This application was build to provide end to end testing example of web service application.
Is uses mysql to register a pivot report definition, and to run reports.
Enable ssh logic you your use on your machine (on osx System Preference / Sharing / Remote Login )
Install docker service
Download endly
Provide a username and password to login to your box.
endly -c=localhost
Verify that secret file were created
cat ~/.secret/localhost.json
Create 'mysql' secret credentials, provide root as username and non empty password for docker mysqladmin
endly -c=mysql
Run the following command:
git clone
cd endly/example/ws/reporter/e2e/
run test with run workflow:
run test with inline workflowrun request
endly -r=run
endly r=run -t='?'
to check you aerospike just run
docker exec -it mydb1 mysql show tables;