Let |valueType| be the value type specified in the [=setlike declaration=].
+ 1. Let |valueArg| be the first argument passed to this function, or undefined if not supplied.
+ 1. Let |value| be |valueArg| [=converted to an IDL value=] of type |valueType|.
+ 1. If |value| is -0, set |value| to +0.
+ 1. Let |retVal| be true if |set| [=set/contains=] |value|, or else false.
+ 1. [=list/Remove=] |value| from |set|.
+ 1. Return |retVal|.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 1.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "delete
+If the interface does declare a delete
+it should similarly map a -0 value to +0,
+and must return a {{boolean}} indicating whether the value was present or not.
+If |A| does not declare a [=member=] with identifier "clear
+and |A| was declared with a read–write setlike declaration,
+then there must exist a clear
data property
+on |A|'s [=interface prototype object=]
+with the following characteristics:
+* The property has attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
+* The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=]
+ that behaves as follows when invoked:
+ 1. Let |O| be the this value, [=implementation-checked=] against A with identifier "clear
" and type "method
+ 1. Let |set| be the [=set entries=] of the IDL value
+ that represents a reference to |O|.
+ 1. [=set/Empty=] |set|.
+ Note: The [=/set=] is preserved because there may be existing
+ iterators, currently suspended, iterating over it.
+ 1. Return undefined.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s length
property is the Number value 0.
+The value of the [=function object=]'s name
property is the String value "clear
+If the interface does declare a clear
+it must preserve the [=set entries=] object (rather than generating a new one)
+and must return {{undefined}}.
+ A JavaScript value |value| is a platform object if [$Type$](|value|) is Object and
+ if |value| has a \[[PrimaryInterface]] internal slot.
+ A JavaScript value |value| implements an [=interface=] |interface|
+ if |value| [=is a platform object=] and the [=inclusive inherited interfaces=] of
+ |value|.\[[PrimaryInterface]] [=list/contains=] |interface|.
+ Specifications may reference the concept "|object| implements |interface|"
+ in various ways, including "|object| is an |interface| object".
+Every [=platform object=] is associated with a [=realm=], just
+as the [=initial objects=] are.
+This realm is stored in the [=platform object=]'s \[[Realm]] slot.
+It is the responsibility of specifications using Web IDL to state
+which realm (or, by proxy, which global object) each platform
+object is associated with.
+In particular, the algorithms below associate the new [=platform object=] with
+the realm given as an argument.
+ To create a new object implementing the interface |interface|, with a
+ [=realm=] |realm|, perform the following steps:
+ 1. Return the result of [=internally create a new object implementing the
+ interface|internally creating a new object implementing=] |interface|, with |realm| and
+ undefined.
+ To internally create a new object implementing the interface |interface|, with a
+ [=realm=] |realm| and a JavaScript value |newTarget|, perform the following steps:
+ 1. Assert: |interface| is [=exposed=] in |realm|.
+ 1. If |newTarget| is undefined, then:
+ 1. Let |prototype| be the [=interface prototype object=] for |interface| in
+ |realm|.
+ 1. Otherwise:
+ 1. Assert: [$IsCallable$](|newTarget|) is true.
+ 1. Let |prototype| be [=?=] [$Get$](|newTarget|, "prototype").
+ 1. If [$Type$](|prototype|) is not Object, then:
+ 1. Let |targetRealm| be [=?=] [$GetFunctionRealm$](|newTarget|).
+ 1. Set |prototype| to the [=interface prototype object=] for |interface| in
+ |targetRealm|.
+ 1. Let |instance| be [$MakeBasicObject$](
+ « \[[Prototype]], \[[Extensible]], \[[Realm]], \[[PrimaryInterface]] »).
+ 1. Set |instance|.\[[Realm]] to |realm|.
+ 1. Set |instance|.\[[PrimaryInterface]] to |interface|.
+ 1. Set |instance|.\[[Prototype]] to |prototype|.
+ 1. Let |interfaces| be the [=inclusive inherited interfaces=] of |interface|.
+ 1. [=list/iterate|For every=] [=interface=] |ancestor interface| in |interfaces|:
+ 1. Let |unforgeables| be the value of the \[[Unforgeables]] slot of the [=interface
+ object=] of |ancestor interface| in |realm|.
+ 1. Let |keys| be [=!=] |unforgeables|.\[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
+ 1. [=list|For each=] element |key| of |keys|:
+ 1. Let |descriptor| be [=!=] |unforgeables|.\[[GetOwnProperty]](|key|).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$DefinePropertyOrThrow$](|instance|, |key|, |descriptor|).
+ 1. If |interface| is declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=], then:
+ 1. [=Define the regular operations=] of |interface| on |instance|, given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the regular attributes=] of |interface| on |instance|, given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the iteration methods=] of |interface| on |instance| given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the asynchronous iteration methods=] of |interface| on |instance| given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the global property references=] on |instance|, given |realm|.
+ 1. Set |instance|.\[[SetPrototypeOf]] as defined in [[#platform-object-setprototypeof]].
+ 1. Otherwise, if |interfaces| contains an [=interface=] which
+ [=support indexed properties|supports indexed properties=],
+ [=support named properties|named properties=], or both:
+ 1. Set |instance|.\[[GetOwnProperty]] as defined in
+ [[#legacy-platform-object-getownproperty]].
+ 1. Set |instance|.\[[Set]] as defined in
+ [[#legacy-platform-object-set]].
+ 1. Set |instance|.\[[DefineOwnProperty]] as defined in
+ [[#legacy-platform-object-defineownproperty]].
+ 1. Set |instance|.\[[Delete]] as defined in
+ [[#legacy-platform-object-delete]].
+ 1. Set |instance|.\[[PreventExtensions]] as defined in
+ [[#legacy-platform-object-preventextensions]].
+ 1. Set |instance|.\[[OwnPropertyKeys]] as defined in
+ [[#legacy-platform-object-ownpropertykeys]].
+ 1. Return |instance|.
+ To define the global property references on |target|, given [=realm=] |realm|,
+ perform the following steps:
+ 1. Let |interfaces| be a [=list=] that contains every [=interface=] that is [=exposed=] in
+ |realm|.
+ 1. Sort |interfaces| in such a way that if |A| and |B| are [=list/items=] of |interfaces|,
+ and |A| [=interface/inherits=] from |B|, |A| has a higher index in |interfaces| than |B|.
+ 1. [=list/iterate|For every=] |interface| of |interfaces|:
+ 1. If |interface| is not declared with the [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}] or
+ [{{LegacyNamespace}}] [=extended attributes=], then:
+ 1. Let |id| be |interface|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Let |interfaceObject| be the result of [=create an interface object|creating
+ an interface object=] for |interface| with |id| in |realm|.
+ 1. Perform [$DefineMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |interfaceObject|, false).
+ 1. If the |interface| is declared with a [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] [=extended attribute=],
+ and |target| implements the {{Window}} [=interface=], then:
+ 1. [=list/iterate|For every=] [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifier=] |id| in
+ [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}]'s [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifiers=]:
+ 1. Perform [$DefineMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |interfaceObject|, false).
+ 1. If the |interface| is declared with a [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}] [=extended attribute=],
+ then:
+ 1. [=list/iterate|For every=] [=LegacyFactoryFunction identifier|identifier=] |id| in
+ [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}]'s [=LegacyFactoryFunction identifier|identifiers=]:
+ 1. Let |legacyFactoryFunction| be the result of
+ [=create a legacy factory function|creating a legacy factory function=] with
+ |id| for |interface| in |realm|.
+ 1. Perform [$DefineMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |legacyFactoryFunction|, false).
+ 1. [=list/iterate|For every=] [=callback interface=] |interface| that is [=exposed=] in
+ |realm| and on which [=constants=] are defined:
+ 1. Let |id| be |interface|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Let |interfaceObject| be the result of [=create a legacy callback interface
+ object|creating a legacy callback interface object=] for |interface| with |id| in |realm|.
+ 1. Perform [$DefineMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |interfaceObject|, false).
+ 1. [=list/iterate|For every=] [=namespace=] |namespace| that is [=exposed=] in
+ |realm|:
+ 1. Let |id| be |namespace|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Let |namespaceObject| be the result of [=create a namespace object|creating a namespace object=] for |namespace| in |realm|.
+ 1. Perform [$DefineMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |namespaceObject|, false).
+ The set of interfaces that a [=platform object=] [=implements=] does not change over
+ the lifetime of the object.
+ Multiple [=platform objects=] with different [=realm/global objects=] will share
+ a reference to the same [=interface=] in their \[[PrimaryInterface]] internal
+ slots. For example, a page could contain a same-origin iframe, with the iframe's
+ method being called on the main page's element of the same kind, with no exception
+ thrown.
+ [=Interface mixins=] do not participate directly in the evaluation of the [=implements=]
+ algorithm. Instead, each [=interface=] that the [=interface mixin=] is [=included=] in
+ has its own "copy" of each [=member=] of the [=interface mixin=], and the corresponding
+ [=creating an operation function|operation function=] checks that the receiver [=implements=]
+ the particular [=interface=] which [=includes=] the [=interface mixin=].
+ The primary interface of a [=platform object=] is
+ the value of the object's \[[PrimaryInterface]] internal slot, which is the most-derived
+ [=interface=] that it [=implements=].
+The [=realm=] that a given [=platform object=]
+is associated with can change after it has been created. When
+the [=realm=] associated with a platform object is changed, its
+\[[Prototype]] [=/internal slot=] must be immediately
+updated to be the [=interface prototype object=]
+of the [=primary interface=]
+from the [=platform object=]'s newly associated [=realm=].
+Additionally, [=platform objects=] which implement an [=interface=]
+which has a [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=]
+get properties declaratively from:
+* [[#js-stringifier]],
+* [[#js-maplike]], and
+* [[#js-setlike]].
+Issue: Define those properties imperatively instead.
+ When the \[[SetPrototypeOf]] internal method of a [=platform object=] |O| that implements an
+ [=interface=] with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=] is called with
+ JavaScript language value |V|, the following step is taken:
+ 1. If |O|'s [=associated realm=]'s [=is global prototype chain mutable=] is true,
+ return [=?=] [$OrdinarySetPrototypeOf$](|O|, |V|).
+ 1. Return [=?=]
SetImmutablePrototype(|O|, |V|).
+Note: For {{Window}} objects, it is unobservable whether this is implemented, since the presence of
+the {{WindowProxy}} object ensures that \[[SetPrototypeOf]] is never called on a {{Window}} object
+directly. For other global objects, however, this is necessary.
+[=Legacy platform objects=] will appear to have additional properties that correspond to their
+[=indexed properties|indexed=] and [=named properties=]. These properties are not “real” own
+properties on the object, but are made to look like they are by being exposed
+by the \[[GetOwnProperty]] internal method .
+It is permissible for an object to implement multiple interfaces that support indexed properties.
+However, if so, and there are conflicting definitions as to the object's
+[=supported property indices=],
+then it is undefined what additional properties the object will appear to
+have, or what its exact behavior will be with regard to its indexed properties.
+The same applies for named properties.
+The [=indexed property getter=]
+that is defined on the derived-most interface that the
+legacy platform object implements is the one that defines the behavior
+when indexing the object with an [=array index=]. Similarly for
+[=indexed property setters=].
+This way, the definitions of these special operations from
+ancestor interfaces can be overridden.
+A property name is an unforgeable property name on a
+given platform object |O| if the object implements an [=interface=] that
+has an [=interface member=] with that identifier
+and that interface member is [=unforgeable=] on any of
+the interfaces that |O| implements.
+Support for [=getters=] is handled in [[#legacy-platform-object-getownproperty]],
+and for [=setters=] in [[#legacy-platform-object-defineownproperty]]
+and [[#legacy-platform-object-set]].
+Additionally, [=legacy platform objects=] have internal methods as defined in:
+* [[#legacy-platform-object-delete]],
+* [[#legacy-platform-object-preventextensions]], and
+* [[#legacy-platform-object-ownpropertykeys]].
+ The \[[GetOwnProperty]] internal method of every [=legacy platform object=] |O|
+ must behave as follows when called with property name |P|:
+ 1. Return [=?=]
LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty(|O|, |P|,
+ The \[[Set]] internal method of every [=legacy platform object=] |O|
+ must behave as follows when called with
+ property name |P|, value |V|, and JavaScript language value |Receiver|:
+ 1. If |O| and |Receiver| are the same object, then:
+ 1. If |O| [=implements=] an interface with an [=indexed property setter=]
+ and |P| [=is an array index=], then:
+ 1. [=Invoke the indexed property setter=] on |O| with |P| and |V|.
+ 1. Return
+ 1. If |O| [=implements=] an interface with a [=named property setter=]
+ and
Type(|P|) is String, then:
+ 1. [=Invoke the named property setter=] on |O| with |P| and |V|.
+ 1. Return
+ 1. Let |ownDesc| be [=?=]
LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty(|O|, |P|,
+ 1. Perform [=?=]
OrdinarySetWithOwnDescriptor(|O|, |P|, |V|, |Receiver|, |ownDesc|).
+ When the \[[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of a [=legacy platform object=] |O|
+ is called with property key |P| and [=Property Descriptor=] |Desc|,
+ the following steps must be taken:
+ 1. If |O| [=support indexed properties|supports indexed properties=] and
+ |P| [=is an array index=], then:
+ 1. If the result of calling
IsDataDescriptor(|Desc|) is
false, then return
+ 1. If |O| does not implement an interface with an
+ [=indexed property setter=], then return
+ 1. [=Invoke the indexed property setter=] on |O| with |P| and |Desc|.\[[Value]].
+ 1. Return
+ 1. If |O| [=support named properties|supports named properties=],
+ |O| does not implement an [=interface=] with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=],
Type(|P|) is String,
+ and |P| is not an [=unforgeable property name=]
+ of |O|, then:
+ 1. Let |creating| be true if |P| is not a [=supported property name=], and false otherwise.
+ 1. If |O| [=implements=] an interface with the [{{LegacyOverrideBuiltIns}}]
+ [=extended attribute=] or |O| does not have an own property
+ named |P|, then:
+ 1. If |creating| is false and |O| does not implement an
+ interface with a [=named property setter=], then return
+ 1. If |O| [=implements=] an interface with a
+ [=named property setter=], then:
+ 1. If the result of calling
IsDataDescriptor(|Desc|) is
false, then return
+ 1. [=Invoke the named property setter=] on |O| with |P| and |Desc|.\[[Value]].
+ 1. Return
+ 1. If |O| does not implement an [=interface=] with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=],
+ then set |Desc|.\[[Configurable]] to
+ 1. Return [=!=]
OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(|O|, |P|, |Desc|).
+ The \[[Delete]] internal method of every [=legacy platform object=] |O|
+ must behave as follows when called with property name |P|.
+ 1. If |O| [=support indexed properties|supports indexed properties=] and
+ |P| [=is an array index=], then:
+ 1. Let |index| be the result of calling [=!=]
+ 1. If |index| is not a [=supported property indices|supported property index=], then return
+ 1. Return
+ 1. If |O| [=support named properties|supports named properties=],
+ |O| does not implement an [=interface=] with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=]
+ and the result of calling the [=named property visibility algorithm=]
+ with property name |P| and object |O| is true, then:
+ 1. If |O| does not implement an interface with a [=named property deleter=], then return
+ 1. Let |operation| be the operation used to declare the named property deleter.
+ 1. If |operation| was defined without an [=identifier=], then:
+ 1. Perform the steps listed in the interface description to
+ [=delete an existing named property=]
+ with |P| as the name.
+ 1. If the steps indicated that the deletion failed, then return
+ 1. Otherwise, |operation| was defined with an identifier:
+ 1. Perform [=method steps=] of |operation| with |O| as [=this=] and « |P| » as the
+ argument values.
+ 1. If |operation| was declared with a [=return type=] of {{boolean}}
+ and the steps returned
false, then return
+ 1. Return
+ 1. If |O| has an own property with name |P|, then:
+ 1. If the property is not configurable, then return
+ 1. Otherwise, remove the property from |O|.
+ 1. Return
+ When the \[[PreventExtensions]] internal method of a [=legacy platform object=] is called,
+ the following steps are taken:
+ 1. Return false.
+ Note: this keeps [=legacy platform objects=] extensible by
+ making \[[PreventExtensions]] fail for them.
+This document does not define a complete property enumeration order
+for [=platform objects=] implementing [=interfaces=]
+(or for platform objects representing exceptions).
+However, it does for [=legacy platform objects=] by defining the \[[OwnPropertyKeys]]
+internal method as follows.
+ When the \[[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method of a [=legacy platform object=] |O| is called,
+ the following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let |keys| be a new empty [=list=] of JavaScript String and Symbol values.
+ 1. If |O| [=support indexed properties|supports indexed properties=], then [=list|for each=] |index| of |O|'s
+ [=supported property indices=], in ascending numerical order, [=list|append=] [=!=]
ToString(|index|) to
+ |keys|.
