Releases: wardz/ClassicCastbars
Releases · wardz/ClassicCastbars
- Aimed Shot will now take cast speed modifiers into account.
- Add cast speed detection for Wushoolay's Charm of Nature and Hazza'rah's Charm of Healing.
- Improvements for uninterruptible cast data in Zul Gurub.
- Border shield for uninterruptible casts is now split into 2 different textures, so you can now
modify the icon shield without modifying the statusbar shield and vice versa.
(You might want to adjust icon position after this change if you use a very large icon size.)
- Casts will now also be stopped on unit jumping.
- Removed April fools joke, don't worry there'll be a new one next year :)
- Add options to toggle between showing friendly & enemy casts for nameplates.
- Add option to use different settings profile per character.
- Add default list of uninterruptible NPC spells for all locales. (As a side effect your previous auto-learned uninterruptible list will be reset).
Note that this is just some sensible defaults, it doesn't have every single uninterruptible spell in the game.
- Add uninterruptible cast indicator like on retail. You can configure this in the options. (SHIFT+Click the test button to force show uninterruptible castbar)
This system works by detecting and learning from interrupt immunities. If you interrupt a casting mob and it shows "immune", the addon will
remember this for the next time that spell is being cast and will show a grey uninterruptible spell indicator from then on. If you interrupt into bubble
immunity this will be ignored aslong as you have LibClassicDurations enabled (should be embedded in either Details, WeakAuras or ClassicAuraDurations).
Auto-learning is currently only enabled for NPCs, against players it will use a prebuilt list of uninterruptible spells instead. This is because there's
so many temporary immunities for players that can give false positives. Also note that only interrupts are checked and not silences since its possible
for a silence to be immuned while an interrupt still lands. This feature is still very much WIP, please let me know if there's any bugs or oversights. - Add option to toggle castbar spark effect.
- Castbar spark effect is now hidden for channeled casts like on retail.
- Removed option for detecting cast speed modifiers, it is now always enabled instead.
- Removed option for showing cast info only. You can achieve the same effect by setting border texture to none, disabling spark & setting castbar background color to zero alpha value.
- Minor localization string updates & added 40% of Brazilian localizations, thanks to dalanwoopy.