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The results of code compiled with vite and code compiled directly with esbuild are inconsistent,Decorators related issues #18105

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alamhubb opened this issue Sep 13, 2024 · 9 comments


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Describe the bug

The execution results of vite and esbuild are consistent


Steps to reproduce

You can get the compiled main.ts from the developer tools at,index.html,package.json&terminal=dev

var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __knownSymbol = (name, symbol) => (symbol = Symbol[name]) ? symbol : Symbol.for("Symbol." + name);
var __typeError = (msg) => {
    throw TypeError(msg);
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, {
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: true,
    writable: true,
}) : obj[key] = value;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", {value, configurable: true});
var __decoratorStart = (base) => [, , , __create(base?.[__knownSymbol("metadata")] ?? null)];
var __decoratorStrings = ["class", "method", "getter", "setter", "accessor", "field", "value", "get", "set"];
var __expectFn = (fn) => fn !== void 0 && typeof fn !== "function" ? __typeError("Function expected") : fn;
var __decoratorContext = (kind, name, done, metadata, fns) => ({
    kind: __decoratorStrings[kind],
    addInitializer: (fn) => done._ ? __typeError("Already initialized") : fns.push(__expectFn(fn || null))
var __decoratorMetadata = (array, target) => __defNormalProp(target, __knownSymbol("metadata"), array[3]);
var __decorateElement = (array, flags, name, decorators, target, extra) => {
    var fn, it, done, ctx, access, k = flags & 7, s = !!(flags & 8), p = !!(flags & 16);
    var j = k > 3 ? array.length + 1 : k ? s ? 1 : 2 : 0, key = __decoratorStrings[k + 5];
    var initializers = k > 3 && (array[j - 1] = []), extraInitializers = array[j] || (array[j] = []);
    var desc = k && (!p && !s && (target = target.prototype), k < 5 && (k > 3 || !p) && __getOwnPropDesc(k < 4 ? target : {
        get [name]() {
            return __privateGet(this, extra);
        }, set [name](x) {
            return __privateSet(this, extra, x);
    }, name));
    k ? p && k < 4 && __name(extra, (k > 2 ? "set " : k > 1 ? "get " : "") + name) : __name(target, name);
    for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        ctx = __decoratorContext(k, name, done = {}, array[3], extraInitializers);
        if (k) {
            ctx.static = s, ctx.private = p, access = ctx.access = {has: p ? (x) => __privateIn(target, x) : (x) => name in x};
            if (k ^ 3) access.get = p ? (x) => (k ^ 1 ? __privateGet : __privateMethod)(x, target, k ^ 4 ? extra : desc.get) : (x) => x[name];
            if (k > 2) access.set = p ? (x, y) => __privateSet(x, target, y, k ^ 4 ? extra : desc.set) : (x, y) => x[name] = y;
        it = (0, decorators[i])(k ? k < 4 ? p ? extra : desc[key] : k > 4 ? void 0 : {
            get: desc.get,
            set: desc.set
        } : target, ctx), done._ = 1;
        if (k ^ 4 || it === void 0) __expectFn(it) && (k > 4 ? initializers.unshift(it) : k ? p ? extra = it : desc[key] = it : target = it);
        else if (typeof it !== "object" || it === null) __typeError("Object expected");
        else __expectFn(fn = it.get) && (desc.get = fn), __expectFn(fn = it.set) && (desc.set = fn), __expectFn(fn = it.init) && initializers.unshift(fn);
    return k || __decoratorMetadata(array, target), desc && __defProp(target, name, desc), p ? k ^ 4 ? extra : desc : target;
var __accessCheck = (obj, member, msg) => member.has(obj) || __typeError("Cannot " + msg);
var __privateIn = (member, obj) => Object(obj) !== obj ? __typeError('Cannot use the "in" operator on this value') : member.has(obj);
var __privateGet = (obj, member, getter) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "read from private field"), getter ? : member.get(obj));
var __privateSet = (obj, member, value, setter) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "write to private field"), setter ?, value) : member.set(obj, value), value);
var __privateMethod = (obj, member, method) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "access private method"), method);
var _testA_dec, _init;

function Resource(target, {kind, name}) {
    return function (initialValue) {
        return 666;

_testA_dec = [Resource];

class TestSerivce {
    test() {

_init = __decoratorStart(null);
__decorateElement(_init, 5, "testA", _testA_dec, TestSerivce);
__decoratorMetadata(_init, TestSerivce);
const newc = new TestSerivce();

