diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index b3023b8..b084245 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -5,12 +5,21 @@ **InTouch** - is a C# wrapper for [vk.com](https://vk.com/) API. -Compatible with version **5.57** of **[:link:VK API](https://new.vk.com/dev/versions)**. +Compatible with version **5.60** of **[:link:VK API](https://new.vk.com/dev/versions)**. [:uk: Readme](README.md)   [:ru: Документация на русском.](README.ru.md) # Changelog +## v1.0.19 (November 21, 2016) +- Adds 3 new methods: `DenyMessagesFromGroup`, `AllowMessagesFromGroup`, `IsMessagesFromGroupAllowed`. @virtyaluk in [#13](https://github.com/virtyaluk/InTouch/pull/13). +- API version **5.59**. @virtyaluk in [#14](https://github.com/virtyaluk/InTouch/pull/14). + - `Group` object contains new `IsMessagesAllowed` field. + - Two new events `MessageAllow` and `MessageDeny` has been added to Callback API. `Groups.SetCallbackSettings` method supports two new parameters and `Groups.GetCallbackSettings` returns two new fields respectively. +- API version **5.60**. @virtyaluk in [#15](https://github.com/virtyaluk/InTouch/pull/15). + - `Account.GetInfo` method returns an additional `TwoFactorAuthorizationRequired` field for accounts with 2FA. + - `Button` field has a new structure for attachments with *Link* type. + ## v1.0.18 (October 10, 2016) - Groups Callback API. @virtyaluk in [#10](https://github.com/virtyaluk/InTouch/pull/10). - New `markAsImportantDialog` and `markAsAnsweredDialog` methods. @virtyaluk in [#11](https://github.com/virtyaluk/InTouch/pull/11).