- AppBackgroundProps
- SystemBarsProps
- NavigationBarProps
- NavbarAppearanceParams
- ThemePreference
- SetThemeOptions
- AppBackgroundProps
▸ setThemePreference(style
, options?
): void
Sets the theme preference, which also influences the value returned by useColorScheme()
can be system
, light
or dark
means that the theme preference is determined by the system.
Name | Type |
style |
ThemePreference |
options |
SetThemeOptions |
▸ getThemePreference(): ThemePreference
Function that returns the current theme preference
Set the appearance of the navigation bar imperatively
• _params: NavbarAppearanceParams
Set the application background imperatively
• bgColor: ColorValue
▸ useThemePreference(): ThemePreference
A React hook that returns the current theme preference, which might be dark
, light
(if you have set the theme before by calling setAppearance
) or system
▸ NavigationBar(props
): null
Android-only component, which controls the navigation bar appearance: the background color, divider color and whether the navbar buttons are light or dark.
If active color scheme is dark, then the button icons will be rendered as light by default. You can override this behavior by passing a custom barStyle
Multiple NavigationBar
components can be mounted in the app, and always the last one will be used (different screens of your app can have different appearance).
If you want to control the appearance imperatively, call setNavbarAppearance()
means dark icons on a light navigation barlight-content
means light icons on a dark navigation bar
Name | Type |
props |
NavigationBarProps |
If you want to control the appearance imperatively, call NavigationBar.setNavbarAppearance()
Name | Type |
setNavbarAppearance |
(params : NavbarAppearanceParams ) => Promise <null > |
▸ ThemeAwareStatusBar(props
): Element
Thin wrapper on top of react-native's StatusBar
that automatically determines the barStyle
prop based on the active theme.
Specifically, if active color scheme is dark, then status bar icons will be rendered as light.
However, you can override this behavior by passing a custom barStyle
Name | Type |
props |
ThemeAwareStatusBarProps |
▸ AppBackground(props
): null
Sets the background color of the UIApplication window (iOS) or the current Activity (Android). This is useful with React Navigation to prevent white flashes when navigating on Android, or to control the background color users see when presenting a modal on iOS.
You need to specify the background color for light and dark mode separately.
Multiple AppBackground
components can be mounted in the app, and always the last one will be used (different screens of your app can have different appearance).
If you want to control the appearance imperatively, call setAppBackground()
Name | Type |
props |
AppBackgroundProps |
▸ SystemBars(props
): Element
Combines the NavigationBar
and ThemeAwareStatusBar
into a single component.
Name | Type |
props |
SystemBarsProps |
Ƭ ThemeAwareStatusBarProps: StatusBarProps
Props of ThemeAwareStatusBar
Ƭ AppBackgroundProps: Object
Background color of the application window (iOS) or the current Activity (Android), for light and dark mode separately.
Name | Type |
dark |
ColorValue |
light |
ColorValue |
Ƭ SystemBarsProps: ThemeAwareStatusBarProps
& Pick
, "dividerColor"
Props of SystemBars
Ƭ NavigationBarProps: Pick
, "barStyle"
> & { backgroundColor?
: ColorValue
; dividerColor?
: ColorValue
Params that control the appearance of the Android navigation bar.
Also props of the NavigationBar component.
Name | Type |
backgroundColor? |
ColorValue |
dividerColor? |
ColorValue |
barStyle? |
"light-content" | "dark-content" | "default" | undefined |
Ƭ NavbarAppearanceParams: Object
Name | Type |
backgroundColor? |
ColorValue |
dividerColor? |
ColorValue |
barStyle? |
"dark-content" | "light-content" | null |
Ƭ ThemePreference: "dark"
| "light"
| "system"
Ƭ SetThemeOptions: Object
: whether to persist the theme preference across app restarts. Defaults to true. Note that you need to make changes to the native code to make this work (see installation instructions). -
: whether to restart the Android activity when the theme changes. Defaults to false. Setting to true is not recommended, but might be useful for debugging.
Name | Type |
persistTheme? |
boolean |
restartActivity? |
boolean |