CLI tool for executing, parsing and debugging Clyde dialogues.
clyde <command>
clyde run Command line interpreter
clyde parse Transforms *.clyde files to *.json
clyde autoid Auto-generate line ids
clyde csv Extract lines from Clyde Dialogue as CSV
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
Usage: clyde run [options] <file path>
-b, --block Provide block name to run. [string]
-f, --file Path to .clyde or .json dialogue file [string]
-t, --translation Path to .csv dictionary file [string]
-s, --save-data Path to persist data to be used across executions [string]
-p, --persistent Do not clear screen on every line [boolean]
-d, --debug Show information about internal state [boolean]
-v, --verbose Run with verbose logging [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
clyde parse <source file path> <output file path>
clyde parse -i <input> -o <output>
-i, --input Path to .clyde dialogue file [string]
-o, --output Path to output .json file. Default: <input>.json [string]
-b, --batch Parse multiple files at same time [array]
--batch-output Path output names for batched files result. Should have sa
me number of arguments as in --batch. [array]
-d, --dry-run Do not generate output file. Only check for syntax errors.
--help Show help [boolean]
clyde autoid <input file> [output file]
clyde autoid -i <input> -o <output>
-i, --input Path to .clyde dialogue file or directory. [string]
-o, --output Path to output .clyde file or directory. If not provided,
result is printed to stdout or original file is
overwritten if --replace flag is provided. [string]
-b, --batch Parse multiple files at same time [array]
--batch-output Path output names for batched files result. Should have
same number of arguments as in --batch. [array]
-r, --replace Ovewrite input file instead of printing to stdout.
--help Show help [boolean]
clyde csv <source file path> [output file path]
clyde csv -i <input> -o <output>
-i, --input Path to .clyde dialogue file [string]
-o, --output Path to output .csv file. Default: <input>.csv [string]
-b, --batch Parse multiple files at same time [array]
--batch-output Path output names for batched files result. Should have
same number of arguments as in --batch. [array]
-h, --header CSV file first line. Default: "id;text" [string]
-s, --separator CSV file separator. Default: ; (semicolon) [string]
-m, --with-metadata Include metadata column with extra info (speaker, tags,
etc) [boolean]
-d, --dry-run Do not generate output. Prints to stdout. [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
npm install -g @clyde-lang/cli
# or
yarn global add @clyde-lang/cli