+ 1. If |O| [=support named properties|supports named properties=], then [=list|for each=] |P| of |O|'s
+ [=supported property names=] that is visible according to the [=named property visibility algorithm=],
+ [=list|append=] |P| to |keys|.
+ 1. [=list|For each=] |P| of |O|'s own property keys that is a String, in ascending chronological order of
+ property creation, [=list|append=] |P| to |keys|.
+ 1. [=list|For each=] |P| of |O|'s own property keys that is a Symbol, in ascending chronological order of
+ property creation, [=list|append=] |P| to |keys|.
+ 1. Assert: |keys| has no duplicate items.
+ 1. Return |keys|.
+ To determine if a property name |P|
is an [=array index=], the following algorithm is
+ applied:
+ 1. If
Type(|P|) is not String, then return
+ 1. Let |index| be
+ 1. If |index| is
undefined, then return
+ 1. If
IsInteger(|index|) is
+ then return
+ 1. If |index| is −0, then return
+ 1. If |index| < 0, then return
+ 1. If |index| ≥ 2
32 − 1, then return
+ Note: 2
32 − 1 is the maximum array length allowed by JavaScript.
+ 1. Return
+ The named property visibility algorithm
+ is used to determine if a given named property is exposed on an object.
+ Some named properties are not exposed on an object depending on whether
+ the [{{LegacyOverrideBuiltIns}}] [=extended attribute=] was used.
+ The algorithm operates as follows, with property name |P| and object |O|:
+ 1. If |P| is not a [=supported property name=] of |O|, then return false.
+ 1. If |O| has an own property named |P|, then return false.
+ Note: This will include cases in which |O| has unforgeable properties,
+ because in practice those are always set up before objects have any supported property names,
+ and once set up will make the corresponding named properties invisible.
+ 1. If |O| [=implements=] an interface that has the [{{LegacyOverrideBuiltIns}}]
+ [=extended attribute=], then return true.
+ 1. Let |prototype| be |O|.\[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
+ 1. While |prototype| is not null:
+ 1. If |prototype| is not a [=named properties object=],
+ and |prototype| has an own property named |P|, then return false.
+ 1. Set |prototype| to |prototype|.\[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
+ 1. Return true.
+ This ensures that for objects with named properties, property resolution is done in the following order:
+ 1. Indexed properties.
+ 1. Own properties, including unforgeable attributes and operations.
+ 1. Then, if [{{LegacyOverrideBuiltIns}}]:
+ 1. Named properties.
+ 1. Properties from the prototype chain.
+ 1. Otherwise, if not [{{LegacyOverrideBuiltIns}}]:
+ 1. Properties from the prototype chain.
+ 1. Named properties.
+ To
invoke an indexed property setter
+ on a [=platform object=] |O| with property name |P| and JavaScript value |V|, the following steps must be performed:
+ 1. Let |index| be the result of calling [=?=]
+ 1. Let |creating| be true if |index| is not a [=supported property indices|supported property index=],
+ and false otherwise.
+ 1. Let |operation| be the operation used to declare the indexed property setter.
+ 1. Let |T| be the type of the second argument of |operation|.
+ 1. Let |value| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |V| to an IDL value of type |T|.
+ 1. If |operation| was defined without an [=identifier=], then:
+ 1. If |creating| is true, then perform the steps listed in the interface description to
+ [=set the value of a new indexed property=]
+ with |index| as the index and |value| as the value.
+ 1. Otherwise, |creating| is false. Perform the steps listed in the interface description to
+ [=set the value of an existing indexed property=]
+ with |index| as the index and |value| as the value.
+ 1. Otherwise, |operation| was defined with an identifier. Perform the [=method steps=] of
+ |operation| with |O| as [=this=] and « |index|, |value| » as the argument values.
+ To invoke a named property setter
+ on a [=platform object=] |O| with property name |P| and JavaScript value |V|, the following steps must be performed:
+ 1. Let |creating| be true if |P| is not a [=supported property name=], and false otherwise.
+ 1. Let |operation| be the operation used to declare the named property setter.
+ 1. Let |T| be the type of the second argument of |operation|.
+ 1. Let |value| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=] |V| to an IDL value of type |T|.
+ 1. If |operation| was defined without an [=identifier=], then:
+ 1. If |creating| is true, then perform the steps listed in the interface description to
+ [=set the value of a new named property=]
+ with |P| as the name and |value| as the value.
+ 1. Otherwise, |creating| is false. Perform the steps listed in the interface description to
+ [=set the value of an existing named property=]
+ with |P| as the name and |value| as the value.
+ 1. Otherwise, |operation| was defined with an identifier. Perform the [=method steps=] of
+ |operation| with |O| as [=this=] and « |P|, |value| » as the argument values.
+ The
+ abstract operation performs the following steps when called with
+ an object |O|, a property name |P|, and a boolean |ignoreNamedProps| value:
+ 1. If |O| [=support indexed properties|supports indexed properties=]
+ and |P| [=is an array index=], then:
+ 1. Let |index| be the result of calling [=!=]
+ 1. If |index| is a [=supported property indices|supported property index=], then:
+ 1. Let |operation| be the operation used to declare the indexed property getter.
+ 1. Let |value| be an uninitialized variable.
+ 1. If |operation| was defined without an [=identifier=], then
+ set |value| to the result of performing the steps listed in the interface description to
+ [=determine the value of an indexed property=]
+ with |index| as the index.
+ 1. Otherwise, |operation| was defined with an identifier. Set |value| to the result
+ of performing the [=method steps=] of |operation| with |O| as [=this=] and «
+ |index| » as the argument values.
+ 1. Let |desc| be a newly created [=Property Descriptor=] with no fields.
+ 1. Set |desc|.\[[Value]] to the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |value| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. If |O| [=implements=] an interface with an [=indexed property setter=], then set
+ |desc|.\[[Writable]] to
true, otherwise set it to
+ 1. Set |desc|.\[[Enumerable]] and |desc|.\[[Configurable]] to
+ 1. Return |desc|.
+ 1. Set |ignoreNamedProps| to true.
+ 1. If |O| [=support named properties|supports named properties=] and
+ |ignoreNamedProps| is false, then:
+ 1. If the result of running the [=named property visibility algorithm=] with
+ property name |P| and object |O| is true, then:
+ 1. Let |operation| be the operation used to declare the named property getter.
+ 1. Let |value| be an uninitialized variable.
+ 1. If |operation| was defined without an [=identifier=], then
+ set |value| to the result of performing the steps listed in the interface description to
+ [=determine the value of a named property=]
+ with |P| as the name.
+ 1. Otherwise, |operation| was defined with an identifier. Set |value| to the result
+ of performing the [=method steps=] of |operation| with |O| as [=this=] and « |P| »
+ as the argument values.
+ 1. Let |desc| be a newly created [=Property Descriptor=] with no fields.
+ 1. Set |desc|.\[[Value]] to the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |value| to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. If |O| [=implements=] an interface with a [=named property setter=], then set
+ |desc|.\[[Writable]] to
true, otherwise set it to
+ 1. If |O| [=implements=] an interface with the
+ [{{LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties}}]
+ [=extended attribute=],
+ then set |desc|.\[[Enumerable]] to
+ otherwise set it to
+ 1. Set |desc|.\[[Configurable]] to
+ 1. Return |desc|.
+ 1. Return
OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(|O|, |P|).
+Observable array exotic objects
+An observable array exotic object is a specific type of JavaScript
+[=Proxy exotic object=] which is created using the proxy traps defined in this section. They are
+defined in this manner because the JavaScript specification includes special treatment for
+[=Proxy exotic objects=] that have Array
instances as their proxy target, and we want
+to ensure that [=observable array types=] are exposed to JavaScript code with this special treatment
+The proxy traps used by observable array exotic objects work to ensure a number of invariants beyond
+those of normal Array
+* The arrays have no holes, i.e. every property in the inclusive range 0 through
+ observableArray.length
− 1 will be filled with a value compatible with the
+ specified Web IDL type, and no [=array index=] properties will exist outside that range.
+* The property descriptors for important properties cannot be changed from their default
+ configuration; indexed properties always remain as configurable, enumerable, and writable data
+ properties, while the length
property remains as a non-configurable,
+ non-enumerable, and writable data property.
+* Adding additional properties to the array cannot be prevented using, for example,
+ Object.preventExtensions()
+ To create an observable array exotic object
+ in a [=realm=] |realm|, given Web IDL type |T| and algorithms |setAlgorithm| and |deleteAlgorithm|:
+ 1. Let |innerArray| be [=!=] [$ArrayCreate$](0).
+ 1. Let |handler| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](null,
+ « \[[Type]], \[[SetAlgorithm]], \[[DeleteAlgorithm]], \[[BackingList]] »).
