- Updated to use phpctags 0.10.0
- work with phpctags v0.5.1
- work with phpctags v0.5
- work with phpctags v0.4.2
- work with phpctags v0.4.1
- work with phpctags v0.4
- use Makefile to ease the building process
- distributed archive now contains a phpctags executable
- work with phpctags v0.3
- able to control the memory size to be used by phpctags thanks to Dannel Jurado
- fold functions and methods by default, constants, variables and properties are not displayed in the statusline. thanks to Chronial
- accept general ctags flags
- new kind identifier for method and property
- custmizable phpctgas location
- support scope and sccess information
- support variable, function, class, interface