Author : Vyra Fania Adelina
This project helps verifies the functionality of a feature from the website ( for the user to see news article, post a comment on an article, register a new account and login to an existing account. This project performed by an automated testing using Python Selenium. The functionality of a feature identifies as the test case, which obtained by analyzing the requirement of the system for the above.
The following is the test cases used to testing :
Test Case ID | Test Case | Expected Output | Script |
TC-001 | Check user can read the news | The system could display the selected news with no errors | |
TC-002 | Check user can like the news | The color of the button will change | |
TC-003 | Check user can share the news | The system will show a pop up for more and show a window to facebook/twitter/line/whatsapp | |
TC-004 | Check user can copy URL | The system will show a notice that the URL copied successfully | |
TC-005 | Check user can report the news | The system will direct user to the report page | |
TC-006 | Check user can see the comments | The system will direct user to the comment section | |
TC-007 | Check user can see images | The system will show a pop up of the image | |
TC-008 | Check user can see related posts through the topic | The system will direct user to a topic page with list news articles or The system will direct user to a topic page with list news articles | |
TC-009 | Check user can see Tim Editor | The system will show the writer, reporter, and editor of the article | |
TC-010 | Check user can see the publisher account | The system will direct user to the account page | |
TC-011 | Check user can write a comment with sign in | The system will show the user's comment on the section | |
TC-012 | Check user can write a comment without sign in | The system will direct user to the login page | |
TC-013 | Check user register with valid email | The system will direct user to the email verification page | |
TC-014 | Check user register with invalid email | The system will show notice the email id is invalid | |
TC-015 | Check user register with valid password | The system will direct user to the homepage with an account signed in | |
TC-016 | Check user register with invalid password | The system will show notice the password is invalid (less than 8 character, not a combination of lowercase, uppercase, and number) | |
TC-017 | Check user register with invalid Ulangi Password | The system will show notice Ulangi Password is not the same as Password | |
TC-018 | Check user can see the password | The system will show the password | |
TC-019 | Check user login with valid email id and password | The system will direct user to the homepage with an account signed in | |
TC-020 | Check user login with valid email id and invalid password | The system will show notice the email or password is wrong | |
TC-021 | Check user login with invalid email id and valid password | The system will show notice the email or password is wrong | |
TC-022 | Check user login with invalid email id and invalid password | The system will show notice the email or password is wrong | |
TC-023 | Check user login when forgot password | The system will direct user to Lupa Password page | |
TC-024 | Check user register/login with Facebook | The system will show a window for Facebook sign in | |
TC-025 | Check user register/login with Google | The system will how a window for Google Account sign in | |
TC-026 | Check user register/login with phone number | The system will direct user to the verification page | |
TC-027 | Check user register/login with the correct Kode OTP | The system will direct user to the homepage with an account signed in | |
TC-028 | Check user register/login with the false Kode OTP | The system will show notice that Kode OTP is false | |
The blank spot in script means it needs to be test manually. But if you have any solution don't hesitate to reach me, as I am new to Selenium and Quality Assurance and open to any critics and suggestions
If you want to see more documentation about this project feel free to check out this link Documentation and Reports
This project is not in active development