From 04988f71173418c27249c9eb30d5157bcb90ae76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tim Neutkens Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2023 13:55:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Improve compile time on large application --- .../next/src/compiled/watchpack/watchpack.js | 3074 ++++++++++++++++- packages/next/taskfile.js | 2 +- 2 files changed, 3074 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/next/src/compiled/watchpack/watchpack.js b/packages/next/src/compiled/watchpack/watchpack.js index 274c805a9adc7..8f19a7491104b 100644 --- a/packages/next/src/compiled/watchpack/watchpack.js +++ b/packages/next/src/compiled/watchpack/watchpack.js @@ -1 +1,3073 @@ -(()=>{var e={660:e=>{e.exports=function(e,t){if(typeof e!=="string"){throw new TypeError("Expected a string")}var i=String(e);var s="";var r=t?!!t.extended:false;var n=t?!!t.globstar:false;var c=false;var a=t&&typeof t.flags==="string"?t.flags:"";var o;for(var h=0,f=i.length;h1&&(l==="/"||l===undefined)&&(d==="/"||d===undefined);if(p){s+="((?:[^/]*(?:/|$))*)";h++}else{s+="([^/]*)"}}break;default:s+=o}}if(!a||!~a.indexOf("g")){s="^"+s+"$"}return new RegExp(s,a)}},444:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=clone;var t=Object.getPrototypeOf||function(e){return e.__proto__};function clone(e){if(e===null||typeof e!=="object")return e;if(e instanceof Object)var i={__proto__:t(e)};else var i=Object.create(null);Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).forEach((function(t){Object.defineProperty(i,t,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t))}));return i}},165:(e,t,i)=>{var s=i(147);var r=i(986);var n=i(78);var c=i(444);var a=i(837);var o;var h;if(typeof Symbol==="function"&&typeof Symbol.for==="function"){o=Symbol.for("graceful-fs.queue");h=Symbol.for("graceful-fs.previous")}else{o="___graceful-fs.queue";h="___graceful-fs.previous"}function noop(){}function publishQueue(e,t){Object.defineProperty(e,o,{get:function(){return t}})}var f=noop;if(a.debuglog)f=a.debuglog("gfs4");else if(/\bgfs4\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG||""))f=function(){var e=a.format.apply(a,arguments);e="GFS4: "+e.split(/\n/).join("\nGFS4: ");console.error(e)};if(!s[o]){var l=global[o]||[];publishQueue(s,l);s.close=function(e){function close(t,i){return,t,(function(e){if(!e){resetQueue()}if(typeof i==="function")i.apply(this,arguments)}))}Object.defineProperty(close,h,{value:e});return close}(s.close);s.closeSync=function(e){function closeSync(t){e.apply(s,arguments);resetQueue()}Object.defineProperty(closeSync,h,{value:e});return closeSync}(s.closeSync);if(/\bgfs4\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG||"")){process.on("exit",(function(){f(s[o]);i(491).equal(s[o].length,0)}))}}if(!global[o]){publishQueue(global,s[o])}e.exports=patch(c(s));if(process.env.TEST_GRACEFUL_FS_GLOBAL_PATCH&&!s.__patched){e.exports=patch(s);s.__patched=true}function patch(e){r(e);e.gracefulify=patch;e.createReadStream=createReadStream;e.createWriteStream=createWriteStream;var t=e.readFile;e.readFile=readFile;function readFile(e,i,s){if(typeof i==="function")s=i,i=null;return go$readFile(e,i,s);function go$readFile(e,i,s,r){return t(e,i,(function(t){if(t&&(t.code==="EMFILE"||t.code==="ENFILE"))enqueue([go$readFile,[e,i,s],t,r||,]);else{if(typeof s==="function")s.apply(this,arguments)}}))}}var i=e.writeFile;e.writeFile=writeFile;function writeFile(e,t,s,r){if(typeof s==="function")r=s,s=null;return go$writeFile(e,t,s,r);function go$writeFile(e,t,s,r,n){return