diff --git a/packages/gatsby-theme-store/src/index.ts b/packages/gatsby-theme-store/src/index.ts
index 3e94798aff..0eae493138 100644
--- a/packages/gatsby-theme-store/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/gatsby-theme-store/src/index.ts
@@ -95,3 +95,9 @@ export type { Props as ProductSEOProps } from './components/Seo/product/ProductS
export { useProductPixel as useProductPixelEffect } from './sdk/product/useProductPixel'
export type { Options as ProductPixelOptions } from './sdk/product/useProductPixel'
+export { default as RenderExtensionLoader } from './sdk/RenderExtensionLoader'
+export { AUTH_PROVIDERS } from './components/Auth/Providers'
+export { useProviders } from './sdk/auth/useProviders'
+export { useOnLoginSuccessful } from './sdk/auth/useOnLoginSuccessful'
+export type { ProvidersResponse } from './sdk/auth/Service/getProviders'
diff --git a/packages/gatsby-theme-store/src/pages/account.tsx b/packages/gatsby-theme-store/src/pages/account.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0513743c9d..0000000000
--- a/packages/gatsby-theme-store/src/pages/account.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-import { localizedPath, useIntl } from '@vtex/gatsby-plugin-i18n'
-import { Center, Container, Spinner, SuspenseSSR } from '@vtex/store-ui'
-import { navigate } from 'gatsby'
-import { GatsbySeo } from 'gatsby-plugin-next-seo'
-import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
-import type { FC } from 'react'
-import Layout from '../components/Layout'
-import RenderExtensionLoader from '../sdk/RenderExtensionLoader'
-import { useProfile } from '../sdk/session/useProfile'
-const MY_ACCOUNT_PATH = '/account'
-const MY_ACCOUNT_DIV_NAME = 'my-account'
-const MY_ACCOUNT_EXTENSION_NAME = 'my-account-portal'
-const ONE_MIN_IN_MILLI = 60 * 100
-const render = async (locale: string) => {
- const loader = new RenderExtensionLoader({
- account: process.env.GATSBY_STORE_ID,
- workspace: process.env.GATSBY_VTEX_IO_WORKSPACE,
- verbose: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
- publicEndpoint: undefined,
- timeout: ONE_MIN_IN_MILLI,
- locale,
- })
- const myAccountDiv = document.getElementById(MY_ACCOUNT_DIV_NAME)
- if (window.__RENDER_7_RUNTIME__) {
- loader.render(MY_ACCOUNT_EXTENSION_NAME, myAccountDiv, undefined)
- return
- }
- await loader.load()
- window.__RUNTIME__ = loader.render(
- myAccountDiv,
- undefined
- )
-const Loading: FC = () => (
-const MyAccount: FC = () => {
- const profile = useProfile({ stale: false })
- const isAuthenticated = profile?.isAuthenticated?.value === 'true'
- const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true)
- const { locale, defaultLocale } = useIntl()
- useEffect(() => {
- const challengeAndRender = async () => {
- try {
- if (!isAuthenticated) {
- const path = localizedPath(defaultLocale, locale, '/login')
- navigate(path)
- return
- }
- await render(locale)
- } catch (err) {
- console.error(err)
- } finally {
- setLoading(false)
- }
- }
- challengeAndRender()
- }, [defaultLocale, isAuthenticated, locale])
- if (!isAuthenticated) {
- return null
- }
- return (
- <>
- {loading && }
- >
- )
-const Page: FC = () => (
- <>
- }>
- >
-export default Page
diff --git a/packages/gatsby-theme-store/src/pages/login.tsx b/packages/gatsby-theme-store/src/pages/login.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bed7586ec..0000000000
--- a/packages/gatsby-theme-store/src/pages/login.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-import { useIntl } from '@vtex/gatsby-plugin-i18n'
-import { Box, Center, Flex, Spinner, SuspenseSSR } from '@vtex/store-ui'
-import { GatsbySeo } from 'gatsby-plugin-next-seo'
-import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
-import type { FC } from 'react'
-import type { PageProps } from 'gatsby'
-import { AUTH_PROVIDERS } from '../components/Auth/Providers'
-import Layout from '../components/Layout'
-import { useOnLoginSuccessful } from '../sdk/auth/useOnLoginSuccessful'
-import { useProviders } from '../sdk/auth/useProviders'
-import { useProfile } from '../sdk/session/useProfile'
-import type { ProvidersResponse } from '../sdk/auth/Service/getProviders'
-type Props = PageProps
-type DefaultProvidersComponents = typeof AUTH_PROVIDERS
-type ProviderName = keyof typeof AUTH_PROVIDERS
-const filterProviders = (
- providersComponents: DefaultProvidersComponents,
- storeProviders?: ProvidersResponse
-) => {
- if (!storeProviders) {
- return [{ name: '', ...providersComponents.NoState }]
- }
- const hasLogin = storeProviders.passwordAuthentication
- const hasAccessCode = storeProviders.accessKeyAuthentication
- const hasSingleProvider = storeProviders.oAuthProviders.length === 1
- if (!hasLogin && !hasAccessCode && hasSingleProvider) {
- return [
- {
- name: storeProviders.oAuthProviders[0].providerName,
- ...providersComponents.CustomProvider,
- },
- ]
- }
- const providers = []
- if (hasLogin) {
- providers.push({
- name: 'EmailAndPassword',
- ...providersComponents.EmailAndPassword,
- })
- }
- if (hasAccessCode) {
- providers.push({
- name: 'EmailVerification',
- ...providersComponents.EmailVerification,
- })
- }
- storeProviders.oAuthProviders.forEach(({ providerName }) => {
- const provider = providersComponents[providerName as ProviderName]
- if (provider) {
- providers.push({ name: providerName, ...provider })
- }
- })
- return providers
-const Page: FC = () => {
- const onLoginSuccessful = useOnLoginSuccessful()
- const { formatMessage } = useIntl()
- const { data: storeProviders } = useProviders()
- const profile = useProfile({ stale: false })
- const filteredProviders = filterProviders(AUTH_PROVIDERS, storeProviders)
- const [focusProvider, setFocusProvider] = useState(0)
- const { Component } = filteredProviders[focusProvider]
- const isAuthenticated = profile?.isAuthenticated?.value === 'true'
- useEffect(() => {
- if (isAuthenticated) {
- onLoginSuccessful('/account')
- }
- }, [isAuthenticated, onLoginSuccessful])
- if (isAuthenticated) {
- return (
- )
- }
- return (
- {formatMessage({
- id: 'login.page.title',
- })}
- {filteredProviders.map(({ Button: ButtonComponent }, i) =>
- i !== focusProvider ? (
- setFocusProvider(i)}
- />
- ) : null
- )}
- }
- >
- )
-// We split into two components to avoid re-rendering the when
-// selecting Auth method
-const PageWithLayout: FC = () => (
- <>
- }
- >
- >
-export default PageWithLayout