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Chuck Walbourn edited this page Aug 19, 2016 · 35 revisions

This is a repository for the test suite for DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 11 on GitHub.


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  • cd DirectXTK
  • git clone Tests


DirectXTK_Tests_Desktop_2013, DirectXTK_Tests_Desktop_2015

These cover the entire library for Windows desktop (aka Windows classic) including DirectXTK for Audio using XAudio 2.8.

DirectXTK_Tests_Desktop_2010_DXSDK, DirectXTK_Tests_Desktop_2012_DXSDK, DirectXTK_Tests_Desktop_2013_DXSDK, DirectXTK_Tests_Desktop_2015_DXSDK

These cover just DirectXTK for Audio using XAudio 2.7 for down-level support on Windows 7 which requires the legacy DirectX SDK to build, and the legacy DXSETUP to deploy the required DLL.


This covers the GamePad component which uses the Windows 10 Windows.Gaming.Input WinRT API, as well as DirectXTK for Audio using XAudio 2.9 for Windows desktop (aka Windows classic).


This covers GamePad, Keyboard, and Mouse when using the WinRT APIs as well as graphics components for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps.

Xbox One

This repo does not contain the Xbox One XDK versions of the DirectX Tool Kit tests.

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