- Go to the Waves-Crypto page at Maven Central;
- open the latest version page of the library;
- copy&paste dependency template into your project management tool config file (Maven, Gradle, etc).
Here's a complete example of how to generate a new Waves account:
import com.wavesplatform.crypto.Crypto;
import com.wavesplatform.crypto.base.Base58;
public class WavesAccount {
public static final byte MAINNET = 'W';
public static final byte TESTNET = 'T';
public static void main() {
String seedPhrase = Crypto.getRandomSeedPhrase();
byte[] accountSeed = Crypto.getAccountSeed(seedPhrase);
byte[] privateKey = Crypto.getPrivateKey(accountSeed);
byte[] publicKey = Crypto.getPublicKey(privateKey);
byte[] publicKeyHash = Crypto.getPublicKeyHash(publicKey);
byte[] mainnetAddress = Crypto.getAddress(MAINNET, publicKeyHash);
byte[] testnetAddress = Crypto.getAddress(TESTNET, publicKeyHash);
System.out.println("# Account details");
System.out.println("Seed phrase:\t" + seedPhrase);
System.out.println("Private key:\t" + Base58.encode(privateKey));
System.out.println("Public key:\t" + Base58.encode(publicKey));
System.out.println("Mainnet address:\t" + Base58.encode(mainnetAddress));
System.out.println("Testnet address:\t" + Base58.encode(testnetAddress));
Please read about Waves cryptography on the official documentation page.
Seed phrase also means Recovery phrase.
This is usually a sequence of several words, but technically it's just an array of arbitrary bytes.
String seedPhraseOf15WordsByDefault = Crypto.getRandomSeedPhrase();
String seedPhraseOfCustomWordsNumber = Crypto.getRandomSeedPhrase(15);
byte[] seedPhraseOf255BytesByDefault = Crypto.getRandomSeedBytes();
byte[] seedPhraseOfCustomNumberOfBytes = Crypto.getRandomSeedBytes(255);
Account seed is a hash of seed phrase and nonce.
Nonce allows creating multiple addresses from a single seed phrase.
The default nonce is 0.
byte[] accountSeedWithNonce0ByDefault = Crypto.getAccountSeed(seedPhrase);
byte[] accountSeedWithSpecificNonce = Crypto.getAccountSeed(seedPhrase, 1);
From account seed, you can calculate a pair of private and public keys.
byte[] privateKey = Crypto.getPrivateKey(accountSeed);
byte[] publicKey = Crypto.getPublicKey(privateKey);
Account address contains hash of public key, so you need to calculate that hash first.
byte chainId = 'T';
byte[] publicKeyHash = Crypto.getPublicKeyHash(publicKey);
byte[] address = Crypto.getAddress(chainId, publicKeyHash);
If you have generated an account, you can sign messages with private key and validate resulting signature with public key.
byte[] message = new Random().nextBytes(new byte[32]);
byte[] proof = Crypto.sign(privateKey, message);
boolean isValid = Crypto.isProofValid(publicKey, message, proof);
In the Waves blockchain, all binary data is presented in Base Encodings:
- Base58 is used for "short" values like:
- private and public keys
- addresses
- proofs
- transaction id
- asset id
- Base64 is used for potentially long values like:
- compiled Ride scripts
- binary arguments of smart contract invocations
- binary entries in account data storage
- Base16 is available in smart contracts for any purpose.
byte[] message = new Random().nextBytes(new byte[32]);
String base58Encoded = Base58.encode(message);
String base64Encoded = Base64.encode(message);
String base16Encoded = Base16.encode(message);
byte[] base58Decoded = Base58.decode(base58Encoded);
byte[] base64Decoded = Base64.decode(base64Encoded);
byte[] base16Decoded = Base16.decode(base16Encoded);
All decoded results are equal to the initial message.
There are supported hashing algorithms:
- sha256
- blake2b256
- keccak256
byte[] message = new Random().nextBytes(new byte[32]);
byte[] shaHash = Hash.sha256(message);
byte[] blakeHash = Hash.blake(message);
byte[] keccakHash = Hash.keccak(message);
// the same as blake hashing
byte[] fastHash = Hash.fastHash(message);
// sequential hashing with blake and then keccak
byte[] secureHash = Hash.secureHash(message);
TBD... see TestMerkleTree for usage examples.
TBD... see TestRsa for usage examples.