We parse a JSON document to a tape. A tape is an array of 64-bit values. Each node encountered in the JSON document is written to the tape using one or more 64-bit tape elements; the layout of the tape is in "document order": elements are stored as they are encountered in the JSON document.
Throughout, little endian encoding is assumed. The tape is indexed starting at 0 (the first element is at index 0).
It is sometimes useful to start with an example. Consider the following JSON document:
"Image": {
"Width": 800,
"Height": 600,
"Title": "View from 15th Floor",
"Thumbnail": {
"Url": "http://www.example.com/image/481989943",
"Height": 125,
"Width": 100
"Animated": false,
"IDs": [116, 943, 234, 38793]
The following is a dump of the content of the tape, with the first number of each line representing the index of a tape element.
$ ./json2json -d jsonexamples/small/demo.json
0 : r // pointing to 38 (right after last node)
1 : { // pointing to next tape location 38 (first node after the scope)
2 : string "Image"
3 : { // pointing to next tape location 37 (first node after the scope)
4 : string "Width"
5 : integer 800
7 : string "Height"
8 : integer 600
10 : string "Title"
11 : string "View from 15th Floor"
12 : string "Thumbnail"
13 : { // pointing to next tape location 23 (first node after the scope)
14 : string "Url"
15 : string "http://www.example.com/image/481989943"
16 : string "Height"
17 : integer 125
19 : string "Width"
20 : integer 100
22 : } // pointing to previous tape location 13 (start of the scope)
23 : string "Animated"
24 : false
25 : string "IDs"
26 : [ // pointing to next tape location 36 (first node after the scope)
27 : integer 116
29 : integer 943
31 : integer 234
33 : integer 38793
35 : ] // pointing to previous tape location 26 (start of the scope)
36 : } // pointing to previous tape location 3 (start of the scope)
37 : } // pointing to previous tape location 1 (start of the scope)
38 : r // pointing to 0 (start root)
Most tape elements are written as ('c' << 56) + x
where 'c'
is some ASCII character determining the type of the element (out of 't', 'f', 'n', 'l', 'd', '"', '{', '}', '[', ']' ,'r') and where x
is a 56-bit value called the payload. The payload is normally interpreted as an unsigned 56-bit integer. Note that 56-bit integers can be quite large.
Performance consideration: We believe that accessing the tape in regular units of 64 bits is more important for performance than saving memory.
Simple JSON nodes are represented with one tape element:
- null is represented as the 64-bit value
('n' << 56)
is the 8-bit code point values (in ASCII) corresponding to the letter'n'
. - true is represented as the 64-bit value
('t' << 56)
. - false is represented as the 64-bit value
('f' << 56)
Integer values are represented as two 64-bit tape elements:
- The 64-bit value
('l' << 56)
followed by the 64-bit integer value litterally. Integer values are assumed to be signed 64-bit values, using two's complement notation.
Float values are represented as two 64-bit tape elements:
- The 64-bit value
('d' << 56)
followed by the 64-bit double value litterally in standard IEEE 754 notation.
Performance consideration: We store numbers of the main tape because we believe that locality of reference is helpful for performance.
Each JSON document will have two special 64-bit tape elements representing a root node, one at the beginning and one at the end.
- The first 64-bit tape element contains the value
('r' << 56) + x
is the location on the tape of the last root element. - The last 64-bit tape element contains the value
('r' << 56)
All of the parsed document is located between these two 64-bit tape elements.
Hint: We can read the first tape element to determine the length of the tape.
We prefix the string data itself by a 32-bit header to be interpreted as a 32-bit integer. It indicates the length of the string. The actual string data starts at an offset of 4 bytes.
We store string values using UTF-8 encoding with null termination on a separate tape. A string value is represented on the main tape as the 64-bit tape element ('"' << 56) + x
where the payload x
is the location on the string tape of the null-terminated string.
JSON arrays are represented using two 64-bit tape elements.
- The first 64-bit tape element contains the value
('[' << 56) + x
where the payloadx
is 1 + the index of the second 64-bit tape element on the tape. - The second 64-bit tape element contains the value
(']' << 56) + x
where the payloadx
contains the index of the first 64-bit tape element on the tape.
All the content of the array is located between these two tape elements, including arrays and objects.
Performance consideration: We can skip the content of an array entirely by accessing the first 64-bit tape element, reading the payload and moving to the corresponding index on the tape.
JSON objects are represented using two 64-bit tape elements.
- The first 64-bit tape element contains the value
('{' << 56) + x
where the payloadx
is 1 + the index of the second 64-bit tape element on the tape. - The second 64-bit tape element contains the value
('}' << 56) + x
where the payloadx
contains the index of the first 64-bit tape element on the tape.
In-between these two tape elements, we alternate between key (which must be strings) and values. A value could be an object or an array.
All the content of the object is located between these two tape elements, including arrays and objects.
Performance consideration: We can skip the content of an object entirely by accessing the first 64-bit tape element, reading the payload and moving to the corresponding index on the tape.