+ 1. Set |handler|.\[[Type]] to |T|.
+ 1. Set |handler|.\[[SetAlgorithm]] to |setAlgorithm|.
+ 1. Set |handler|.\[[DeleteAlgorithm]] to |deleteAlgorithm|.
+ 1. Let |defineProperty| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#js-observable-array-defineProperty]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|handler|, "defineProperty
", |defineProperty|).
+ 1. Let |deleteProperty| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#js-observable-array-deleteProperty]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|handler|, "deleteProperty
", |deleteProperty|).
+ 1. Let |get| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#js-observable-array-get]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|handler|, "get
", |get|).
+ 1. Let |getOwnPropertyDescriptor| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#js-observable-array-getOwnPropertyDescriptor]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|handler|, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor
", |getOwnPropertyDescriptor|).
+ 1. Let |has| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#js-observable-array-has]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|handler|, "has
", |has|).
+ 1. Let |ownKeys| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#js-observable-array-ownKeys]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|handler|, "ownKeys
", |ownKeys|).
+ 1. Let |preventExtensions| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#js-observable-array-preventExtensions]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|handler|, "preventExtensions
", |preventExtensions|).
+ 1. Let |set| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#js-observable-array-set]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataPropertyOrThrow$](|handler|, "set
", |set|).
+ 1. Return [=!=] [$ProxyCreate$](|innerArray|, |handler|).
+ The steps for the defineProperty
proxy trap for
+ [=observable array exotic objects=], given |O|, |P|, and |descriptorObj| are as follows:
+ 1. Let |handler| be the this value.
+ 1. Let |descriptor| be [=!=] [$ToPropertyDescriptor$](|descriptorObj|).
+ 1. If |P| is "length", then:
+ 1. If [$IsAccessorDescriptor$](|descriptor|) is true, then return
+ false.
+ 1. If |descriptor|.\[[Configurable]] is present and has the value true,
+ then return false.
+ 1. If |descriptor|.\[[Enumerable]] is present and has the value true,
+ then return false.
+ 1. If |descriptor|.\[[Writable]] is present and has the value false,
+ then return false.
+ 1. If |descriptor|.\[[Value]] is present, then return the result of
+ [=observable array exotic object/setting the length=] given |handler| and
+ |descriptor|.\[[Value]].
+ 1. Return true.
+ 1. If |P| [=is an array index=], then:
+ 1. If [$IsAccessorDescriptor$](|descriptor|) is true, then return
+ false.
+ 1. If |descriptor|.\[[Configurable]] is present and has the value false,
+ then return false.
+ 1. If |descriptor|.\[[Enumerable]] is present and has the value false,
+ then return false.
+ 1. If |descriptor|.\[[Writable]] is present and has the value false,
+ then return false.
+ 1. If |descriptor|.\[[Value]] is present, then return the result of
+ [=observable array exotic object/setting the indexed value=] given |handler|, |P|, and
+ |descriptor|.\[[Value]].
+ 1. Return true.
+ 1. Return [=?=] |O|.\[[DefineOwnProperty]](|P|, |descriptor|).
+ The steps for the deleteProperty
proxy trap for
+ [=observable array exotic objects=], given |O| and |P|, are as follows:
+ 1. Let |handler| be the this value.
+ 1. If |P| is "length", then return false.
+ 1. If |P| [=is an array index=], then:
+ 1. Let |oldLen| be |handler|.\[[BackingList]]'s [=list/size=].
+ 1. Let |index| be [=!=] [$ToUint32$](|P|).
+ 1. If |index| ≠ |oldLen| − 1, then return
+ false.
+ 1. Perform the algorithm steps given by |handler|.\[[DeleteAlgorithm]], given
+ |handler|.\[[BackingList]][|index|] and |index|.
+ 1. [=list/Remove=] the last item from |handler|.\[[BackingList]].
+ 1. Return true.
+ 1. Return [=?=] |O|.\[[Delete]](|P|).
+ The steps for the get
proxy trap for
+ [=observable array exotic objects=], given |O|, |P|, and |Receiver|, are as follows:
+ 1. Let |handler| be the this value.
+ 1. Let |length| be |handler|.\[[BackingList]]'s [=list/size=].
+ 1. If |P| is "length", then return |length|.
+ 1. If |P| [=is an array index=], then:
+ 1. Let |index| be [=!=] [$ToUint32$](|P|).
+ 1. If |index| ≥ |length|, then return undefined.
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |handler|.\[[BackingList]][|index|] to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Assert: the above step never throws an exception.
+ 1. Return |jsValue|.
+ 1. Return [=?=] |O|.\[[Get]](|P|, |Receiver|).
+ The steps for the getOwnPropertyDescriptor
proxy trap for
+ [=observable array exotic objects=], given |O| and |P|, are as follows:
+ 1. Let |handler| be the this value.
+ 1. Let |length| be |handler|.\[[BackingList]]'s [=list/size=].
+ 1. If |P| is "length", then return [=!=]
+ [$FromPropertyDescriptor$](PropertyDescriptor{\[[Configurable]]: false,
+ \[[Enumerable]]: false, \[[Writable]]: true,
+ \[[Value]]: |length| }).
+ 1. If |P| [=is an array index=], then
+ 1. Let |index| be [=!=] [$ToUint32$](|P|).
+ 1. If |index| ≥ |length|, then return undefined.
+ 1. Let |jsValue| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |handler|.\[[BackingList]][|index|] to a JavaScript value.
+ 1. Assert: the above step never throws an exception.
+ 1. Return [$FromPropertyDescriptor$](PropertyDescriptor{\[[Configurable]]:
+ true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Writable]]:
+ true, \[[Value]]: |jsValue| }).
+ 1. Return [$FromPropertyDescriptor$]([=?=] |O|.\[[GetOwnProperty]](|P|)).
+ The steps for the has
proxy trap for
+ [=observable array exotic objects=], given |O| and |P|, are as follows:
+ 1. Let |handler| be the this value.
+ 1. If |P| is "length", then return true.
+ 1. If |P| [=is an array index=], then:
+ 1. Let |index| be [=!=] [$ToUint32$](|P|).
+ 1. If |index| < |handler|.\[[BackingList]]'s [=list/size=], then return
+ true.
+ 1. Return false.
+ 1. Return [=?=] |O|.\[[HasProperty]](|P|).
+ The steps for the ownKeys
proxy trap for
+ [=observable array exotic objects=], given |O|, are as follows:
+ 1. Let |handler| be the this value.
+ 1. Let |length| be |handler|.\[[BackingList]]'s [=list/size=].
+ 1. Let |keys| be an empty [=list=].
+ 1. Let |i| be 0.
+ 1. [=While=] |i| < |length|:
+ 1. [=list/Append=] [=!=] [$ToString$](|i|) to |keys|.
+ 1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
+ 1. [=list/Extend=] |keys| with [=!=] |O|.\[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
+ 1. Return [$CreateArrayFromList$](|keys|).
+ The steps for the preventExtensions
proxy trap for
+ [=observable array exotic objects=] are as follows:
+ 1. Return false.
+ The steps for the set
proxy trap for
+ [=observable array exotic objects=], given |O|, |P|, |V|, and |Receiver|, are as follows:
+ 1. Let |handler| be the this value.
+ 1. If |P| is "length", then return the result of
+ [=observable array exotic object/setting the length=] given |handler| and |V|.
+ 1. If |P| [=is an array index=], then return the result of
+ [=observable array exotic object/setting the indexed value=] given |handler|, |P|, and |V|.
+ 1. Return [=?=] |O|.\[[Set]](|P|, |V|, |Receiver|).
+Abstract operations
+ To set the length
+ of an observable array exotic object given |handler| and |newLen|:
+ 1. Let |uint32Len| be [=?=] [$ToUint32$](|newLen|).
+ 1. Let |numberLen| be [=?=] [$ToNumber$](|newLen|).
+ 1. If |uint32Len| ≠ |numberLen|, then throw a {{RangeError}} exception.
+ 1. Let |oldLen| be |handler|.\[[BackingList]]'s [=list/size=].
+ 1. If |uint32Len| > |oldLen|, then return false.
+ 1. Let |indexToDelete| be |oldLen| − 1.
+ 1. [=While=] |indexToDelete| ≥ |uint32Len|:
+ 1. Perform the algorithm steps given by |handler|.\[[DeleteAlgorithm]], given
+ |handler|.\[[BackingList]][|indexToDelete|] and |indexToDelete|.
+ 1. [=list/Remove=] the last item from |handler|.\[[BackingList]].
