Updated package structure
linear_model.py penalized lm, optimal tune, mse, amp, variable selection.
amp_se.py amp-state-evolution related quantities, optimal-tuning, etc.
mse_expand.py included expansion of optimal mse in diff scenarios.
two-stage.py included afdp-atpp pair for 1 stage/2 stage/debaised/sis.
cscalar/ cython for scalar function;
proximal.pyx proximal function, derivatives for L_q, q >= 1
gaussian.pyx gaussian CDF, PDF, moments, expectation (not good to use)
amp_mse.pyx mse, optimal tuning, etc for amp Lq
wrapper.pyx interface for outside python to access proximal and amp_mse
coptimization/ plan to implement optimization algo for bridge regression
bridge_coord_desc.pyx implement coordinate descent
empirical_mse.py calc empirical MSE and empirical tuning-mapping [wired result]
functions | regular cython | blas optimize |
prox_L1 | 281 ns | |
prox_L2 | 273 ns | |
prox_L1.5 | 263 ns | |
prox_L1.2 | 4.2 us | |
prox_L1.8 | 4.1 us | |
prox_L2.2 | 1.5 us | |
prox_L3.0 | 733 ns | |
mse_L1 | 954 ns | |
mse_L2 | 292 ns | |
mse_L1.5 | 3.6 ms | |
mse_L1.2 | 3.2 ms | |
mse_L1.8 | 3.8 ms | |
mse_L2.2 | 1.5 ms | |
mse_L3.0 | 562 us | |
optm_a_L1 | 723 us | |
optm_a_L2 | 61 us | |
optm_a_L1.5 | 4.0 s | |
optm_a_L1.2 | 3.7 s | |
optm_a_L1.8 | 5.0 s | |
optm_a_L2.2 | 2.0 s | |
optm_a_L3.0 | 688 ms | |
lam_a_L1 | 22 us | |
lam_a_L2 | 2.0 us | |
lam_a_L1.5 | 119 ms | |
lam_a_L1.2 | 107 ms | |
lam_a_L1.8 | 154 ms | |
lam_a_L2.2 | 68 ms | |
lam_a_L3.0 | 22 ms | |
a_lam_L1 | 933 us | |
a_lam_L2 | 683 ns | |
a_lam_L1.5 | 3.5 s | |
a_lam_L1.2 | 3.6 s | |
a_lam_L1.8 | 4.5 s | |
a_lam_L2.2 | 2.4 s | |
a_lam_L3.0 | 923 ms | |
Bridge L1 (n=10K, p=2K) | 3.1 s | 1.4 s |
Bridge L2 (n=10K, p=2K) | 3.1 s | 1.5 s |
Bridge L1.5 (n=10K, p=2K) | 3.2 s | 1.6 s |
Bridge L1.2 (n=10K, p=2K) | 3.4 s | 1.6 s |
Bridge L1.8 (n=10K, p=2K) | 3.6 s | 1.6 s |
Bridge L2.2 (n=10K, p=2K) | 3.0 s | 1.4 s |
Bridge L3.0 (n=10K, p=2K) | 3.3 s | 1.4 s |
Bridge L1 (n=2K, p=10K) | 6.4 m | 2.9 m |
Bridge L2 (n=2K, p=10K) | 12 m | 5.5 m |
Bridge L1.5 (n=2K, p=10K) | 12 m | 5.6 m |
8/30/2018 Finished a everything in a first version. Also finished the Examples.ipynb. Some issues remain:
- The parameter order seems terrible for some of the functions. Should make them consistent; [fixed]
- The result of empirical MSE seems not quite correct. Should double check whether there are some error in the coding, or it is purely the stability issues.
