Releases: web-infra-dev/rsbuild
Releases · web-infra-dev/rsbuild
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(uni-builder): support ts-checker by @9aoy in #737
- feat(uni-builder): apply css-minimizer-webpack-plugin by @9aoy in #738
- feat(uni-builder): support checkSyntax by @9aoy in #739
- feat(core): export logger module as a helper by @chenjiahan in #741
- feat(uni-builder): support tools.pug by @9aoy in #743
- feat: support output.inlineScripts by @9aoy in #749
- feat(core): add new server.strictPort config by @Timeless0911 in #748
- feat(plugin-react): allow to enable/disable chunk splitting by @Timeless0911 in #746
- feat: support performance.preload、prefetch in MPA scenario by @9aoy in #747
- feat: support solid-js hmr by @inottn in #740
- feat(cli): cli support dev --port/--host and preview --port/--host by @Timeless0911 in #745
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix(plugin-image-compress): can't work with filename query by @fireairforce in #730
- fix: rspack ecosystem-ci failed by @9aoy in #744
Document 📖
- docs: remove webpack related hooks by @chenjiahan in #742
Other Changes
- Release v0.1.3 by @chenjiahan in #731
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4
What's Changed
Performance Improvements ⚡
- perf(plugin-rem): use define to inject version
New Features 🎉
- feat(cli): support preview --open option
- feat: support react plugin in uni-builder
- feat(core): support printFileSize.detail and
- feat: support config file export function
- feat: support svgr in uni-builder
- feat: print rsbuild plugins when inspect config
- feat: add plugins hooks for prod server
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix: preload resource cannot be used when crossOrigin attr does not match
- fix(plugin-svelte): use wildcard in conditionNames
- fix(plugin-source-build): not work when use Rspack
- fix: failed to modify server port in plugins
Other Changes
- refactor(webpack): use modifyBundlerChain instead of modifyWebpackChain
- types: unify compiler type, use Rspack compiler by default
- types: improve defineConfig typing
What's Changed
Performance Improvements ⚡
- perf(deps): prebundle ws to reduce dependency
- perf: make rspack version check 3x faster
New Features 🎉
- feat: resolve ts files by default
- feat(core): log the current used Rspack version
- feat(cli): support build --watch option
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix: should not inject duplicated charset meta tag
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat: compat dev config in uni-builder
- feat(uni-builder): compat tools.styledComponents
- feat: rsbuild doctor supply tree-shaking funtions
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix: no need to exclude core-js
- fix: compat tools.devServer in uni-builder
- fix: compatible loader's rule.use maybe empty array
- fix(core): not inject title if template already contains title
- fix(uni-builder): generate manifest correctly when targets contain node
- fix: rsbuild doctor migrate error utils to doctor-utils
- fix: printFileSize throw err when set output.filename query
Other Changes
- chore(shared): remove unused CHAIN_ID
- chore(server): compat html without publicPath by warp dev-middleware
- chore: inject meta tags via html-rspack-plugin
- chore: no need to set newResolver config
What's Changed
Breaking Changes 💡
- bump Rspack v0.4.0
- rename
- rename
to support preview server - rename
to support preview server - rename
to support preview server - rename
to support preview server - rename
to support preview server - rename
to support preview server - rename
New Features 🎉
- feat(deps): bump Rspack v0.4.0
- feat: add basic support for env files
- feat(server): support htmlFallback
- feat(create-rsbuild): bump typescript to v5.3.0
- feat: support uppercase debug flags
- feat(cli): set 300ms debounce to avoid restart frequently
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix(cli): should not exit process when editing config file
What's Changed
Performance Improvements ⚡
- perf: reduce aggregateTimeout to speed up HMR
New Features 🎉
- feat(server): init server config and support server.headers
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix: rsbuild doctor compatible with rspack canary version
- fix(server): should fallback success when distPath is absolute
What's Changed
Performance Improvements ⚡
- perf: bump html-rspack-plugin v5.5.7 to reduce deps
- perf: create Compiler instead of MultiCompiler when target length is 1
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix: sbuild doctor temporarily compatible with rspack canary version.
- fix(devServer): should render html success when set output.publicPath
- fix(react): failed to split react chunks if override chunkSplit
Other Changes
- types: simplify BundlerChain and BundlerConfig
- refactor(plugin-react): move component chunks to uni-builder
- refactor: prebundle http-proxy-middleware and adjust implementation
What's Changed
Performance Improvements ⚡
- perf(deps): prebundle sirv and jiti
- perf(cli): using define to inject version
New Features 🎉
- feat: add context.version property
- feat(cli): support specify config file path
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix(cli): fix version and improve perf
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat: Rsbuild doctor add webpack entry plugin @rsbuild/doctor-webpack-plugin
- feat(rsbuild-doctor):add entry plugin for rsbuild or rspack builder
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix: rsbuild doctor delete the cloudurl property
- fix: optimize the rsbuild/doctor-core's exports config
Other Changes
- chore: adjust file size error to warning
- refactor: move resolveMainFields option to uni-builder
- refactor: move configPath option to uni-builder
- chore(deps): bump Rspack v0.3.14
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat: handle errors when CLI command failed
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix: should not print entry error when entry is set by plugins
- fix: context should be updated after modifyRsbuildConfig hook
- fix: should register config.plugins when using JavaScript API
- fix(deps): bump Rspack 0.3.13 to fix new Class error
Other Changes
- refactor: remove context.srcPath