Releases: wcpos/electron
Releases Β· wcpos/electron
π οΈ Changelog
π Bug Fixes:
- Fix: TypeError: t.addState is not a function
We have made some significant changes to the local POS database in this update. To ensure a smooth transition, please consider updating your system when you have a quiet moment, such as outside of your busy sales hours. This will allow you to thoroughly test the new features and changes.
For the latest updates and real-time information, please visit our community chat at
π οΈ Changelog
π Bug Fixes:
- Fix: the POS will now correctly sync stock quantity after each sale
- Fix: cart tax logic has been improved to fix rounding issues
- Fix: shipping tax will now use the correct class
- Fix: re-opening orders now functions correctly
- Fix: quick discount calculation
- Fix: orders created with different currencies will show the correct currency symbol
β‘ Enhancements:
- Added: split option to allow multiple cart lines for the same product
- Added: stock filter for products
- Added: Fees can now be a fix percentage of the cart total
- Added: order status can now be changed from the Orders page
- Added: extra display information for Orders, such as 'created_via' and 'cashier'
- Added: cart will only show open orders associated with the logged in cashier
β¨ Pro:
- Pro: cart will only show open orders from the current POS Store
- Pro: current store will stay selected after refresh or application re-open
π Thank You
Thanks to all the Pro license holders who funded the development of this update.
π οΈ Changelog
π Bug Fixes:
- Fix: local data audit not correctly removing records
β‘ Enhancements:
- Add: miscellaneous products can now be added to the cart
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π Bug Fixes:
- Security: add authentication token for order payment
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π Bug Fixes:
- Fix: barcode detection getting triggered by ArrowDown, PageDown etc
β‘ Enhancements:
- Add: expand variations by pressing the parent product image
π οΈ Changelog
π Bug Fixes:
- Fix: matched tax rates
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π Bug Fixes:
- Fix: scroll-to-top issue when scrolling data tables
- Fix: variations not loading after first 10
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π Bug Fixes:
- Fix: total count display
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- Brings desktop application up-to-date with the web application
π οΈ Changelog
π Bug Fixes:
- Fix: multiple user logins
- Also brings desktop application up-to-date with the web application