- Don't increment unique suffix if slug is unchanged (#108 thanks @kkiernan)
- Laravel 5.1 support (#141/#148 thanks @Keoghan, @Bouhnosaure)
- Removed
option and support - Use (Cocur\Slugify)[https://github.com/cocur/slugify] as default slugging method
- Fix for
option not working for models that inherit the SoftDeletes trait (#136 thanks @ramirezd42) - Added
method so you could use different strategies other than integers for making incremental slugs (#129 thanks @EspadaV8) - Various scope and lookup fixes (thanks @xire28)
- Laravel 5.0 support
- Remove Ardent support and tests
- Fix so that
option only applies to string slugs (#64 thanks @enzomaserati)
- Fixed
to return a model andgetBySlug()
to return a collection (#72 thanks @jaewun and @Jono20202) - Fixed testbench version requirements (#87 thanks @hannesvdvreken)
- Fixed so that
option only applies to string slugs (#64 thanks @enzomaserati) - Cleaned up some redundant code and documentation (thanks @hannesvdvreken, @Anahkiasen, @nimbol)
- Fixed softDelete behaviour and tests so Laravel 4.2 and earlier are supported (#56 thanks @hammat).
- Fixed alias for
to prepare for Laravel 4.3/5.0 (#58 thanks @0xMatt).
- Don't allow slugs to be empty (#44 thanks @lfbittencourt).
- Add
method to trait (#36 thanks @neilcrookes).
- Fix issue where manually setting the slug field would be overwritten when updating the sluggable fields (#32 thanks @D1kz).
- See the README for all upgrading details.
- Now uses traits, so PHP >= 5.4 is required.
- Configuration and usage is mostly backwards-compatible, although users of Ardent or anyone who force-builds slugs will need to make some changes.
- Use Laravel's cache to speed up unique slug generation (and prevent duplicates in heavy-usage cases).
- Fix issue where replicated models couldn't forceably be reslugged (#20 thanks @trideout).
- Really fix issue #15 -- "not in object context" errors. Previous fix didn't work for PHP 5.3.x (thanks again @mayoz).
- Update composer requirements so that the package installs nicely with the upcoming Laravel 4.1.
- Updated docs to show how to use package with Ardent models (thanks to @Flynsarmy for the pointers).
- Fix issues where slugs would alternate between "slug" and "slug-1" when
are set (#14, #16, thanks @mikembm, @JoeChilds). - Make
method static to solve possible "not in object context" error (#15, thanks @mayoz).
- Unit testing ... woot! Building this revealed three new bugs:
- Fixed bug where using the default
didn't take into account a customseparator
. - Proper fix for issue #5.
wasn't working because you can't read the protectedsoftDelete
property of the model.
- Fixed bug where using the default
- Fixed PHP warnings about uninitialized variable (#10, thanks @JoeChilds).
- Allow reverting to a "smaller" version of a similar slug (#5, thanks @alkin).
- Better collection filtering to prevent duplicate slugs on similar long slugs (#3, #6, thanks @torkiljohnsen, @brandonkboswell).
option to include soft-deleted models when checking for uniqueness (#8, thanks @slovenianGooner).- Fixed "undefined variable reserved" error (#9, thanks @altrim).
configuration option prevents generated slugs from being from a list of "reserved" names (e.g. colliding with routes, etc.) (#2, thanks @ceejayoz).
- First non-beta release.
property of model switched back to static, maintains L3 compatability (thanks @orkhan).- Updated type hinting in
to better handle extended models (#1, thanks @altrim).
- Initial beta release.