+ 1. Set |indexToDelete| to |indexToDelete| − 1.
+ 1. Return true.
+ To set the indexed value
+ of an observable array exotic object given |handler|, |P|, and |V|:
+ 1. Let |oldLen| be |handler|.\[[BackingList]]'s [=list/size=].
+ 1. Let |index| be [=!=] [$ToUint32$](|P|).
+ 1. If |index| > |oldLen|, return false.
+ 1. Let |idlValue| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |V| to the type given by |handler|.\[[Type]].
+ 1. If |index| < |oldLen|, then:
+ 1. Perform the algorithm steps given by |handler|.\[[DeleteAlgorithm]], given
+ |handler|.\[[BackingList]][|index|] and |index|.
+ 1. Perform the algorithm steps given by |handler|.\[[SetAlgorithm]], given |idlValue| and
+ |index|.
+ 1. If |index| = |oldLen|, then [=list/append=] |idlValue| to |handler|.\[[BackingList]].
+ 1. Otherwise, set |handler|.\[[BackingList]][|index|] to |idlValue|.
+ 1. Return true.
+Callback interfaces
+As described in [[#idl-objects]],
+[=callback interfaces=] can be
+implemented in script by any JavaScript object.
+The following cases explain how a [=callback interface=]'s [=operation=] is invoked on a given
+* If the object is [=ECMAScript/callable=], then the implementation of the operation is the
+ callable object itself.
+* Otherwise, the implementation of the operation is calling the result of invoking the
+ internal \[[Get]] method on the object with a property name that is the [=identifier=] of
+ the operation.
+Note that JavaScript objects need not have
+properties corresponding to [=constants=]
+on them to be considered as
+implementing [=callback interfaces=] that happen
+to have constants declared on them.
+A Web IDL arguments list is a [=list=] of values each of which is either an IDL value or
+the special value “missing”, which represents a missing optional argument.
+ To convert a Web IDL arguments list to a
+ JavaScript arguments list, given a [=Web IDL arguments list=] |args|, perform the
+ following steps:
+ 1. Let |jsArgs| be an empty [=list=].
+ 1. Let |i| be 0.
+ 1. Let |count| be 0.
+ 1. While |i| < |args|'s [=list/size=]:
+ 1. If |args|[|i|] is the special value “missing”, then [=list/append=]
+ undefined to |jsArgs|.
+ 1. Otherwise, |args|[|i|] is an IDL value:
+ 1. Let |convertResult| be the result of [=converted to a JavaScript value|converting=]
+ |args|[|i|] to a JavaScript value. Rethrow any exceptions.
+ 1. [=list/Append=] |convertResult| to |jsArgs|.
+ 1. Set |count| to |i| + 1.
+ 1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
+ 1. Truncate |jsArgs| to contain |count| items.
+ 1. Return |jsArgs|.
+ To
call a user object's operation,
+ given a [=callback interface type=] value |value|,
+ operation name |opName|, [=Web IDL arguments list=] |args|, and optional
callback this value |thisArg|,
+ perform the following steps.
+ These steps will either return an IDL value or throw an exception.
+ 1. Let |completion| be an uninitialized variable.
+ 1. If |thisArg| was not given, let |thisArg| be
+ 1. Let |O| be the JavaScript object corresponding to |value|.
+ 1. Let |realm| be |O|'s [=associated realm=].
+ 1. Let |relevant settings| be |realm|'s [=realm/settings object=].
+ 1. Let |stored settings| be |value|'s [=callback context=].
+ 1. [=Prepare to run script=] with |relevant settings|.
+ 1. [=Prepare to run a callback=] with |stored settings|.
+ 1. Let |X| be |O|.
+ 1. If
IsCallable(|O|) is false, then:
+ 1. Let |getResult| be
Get(|O|, |opName|)).
+ 1. If |getResult| is an [=abrupt completion=], set |completion|
+ to |getResult| and jump to the step labeled
+ 1. Set |X| to |getResult|.\[[Value]].
+ 1. If
IsCallable(|X|) is
+ then set |completion| to [=Completion Record=] { \[[Type]]: throw, \[[Value]]: a
+ newly created
{{TypeError}} object, \[[Target]]: empty }, and jump
+ to the step labeled
+ 1. Set |thisArg| to |O| (overriding the provided value).
+ 1. Let |jsArgs| be the result of [=Web IDL arguments list/converting=] |args| to a JavaScript
+ arguments list. If this throws an exception, set |completion| to the completion value
+ representing the thrown exception and jump to the step labeled
+ 1. Let |callResult| be
Call(|X|, |thisArg|, |jsArgs|)).
+ 1. If |callResult| is an [=abrupt completion=], set |completion| to
+ |callResult| and jump to the step labeled
+ 1. Set |completion| to the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |callResult|.\[[Value]] to an IDL value of the same type as the operation's
+ return type. If this throws an exception, set |completion| to the completion value
+ representing the thrown exception.
+ 1.
Return: at this
+ point |completion| will be set to an IDL value or an [=abrupt completion=].
+ 1. [=Clean up after running a callback=] with |stored settings|.
+ 1. [=Clean up after running script=] with |relevant settings|.
+ 1. If |completion| is an IDL value, return |completion|.
+ 1. If |completion| is an [=abrupt completion=] and the operation has a [=return type=]
+ that is
not a [=promise type=], throw |completion|.\[[Value]].
+ 1. Let |rejectedPromise| be [=!=]
+ {{%Promise%}}, «|completion|.\[[Value]]»).
+ 1. Return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |rejectedPromise| to the operation's return type.
+Legacy callback interface object
+For every [=callback interface=] that is [=exposed=] in
+a given [=realm=]
+and on which [=constants=] are defined,
+a corresponding property exists on the [=realm=]'s [=realm/global object=].
+The name of the property is the [=identifier=] of the [=callback interface=],
+and its value is an object called the
+legacy callback interface object.
+The [=legacy callback interface object=] for a given [=callback interface=]
+is a [=built-in function object=].
+It has properties that correspond to the [=constants=] defined on that interface,
+as described in sections [[#js-constants]].
+Note: Since a [=legacy callback interface object=] is a [=function object=]
+the typeof
operator will return "function"
+when applied to a [=legacy callback interface object=].
+ The [=legacy callback interface object=] for a given [=callback interface=] |interface|
+ with [=identifier=] |id| and in [=realm=] |realm|
+ is
created as follows:
+ 1. Let |steps| be the following steps:
+ 1. [=JavaScript/Throw=] a
+ 1. Let |F| be
CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform
SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
+ 1. Perform
SetFunctionLength(|F|, 0).
+ 1. [=Define the constants=] of |interface| on |F| given |realm|.
+ 1. Return |F|.
+Invoking callback functions
+A JavaScript [=ECMAScript/callable=] object that is being
+used as a [=callback function=] value is
+called in a manner similar to how [=operations=]
+on [=callback interface=] values are called (as
+described in the previous section).
+ To
invoke a
+ [=callback function type=] value |callable| with a [=Web IDL arguments list=] |args|
+ and an optional [=callback this value|callback this value=] |thisArg|,
+ perform the following steps.
+ These steps will either return an IDL value or throw an exception.
+ 1. Let |completion| be an uninitialized variable.
+ 1. If |thisArg| was not given, let |thisArg| be
+ 1. Let |F| be the JavaScript object corresponding to |callable|.
+ 1. If
IsCallable(|F|) is
+ 1. Note: This is only possible when the [=callback function=] came from an attribute
+ marked with [{{LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull}}].
+ 1. Return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
undefined to the callback function's return type.
+ 1. Let |realm| be |F|'s [=associated realm=].
+ 1. Let |relevant settings| be |realm|'s [=realm/settings object=].
+ 1. Let |stored settings| be |callable|'s [=callback context=].
+ 1. [=Prepare to run script=] with |relevant settings|.
+ 1. [=Prepare to run a callback=] with |stored settings|.
+ 1. Let |jsArgs| be the result of [=Web IDL arguments list/converting=] |args| to a JavaScript
+ arguments list. If this throws an exception, set |completion| to the completion value
+ representing the thrown exception and jump to the step labeled
+ 1. Let |callResult| be
Call(|F|, |thisArg|, |jsArgs|)).
+ 1. If |callResult| is an [=abrupt completion=], set |completion| to
+ |callResult| and jump to the step labeled
+ 1. Set |completion| to the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |callResult|.\[[Value]] to an IDL value of the same type as |callable|'s
+ return type. If this throws an exception, set |completion| to the completion value
+ representing the thrown exception.
+ 1.
Return: at this
+ point |completion| will be set to an IDL value or an [=abrupt completion=].
