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HACKLIVE 2.0 conducted by AnalyticsVidhya

What Worked and What Did Not?

Leaderboard Rank 10


Image Credits: Unsplash

  • One Hot Encoding on the categorical columns set did work only till minimizing the error to 650 with XGBRegressor and CatBoostRegressor, hence did not work well.
  • Label Encoding on Categorical Columns proved to be a better idea, since the number of category ids were less than 30, and further we can use their label encoded values to create aggregation based features.
  • The numerical columns are highly correlated to the target variable, hence it performs decently well alone too, but aggregated features from them would be more beneficial.
  • Using transformed min,max,sum,mean features with group by using the label encoded and the numerical columns proved to be more useful than numerical columns alone.
  • Using country code as the group by aggregation proved to be useful.
  • Textual features were handled by taking account of their lengths, with len(description) proving to be highly valuable.
  • Aggregated features created from description are useful, however the title aggregated features did not work well (as we observed longer the title, the lesser number of likes on the video).
  • We make use of top N words using count vectorizer on the description and tags, that worked well.
  • Additionally, (not tried) but we can make use of counting the number of tags, with each video, by stripping the limiter '|' and higher number of tags correlates to lesser number of views.
  • Also, we can also use VADER polarity scores on the description to gain whether negative or positive video descriptions works well.
  • CatBBoost and XGB Regressor does not converge well.
  • We determined the optimal threshold for LGBM to be 0.99 which practically boiled down to the idea that stacked ensembles do not work well.
  • Better hyperparameter tuning of the LGBM would have yielded better results, with the current model ranking at Public Leaderboard Rank 10.

Learning Outcome: Focus on not just making features, but also tuning the model due to time constraint did not tune the model very well, however after tuning it will give Private Leaderboard Rank 2!