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Running Distributed TensorFlow on Mesos/Marathon


Before you start, you need to set up a Mesos cluster with Marathon installed and Mesos-DNS enabled. It is also preferable to set up some shared storage such as HDFS in the cluster. All of these could be easily installed and configured with the help of DC/OS. You need to remember the master target, DNS domain and HDFS namenode which are needed to bring up the TensorFlow cluster.

Write the Training Program

This section covers instructions on how to write your training program and build your docker image.

  1. Write your own training program. This program must accept worker_hosts, ps_hosts, job_name, task_index as command line flags which are then parsed to build ClusterSpec. After that, the task either joins with the server or starts building graphs. Please refero to the main page for code snippets and description of between-graph replication. An example can be found in docker/

In the case of large training input is needed by the training program, we recommend copying your data to shared storage first and then point each worker to the data. You may want to add a flag called data_dir. Please refer to the adding flags section for adding this flag into the marathon config.

  1. Write your own Docker file which simply copies your training program into the image and optionally specify an entrypoint. An example is located in docker/Dockerfile or docker/Dockerfile.hdfs if you need the HDFS support. TensorBoard can also use the same image, but with a different entry point.

  2. Build your docker image, push it to a docker repository:

cd docker
docker build -t <image_name> -f Dockerfile.hdfs .
# Use gcloud docker push instead if on Google Container Registry.
docker push <image_name>

Please refer to docker images page for best practices of building docker images.

Generate Marathon Config

The Marathon config is generated from a Jinja template where you need to customize your own cluster configuration in the file header.

  1. Copy over the template file:
cp marathon/template.json.jinja mycluster.json.jinja
  1. Edit the mycluster.json.jinja file. You need to specify the name, image_name, train_dir and optionally change number of worker and ps replicas. The train_dir must point to the directory on shared storage if you would like to use TensorBoard or sharded checkpoint.

  2. Generate the Marathon json config:

python mycluster.json.jinja > mycluster.json

Start the Tensorflow Cluster

To start the cluster, simply post the Marathon json config file to the Marathon master target which is marathon.mesos:8080 by default:

curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @mycluster.json http://marathon.mesos:8080/v2/groups

You may want to make sure your cluster is running the training program correctly. Navigate to the DC/OS web console and look for stdout or stderr of the chief worker. The example would print losses for each step and final loss when training is done.

Screenshot of the chief worker

If TensorBoard is enabled, navigate to tensorboard.marathon.mesos:6006 with your browser or find out its IP address from the DC/OS web console.

Add Commandline Flags

Let's suppose you would like to add a flag called data_dir into the rendered config. Before rendering the template, make following changes:

  1. Add a variable in the header of mycluster.json.jinja:
{%- set data_dir = "hdfs://namenode/data_dir" %}  
  1. Add the flag into the args section of the template:
# replace "args": ["--worker_hosts", ...] with  
"args": ["--data_dir", {{ data_dir}}, --worker_hosts", ...]