Use esbuild (0.21.5) to execute locally

npx esbuild main.ts --target=es2020 --outfile=out.js; node out.js

The resulting file is

var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __knownSymbol = (name, symbol) => (symbol = Symbol[name]) ? symbol : Symbol.for("Symbol." + name);
var __typeError = (msg) => {
    throw TypeError(msg);
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, {
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: true,
    writable: true,
}) : obj[key] = value;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", {value, configurable: true});
var __decoratorStart = (base) => [, , , __create(base?.[__knownSymbol("metadata")] ?? null)];
var __decoratorStrings = ["class", "method", "getter", "setter", "accessor", "field", "value", "get", "set"];
var __expectFn = (fn) => fn !== void 0 && typeof fn !== "function" ? __typeError("Function expected") : fn;
var __decoratorContext = (kind, name, done, metadata, fns) => ({
    kind: __decoratorStrings[kind],
    addInitializer: (fn) => done._ ? __typeError("Already initialized") : fns.push(__expectFn(fn || null))
var __decoratorMetadata = (array, target) => __defNormalProp(target, __knownSymbol("metadata"), array[3]);
var __runInitializers = (array, flags, self, value) => {
    for (var i = 0, fns = array[flags >> 1], n = fns && fns.length; i < n; i++) flags & 1 ? fns[i].call(self) : value = fns[i].call(self, value);
    return value;
var __decorateElement = (array, flags, name, decorators, target, extra) => {
    var fn, it, done, ctx, access, k = flags & 7, s = !!(flags & 8), p = !!(flags & 16);
    var j = k > 3 ? array.length + 1 : k ? s ? 1 : 2 : 0, key = __decoratorStrings[k + 5];
    var initializers = k > 3 && (array[j - 1] = []), extraInitializers = array[j] || (array[j] = []);
    var desc = k && (!p && !s && (target = target.prototype), k < 5 && (k > 3 || !p) && __getOwnPropDesc(k < 4 ? target : {
        get [name]() {
            return __privateGet(this, extra);
        }, set [name](x) {
            return __privateSet(this, extra, x);
    }, name));
    k ? p && k < 4 && __name(extra, (k > 2 ? "set " : k > 1 ? "get " : "") + name) : __name(target, name);
    for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        ctx = __decoratorContext(k, name, done = {}, array[3], extraInitializers);
        if (k) {
            ctx.static = s, ctx.private = p, access = ctx.access = {has: p ? (x) => __privateIn(target, x) : (x) => name in x};
            if (k ^ 3) access.get = p ? (x) => (k ^ 1 ? __privateGet : __privateMethod)(x, target, k ^ 4 ? extra : desc.get) : (x) => x[name];
            if (k > 2) access.set = p ? (x, y) => __privateSet(x, target, y, k ^ 4 ? extra : desc.set) : (x, y) => x[name] = y;
        it = (0, decorators[i])(k ? k < 4 ? p ? extra : desc[key] : k > 4 ? void 0 : {
            get: desc.get,
            set: desc.set
        } : target, ctx), done._ = 1;
        if (k ^ 4 || it === void 0) __expectFn(it) && (k > 4 ? initializers.unshift(it) : k ? p ? extra = it : desc[key] = it : target = it);
        else if (typeof it !== "object" || it === null) __typeError("Object expected");
        else __expectFn(fn = it.get) && (desc.get = fn), __expectFn(fn = it.set) && (desc.set = fn), __expectFn(fn = it.init) && initializers.unshift(fn);
    return k || __decoratorMetadata(array, target), desc && __defProp(target, name, desc), p ? k ^ 4 ? extra : desc : target;
var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
var __accessCheck = (obj, member, msg) => member.has(obj) || __typeError("Cannot " + msg);
var __privateIn = (member, obj) => Object(obj) !== obj ? __typeError('Cannot use the "in" operator on this value') : member.has(obj);
var __privateGet = (obj, member, getter) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "read from private field"), getter ? : member.get(obj));
var __privateSet = (obj, member, value, setter) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "write to private field"), setter ?, value) : member.set(obj, value), value);
var __privateMethod = (obj, member, method) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "access private method"), method);
var _testA_dec, _init;

function Resource(target, {kind, name}) {
    return function (initialValue) {
        return 666;

_testA_dec = [Resource];

class TestSerivce {
    constructor() {
        __publicField(this, "testA", __runInitializers(_init, 8, this)), __runInitializers(_init, 11, this);

    test() {

_init = __decoratorStart(null);
__decorateElement(_init, 5, "testA", _testA_dec, TestSerivce);
__decoratorMetadata(_init, TestSerivce);
const newc = new TestSerivce();

The result of code execution is


The correct result was 666

The result obtained in,index.html,package.json&terminal=dev



System Info

    OS: Windows 10 10.0.19045
    CPU: (16) x64 AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor
    Memory: 7.97 GB / 31.89 GB
    Node: 20.12.2 - D:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
    npm: 10.5.0 - D:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD
    Edge: Chromium (127.0.2651.98)
    Internet Explorer: 11.0.19041.4355

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stackblitz bot commented Sep 13, 2024

Fix this issue in StackBlitz Codeflow Start a new pull request in StackBlitz Codeflow.

