As a rule of thumb:
- we're using the formal form, so "You" should be "Anda"
- when approaching translation, aim for familiarity over rigid Bahasa Indonesia as we are aiming for accessibility; a good case for this is that we're keeping "World Wide Web" over "Waring Wera Wanua" and "Email" over "Surel" or "Posel"
- When referring to ability to access due to "accessibility", we use "aksesibel" instead of "dapat diakses", but when we simply wanted to point out that it simply can be accessed, we use "bisa/dapat diakses". This might sound like inconsistencies, but the distinction helps reader understand the differences between the concept and the ability.
English | Bahasa Indonesia |
Accessibility | Aksesibilitas |
Accessibility Conformance Testing | Uji Kesesuaian Aksesibilitas (ACT) |
accessible | aksesibel |
Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group | Kelompok Kerja Arsitektur Platform Aksesibel |
Accessible Rich Internet Applications | Aplikasi Internet Kaya yang Aksesibel (ARIA) |
adaptable | Dapat Disesuaikan |
application programming interface | antarmuka pemrograman aplikasi (API) |
assistive technologies | teknologi pembantu |
attribution | atribusi |
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines | Pedoman Aksesibilitas Sarana Penulisan (ATAG) |
authoring tools | sarana penulisan |
bandwitdh | bandwidth |
breadcrumbs | jejak roti |
captions | teks |
change log | catatan perubahan |
code editor | editor kode |
content management system | sistem manajemen konten (CMS) |
Cookies | Kukis |
Customization | Kustomisasi |
default | default |
design | desain, rancang |
developer | pengembang |
dexterity | kecekatan |
disabilities | disabilitas |
Distinguishable | Dapat Dibedakan |
education | pendidikan |
Education and Outreach Working Group | Kelompok Kerja Edukasi dan Pendampingan |
embedded | disematkan |
Evaluation and Report Language | Bahasa Evaluasi dan Laporan (EARL) |
External Site | Situs Eksternal |
feature | fitur |
form | isian |
hardware | perangkat keras |
Input Modalities | berbagai mode input |
keyboard | kibor |
layout | tata letak, peletakan |
link | tautan |
media player | pemutar media |
mobile devices | perangkat seluler |
mobile phones | ponsel |
mouth stick | tongkat mulut |
mouse | tetikus |
Navigable | Dapat Dinavigasikan |
native apps | aplikasi native |
Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies | Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Non-Web |
offline | luar jaringan (luring) |
Older people | lansia |
on-screen | dalam-layar |
online | dalam jaringan (daring) |
Operable | Dapat Dioperasikan |
Perceivable | Dapat Dipersepsikan |
plug-ins | plugin |
people with disabilities | penyandang disabilitas |
presentation | cara penyediaan |
Quick Reference | referensi singkat |
Readability | Keterbacaan |
resource | sumber informasi |
screen readers | pembaca layar |
search engine | mesin pencarian |
skip to content | loncat ke konten |
social network | jejaring sosial |
software | perangkat lunak |
supports | mendukung |
speech input | input suara |
switch device | perangkat pengalihan |
Synthesized speech | ujaran sintesis |
Task-force | Satuan tugas |
text-to-speech | teknologi teks-ke-suara |
Timed Text Markup Language | Bahasa Penanda Teks Berjadwal (TTML) |
Track | Trek |
transcoding | konversi transcoding |
transcript | transkripsi |
Understandable | Dapat Dipahami |
User Agent Accessibility Guidelines | Pedoman Aksesibilitas Agen Pengguna (UAAG) |
viewport | area-pandang |
voice recognition | pengenalan suara |
web | web |
Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology | Metodologi Evaluasi Kesesuaian Aksesibilitas Situs Web (WCAG-EM) |
Web Accessibility Initiative | Inisiatif Aksesibilitas Web (WAI) |
web browser | browser web |
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines | Pedoman Aksesibilitas Konten Web (WCAG) |
Web Video Text Track Format | Format Trek Teks Video Web |
windows | jendela |
World Wide Web Consortium | Konsorsium World Wide Web (W3C) |