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MongoDB AWS Backup and Restore


The tooling provided here performs backups and restores of mongodb at the EBS snapshot (ie: filesystem) level.


The overall procedure of how to backup is documented by mongodb under Back Up a Sharded Cluster with File System Snapshots.

Backups using mongodb-snapshot can be run at any time, against any mongodb shard or replicationset endpoint. It is assumed that each mongodb server (in the cluster/replset) is an AWS instance and will do a lookup of the server's ip against EC2 to determine the associated ec2 instance & volumes. If the instance/volume cannot be found the backup will fail.


The provided backup tooling logic is heavily lifted from Percona labs mongodb-consistent-backup. Only the required code to operate to perform AWS backups has been retained and the underlying Backup class has been implemented as AwsSnapshot (was: Mongodump).

Note: The mongodb-snapshot tool provided in this repo is not compatible with mongodb-consistent-backup, though the config should be. It is my hope that future versions of mongodb-consistent-backup natively support AWS snapshots.

mongodb-snapshot Overview

  • Connect to provided endpoint
  • Determine type of endpoint
    • If sharded: Add all replicasets in shard config
    • If replicaset: Add single replicaset
  • Foreach replicaset:
    • Select suitable secondary member (see replication.* options for thresholds)
    • Resolves member URI -> IP -> EC2 instance
    • Foreach volume attached to EC2 instance
      • if backup.skip_root and root volume: ignore
      • Add volume information to backup set
  • Backup pre:
    • If sharded: Stop balancer
  • Backup:
  • Backup post:
    • If sharded: Start balancer
    • Foreach volume: AWS EC2 CreateTags
  • Disconnect/cleanup

All tags from each source volume are copied to the destination snapshot. Additionally the following are added:

  • Backup:Replset Replicaset associated with Host
  • Backup:Host Host portion of URI for selected member
  • Backup:Instance EC2 Instance ID of volume attachment
  • Backup:Device Device of volume attachment
  • Backup:Time Backup time internal from mongodb-snapshot. Format: %Y%m%d_%H%M, eg: 20170804_1000.

Note: Backup:Time will be consistent across all snapshots from a single mongodb-snapshot execution.


Backups can be entirely run from the command line. Usage:

usage: mongodb-snapshot [-h] [-c CONFIGPATH]
                        [-e {production,staging,development}] [-v] [-H HOST]
                        [-P PORT] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-a AUTHDB]
                        [-A AUTHMECH] [-s] [-I SSL_CERTFILE] [-K SSL_KEYFILE]
                        [-C SSL_CA_CERTS] [-L LOG_DIR] [--lock-file LOCK_FILE]
                        [--sharding.balancer.wait_secs SHARDING.BALANCER.WAIT_SECS]
                        [--sharding.balancer.ping_secs SHARDING.BALANCER.PING_SECS]
                        [-n NAME] [--backup.tag_prefix PREFIX]
                        [--backup.no_skip_root] [--backup.skip_root]
                        [--aws.region REGION]
                        [--aws.access_key AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID]
                        [--aws.secret_key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]
                        [--replication.max_lag_secs REPLICATION.MAX_LAG_SECS]
                        [--replication.min_priority REPLICATION.MIN_PRIORITY]
                        [--replication.max_priority REPLICATION.MAX_PRIORITY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Configuration file or directory containing the
                        configuration files.
  -e {production,staging,development}, --environment {production,staging,development}
                        The environment used for configuration. (default:
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output
  -H HOST, --host HOST  MongoDB Hostname, IP address or
                        '<replset>/<host:port>,<host:port>,..' URI (default:
  -P PORT, --port PORT  MongoDB Port (default: 27017)
  -u USERNAME, --user USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        MongoDB Authentication Username (for optional auth)
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        MongoDB Authentication Password (for optional auth)
  -a AUTHDB, --authdb AUTHDB
                        MongoDB Auth Database (for optional auth - default:
  -A AUTHMECH, --authmech AUTHMECH
                        MongoDB Auth Mechanism (for optional auth - default:
  -s, --ssl             Create the connection to the MongoDB server using SSL
                        (default: False)
  -I SSL_CERTFILE, --ssl-certfile SSL_CERTFILE
                        The certificate file used to identify against the
                        MongoDB server
  -K SSL_KEYFILE, --ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE
                        The private keyfile used to identify against the
                        MongoDB server (if different from certfile)
  -C SSL_CA_CERTS, --ssl-ca-certs SSL_CA_CERTS
                        The root certificate chain file from the Certificate
  -L LOG_DIR, --log-dir LOG_DIR
                        Path to write log files to (default: disabled)
  --lock-file LOCK_FILE
                        Location of lock file (default: /tmp/mongodb-
  --sharding.balancer.wait_secs SHARDING.BALANCER.WAIT_SECS
                        Maximum time to wait for balancer to stop, in seconds
                        (default: 300)
  --sharding.balancer.ping_secs SHARDING.BALANCER.PING_SECS
                        Interval to check balancer state, in seconds (default:
                        Name of the backup set (required)
  --backup.tag_prefix PREFIX
                        Prefix to add to AWS Tags (default: 'Backup:')
                        Do not skip snapshot of root volume
  --backup.skip_root    Skip snapshot of root volume (default: True)
  --aws.region REGION   AWS Region
  --aws.access_key AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
                        AWS Access Key
  --aws.secret_key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
                        AWS Secret Key
  --replication.max_lag_secs REPLICATION.MAX_LAG_SECS
                        Max lag of backup replica(s) in seconds (default: 10)
  --replication.min_priority REPLICATION.MIN_PRIORITY
                        Min priority of secondary members for backup (default:
  --replication.max_priority REPLICATION.MAX_PRIORITY
                        Max priority of secondary members for backup (default:
                        Only use hidden secondary members for backup (default:

Each argument maps through to a configuration option to make future executions simple. Example configuration can be found under conf/example.yaml


The invoker of mongodb-backup needs the following AWS permissions:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*::snapshot/*"

AWS credentials can be provided by any of the standard boto credential mechanisms.

The mongodb backup user requires the following mongodb roles:

{ role: "clusterMonitor", db: "admin" }

Known issues

EC2 Instance lookup

The mongodb-snapshot EC2 Instance lookup is based of a DescribeInstances filter on private-ip-address. In this lookup the current tooling makes the following assumptions:

  • The IP looked up is unique and will only result in a single instance returned
    • Note: If more than one (or none) is recieved an error is thrown
  • The IP exists in the configured aws.region and calling AWS Account (ie: GetCallerIdentity.Account)

The above assumptions may not hold for more complicated deployments eg: