The Weight Converter GUI Program is a Python application designed to assist users in converting weights between different units. The program features a graphical user interface (GUI) built using the Tkinter library, providing a user-friendly experience for weight conversions. Users can input a weight, select the desired units for conversion, and specify the decimal places for the result.
Weight Input:
- Users can input weights for conversion.
Unit Selection:
- Dropdown menus allow users to choose both the input and output units for conversion.
Decimal Places:
- Users can specify the number of decimal places for the converted weight.
Conversion Button:
- A "Convert" button triggers the weight conversion process.
Result Display:
- The converted weight is displayed with the selected units and specified decimal places.
Error Handling:
- The application handles errors gracefully, providing informative messages for invalid inputs or unexpected issues.
Keyboard Shortcuts:
- Keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+C for conversion, Ctrl+L for clearing fields) enhance user efficiency.
Menu Bar:
- A menu bar includes an "About" option to display information about the application.
Run the Program:
- Execute the program to launch the Weight Converter GUI.
Enter Weight:
- Input the weight in the designated field.
Select Units:
- Choose both the input and output units for conversion using the dropdown menus.
Decimal Places:
- Specify the number of decimal places for the converted weight.
- Click the "Convert" button or use the Ctrl+C shortcut to perform the weight conversion.
View Result:
- The converted weight with the selected units and decimal places is displayed.
Clear Fields:
- Click the "Clear" button or use the Ctrl+L shortcut to clear input and output fields.
About Information:
- Access information about the application from the "Help" menu by selecting "About."
cd WeightConverter
Conversion History:
- Keep a history of past conversions.
Theme and Style:
- Add a theme or style to the GUI for a visually appealing interface.
Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements or encounter any issues, please open an issue or refer to contribution guidelines for more details.