Disclaimer: This cheatsheet is summarized from personal experience and other online tutorials. It should not be considered as an official advice.
Whole file indentation
Select the current word and apply it to a console command. e.g. echo
nnoremap <C-E> viwy:!echo <C-R>"<CR>
<Leader> + d # Use YDict to look up dictionary for translation
<Leader> + k # Use Dasht to look up APIs
Vim 101: QuickFix and Grep QuickFix commands:
:copen # Open the quickfix window
:cn # Go to the next location in the list
:cp # Go to the previous location
:ccl OR :cclose # Close the quickfix window
For QuickFix window in ack.vim:
? a quick summary of these keys, repeat to close
o to open (same as Enter)
O to open and close the quickfix window
go to preview file, open but maintain focus on ack.vim results
t to open in new tab
T to open in new tab without moving to it
h to open in horizontal split
H to open in horizontal split, keeping focus on the results
v to open in vertical split
gv to open in vertical split, keeping focus on the results
q to close the quickfix window