- Should add more test cases. Also should add a way to benchmark the time: check if there are any online tables;
- Optimize the bridge solver and the gaussian_tuning part with cython_blas
- Rewrite the README.md [finished]
- Add a flag which indicates the iter_max is reached;
The parameter order issues:
- amp_se related functions: [fixed]
- z, x, M, alpha, tau, epsilon, delta, sigma, q, tol
- follow this order, skip if not presented
- if one of the parameter is the main parameter, move it to beginning
The structure of the package:
linear_model.py penalized lm, optimal tune, mse, amp, variable selection.
amp_se.py amp-state-evolution related quantities, optimal-tuning, etc.
mse_expand.py included expansion of optimal mse in diff scenarios.
two-stage.py included afdp-atpp pair for 1 stage/2 stage/debaised/sis.
cscalar/ cython for scalar function;
proximal.pyx proximal function, derivatives for L_q, q >= 1
gaussian.pyx gaussian CDF, PDF, moments, expectation (not good to use)
amp_mse.pyx mse, optimal tuning, etc for amp Lq
wrapper.pyx interface for outside python to access proximal and amp_mse
coptimization/ plan to implement optimization algo for bridge regression
bridge_coord_desc.pyx implement coordinate descent
empirical_mse.py calc empirical MSE and empirical tuning-mapping [wired result]
Working on the SURE risk estimate and tuning part for bridge estimator. Trying to link blas/lapack. It seems that instead of compiling by ourself, scipy provides an interface for calling all the blas/lapack functions. We can just cimport them there. But we may have a requirement on the version of scipy (>=0.16?)
We may want to put AFDP-ATPP just as function, but not class. The reason is people may have the need to change some of the parameters and to obtain a sequence of AFDP-ATPP pair. Putting them into one class seems tricky.
Finished the two-stage module.
Working on the optimal tuning for gaussian design problem. I think I will remove the AMP algorithm for now. I may add them in later.
To do:
1. Test mse-expand and two-stage
2. Copy the slope routine, then remove lib sub-modules;
3. Put useful components in clib.pyx into other files, remove clib.pyx
4. Re-check the linear_model.py, I don't like the current interface.
5. Implement AMP
To do:
1. Finish the two-stage part
2. Test mse-expand and two-stage
3. Remove AMPtheory sub-module
4. Copy the slope routine, then remove lib sub-modules;
5. Put useful components in clib.pyx into other files, remove clib.pyx
6. Re-check the linear_model.py, I don't like the current interface.
Switch back to work on this AmpBridge project, I want to finish it as soon as possible. Maybe in a week.
Previously I have already optimized the scalar part of the code in Cython, specifically: rewrote the proximal operators, and the function in amp mse for calculating the optimal tuning and optimal MSE;
Some components which can be further improved in the cscalar part include:
1. The Gaussian part can be implemented using the erf() function; no sure which is faster
* Fixed, erf is much more accurate and 2 times faster;
2. Use c integration to replcae the scipy integration;
3. Use a better solver for the proximal operator of lq norm;
The next steps involve the following three main stages:
1. Write c optimized code for the Lq regression part;
* Wrote one version with coordinate descent;
2. Merge the preivous optimized Amp c code into the current package;
3. Merge the new Lq regression part of c code into the current package.
Things to pay attention to:
1. The calculation of XTX is not memory-friendly. We may want to directly calculate its multiplication with a vector;
The structure of the package:
linear_model.py penalized lm, optimal tune, mse, amp, variable selection.
amp_se.py amp-state-evolution related quantities, optimal-tuning, etc.
mse_expand.py included expansion of optimal mse in diff scenarios.
two-stage.py included afdp-atpp pair for 1 stage/2 stage/debaised/sis.
lib/ [removed] supposed to be replaced by cscalar. to be removed.
base_class.py [removed] contains discrete distribution class
prox_func.py [removed] except for lq, also contains SLOPE
tools.py [removed] bisect_search, multi-test, normalize
cscalar/ cython for scalar function;
proximal.pyx proximal function, derivatives for L_q, q >= 1
gaussian.pyx gaussian CDF, PDF, moments, expectation (not good to use)
amp_mse.pyx mse, optimal tuning, etc for amp Lq
wrapper.pyx interface for outside python to access proximal and amp_mse
clib.pyx [removed] old cython module; contains bridge optimizer
coptimization/ plan to implement optimization algo for bridge regression
bridge_coord_desc.pyx implement coordinate descent
AMPtheory/ [removed]
__init__.py [removed]
AMPbasic.py [removed] class for amp mse fns;
mseAnalysis.py [removed] expansion of optimal mse in diff scenes.