A cordova plugin to enable/disable Weplan SDK on Android platform.
Add plugin to cordova project
cordova plugin add https://github.com/weplan-analytics/weplan-sdk-cordova-plugin.git
Use after deviceready event, calling the plugin as follow:
// Enable SDK
function(winParam) {},
function(error) {},
"YOUR_CLIENT_ID", // Update with your ClientId
"YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET", // Update with your ClientSecret
true // This will enable sdk on app updates to those devices with location permission previously granted
// Disable SDK
function(winParam) {},
function(error) {},
Add cordova plugin
npm i https://github.com/weplan-analytics/weplan-sdk-cordova-plugin.git
Wrap cordova plugin creating a new provider/service:
ionic g service weplanSdk
Install Ionic Native
npm install --force @ionic-native/core@5.36.0
Replace the content of the generated file (weplan-sdk.service.ts) with the following plugin wrap:
// weplan-sdk.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { cordova, IonicNativePlugin } from '@ionic-native/core';
export class WeplanSdkService extends IonicNativePlugin {
static override pluginName = 'weplansdk';
static override plugin = 'cordova-plugin-weplansdk';
static override pluginRef = 'WeplanSdk';
static override platforms = ['Android'];
enableSdk(clientId: string, clientSecret: string, startOnUpdate: boolean): Promise<any> {
return cordova(this, 'enableSdk', {}, [clientId, clientSecret, startOnUpdate]);
disableSdk(): Promise<any> {
return cordova(this, 'disableSdk', {}, []);
Include the service on the project as provider in app.module.ts
Now you can use the service anywhere on the project
import { WeplanSdkService } from './weplan-sdk.service';
constructor(private weplanSdk: WeplanSdkService) {
"YOUR_CLIENT_ID", // Update with your ClientId
"YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET", // Update with your ClientSecret
true // This will enable sdk on app updates to those devices with location permission previously granted