system-info [-o output-file] [-u user] [-t] [-m] [-s] [-v] [-V] [–version]
system-info is a command that creates an overview of your system, specially crafted for Escenic installations, but also of great value for any UNIX or GNU/Linux system.
Report an import job overview
Output one report file per module.
The file to output the report t
The user to run the ece commands. This is required when running system-info as root.
Do not show temporaries, i.e. values that change often, like dates and uptime.
Shows the version of system-info
Running as a regular user, creating an HTML report:
$ system-info -f html > report.html
When running system-info as the root user, more OS information will be printed. When running as root, you must specify the user to run the queries to ece as:
# system-info -u escenic -f html \\
> /var/www/system-info/report.html
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see for further details.
Torstein Krause Johansen