2023-02-24 Florian Strehlau strehlau@webit.de
- 6.2.0
- FEATURE Introduce TYPO3 11 LTS compatiblity - Thanks to Benedikt Imminger
- TASK Update ext_emconf dependencies
- TASK Remove TYPO3 9 compatibility because of updated PageRepository reference
- TASK Use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Domain\Repository\PageRepository instead of TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Page\PageRepository (deprecation #88746)
- TASK Require TYPO3 11 in composer.json
2021-08-26 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 6.1.0
- TASK Composer: Add extension key - Thanks to Guido Schmechel
2021-01-29 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 6.0.1
- BUGFIX Restore different status codes for each shortcut mode - Thanks to Christian Fries
2021-01-29 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 6.0.0
- FEATURE Compatibility with TYPO3 10.4 - Thanks to Christian Fries
- TASK Drop support for TYPO3 8.7
- TASK Drop support for PHP < 7.2
- BUGFIX Change namespace
- FEATURE Remove language selection field - Braking Change! No replacement available (see #12), existing redirects will use the same language as the shortcut page now
2020-10-12 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 5.1.1
- BUGFIX Composer: Remove invalid short name
2020-05-19 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 5.1.0
- FEATURE Raise supported PHP versions (7.3 & 7.4)
2020-01-23 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 5.0.0
- FEATURE Keep existing query arguments
- TASK Drop support for TYPO3 7.6
2019-04-24 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 4.2.0
- FEATURE Compatibility with TYPO3 9.5 - Thanks to Florian Wessels / Bitmotion
2018-08-20 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 4.1.1
- BUGFIX Fix TCA config of select field to remove deprecation message - Thanks to Mathias Brodala
2018-02-05 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 4.1.0
- FEATURE Extend license
2017-08-15 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 4.0.0
- TASK Change composer vendor name → require »webit-de/shortcut_statuscodes« instead of »webit/shortcut_statuscodes«
2017-07-06 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 3.0.0
- FEATURE Switch to PSR-2
- TASK Drop support for TYPO3 6.2
2017-07-06 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 2.2.0
- FEATURE Compatibility with TYPO3 8.7
2017-05-06 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 2.1.1
- BUGFIX Database analyzer espects a different SQL format
- TASK Remove version from composer declaration
- 2.1.0
- FEATURE Allow explicit link target language selection - Thanks to Leonie Bitto leonie@netcreators.nl
- BUGFIX Define default value for DB field pages.tx_shortcutstatuscodes_language to be -1, which equals \Webit\ShortcutStatuscodes\Controller\ShortcutStatuscodesTypoScriptFrontendController::LANGUAGE_OPTION_NONE.
- BUGFIX Allow links to localized pages without default language content.
2016-08-24 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 2.0.0
- FEATURE Reenable ::class keyword for class name resolution
- TASK Drop support for PHP < 5.5.0
2016-08-24 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 1.0.1
- BUGFIX Compatibility fix for TYPO3 6.2 with PHP < 5.5 (prevent fatal error → #1 )
2016-03-11 Dan Untenzu untenzu@webit.de
- 1.0.0
- FEATURE Enable different HTTP statuscodes for shortcuts