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Volcano is a batch system built on Kubernetes. It provides a suite of mechanisms currently missing from Kubernetes that are commonly required by many classes of batch & elastic workload including:

  1. machine learning/deep learning,
  2. bioinformatics/genomics, and
  3. other "big data" applications.


  • Kubernetes 1.12+ with CRD support

Installing volcano via yaml file

All-in-one yaml has been generated for quick deployment. Try command:

kubectl apply -f volcano-v0.0.x.yaml

Check the status in namespace volcano-system

$kubectl get all -n volcano-system
NAME                                       READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
pod/volcano-admission-56f5465597-2pbfx     1/1     Running     0          36s
pod/volcano-admission-init-pjgf2           0/1     Completed   0          36s
pod/volcano-controllers-687948d9c8-zdtvw   1/1     Running     0          36s
pod/volcano-scheduler-94998fc64-86hzn      1/1     Running     0          36s

NAME                                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/volcano-admission-service   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   36s

NAME                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/volcano-admission     1/1     1            1           36s
deployment.apps/volcano-controllers   1/1     1            1           36s
deployment.apps/volcano-scheduler     1/1     1            1           36s

NAME                                             DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/volcano-admission-56f5465597     1         1         1       36s
replicaset.apps/volcano-controllers-687948d9c8   1         1         1       36s
replicaset.apps/volcano-scheduler-94998fc64      1         1         1       36s

Installing volcano via helm charts

To install the volcano with chart:

helm install <specified-name> helm/chart/volcano --namespace <namespace> --create-namespace

e.g :
helm install volcano-trial helm/chart/volcano --namespace volcano-trial --create-namespace

This command deploys volcano in kubernetes cluster with default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

To list the volcano chart:

helm list -n <namespace>

 helm list -n volcano-trial

Uninstalling the Chart

$ helm delete volcano-release --purge


The following are the list configurable parameters of Volcano Chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default Value
basic.image_tag_version Docker image version Tag latest
basic.controller_image_name Controller Docker Image Name volcanosh/vc-controller-manager
basic.scheduler_image_name Scheduler Docker Image Name volcanosh/vc-scheduler
basic.admission_image_name Admission Controller Image Name volcanosh/vc-webhook-manager
basic.admission_secret_name Volcano Admission Secret Name volcano-admission-secret
basic.scheduler_config_file Configuration File name for Scheduler config/volcano-scheduler.conf
basic.image_pull_secret Image Pull Secret ""
basic.image_pull_policy Image Pull Policy Always
basic.admission_app_name Admission Controller App Name volcano-admission
basic.controller_app_name Controller App Name volcano-controller
basic.scheduler_app_name Scheduler App Name volcano-scheduler
custom.metrics_enable Whether to Enable Metrics false
custom.admission_enable Whether to Enable Admission true
custom.admission_replicas The number of Admission pods to run 1
custom.controller_enable Whether to Enable Controller true
custom.controller_replicas The number of Controller pods to run 1
custom.scheduler_enable Whether to Enable Scheduler true
custom.scheduler_replicas The number of Scheduler pods to run 1
custom.leader_elect_enable Whether to Enable leader elect false
custom.admission_config_override Override admission configmap ~
custom.scheduler_config_override Override scheduler configmap ~
custom.default_affinity Default affinity for Admission/Controller/Scheduler pods ~
custom.admission_affinity Affinity for Admission pods ~
custom.controller_affinity Affinity for Controller pods ~
custom.scheduler_affinity Affinity for Scheduler pods ~
custom.default_tolerations Default tolerations for Admission/Controller/Scheduler pods ~
custom.admission_tolerations Tolerations for Admission pods ~
custom.controller_tolerations Tolerations for Controller pods ~
custom.scheduler_tolerations Tolerations for Scheduler pods ~
custom.default_sc Default securityContext for Admission/Controller/Scheduler pods ~
custom.admission_sc securityContext for Admission pods ~
custom.controller_sc securityContext for Controller pods ~
custom.scheduler_sc securityContext for Scheduler pods ~
custom.default_ns Default nodeSelector for Admission/Controller/Scheduler pods ~
custom.admission_ns nodeSelector for Admission pods ~
custom.controller_ns nodeSelector for Controller pods ~
custom.scheduler_ns nodeSelector for Scheduler pods ~
custom.kube_state_metrics_ns nodeSelector for Kube State Metrics pods ~
custom.admission_podLabels Pod labels for Admission pods ~
custom.controller_podLabels Pod labels for Controller pods ~
custom.scheduler_podLabels Pod labels for Scheduler pods ~
custom.admission_labels Labels for Admission deployment and job ~
custom.controller_labels Labels for Controller deployment ~
custom.scheduler_labels Labels for Scheduler deployment ~
custom.common_labels Labels for all chart objects except for CRDs ~
custom.admission_resources Resources for Admission pods ~
custom.admission_log_level Settings log print level for Admission 4
custom.controller_resources Resources for Controller pods ~
custom.controller_log_level Settings log print level for Controller 4
custom.scheduler_resources Resources for Scheduler pods ~
custom.scheduler_log_level Settings log print level for Scheduler 3
custom.webhooks_namespace_selector_expressions Additional namespace selector expressions for Volcano admission webhooks ~
service.ipFamilyPolicy Settings service the family policy ``
service.ipFamilies Settings service the address families []

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

$ helm install --name volcano-release --set basic.image_pull_policy=Always volcano/volcano

The above command set image pull policy to Always, so docker image will be pulled each time.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install --name volcano-release -f values.yaml volcano/volcano

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml