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Jeremiah Wala
Aug 19, 2016
f5da9c9 · Aug 19, 2016


83 lines (53 loc) · 4.73 KB

File metadata and controls

83 lines (53 loc) · 4.73 KB
  • In RefGenome.cpp, the ctor is better to use initializer list rather than assignment in the function body, following best practices. In fact, considering the issues raise with these raw pointers, it may be better to use std::shared_ptr<faidx_t> and call get() whenever the pointer is requested. The proposed temporary fix is (comments are removed because the codes are obvious and excessive comments may become maintenance nightmare):

    RefGenome::RefGenome(const std::string& file ): index(nullptr) {
      if (!read_access_test(file)) {
        index = nullptr;
        throw std::invalid_argument("RefGenome: file not found - " + file);
      index = fai_load(file.c_str());
  • In RefGenome::queryRegion, the automatic variable int len was left uninitialized, while requested by faidx_fetch_seq defined in htslib. Proposal:

    int len{0};
  • In RefGenome:queryRegion, the check for returned char * is throwing, and the data member index is non-null (because the check precedes this one passes). This leads to resource leak. Proposal:

    if (!f){
      index = nullptr; // added line for exception safety
      throw std::invalid_argument("RefGenome::queryRegion - Could not find valid sequence");
  • In SnowUtils.h, SnowTools::AddCommas has an issue that if template parameter is floating point, format is off. The proposal is to change the name of the function to SnowTools::AddCommasToInt, to avoid applying the function to floating point types.

  • In GenomicRegion.h, the friend declaration at the beginning is unnecessary because right now there isn't any private data.

  • In GenomicRegion.h, why ctor GenomicRegion(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, char) doesn't check for positivity of chromosome range, and start, end? In addition, why aren't the members chr, pos1, pos2 unsigned and private?

  • In GenomicRegion.h, ctor GenomicRegion(const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&, bam_hdr_t*), why subtract 1 from the string converted chromosome number? Is it better to have an else block than early return statement?

  • In GenomicRegion.h, for function GenomicRegion::random, the bound value of 25 in the for loop is better to be replaced with a macro, as the tool itself is not necessarily bound to human studies. In addition, why an assertion that k>0? This immediately fails when k starts from 0, as the for loop does.

  • In GenomicRegion.h, why is function GenomicRegion::chrToString marked static? Is it possible to have an utility function extracted and put it SnowUtils.h? Again, the implementation assumes human.

  • In GenomicRegion.h, why does function GenomicRegion::isEmpty insist on chr=-1. Is it possible that chr != 1, but pos1 == pos2, so that it is actually empty? Is empty GenomicRegion always invalid (because validity check as implemented in GenomicRegion::valid(), which by the way should be renamed as is_valid, checks for positivity of chromosome)?

  • In GenomicRegion.h, function GenomicRegion::cetromereOverlap is declared but not defined.

  • In GenomicRegion.h and GenomicRegion.cpp, function GenomicRegion::getOverlap has a typo: it should be taking references instead of a copy.

  • In GenomicRegion.cpp, the check in function GenomicRegion::pad is possibly wrong. If the argument provided is indeed negative, then multiplying by 2 is unnecessary and comparing with width is also unnecessary. Second, it is actually better to change the function parameter from int32_t to uint32_t because negative padding is counter-intuitive. Third, the check didn't check for the case that padding to the left/right goes out of range (actually commented out).

  • In Fractions.cpp, the getline function in the while loop shouldn't use "\n" as the delimiter, as it will be different on other OS (Windows for sure). There also is no member function declared as bool valid() const for FracRegion, but is used here. Last, it is better to have a stringSplit function defined in SnowUtils.h for breaking lines of delimited files (eg. CSV, tab) into fields.

  • In gChain.h, why isn't default ctor deleted? It left data members uninitialized.

  • In gChain.cpp, the function definitions are not wrapped in namespace SnowTools.

  • In BamStats.h, not ctors defined although there are data members. Proposal:

    BamStats() : m_group_map(){}
  • In BamStats.cpp, function BamReadGroup::addRead should take a const reference instead of reference to signal the read is not being modified. Similarly for BamStats::addRead.

  • In run_snowman2.cpp in the SnowmanSV repo, line 25 #define MATE_LOOKUP_MIN 3 and line 146 static int32_t mate_lookup_min = 3; potentially conflicts.