i(e,t,s,(function(i){if(i&&(i.code==="EMFILE"||i.code==="ENFILE"))enqueue([go$writeFile,[e,t,s,r],i,n||,]);else{if(typeof r==="function")r.apply(this,arguments)}}))}}var s=e.appendFile;if(s)e.appendFile=appendFile;function appendFile(e,t,i,r){if(typeof i==="function")r=i,i=null;return go$appendFile(e,t,i,r);function go$appendFile(e,t,i,r,n){return s(e,t,i,(function(s){if(s&&(s.code==="EMFILE"||s.code==="ENFILE"))enqueue([go$appendFile,[e,t,i,r],s,n||,]);else{if(typeof r==="function")r.apply(this,arguments)}}))}}var c=e.copyFile;if(c)e.copyFile=copyFile;function copyFile(e,t,i,s){if(typeof i==="function"){s=i;i=0}return go$copyFile(e,t,i,s);function go$copyFile(e,t,i,s,r){return c(e,t,i,(function(n){if(n&&(n.code==="EMFILE"||n.code==="ENFILE"))enqueue([go$copyFile,[e,t,i,s],n,r||,]);else{if(typeof s==="function")s.apply(this,arguments)}}))}}var a=e.readdir;e.readdir=readdir;var o=/^v[0-5]\./;function readdir(e,t,i){if(typeof t==="function")i=t,t=null;var s=o.test(process.version)?function go$readdir(e,t,i,s){return a(e,fs$readdirCallback(e,t,i,s))}:function go$readdir(e,t,i,s){return a(e,t,fs$readdirCallback(e,t,i,s))};return s(e,t,i);function fs$readdirCallback(e,t,i,r){return function(n,c){if(n&&(n.code==="EMFILE"||n.code==="ENFILE"))enqueue([s,[e,t,i],n,r||,]);else{if(c&&c.sort)c.sort();if(typeof i==="function"),n,c)}}}}if(process.version.substr(0,4)==="v0.8"){var h=n(e);ReadStream=h.ReadStream;WriteStream=h.WriteStream}var f=e.ReadStream;if(f){ReadStream.prototype=Object.create(f.prototype);$open}var l=e.WriteStream;if(l){WriteStream.prototype=Object.create(l.prototype);$open}Object.defineProperty(e,"ReadStream",{get:function(){return ReadStream},set:function(e){ReadStream=e},enumerable:true,configurable:true});Object.defineProperty(e,"WriteStream",{get:function(){return WriteStream},set:function(e){WriteStream=e},enumerable:true,configurable:true});var u=ReadStream;Object.defineProperty(e,"FileReadStream",{get:function(){return u},set:function(e){u=e},enumerable:true,configurable:true});var d=WriteStream;Object.defineProperty(e,"FileWriteStream",{get:function(){return d},set:function(e){d=e},enumerable:true,configurable:true});function ReadStream(e,t){if(this instanceof ReadStream)return f.apply(this,arguments),this;else return ReadStream.apply(Object.create(ReadStream.prototype),arguments)}function ReadStream$open(){var e=this;open(e.path,e.flags,e.mode,(function(t,i){if(t){if(e.autoClose)e.destroy();e.emit("error",t)}else{e.fd=i;e.emit("open",i);}}))}function WriteStream(e,t){if(this instanceof WriteStream)return l.apply(this,arguments),this;else return WriteStream.apply(Object.create(WriteStream.prototype),arguments)}function WriteStream$open(){var e=this;open(e.path,e.flags,e.mode,(function(t,i){if(t){e.destroy();e.emit("error",t)}else{e.fd=i;e.emit("open",i)}}))}function createReadStream(t,i){return new e.ReadStream(t,i)}function createWriteStream(t,i){return new e.WriteStream(t,i)}var;;function open(e,t,i,s){if(typeof i==="function")s=i,i=null;return go$open(e,t,i,s);function go$open(e,t,i,s,r){return p(e,t,i,(function(n,c){if(n&&(n.code==="EMFILE"||n.code==="ENFILE"))enqueue([go$open,[e,t,i,s],n,r||,]);else{if(typeof s==="function")s.apply(this,arguments)}}))}}return e}function enqueue(e){f("ENQUEUE",e[0].name,e[1]);s[o].push(e);retry()}var u;function resetQueue(){var;for(var t=0;t2){s[o][t][3]=e;s[o][t][4]=e}}retry()}function retry(){clearTimeout(u);u=undefined;if(s[o].length===0)return;var e=s[o].shift();var t=e[0];var i=e[1];var r=e[2];var n=e[3];var c=e[4];if(n===undefined){f("RETRY",,i);t.apply(null,i)}else if(>=6e4){f("TIMEOUT",,i);var a=i.pop();if(typeof a==="function"),r)}else{var;var l=Math.max(c-n,1);var d=Math.min(l*1.2,100);if(h>=d){f("RETRY",,i);t.apply(null,i.concat([n]))}else{s[o].push(e)}}if(u===undefined){u=setTimeout(retry,0)}}},78:(e,t,i)=>{var s=i(781).Stream;e.exports=legacy;function legacy(e){return{ReadStream:ReadStream,WriteStream:WriteStream};function ReadStream(t,i){if(!