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alamhubb commented Sep 13, 2024

Related issues

evanw/esbuild#3911 (comment)

#18101 (comment)

This problem is also caused by the decorator,Decorators related issues


@alamhubb alamhubb changed the title The results of code compiled with vite and code compiled directly with esbuild are inconsistent The results of code compiled with vite and code compiled directly with esbuild are inconsistent,Decorators related issues Sep 13, 2024
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evanw/esbuild#3911 (comment)

If I use a decorator

This rule is too hidden, and it does not use the configuration in tsconfig.json, so additional configuration is required.

esbuild: {
        sourcemap: false,
        target: 'es2020',
        tsconfigRaw: {
            compilerOptions: {
                useDefineForClassFields: true,
                target: 'es2020'

This problem makes me sad. Can this rule be made better?

For example, tsconfigRaw will replace compilerOptions with the configuration in tsconfig.json by default

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For example, tsconfigRaw will replace compilerOptions with the configuration in tsconfig.json by default

Vite should automatically read user's tsconfig.json for esbuild's tsconfigRaw and it looks working for me here

One caveat is that, when you don't have useDefineForClassFields explicitly, Vite will use useDefineForClassFields: false #13708 but this is to align with tsc instead of esbuild as a default behavior.

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alamhubb commented Sep 15, 2024

For example, tsconfigRaw will replace compilerOptions with the configuration in tsconfig.json by default

Vite should automatically read user's tsconfig.json for esbuild's tsconfigRaw and it looks working for me here

One caveat is that, when you don't have useDefineForClassFields explicitly, Vite will use useDefineForClassFields: false #13708 but this is to align with tsc instead of esbuild as a default behavior.

Feel your reply

That's because esbuild in your vite.config.ts contains target:es2020. If you delete target:es2020, the execution error occurs because this code in your vite sets useDefineForClassFields to false when both target and useDefineForClassFields do not exist. It does not read the configuration of tsconfig.json.



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If you delete target:es2020, the execution error occurs

@alamhubb Right, I was merely suggesting that you can move esbuild.tsconfigRaw into tsconfig.json, but not If this part is what's confusing, then this issue would be a duplicate of #13756 as you've commented there.

I experimented with tsc and esbuild on my own and this might be still considered as esbuild's issue.
It looks like tsc supports decorators on uninitialized class fields (namely @Resource testA in your example) even when useDefineForClassFields: false, but that doesn't seem to be the case on esbuild.

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alamhubb commented Sep 16, 2024

If you delete target:es2020, the execution error occurs

@alamhubb Right, I was merely suggesting that you can move esbuild.tsconfigRaw into tsconfig.json, but not

I understand why deleting es2020 will cause an execution error.

Because deleting es2020 will cause esbuild's default{target:esnext}.

Esnext is based on the tc39 decorator specification and does not support automatic conversion of decorators, while es2020 does.

Therefore, even if useDefineForClassFields: true is set, there will be a runtime error. However, this has nothing to do with useDefineForClassFields, but is caused by the decorator.

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I experimented with tsc and esbuild on my own and this might be still considered as esbuild's issue. It looks like tsc supports decorators on uninitialized class fields (namely @Resource testA in your example) even when useDefineForClassFields: false, but that doesn't seem to be the case on esbuild.

I think tsc is wrong, and esbuild is right.

According to my understanding, when useDefineForClassFields: false, decNoInit should not be a property in DecClass,

It should only be a property of DecClass when useDefineForClassFields: true.

esbuild does this, while tsc ignores useDefineForClassFields: false

I looked up the relevant documentation of ts and did not find any explanation for this part

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alamhubb commented Sep 16, 2024

For example, tsconfigRaw will replace compilerOptions with the configuration in tsconfig.json by default

Vite should automatically read user's tsconfig.json for esbuild's tsconfigRaw and it looks working for me here

One caveat is that, when you don't have useDefineForClassFields explicitly, Vite will use useDefineForClassFields: false #13708 but this is to align with tsc instead of esbuild as a default behavior.

Thank you very much. I understand the problem. Vite can read the configuration in the tsconfig.json file correctly. The problem is vite:vue vitejs/vite-plugin-vue#444 , not vite. There is a problem with my previous test method. I did not correctly distinguish vite from vite:vue. Thank you for your answer.

@github-actions github-actions bot locked and limited conversation to collaborators Oct 2, 2024
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