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156 lines (103 loc) · 4.67 KB

File metadata and controls

156 lines (103 loc) · 4.67 KB

Snooty Parser


The snooty parser has the following key parts:

  • Drivers
  • Parser
    • gizaparser/
  • Types & Tools


Snooty drivers instantiate a parser and use it to interact with reStructuredText and YAML files, and to create output artifacts and report diagnostics.

These drivers instantiate a parser.Project object. defines the main command-line Snooty interface. defines a Language Server for use with IDEs such as Visual Studio Code.


The parser.Project class is the main driver-agnostic interface to Snooty. It reads a snooty.toml file to configure the project, and parses each file with rstparser.Parser.

rstparser.Parser is responsible for transforming input reStructuredText artifacts (.rst & .txt) into our JSON AST format. It instantiates a visitor object (unnecessarily parameterized; it's always parser.JSONVisitor); creates a docutils parser; passes the markup into it; and uses the visitor to create the AST. The parent parser.Project then calls the configured callbacks to notify the backend of the parsed page.

The parser transforms Giza-style YAML files using the gizaparser package. This uses the flutter library to deserialize the YAML files into Python classes, and check types to ensure there are no errors.

docutils-interfacing components of the parser.


Each module in this package contains the infrastructure to parse a category of Giza YAML file. The gizaparser.nodes module contains generally-applicable helper classes.

Types & Tools

Developing Snooty

Run the following to install the necessary tools:

python3 -m pip install flit virtualenv

Use Flit to install Snooty. The module will be symlinked (via -s) to allow for testing changes without reinstalling the module.

flit install -s

Running tests

To run tests for a specific file:

. .venv/bin/activate
pytest snooty/test_<file>.py

Code Coverage

Install Coverage. After running tests via make format test, run:

coverage html

This will generate an HTML representation of code coverage throughout the repo that can be viewed in the browser.

Release Process


Ensure that you have gnupg configured, along with a key generated. On macOS, you should install gnupg and pinentry-mac from Homebrew.

If you have not generated a key before, follow the instructions from GitHub Docs on Generating a new GPG key.


To release snooty, do the following:

  1. Make sure you are on the master branch.

  2. Ensure that the "Unreleased" section of is up-to-date.

  3. Run make cut-release BUMP_TO_VERSION="<new_version>".

    The new version number should follow semantic versioning: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. For example, make cut-release BUMP_TO_VERSION="0.1.2". Refer to snooty/ for the current version number.

    This will create a new tag named v<new_version> and push it to your origin, causing Github Actions to trigger the release process. After several minutes (you can monitor its progress at, a new release should be created with binaries for supported platforms.

    You can instruct the cut-release target to avoid pushing the tag by passing the PUSH_TO="" option. For example, make cut-release BUMP_TO_VERSION="0.1.2" PUSH_TO="".

  4. Go to to locate the newly-created release.

  5. Copy the appropriate section from into the release description, check the This is a pre-release checkbox, and create the release.

  6. Push your branch.

If there is an error, use git reset --hard <previous_commit_hash> to revert any commits that might have been made, and git tag --delete v<version>; git push --delete origin v<version> to remove the tag if it was created.

Problem Areas

  • Transforming docutils nodes into our AST (parser.JSONVisitor) is currently a wretched mess.
  • Flutter is currently a fork to add support for line numbers. We need to figure out a cleaner way of doing this so we can merge it into the upstream codebase.