(this instanceof ReadStream))return new ReadStream(t,i);;var r=this;this.path=t;this.fd=null;this.readable=true;this.paused=false;this.flags="r";this.mode=438;this.bufferSize=64*1024;i=i||{};var n=Object.keys(i);for(var c=0,a=n.length;cthis.end){throw new Error("start must be <= end")}this.pos=this.start}if(this.fd!==null){process.nextTick((function(){r._read()}));return},this.flags,this.mode,(function(e,t){if(e){r.emit("error",e);r.readable=false;return}r.fd=t;r.emit("open",t);r._read()}))}function WriteStream(t,i){if(!(this instanceof WriteStream))return new WriteStream(t,i);;this.path=t;this.fd=null;this.writable=true;this.flags="w";this.encoding="binary";this.mode=438;this.bytesWritten=0;i=i||{};var r=Object.keys(i);for(var n=0,c=r.length;n= zero")}this.pos=this.start}this.busy=false;this._queue=[];if(this.fd===null){;this._queue.push([this._open,this.path,this.flags,this.mode,undefined]);this.flush()}}}},986:(e,t,i)=>{var s=i(57);var r=process.cwd;var n=null;var c=process.env.GRACEFUL_FS_PLATFORM||process.platform;process.cwd=function(){if(!n);return n};try{process.cwd()}catch(e){}if(typeof process.chdir==="function"){var a=process.chdir;process.chdir=function(e){n=null;,e)};if(Object.setPrototypeOf)Object.setPrototypeOf(process.chdir,a)}e.exports=patch;function patch(e){if(s.hasOwnProperty("O_SYMLINK")&&process.version.match(/^v0\.6\.[0-2]|^v0\.5\./)){patchLchmod(e)}if(!e.lutimes){patchLutimes(e)}e.chown=chownFix(e.chown);e.fchown=chownFix(e.fchown);e.lchown=chownFix(e.lchown);e.chmod=chmodFix(e.chmod);e.fchmod=chmodFix(e.fchmod);e.lchmod=chmodFix(e.lchmod);e.chownSync=chownFixSync(e.chownSync);e.fchownSync=chownFixSync(e.fchownSync);e.lchownSync=chownFixSync(e.lchownSync);e.chmodSync=chmodFixSync(e.chmodSync);e.fchmodSync=chmodFixSync(e.fchmodSync);e.lchmodSync=chmodFixSync(e.lchmodSync);e.stat=statFix(e.stat);e.fstat=statFix(e.fstat);e.lstat=statFix(e.lstat);e.statSync=statFixSync(e.statSync);e.fstatSync=statFixSync(e.fstatSync);e.lstatSync=statFixSync(e.lstatSync);if(e.chmod&&!e.lchmod){e.lchmod=function(e,t,i){if(i)process.nextTick(i)};e.lchmodSync=function(){}}if(e.chown&&!e.lchown){e.lchown=function(e,t,i,s){if(s)process.nextTick(s)};e.lchownSync=function(){}}if(c==="win32"){e.rename=typeof e.rename!=="function"?e.rename:function(t){function rename(i,s,r){var;var c=0;t(i,s,(function CB(a){if(a&&(a.code==="EACCES"||a.code==="EPERM")&&<6e4){setTimeout((function(){e.stat(s,(function(e,n){if(e&&e.code==="ENOENT")t(i,s,CB);else r(a)}))}),c);if(c<100)c+=10;return}if(r)r(a)}))}if(Object.setPrototypeOf)Object.setPrototypeOf(rename,t);return rename}(e.rename)}!=="function"?{function read(i,s,r,n,c,a){var o;if(a&&typeof a==="function"){var h=0;o=function(f,l,u){if(f&&f.code==="EAGAIN"&&h<10){h++;return,i,s,r,n,c,o)}a.apply(this,arguments)}}return,i,s,r,n,c,o)}if(Object.setPrototypeOf)Object.setPrototypeOf(read,t);return read}(;e.readSync=typeof e.readSync!