+ 1. [=Clean up after running a callback=] with |stored settings|.
+ 1. [=Clean up after running script=] with |relevant settings|.
+ 1. If |completion| is an IDL value, return |completion|.
+ 1. If |completion| is an [=abrupt completion=] and the callback function has a
+ [=return type=] that is
not a [=promise type=], throw |completion|.\[[Value]].
+ 1. Let |rejectedPromise| be [=!=]
+ {{%Promise%}}, «|completion|.\[[Value]]»).
+ 1. Return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |rejectedPromise| to the callback function's return type.
+Some callback functions are instead used as [=constructors=]. Such callback functions must not have
+a return type that is a [=promise type=].
+ To
construct a
+ [=callback function type=] value |callable| with a [=Web IDL arguments list=] |args|,
+ perform the following steps.
+ These steps will either return an IDL value or throw an exception.
+ 1. Let |completion| be an uninitialized variable.
+ 1. Let |F| be the JavaScript object corresponding to |callable|.
+ 1. If
IsConstructor(|F|) is
false, throw a
{{TypeError}} exception.
+ 1. Let |realm| be |F|'s [=associated realm=].
+ 1. Let |relevant settings| be |realm|'s [=realm/settings object=].
+ 1. Let |stored settings| be |callable|'s [=callback context=].
+ 1. [=Prepare to run script=] with |relevant settings|.
+ 1. [=Prepare to run a callback=] with |stored settings|.
+ 1. Let |jsArgs| be the result of [=Web IDL arguments list/converting=] |args| to a JavaScript
+ arguments list. If this throws an exception, set |completion| to the completion value
+ representing the thrown exception and jump to the step labeled
+ 1. Let |callResult| be
Construct(|F|, |jsArgs|)).
+ 1. If |callResult| is an [=abrupt completion=], set |completion| to
+ |callResult| and jump to the step labeled
+ 1. Set |completion| to the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
+ |callResult|.\[[Value]] to an IDL value of the same type as |callable|'s
+ return type. If this throws an exception, set |completion| to the completion value
+ representing the thrown exception.
+ 1.
Return: at this
+ point |completion| will be set to an IDL value or an [=abrupt completion=].
+ 1. [=Clean up after running a callback=] with |stored settings|.
+ 1. [=Clean up after running script=] with |relevant settings|.
+ 1. If |completion| is an [=abrupt completion=], throw |completion|.\[[Value]].
+ 1. Return |completion|.
+For every [=namespace=] that is [=exposed=] in a given [=realm=],
+a corresponding property exists on the [=realm=]'s [=realm/global object=].
+The name of the property is the [=identifier=] of the namespace, and its value is an object
+called the namespace object.
+The characteristics of a namespace object are described in [[#namespace-object]].
+Namespace object
+ The namespace object for a given [=namespace=] |namespace| and [=realm=] |realm|
+ is created as follows:
+ 1. Let |namespaceObject| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](|realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Object.prototype%}}]]).
+ 1. [=Define the regular attributes=] of |namespace| on |namespaceObject| given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the regular operations=] of |namespace| on |namespaceObject| given |realm|.
+ 1. [=Define the constants=] of |namespace| on |namespaceObject| given |realm|.
+ 1. For each [=exposed=] [=interface=] |interface| which has the [{{LegacyNamespace}}] extended
+ attribute with the identifier of |namespace| as its argument,
+ 1. Let |id| be |interface|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Let |interfaceObject| be the result of [=create an interface object|creating an
+ interface object=] for |interface| with |id| in |realm|.
+ 1. Perform [$DefineMethodProperty$](|namespaceObject|, |id|, |interfaceObject|, false).
+ 1. Return |namespaceObject|.
+The [=class string=] of a [=namespace object=] is the [=namespace=]'s [=identifier=].
+{{DOMException}} custom bindings
+In the JavaScript binding, the [=interface prototype object=] for {{DOMException}}
+has its \[[Prototype]] [=/internal slot=] set to the intrinsic object {{%Error.prototype%}},
+as defined in the [=create an interface prototype object=] abstract operation.
+Additionally, if an implementation gives native {{Error}} objects special powers or
+nonstandard properties (such as a stack
+it should also expose those on {{DOMException}} objects.
+Exception objects
+[=Simple exceptions=] are represented
+by native JavaScript objects of the corresponding type.
+A {{DOMException}} is represented by a
+[=platform object=] that implements the {{DOMException}} interface.
+Creating and throwing exceptions
+ To [=exception/create=] a [=simple exception=] of type |T|:
+ 1. Let |message| be an [=implementation-defined=] message appropriate for the exceptional
+ situation. The calling specification may contain information to to help implementations
+ construct this message.
+ Implementations need to be cautious not to leak sensitive or secured information when
+ constructing this message, e.g., by including the URL of a cross-origin frame, or
+ information which could identify the user.
+ 1. Let |args| be « |message| ».
+ 1. Let |constructor| be [=current realm=].\[[Intrinsics]].[[%|T|%]].
+ 1. Return [=!=] [$Construct$](|constructor|, |args|).
+ To [=exception/create=] a {{DOMException}} given a string |name|:
+ 1. Assert: |name| appears in the
names table.
+ 1. Let |ex| be a [=new=] {{DOMException}} created in the [=current realm=].
+ 1. Set |ex|'s [=DOMException/name=] to |name|.
+ 1. Set |ex|'s [=DOMException/message=] to an [=implementation-defined=] message appropriate for
+ the exceptional situation. The calling specification may contain information to to help
+ implementations construct this message.
+ Implementations need to be cautious not to leak sensitive or secured information when
+ constructing this message, e.g., by including the URL of a cross-origin frame, or
+ information which could identify the user.
+ 1. Return |ex|.
+ To [=exception/create=] a {{DOMException}} derived interface given the [=interface=]
+ [=identifier=] |type| and additional initialization instructions:
+ 1. Let |ex| be a [=new=] instance of the [=interface=] identified by |type|, created in the
+ [=current realm=].
+ 1. Set |ex|'s [=DOMException/name=] to |type|.
+ 1. Set |ex|'s [=DOMException/message=] to an [=implementation-defined=] message appropriate for
+ the exceptional situation. The calling specification may contain information to to help
+ implementations construct this message.
+ Implementations need to be cautious not to leak sensitive or secured information when
+ constructing this message, e.g., by including the URL of a cross-origin frame, or
+ information which could identify the user.
+ 1. Perform any additional initialization on |ex| as described by the caller.
+ 1. Return |ex|.
+ To [=exception/throw=] an [=exception=]:
+ 1. Let |O| be the result of [=exception/create|creating an exception=] with the same
+ arguments.
+ 1. Throw |O|.
+ The above algorithms restrict [=Exception objects|objects representing exceptions=] propagating
+ out of a [=function object=] to be ones that are associated with the [=realm=] of that
+ [=function object=] (i.e., the [=current realm=] at the time the function
+ executes). For example, consider the IDL:
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface MathUtils {
+ // If x is negative, throws a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
+ double computeSquareRoot(double x);
+ };
+ If we apply
to a
+ object from a different [=realm=], then the exception thrown will be from the [=realm=] of the
+ method, not the object it is applied to:
+ const myMU = window.getMathUtils(); // A MathUtils object from this realm
+ const otherMU = otherWindow.getMathUtils(); // A MathUtils object from a different realm
+ myMU instanceof Object; // Evaluates to true.
+ otherMU instanceof Object; // Evaluates to false.
+ otherMU instanceof otherWindow.Object; // Evaluates to true.
+ try {
+ otherMU.doComputation.call(myMU, -1);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.assert(!(e instanceof DOMException));
+ console.assert(e instanceof otherWindow.DOMException);
+ }
+Handling exceptions
+Unless specified otherwise,
+whenever JavaScript runtime semantics are invoked due
+to requirements in this document and
+end due to an exception being thrown, that exception
+must propagate to the caller, and if
+not caught there, to its caller, and so on.
+Per [[#conventions]], an algorithm specified in this document may intercept thrown exceptions, either by specifying
+the exact steps to take if an exception was thrown, or by explicitly handling [=abrupt completions=].
+ The following [=IDL fragment=]
+ defines two [=interfaces=]
+ and an [=exception=].
+ The
attribute on
+ is defined to throw an exception whenever an attempt is made
+ to get its value.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Dahut {
+ attribute DOMString type;
+ };
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface ExceptionThrower {
+ // This attribute always throws a NotSupportedError and never returns a value.
+ attribute long valueOf;
+ };
+ Assuming a JavaScript implementation supporting this interface,
+ the following code demonstrates how exceptions are handled:
+ var d = getDahut(); // Obtain an instance of Dahut.
