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A model-inflated list of potential host-virus associations

C'est quoi, trefle?

It is a data product derived from the clover database of mammals-virus association. Specifically, trefle was produced using LF-SVD imputation, a two-step algorithm where novel host-virus associations are recommended based on truncated singular value decomposition applied to initial values based on a linear filter.

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.


Associations in trefle are recommended based on the output of a two-step process. First linear filtering is used to generate an initial value based on network properties. The linear filter has four hyper-parameters (the four weights assigned to the initial association, the connectance, and the in and out degree of the nodes), constrained as their values must sum to one.

Second, we apply truncated SVD to the modified clover wherein the missing association we impute get its initial value from to the linear filter. The rank of truncation for the low-rank approximation is a fifth hyper-parameter in this model.

In short, trefle is a giant LOOCV dataset. This has consequences for how much computational resources are required to produce it, which we will approximate as: hella. We will discuss the computational requirements more below.

Hyper-parameters tuning

In practice, we can get away with removing the first hyper-parameter of the linear filter, as we have reasons to suspect that negative associations can often be false negatives. This leaves us with four hyper-parameters to tune.

Because exploring the grid of linear filter parameters would be prohibitive in terms of computing time (but also would lead to less interpretable model inputs), we picked three initial models: the initial value is the same for all associations and determined by the connectance of clover (connectance); the initial value is given by the averaged relative degree of the host and the virus (degree); the initial value is given by the average of the previous two models (hybrid).

We applied each model at various depth of low-rank approximation, i.e. by truncating the SVD to its 1st to 20th singular value. Within each model-rank combination, we imputed the value of 780 positive interactions (which we should assume are true positive given the nature of the clover data), and of 780 negative interactions (about which we will refrain from making assumptions), using LOOCV.

The performance of each model-rank combination was measured using ROC-AUC, assuming that negative interactions are true negatives. Note that owing to the dimensions of clover, the training sample represents less than 1/1000 of the entire dataset. Further, for each model we decided on a threshold of evidence above which the pseudo-probability should be indicative of an actual association by picking the value of evidence which maximizes Youden's J statistic. In the overwheling majority of cases, this value of evidence also maximized the accuracy of the model.

Output values

The output value in trefle is akin to an association probability (but it is not a probability of association in the sense of probabilistic ecological networks). The final value after imputation is divided by the initial value before imputation. If the association "score" does not change, this gives a value of 1. We transform this by substracting one from the result, yielding an evidence value for the association: positive evidence makes the association more likely. To convert the evidence into a pseudo-probability, we put it through the logistic function. This returns values in [0;1]. In practice, owing to the numerical imprecisions involved in measuring the logistic on even moderately large floating-point numbers on 64 bits, it is common to have final pseudo-probability values of 1, and we rely on the evidence for ranking.

The following figure is an illustration of the resulting probabilities in an ensemble model of all of the model candidates used during tuning - the little bump in values that are false around 1 are candidate false negatives:

proba ensemble

Model performance

Top 10 models

The following table has the 10 best models ranked from first to last, as well as the usual measures of model performance derived from the confusion table. In addition to the AUC and cutoff (expressed as a pseudo-probability), we report the true positive and true negative rates (TPR, TNR), the positive and negative predictive values (PPV, NPV), the false negative and positive rates (FNR, FPR), the false discovery and false omission rates (FDR, FOR), the critical success index (CSI), accuracy (ACC), and Youden's J.

connectance 12 0.849 0.846 0.720 0.925 0.906 0.769 0.28 0.074 0.093 0.230 0.669 0.823 0.645
connectance 11 0.846 0.908 0.684 0.936 0.914 0.75 0.315 0.063 0.085 0.25 0.643 0.811 0.621
connectance 17 0.844 0.929 0.692 0.935 0.913 0.754 0.307 0.064 0.086 0.245 0.649 0.814 0.627
connectance 8 0.842 0.705 0.701 0.895 0.868 0.751 0.298 0.104 0.131 0.248 0.634 0.798 0.596
hybrid 12 0.841 0.707 0.703 0.877 0.851 0.748 0.296 0.122 0.148 0.251 0.626 0.790 0.581
connectance 14 0.839 0.902 0.700 0.929 0.907 0.758 0.299 0.070 0.092 0.241 0.653 0.815 0.629
hybrid 11 0.837 0.820 0.647 0.918 0.888 0.723 0.352 0.081 0.111 0.276 0.598 0.783 0.566
connectance 5 0.836 0.931 0.660 0.940 0.916 0.735 0.339 0.059 0.083 0.264 0.623 0.800 0.600
connectance 7 0.836 0.948 0.655 0.957 0.939 0.735 0.344 0.042 0.060 0.264 0.628 0.806 0.613
connectance 16 0.835 0.961 0.667 0.945 0.923 0.741 0.332 0.054 0.076 0.258 0.632 0.807 0.613

Following these results, we have conducted the imputation with on the model based on connectance and a rank 12 approximation. Visualisations of all these metrics are provided in model_performance/metrics.

Overview of the best model

The following figure is the ROC AUC, with a depiction of the point maximizing Youden's J and the probability cutoff associated:


Visualisations of the same curve for all model-rank combinations are in model_performance/roc.

Computational resources

We assembled trefle on the beluga supercomputer, operated by Calcul Québec, using a pipeline built entirely in Julia (1.5.2).

Tuning the hyper-parameters required about 2400 core hours, and imputation took approximately 59500 core hours. Rounding up, using recent ARC hardware, the assembly of trefle takes 62000 core hours, or just above 7 core years. Assuming a cost of $0.051 per hour (equivalent to what a commercial cloud computing provider would charge), the entire trefle production process costs about $3200.

Dealing with the artifacts/tuning.csv and artifacts/predictions.csv is considerably less demanding. The project comes bundled with a Project.toml which specifies the dependencies, and the compatible major/minor releases of the packages. The hpc/inputs folder also comes with its Manifest.toml file, to ensure that we would get the same environment should we decide to run the code again (but see the previous paragraph for why this is unlikely).

How to use trefle

The output of running the pipeline is a prediction (specifically based on a binary classifier) for host-virus associations that are likely to exist given what we know about true positives (i.e. the content of clover). These recommended interactions are not actual observations, and should not be treated as such.

🧑‍⚖️ Let's talk about licensing, said no one ever. The trefle repo is a complex beast with data from other projects, code to work on it, and derived data products from both of these things. As a result, intellectual property and use rights are applied within each top-level folder. A folder that has no LICENSE file in it is understood to contain information that should not be re-used or re-distributed. This is notably the case for data/, which contains information from other projects. Note that the repo has a LICENSE (CC-BY 4.0) file at its root, which cover this README, and all images present within this project All derived data (in artifacts) are released under the CC0 waiver and are usable without condition or restriction. Re-use of content under CC-BY 4.0 should mention the URL to this repository and credit "The VERENA consortium".

⚠️ Discussions about intellectual property notwithstanding, trefle should most likely not be merged into your own database. The associations are predictions, and we can estimate how many of them are false positives, and how many are missing (but we do not know which are which). In addition, the probability score is not a biologically meaningful probability. Unless your database is able to accommodate these subtleties and convey them clearly to the user, we advise you against consuming trefle to re-distribute as part of another database.

Contact: timothee.poisot@umontreal.🇨🇦

Repository content

  • hpc contains all the code used to run the tuning and simulation using slurm
    • inputs is the main location for the bash scripts and helper functions
    • outputs is where the output files are located -- note that they are not written here by default, this was us doing some post-processing
      • tuning.csv is the file for model selection (about 6MB)
      • predictions.csv is the output of imputation (about 85MB)
    • as a side-note, each thread is responsible for its own files (and works on its own copy of the data, so think about memory use)
    • as an additional side-note, not all species pairs in clover are in trefle, because some proportion (<1%) of runs fail for reasons that always mean that the association is almost surely not happening
  • data is storing all the data that are not directly generated by trefle
  • model_performance has the file for model selection and the figures generated as part of this process
    • roc has all the plots of ROC-AUCs
    • metrics has the plots of all metrics presented in the table above
  • imputation has the files to read the data from hpc/outputs and do the analyses
  • artifacts has derived data tables
    • modelselection.csv is the list of all models considered during hyper-parameters tuning
    • imputed_associations.csv is the list of all suspected positive associations (~ 6MB) - associations are ranked from least to most likely
    • zoonoses.csv is the list of the subset of suspected positive associations involving H. sapiens - associations are ranked from least to most likely
    • trefle.csv is the edgelist of clover plus the imputed associations, sorted by virus name (~ 3MB)
    • phylo_distance_to_human.csv is the phylogenetic distance between H. sapiens and other taxa in the Upham tree
    • sharing-phylogeny.csv is a table with the Jaccard similarity of viruses, number of shared viruses, and phylogenetic distance between pairs of hosts -- it contains both the before and after imputation step
    • viral_subspace.csv are truncated SVD embeddings of the left-subspace (viruses) at rank 12 multiplied by the square root of the eigenvalues, as in a RDGP.
  • demo-phylogeny contains a visualization of phylogenetic signal to the data and predictions as a use case vignette
  • R has .r files to read the phylogeny

Main results

This section will grow as we develop more analyses.

Imputation changes the network

The LF-SVD approach suggested 75901 new interactions, from the original 5494 in clover. With a total of 81395 interactions, trefle has a connectance of 0.09, which is well within the range of connectances for antagonistic bipartite networks.

The following figure is the result of a 2-dimensional tSNE embedding of clover (left) and trefle (right):


Not only can we see an increase in the degree of most nodes, we can also see the shape of the network change, with less clusters of mostly homogenous species.

