This is a template for developing an Office.JS add-in with Vite and React 18. The main advantage of using this template is a much faster development cycle. The development server starts in just 2-3 seconds and hot-reloaded changes are near instant.
This template was generated using the generator-office generator which is based on the Office-Addin-Taskpane-React project.
These are the key differences between this template and the default generated template:
- Use Vite instead of Webpack.
- Use React 18.
- Remove polyfills and support for IE 11.
- Enabled typescript strict mode
To start the development server, run:
npm run dev
To load the add-in in your Word, use any of the start
scripts. e.g:
npm run start
To create a production build, run:
npm run build
This template does not include support for IE11. If you need support, add @vitejs/plugin-legacy.