+ var et = getExceptionThrower(); // Obtain an instance of ExceptionThrower.
+ try {
+ d.type = { toString: function() { throw "abc"; } };
+ } catch (e) {
+ // The string "abc" is caught here, since as part of the conversion
+ // from the native object to a string, the anonymous function
+ // was invoked, and none of the [[DefaultValue]], ToPrimitive or
+ // ToString algorithms are defined to catch the exception.
+ }
+ try {
+ d.type = { toString: { } };
+ } catch (e) {
+ // An exception is caught here, since an attempt is made to invoke
+ // [[Call]] on the native object that is the value of toString
+ // property.
+ }
+ try {
+ d.type = Symbol();
+ } catch (e) {
+ // An exception is caught here, since an attempt is made to invoke
+ // the JavaScript ToString abstract operation on a Symbol value.
+ }
+ d.type = et;
+ // An uncaught "NotSupportedError" DOMException is thrown here, since the
+ // [[DefaultValue]] algorithm attempts to get the value of the
+ // "valueOf" property on the ExceptionThrower object. The exception
+ // propagates out of this block of code.
+Common definitions
+This section specifies some common definitions that all
+[=conforming implementations=]
+must support.
+ typedef (Int8Array or Int16Array or Int32Array or
+ Uint8Array or Uint16Array or Uint32Array or Uint8ClampedArray or
+ BigInt64Array or BigUint64Array or
+ Float32Array or Float64Array or DataView) ArrayBufferView;
+The {{ArrayBufferView}} typedef is used to represent
+objects that provide a view on to an {{ArrayBuffer}} or
+{{SharedArrayBuffer}} (when [{{AllowShared}}] is used).
+typedef (ArrayBufferView or ArrayBuffer) BufferSource;
+The {{BufferSource}} typedef is used to represent objects
+that are either themselves an {{ArrayBuffer}} or which
+provide a view on to an {{ArrayBuffer}}.
+Note: [{{AllowShared}}] cannot be used with {{BufferSource}} as {{ArrayBuffer}} does not support it.
+Use {{AllowSharedBufferSource}} instead.
+typedef (ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer or [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView) AllowSharedBufferSource;
+The {{AllowSharedBufferSource}} typedef is used to represent objects
+that are either themselves an {{ArrayBuffer}} or {{SharedArrayBuffer}} or which
+provide a view on to an {{ArrayBuffer}} or {{SharedArrayBuffer}}.
+The {{DOMException}} type is an [=interface type=] defined by the following IDL
+ Serializable]
+interface DOMException { // but see below note about JavaScript binding
+ constructor(optional DOMString message = "", optional DOMString name = "Error");
+ readonly attribute DOMString name;
+ readonly attribute DOMString message;
+ readonly attribute unsigned short code;
+ const unsigned short INDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1;
+ const unsigned short DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = 2;
+ const unsigned short HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = 3;
+ const unsigned short WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = 4;
+ const unsigned short INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = 5;
+ const unsigned short NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = 6;
+ const unsigned short NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 7;
+ const unsigned short NOT_FOUND_ERR = 8;
+ const unsigned short NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = 9;
+ const unsigned short INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = 10;
+ const unsigned short INVALID_STATE_ERR = 11;
+ const unsigned short SYNTAX_ERR = 12;
+ const unsigned short INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = 13;
+ const unsigned short NAMESPACE_ERR = 14;
+ const unsigned short INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = 15;
+ const unsigned short VALIDATION_ERR = 16;
+ const unsigned short TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 17;
+ const unsigned short SECURITY_ERR = 18;
+ const unsigned short NETWORK_ERR = 19;
+ const unsigned short ABORT_ERR = 20;
+ const unsigned short URL_MISMATCH_ERR = 21;
+ const unsigned short QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR = 22;
+ const unsigned short TIMEOUT_ERR = 23;
+ const unsigned short INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR = 24;
+ const unsigned short DATA_CLONE_ERR = 25;
+Note: as discussed in [[#js-DOMException-specialness]], the JavaScript binding imposes additional
+requirements beyond the normal ones for [=interface types=].
+Each {{DOMException}} object has an associated name and
+message, both [=strings=].
+new DOMException(|message|, |name|)
+constructor steps are:
+1. Set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/name=] to |name|.
+1. Set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/message=] to |message|.
+The name
getter steps are to return
+[=this=]'s [=DOMException/name=].
+The message
getter steps are to
+return [=this=]'s [=DOMException/message=].
+The code
getter steps are to return the legacy
+code indicated in the DOMException
names table for [=this=]'s
+[=DOMException/name=], or 0 if no such entry exists in the table.
+{{DOMException}} objects are [=serializable objects=].
+Their [=serialization steps=], given value and serialized, are:
+ - Set serialized.\[[Name]] to value's [=DOMException/name=].
+ - Set serialized.\[[Message]] to value's [=DOMException/message=].
+ - User agents should attach a serialized representation of any interesting accompanying data
+ which are not yet specified, notably the
property, to
+ serialized.
+Their [=deserialization steps=], given value and serialized, are:
+ - Set value's [=DOMException/name=] to serialized.\[[Name]].
+ - Set value's [=DOMException/message=] to serialized.\[[Message]].
+ - If any other data is attached to serialized, then deserialize and attach it to
+ value.
+callback Function = any (any... arguments);
+The {{Function}} [=callback function=]
+type is used for representing function values with no restriction on what arguments
+are passed to it or what kind of value is returned from it.
+callback VoidFunction = undefined ();
+The {{VoidFunction}} [=callback function=]
+type is used for representing function values that take no arguments and do not
+return any value.
+This section is informative.
+Extensions to language binding requirements can be specified
+using [=extended attributes=]
+that do not conflict with those defined in this document. Extensions for
+private, project-specific use ought not be included in
+[=IDL fragments=]
+appearing in other specifications. It is recommended that extensions
+that are required for use in other specifications be coordinated
+with the group responsible for work on Web IDL, which
+at the time of writing is the
+W3C Web Platform Working Group,
+for possible inclusion in a future version of this document.
+Extensions to any other aspect of the IDL language are
+strongly discouraged.
+Legacy constructs
+This section is informative.
+Legacy Web IDL constructs exist only so that
+legacy Web platform features can be specified.
+They are generally prefixed with the "Legacy
" string.
+It is strongly discouraged to use legacy Web IDL constructs in specifications
+unless required to specify the behavior of legacy Web platform features,
+or for consistency with such features.
+Editors who wish to use legacy Web IDL constructs are strongly advised to discuss this
+by filing an issue
+before proceeding.
+Marking a construct as legacy does not, in itself,
+imply that it is about to be removed from this specification.
+It does suggest however, that it is a good candidate
+for future removal from this specification,
+whenever various heuristics indicate that
+the Web platform features it helps specify can be removed altogether
+or can be modified to rely on non-legacy Web IDL constructs instead.
+Referencing this specification
+This section is informative.
+It is expected that other specifications that define Web platform interfaces
+using one or more [=IDL fragments=]
+will reference this specification. It is suggested
+that those specifications include a sentence such as the following,
+to indicate that the IDL is to be interpreted as described in this
+ The IDL fragment in Appendix A of this specification must, in
+ conjunction with the IDL fragments defined in this specification's normative references,
+ be interpreted as required for conforming sets of IDL fragments, as described in the
+ “Web IDL” specification. \[WEBIDL]
+In addition, it is suggested that the conformance class for user
+agents in referencing specifications be linked to the
+[=conforming implementation=] class from this specification:
+ A conforming FooML user agent must also be a
+ conforming implementation of the IDL fragment in Appendix A
+ of this specification, as described in the
+ “Web IDL” specification. \[WEBIDL]
+Privacy and Security Considerations
+This specification defines a conversion layer between JavaScript and IDL values. An incorrect
+implementation of this layer can lead to security issues.
+This specification also provides the ability to use JavaScript values directly, through the
+{{any}} and {{object}} IDL types. These values need to be handled carefully to avoid security
+issues. In particular, user script can run in response to nearly any manipulation of these values,
+and invalidate the expectations of specifications or implementations using them.
+This specification makes it possible to interact with {{SharedArrayBuffer}} objects, which can be
+used to build timing attacks. Specifications that use these objects need to consider such attacks.
+This section is informative.
