This project is developed using the frontend of ReactJS, backend of NodeJS, middleware of ExpressJs and for database MongoDB.
This project helps to take your notes and save it on the cloud and access at anytime anywhere with your credentials.
Passwords are stored in encrypted format in MongoDB database
CRUD operations will be performed only with the JSON web token (Stateless session management).
The token will be stored in httpOnly cookie for security purposes inorder to avoid XSS attacks.
MongoDB Atlas
npm (Node Package Manager)
Storing JWT in httpOnly cookie ensures security.
Facilitated two distinct roles with role-based permissions.
Implemented relational mapping between collections.
Make a git clone or fork the project to the local system.
Navigate to the project location and open the terminal and type the following command.
PORT = [your_port_number]
DB = [mongoDB_link]
JWTPRIVATEKEY = []your_key] eg.Vivin#2004
SALT = [number] eg.14

Hosted in render website with minimal resources. So somestimes website will be slow. But when you run locally it will work faster you expect.
Can't able to make the httpOnly cookie sameSite:'strict' or 'lax'. If strict CRUD operations are not performing and while with lax the cookie may disappear while refreshing.
So while run this project loaclly make sure your cookie property change to sameSite: 'strict' from sameSite: 'none'.
If anyone knows the solution for the above mentioned issues mail me at