Releases: vivid-planet/comet
comet-admin-react-select 1.0.1
This is a bugfix/maintenance release.
comet-admin-date-picker 1.0.1
This is a bugfix/maintenance release.
comet-admin-color-picker 1.0.1
This is a bugfix/maintenance release.
comet-admin-rte 1.1.0
- Add
comet-admin 1.0.0
This version ist the first stable version.
- Renamed from react-admin to comet-admin (!!!)
- Made comet-admin translateable with react-intl
- Updated apollo
Incompatible Changes
- Restructured packages:
- Consolidated react-admin-core, fetch-provider, file-icons, react-admin-final-form-material-ui, react-admin-form, react-admin-layout and react-admin-mui into comet-admin
- Moved react-select to own package comet-admin-react-select
- Removed date-fns for date formatting in favor of react-intl
- Removed exports for styled and css, use styled-components directly
- FinalForm wrappers (e.g. Checkbox, Input, ...) are now prefixed with FinalForm
Internal Changes
- Switched from TSLint to ESLint
Migration Guide
Clone this repository into your project repository. If you have a monorepo, you have to clone it into the right subfolder.
An example can be found here.
Package Renaming
Automatic migrations using codeshift are available (use -d for dry-run):
npx jscodeshift --extensions=ts --parser=ts -t comet-admin/codemods/1.0.0/package-renames.ts src/
npx jscodeshift --extensions=tsx --parser=tsx -t comet-admin/codemods/1.0.0/package-renames.ts src/
Styled Components
Automatic migrations using codeshift are available (use -d for dry-run):
npx jscodeshift --extensions=ts --parser=ts -t comet-admin/codemods/1.0.0/styled-components.ts src/
npx jscodeshift --extensions=tsx --parser=tsx -t comet-admin/codemods/1.0.0/styled-components.ts src/
Detailed instructions can be found here. Automatic migrations using codeshift are available (use -d for dry-run):
git clone
npx jscodeshift -t apollo-client/codemods/ac2-to-ac3/imports.js --extensions ts --parser ts src/
npx jscodeshift -t apollo-client/codemods/ac2-to-ac3/imports.js --extensions tsx --parser tsx src/
FinalForm fields are now prefixed with FinalForm. Automatic migrations using codeshift are available (use -d for dry-run):
npx jscodeshift --extensions=ts --parser=ts -t comet-admin/codemods/1.0.0/component-renames.ts src/
npx jscodeshift --extensions=tsx --parser=tsx -t comet-admin/codemods/1.0.0/component-renames.ts src/
has been removed in favor of FormattedDate
and FormattedTime
of react-intl. An example migration can look like this:
<FormatLocalized date={parseISO(publishDate)} format="dd.MM.yyyy - HH:mm" />
<FormattedDate value={date} day="2-digit" month="2-digit" year="numeric" />
{" - "}
<FormattedTime value={date} />
As an alternative, FormatLocalized can be created inside the project by using:
import { format } from "date-fns";
import * as React from "react";
import { useIntl } from "react-intl";
interface IProps {
format: string;
date: Date | number;
export const FormatLocalized: React.FunctionComponent<IProps> = ({ date, format: formatString }) => {
const intl = useIntl();
const locale = intl.locale;
return <>{format(date, formatString, { locale })}</>;
However, imports need to be adjusted manually.
Strings are now prepared for internationalization. The default language is switched from German to English. A sample setup can be found here.
Fix Eslint Errors
npx eslint --ext .ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx,.json,.md --fix src/
comet-admin-rte 1.0.0
This version ist the first stable version.
comet-admin-react-select 1.0.0
This version ist the first stable version.
react-select is considered deprecated and thus moved into it's own (optional) package.
comet-admin-date-picker 1.0.0
This version ist the first stable version.
comet-admin-color-picker 1.0.0
This version ist the first stable version.