This repository contains documents produced by
Well-Typed while working on improvements to Cabal
thanks to investment from the Sovereign Tech
Fund Contribute Back Challenges.
For a high level overview, see our blog post announcing the project:
Sovereign Tech Fund invests in Cabal as critical Haskell infrastructure.
We initially carried out a survey of packages using the Custom
based on the Stackage LTS 21.9 package set. Results of this
survey were used to inform the initial proposal design
and prototype implementation. We then wrote
experimental patches for surveyed packages
and summarised the uses for hooks in each package.
In subsequent discussion of the design it became apparent that it would be useful to consider a wider range of Haskell packages which might exercise corner cases, so we expanded the survey to look at packages across Hackage.
Early draft design discussed with Cabal developers prior to HF Tech Proposal submission