Top 10 predicted H. sapiens viruses

Host Virus Evidence
Homo sapiens Torque teno virus 2 182.4210
Homo sapiens Torque teno virus 23 187.3940
Homo sapiens Panine betaherpesvirus 2 187.3940
Homo sapiens Torque teno virus 4 187.3940
Homo sapiens Torque teno virus 14 187.3940
Homo sapiens Carnivore protoparvovirus 1 191.2557
Homo sapiens Phocid alphaherpesvirus 1 191.4652
Homo sapiens Panine gammaherpesvirus 1 201.9715
Homo sapiens Simian mastadenovirus A 242.8597
Homo sapiens Canine mastadenovirus A 275.6808

Zoonotic viruses have more paths to reach human

This next figure is the evidence for (potential novel) zoonotic viruses in trefle, compared to the number of paths existing from this virus to H. sapiens in clover. The log-log relationship is quite clear: viruses that are more likely to be zoonotic according to our model have more direct paths (bridge hosts) to reach human.

number of paths to huuman

The same relationship holds for 2 jumps, 3 jumps, and 4 jumps.

Imputation removes the livestock bias

The original data that went into clover had a lot of information about livestock viruses. In the following figure, we show the ten species most similar (using Additive Jaccard Similarity) to H. sapiens before and after imputation:

similarity to human

Strikingly, if not unexpectedly, the hosts with viral associations most similar to human after imputation are mostly primates (chimpanzees and both gorilla species). Some rodents are also joining the top 10. This result suggests that the LF-SVD approach is able to somewhat overcome the initial data bias.

LF-SVD predicts associations between species not shared by databases

In the next figure, we look at the probability of association as a function of whether the two species were reported as part of the same database that went into making clover:

similarity to human

There is little to report here - the method is indeed able to predict associations between species that were non-overlapping across data sources. Due to the effort that went into reconciling the taxonomic names in clover, the final amount of overlap is rather large anyways.

Predicted associations have a strong phylogenetic plausibility

The below figure shows pre- and post-imputation host sharing networks analyzed as a function of phylogenetic distance between hosts, pairwise across the entire network (top) and hostwise with humans (bottom), using either binary sharing of at least one virus (sharing) or total number of viruses shared (counts).

phylogenetic effect

There are two main results:

  1. The missing links recommended by SVD have a strong phylogenetic signal even though it's trait agnostic, implying the signal in the network is strong enough to be propagated by latent factor approaches. (SVD is good)
  2. The less sparse the matrix becomes, the more we will need to move from thinking about sharing networks as binary networks to weighted ones, which is a bit of a change from the last 20 years of sharing work like the GMPD-based work (count data matters)

The impact of sampling bias on viral richness is reduced after imputation

Observed host-parasite association networks are heavily influenced by sampling biases across hosts and parasites. In comprative analyses of the number of documented viral species per host species, research effort is often the strongest predictor. These models typically use number of publication per host species as a measure of sampling effort, and find that well researched hosts are found to harbour a larger number of viruses. To explore whether network imputation via LF-SVD is extrapolating from previous sampling biases, we conducted a set of comparative analyses investigating the how the explanatory power of sampling efforts on viral species richness changes after network imputation. We find that sampling effort explains less of the variance in viral richness after imputation, suggesting that imputation vir LF-SVD is not merely recapitulating the observed sampling effort per host.

Response Predictor Slope Std. Error R Squared Lambda Lambda 95% CI
Viral Richness (clover) # pubs 0.53 0.02 0.46 0.59 0.47 - 0.69
Viral Richness (trefle) # pubs 0.39 0.02 0.23 0.59 0.45 - 0.72
Viral Richness (clover) # virus related pubs 0.71 0.02 0.54 0.45 0.31 - 0.58
Viral Richness (trefle) # virus related pubs 0.47 0.03 0.22 0.60 0.46 - 0.71

The imputed network improves zoonotic ranking models

Code for this section can be found in viralemergence/haystack_zoonotic.

Knowing the network of observed (non-human) hosts for each virus increases the probability that a randomly chosen known human-infecting virus is ranked above viruses that have not been detected in humans. Imputing missing links improves this even further.

Model AUC (mean) SD AUC (bagged)
Genome composition 0.723 0.053 0.755
Genome composition + Observed network 0.830 0.043 0.848
Genome composition + Imputed network 0.875 0.036 0.898

In the combined genome composition + imputed network model, features describing the imputed network are more important.

zoonotic rank result

Spatial analysis of hotspots of viral diversity


Analysis in development: @tpoisot - comparison of pre and post-imputation LCBD

Get involved

If you want to develop an analysis, please open an issue (and if you want to start working, please make an explicitely named branch).

If you have to create new data files, please mind the current directory, and when in dout, ask @tpoisot.

If you require a new data file to be created for you, ask @tpoisot.