+The editors would like to thank the following people for contributing
+to this specification:
+Glenn Adams,
+David Andersson,
+Jake Archibald,
+Tab Atkins-Bittner,
+L. David Baron,
+Art Barstow,
+Nils Barth,
+Robin Berjon,
+David Bruant,
+Jan-Ivar Bruaroey,
+Marcos Cáceres,
+Giovanni Campagna,
+François Daoust,
+Domenic Denicola,
+Chris Dumez,
+Michael Dyck,
+Daniel Ehrenberg,
+Brendan Eich,
+João Eiras,
+Gorm Haug Eriksen,
+Sigbjorn Finne,
+David Flanagan,
+Aryeh Gregor,
+Dimitry Golubovsky,
+James Graham,
+Aryeh Gregor,
+Tiancheng “Timothy” Gu,
+Kartikaya Gupta,
+Marcin Hanclik,
+Jed Hartman,
+Stefan Haustein,
+Dominique Hazaël-Massieux,
+Ian Hickson,
+Björn Höhrmann,
+Kyle Huey,
+Lachlan Hunt,
+Oliver Hunt,
+Jim Jewett,
+Wolfgang Keller,
+Anne van Kesteren,
+Olav Junker Kjær,
+Takayoshi Kochi,
+Magnus Kristiansen,
+Raphael Kubo da Costa,
+Takeshi Kurosawa,
+Yves Lafon,
+Travis Leithead,
+Jim Ley,
+Kevin Lindsey,
+Jens Lindström,
+Peter Linss,
+呂康豪 (Kang-Hao Lu),
+Kyle Machulis,
+Darien Maillet Valentine,
+Mark Miller,
+Andrew Oakley,
+岡坂 史紀 (Shiki Okasaka),
+Jason Orendorff,
+Olli Pettay,
+Simon Pieters,
+Andrei Popescu,
+François Remy,
+Tim Renouf,
+Jeremy Roman,
+Tim Ruffles,
+Alex Russell,
+Takashi Sakamoto,
+Doug Schepers,
+Jonas Sicking,
+Garrett Smith,
+Sam Sneddon,
+Jungkee Song,
+Josh Soref,
+Maciej Stachowiak,
+Austin Sullivan,
+Anton Tayanovskyy,
+Peter Van der Beken,
+Jeff Walden,
+Allen Wirfs-Brock,
+Jeffrey Yasskin and,
+Collin Xu.
+Special thanks also go to Sam Weinig for maintaining this document
+while the editor was unavailable to do so.
+This standard is written by Edgar Chen (Mozilla,
+echen@mozilla.com) and Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu
+(timothygu99@gmail.com) with substantial contributions from
+Boris Zbarsky (bzbarsky@mit.edu),
+Cameron McCormack (cam@mcc.id.au),
+and Tobie Langel
+IDL grammar
+This section defines an LL(1) grammar whose start symbol,
+Definitions, matches an entire [=IDL fragment=].
+Each production in the grammar has on its right hand side either a
+non-zero sequence of terminal and non-terminal symbols, or an
+epsilon (ε) which indicates no symbols.
+Symbols that begin with an uppercase letter are non-terminal symbols.
+Symbols in monospaced fonts are terminal symbols.
+Symbols in sans-serif font that begin with a lowercase letter are terminal
+symbols that are matched by the regular expressions (using Perl 5 regular
+expression syntax [[!PERLRE]]) as follows:
+ integer |
+ = |
+ /-?([1-9][0-9]*|0[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]+|0[0-7]*)/ |
+ decimal |
+ = |
+ /-?(([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?|[0-9]+[Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)/ |
+ identifier |
+ = |
+ /[_-]?[A-Za-z][0-9A-Z_a-z-]*/ |
+ string |
+ = |
+ /"[^"]*"/ |
+ whitespace |
+ = |
+ /[\t\n\r ]+/ |
+ = |
+ /\/\/.*|\/\*(.|\n)*?\*\// |
+ other |
+ = |
+ /[^\t\n\r 0-9A-Za-z]/ |
+The tokenizer operates on a sequence of [=scalar values=].
+When tokenizing, the longest possible match must be used. For example, if the input
+text is “a1”, it is tokenized as a single identifier,
+and not as a separate identifier and integer.
+If the longest possible match could match one of the above named terminal symbols or
+one of the other terminal symbols from the grammar, it must be tokenized as the latter.
+Thus, the input text “long” is tokenized as the terminal symbol
+long rather than an identifier called "long
+and “.” is tokenized as the terminal symbol
+. rather than an other.
+The IDL syntax is case sensitive, both for the monospaced terminal symbols
+used in the grammar and the values used for
+identifier terminals. Thus, for
+example, the input text “Const” is tokenized as
+an identifier rather than the
+terminal symbol const, an
+[=interface=] with
" is distinct from one named "a
", and an
+[=extended attribute=]
] will not be recognized as
+the [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}]
+extended attribute.
+Implicitly, any number of whitespace and
+comment terminals are allowed between every other terminal
+in the input text being parsed. Such whitespace and
+comment terminals are ignored while parsing.
+The following LL(1) grammar, starting with Definitions,
+matches an [=IDL fragment=]:
+Note: The Other
+non-terminal matches any single terminal symbol except for
+(, ),
+[, ],
+{, }
+and ,.
+While the ExtendedAttribute
+non-terminal matches any non-empty sequence of terminal symbols (as long as any
+parentheses, square brackets or braces are balanced, and the
+, token appears only within those balanced brackets),
+only a subset of those
+possible sequences are used by the [=extended attributes=]
+defined in this specification — see
+for the syntaxes that are used by these extended attributes.
+Document conventions
+The following typographic conventions are used in this document:
+* Defining instances of terms: example term
+* Links to terms defined in this document or elsewhere: [=example term=]
+* Grammar terminals: sometoken
+* Grammar non-terminals: ExampleGrammarNonTerminal
+* Grammar symbols: identifier
+* IDL types: {{unsigned long}}
+* JavaScript classes: {{Map}}
+* JavaScript language types: Object
+* Code snippets: a = b + obj.f()
+* Scalar values: U+0030 (0)
+* Extended attributes: [ExampleExtendedAttribute
+* Variable names in prose and algorithms: exampleVariableName.
+* IDL informal syntax examples:
+ [extended_attributes]
+ interface identifier {
+ /* interface_members... */
+ };
+ (Specific parts of the syntax discussed in surrounding prose are highlighted.)
+* IDL grammar snippets:
+ ExampleGrammarNonTerminal :
+ OtherNonTerminal "sometoken"
+ other AnotherNonTerminal
+ ε // nothing
+* Non-normative notes:
+ Note: This is a note.
+* Non-normative examples:
+ This is an example.
+* Normative warnings:
+ This is a warning.
+* Code blocks:
+ // This is an IDL code block.
+ [Exposed=Window]
+ interface Example {
+ attribute long something;
+ };
+ // This is a JavaScript code block.
+ window.onload = function() { window.alert("loaded"); };
+The following conventions are used in the algorithms in this document:
+* Algorithms use the [=ECMAScript/conventions=] of the JavaScript specification,
+ including the [=!=] and [=?=] notation for unwrapping [=Completion Records=].
+* Algorithms sometimes treat returning/throwing values and returning [=Completion Records=]
+ interchangeably. That is, an algorithm that uses return/throw terminology may be treated as
+ returning a [=Completion Record=], while one that returns a [=Completion Record=] may be treated as
+ returning a value or throwing an exception. Similarly, to catch exceptions, defining the
+ behavior to adopt when [=an exception was thrown=] and checking if the [=Completion Record=]'s
+ \[[Type]] field is “throw” are equivalent.
+* [=Completion Records=] are extended by allowing them to contain values that are not JavaScript
+ values, such as Web IDL values.
+Everything in this specification is normative except for diagrams,
+examples, notes and sections marked as being informative.
+This specification depends on the Infra Standard. [[!INFRA]]
+The following conformance classes are defined by this specification:
+ : conforming set of IDL fragments
+ :: A set of [=IDL fragments=] is considered
+ to be a [=conforming set of IDL fragments=] if, taken together, they satisfy all of the
+ must-,
+ required- and shall-level
+ criteria in this specification that apply to IDL fragments.
+ : conforming implementation
+ :: A user agent is considered to be a
+ [=conforming implementation=]
+ relative to a [=conforming set of IDL fragments=] if it satisfies all of the must-,
+ required- and shall-level
+ criteria in this specification that apply to implementations for all language
+ bindings that the user agent supports.
+ : conforming JavaScript implementation
+ :: A user agent is considered to be a
+ [=conforming JavaScript implementation=]
+ relative to a [=conforming set of IDL fragments=] if it satisfies all of the must-,
+ required- and shall-level
+ criteria in this specification that apply to implementations for the JavaScript
+ language binding.
+This Living Standard includes material copied from W3C's
+WebIDL [sic] Level 1,
+which is available under the
+W3C Software and Document License.