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139 lines (92 loc) · 4.52 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (92 loc) · 4.52 KB

Notes for Developers

Tested with node v6.1.0.


$ npm install
$ npm start

Loading Storyboards via Command Line

Storyboarder accepts an argument for the path to a filename to load when starting up:

$ npm start ../fixtures/example.storyboarder


You can run a quick view test using budo if you have it installed globally (e.g. npm install -g budo)

$ cd test/views/guides
$ budo index.js --live
$ open http://localhost:9966

budo will "Live Reload" changes as you work, in either the main source or the test harness.

Building a Release

Manually pre-compile the Shot Generator VR client app in production mode:

$ npm run xr:clean    # trash any existing files in src/js/express-xr/dist
$ npm run xr:build    # build client app to src/js/express-xr/dist

Then, build the app:

$ npm run dist:mac    # Mac only
$ npm run dist:win    # Windows only
$ npm run dist:linux  # Linux only
$ npm run dist        # All Platforms

If cross-compiling from Mac to Windows, install [Wine](see first.

For Linux, you will need these dependencies:

  • icnsutils - provides icns2png
  • graphicsmagick

It is possible to build for Linux on other platforms using a Docker container. See instructions below.

Building for Linux and Windows with Docker for Mac

First, Install Docker for Mac.

Clone Storyboarder and start up Docker:

git clone storyboarder
docker run --rm -ti -v ${PWD}:/project -v ${PWD##*/}-node-modules:/project/node_modules -v ~/.electron:/root/.electron electronuserland/builder:wine

For Linux, in the Docker instance:

cd storyboarder
npm install
npm prune
npm run dist:linux

For Windows, in the Docker instance:

cd storyboarder
npm install
npm prune

# add the windows ffmpeg, bypassing npm install os and cpu detection
FFMPEG_BIN_TGZ=`npm pack @ffmpeg-installer/win32-x64`
mkdir -p node_modules/@ffmpeg-installer/win32-x64
tar -zxvf $FFMPEG_BIN_TGZ -C node_modules/@ffmpeg-installer/win32-x64 --strip-components=1

# remove the linux ffmpeg
rm -rf node_modules/@ffmpeg-installer/linux-x64

# if you have the darwin ffmpeg, you npm install'd from mac and that might cause problems
# try again fresh with npm install from linux
# ls node_modules/@ffmpeg-installer/darwin-x64

# build (see

Testing Auto-Update

  • latest.yml (for Windows) and latest-mac.yml (for Mac) must be published in the GitHub Release along with the other release files.

To test auto update, create a file called dev-app-update.yml in the root source folder with contents like:

owner: wonderunit
repo: storyboarder
provider: github

... then change any isDev guards around autoUpdater in main.js, like so:

- if (!isDev) autoUpdater.init()
+ autoUpdater.init()

... and finally, decrement the current version in package.json.

When you run the app, you will be notified that the app is out-of-date (although in dev mode, when unsigned, Squirrel.Mac will throw Error: Could not get code signature for running application)

Don’t commit the above changes, they're for testing only.


Be sure to have a local GH_TOKEN environment variable. For the value:

Go to:
Token description: Storyboarder Publishing
Select scopes: [x] public_repo

Create a Draft in GitHub Releases as the target for publishing

Then, publish:

GH_TOKEN={...} npm run dist:mac -- --publish onTagOrDraft
GH_TOKEN={...} npm run dist:win -- --publish onTagOrDraft
GH_TOKEN={...} npm run dist:linux -- --publish onTagOrDraft


Remember to sync data files that have server representation (like messages.json).

Vendored Libraries

We're using a modified version of drop, forked at wonderunit/drop with a fix from HubSpot/drop/pull/171 applied. We keep a built version in src/js/vendor/tether-drop which is referenced by package-lock.json. To make changes, work from a clone of the fork, build, and copy the built drop.js to src/js/vendor/tether-drop/dist/js/drop.js.