=="function"?e.readSync:function(t){return function(i,s,r,n,c){var a=0;while(true){try{return,i,s,r,n,c)}catch(e){if(e.code==="EAGAIN"&&a<10){a++;continue}throw e}}}}(e.readSync);function patchLchmod(e){e.lchmod=function(t,i,r){,s.O_WRONLY|s.O_SYMLINK,i,(function(t,s){if(t){if(r)r(t);return}e.fchmod(s,i,(function(t){e.close(s,(function(e){if(r)r(t||e)}))}))}))};e.lchmodSync=function(t,i){var r=e.openSync(t,s.O_WRONLY|s.O_SYMLINK,i);var n=true;var c;try{c=e.fchmodSync(r,i);n=false}finally{if(n){try{e.closeSync(r)}catch(e){}}else{e.closeSync(r)}}return c}}function patchLutimes(e){if(s.hasOwnProperty("O_SYMLINK")&&e.futimes){e.lutimes=function(t,i,r,n){,s.O_SYMLINK,(function(t,s){if(t){if(n)n(t);return}e.futimes(s,i,r,(function(t){e.close(s,(function(e){if(n)n(t||e)}))}))}))};e.lutimesSync=function(t,i,r){var n=e.openSync(t,s.O_SYMLINK);var c;var a=true;try{c=e.futimesSync(n,i,r);a=false}finally{if(a){try{e.closeSync(n)}catch(e){}}else{e.closeSync(n)}}return c}}else if(e.futimes){e.lutimes=function(e,t,i,s){if(s)process.nextTick(s)};e.lutimesSync=function(){}}}function chmodFix(t){if(!t)return t;return function(i,s,r){return,i,s,(function(e){if(chownErOk(e))e=null;if(r)r.apply(this,arguments)}))}}function chmodFixSync(t){if(!t)return t;return function(i,s){try{return,i,s)}catch(e){if(!chownErOk(e))throw e}}}function chownFix(t){if(!t)return t;return function(i,s,r,n){return,i,s,r,(function(e){if(chownErOk(e))e=null;if(n)n.apply(this,arguments)}))}}function chownFixSync(t){if(!t)return t;return function(i,s,r){try{return,i,s,r)}catch(e){if(!chownErOk(e))throw e}}}function statFix(t){if(!t)return t;return function(i,s,r){if(typeof s==="function"){r=s;s=null}function callback(e,t){if(t){if(t.uid<0)t.uid+=4294967296;if(t.gid<0)t.gid+=4294967296}if(r)r.apply(this,arguments)}return s?,i,s,callback),i,callback)}}function statFixSync(t){if(!t)return t;return function(i,s){var r=s?,i,s),i);if(r){if(r.uid<0)r.uid+=4294967296;if(r.gid<0)r.gid+=4294967296}return r}}function chownErOk(e){if(!e)return true;if(e.code==="ENOSYS")return true;var t=!process.getuid||process.getuid()!==0;if(t){if(e.code==="EINVAL"||e.code==="EPERM")return true}return false}}},377:(e,t,i)=>{"use strict";const s=i(361).EventEmitter;const r=i(165);const n=i(17);const c=i(384);const a=Object.freeze({});let o=2e3;const h=i(37).platform()==="darwin";const f=process.env.WATCHPACK_POLLING;const l=`${+f}`===f?+f:!!f&&f!=="false";function withoutCase(e){return e.toLowerCase()}function needCalls(e,t){return function(){if(--e===0){return t()}}}class Watcher extends s{constructor(e,t,i){super();this.directoryWatcher=e;this.path=t;this.startTime=i&&+i}checkStartTime(e,t){const i=this.startTime;if(typeof i!=="number")return!t;return i<=e}close(){this.emit("closed")}}class DirectoryWatcher extends s{constructor(e,t,i){super();if(l){i.poll=l}this.watcherManager=e;this.options=i;this.path=t;this.files=new Map;this.filesWithoutCase=new Map;this.directories=new Map;this.lastWatchEvent=0;this.initialScan=true;this.ignored=i.ignored||(()=>false);this.nestedWatching=false;this.polledWatching=typeof i.poll==="number"?i.poll:i.poll?5007:false;this.timeout=undefined;this.initialScanRemoved=new Set;this.initialScanFinished=undefined;this.watchers=new Map;this.parentWatcher=null;this.refs=0;this._activeEvents=new Map;this.closed=false;this.scanning=false;this.scanAgain=false;this.scanAgainInitial=false;this.createWatcher();this.doScan(true)}createWatcher(){try{if(this.polledWatching){this.watcher={close:()=>{if(this.timeout){clearTimeout(this.timeout);this.timeout=undefined}}}}else{if(h){this.watchInParentDirectory()};this.watcher.on("change",this.onWatchEvent.bind(this));this.watcher.on("error",this.onWatcherError.bind(this))}}catch(e){this.onWatcherError(e)}}forEachWatcher(e,t){const i=this.watchers.get(withoutCase(e));if(i!==undefined){for(const e of i){t(e)}}}setMissing(e,t,i){if(this.initialScan){this.initialScanRemoved.add(e)}const s=this.directories.get(e);if(s){if(this.nestedWatching)s.close();this.directories.delete(e);this.forEachWatcher(e,(e=>e.emit("remove",i)));if(!t){this.forEachWatcher(this.path,(s=>s.emit("change",e,null,i,t)))}}const r=this.files.get(e);if(r){this.files.delete(e);const s=withoutCase(e);const r=this.filesWithoutCase.get(s)-1;if(r<=0){this.filesWithoutCase.delete(s);this.forEachWatcher(e,(e=>e.emit("remove",i)))}else{this.filesWithoutCase.set(s,r)}if(!t){this.forEachWatcher(this.path,(s=>s.emit("change",e,null,i,t)))}}}setFileTime(e,t,i,s,r){const;if(this.ignored(e))return;const c=this.files.get(e);let a,h;if(i){a=Math.min(n,t)+o;h=o}else{a=n;h=0;if(c&&c.timestamp===t&&t+o{if(!i||e.checkStartTime(a,i)){e.emit("change",t,r)}}))}else if(!i){this.forEachWatcher(e,(e=>e.emit("change",t,r)))}this.forEachWatcher(this.path,(t=>{if(!i||t.checkStartTime(a,i)){t.emit("change",e,a,r,i)}}))}setDirectory(e,t,i,s){if(this.ignored(e))return;if(e===this.path){if(!i){this.forEachWatcher(this.path,(r=>r.emit("change",e,t,s,i)))}}else{const r=this.directories.get(e);if(!r){const;if(this.nestedWatching){this.createNestedWatcher(e)}else{this.directories.set(e,true)}let n;if(i){n=Math.min(r,t)+o}else{n=r}this.forEachWatcher(e,(e=>{if(!i||e.checkStartTime(n,false)){e.emit("change",t,s)}}));this.forEachWatcher(this.path,(t=>{if(!i||t.checkStartTime(n,i)){t.emit("change",e,n,s,i)}}))}}}createNestedWatcher(e){const t=this.watcherManager.watchDirectory(e,1);t.on("change",((e,t,i,s)=>{this.forEachWatcher(this.path,(r=>{if(!s||r.checkStartTime(t,s)){r.emit("change",e,t,i,s)}}))}));this.directories.set(e,t)}setNestedWatching(e){if(this.nestedWatching!==!!e){this.nestedWatching=!!e;if(this.nestedWatching){for(const e of this.directories.keys()){this.createNestedWatcher(e)}}else{for(const[e,t]of this.directories){t.close();this.directories.set(e,true)}}}}watch(e,t){const i=withoutCase(e);let s=this.watchers.get(i);if(s===undefined){s=new Set;this.watchers.set(i,s)}this.refs++;const r=new Watcher(this,e,t);r.on("closed",(()=>{if(--this.refs<=0){this.close();return}s.delete(r);if(s.size===0){this.watchers.delete(i);if(this.path===e)this.setNestedWatching(false)}}));s.add(r);let n;if(e===this.path){this.setNestedWatching(true);n=this.lastWatchEvent;for(const e of this.files.values()){fixupEntryAccuracy(e);n=Math.max(n,e.safeTime)}}else{const t=this.files.get(e);if(t){fixupEntryAccuracy(t);n=t.safeTime}else{n=0}}if(n){if(n>=t){process.nextTick((()=>{if(this.closed)return;if(e===this.path){r.emit("change",e,n,"watch (outdated on attach)",true)}else{r.emit("change",n,"watch (outdated on attach)",true)}}))}}else if(this.initialScan){if(this.initialScanRemoved.has(e)){process.nextTick((()=>{if(this.closed)return;r.emit("remove")}))}}else if(!this.directories.has(e)&&r.checkStartTime(this.initialScanFinished,false)){process.nextTick((()=>{if(this.closed)return;r.emit("initial-missing","watch (missing on attach)")}))}return r}onWatchEvent(e,t){if(this.closed)return;if(!t){this.doScan(false);return}const i=n.join(this.path,t);if(this.ignored(i))return;if(this._activeEvents.get(t)===undefined){this._activeEvents.set(t,false);const checkStats=()=>{if(this.closed)return;this._activeEvents.set(t,false);r.lstat(i,((s,c)=>{if(this.closed)return;if(this._activeEvents.get(t)===true){process.nextTick(checkStats);return}this._activeEvents.delete(t);if(s){if(s.code!=="ENOENT"&&s.code!=="EPERM"&&s.code!=="EBUSY"){this.onStatsError(s)}else{if(t===n.basename(this.path)){if(!r.existsSync(this.path)){this.onDirectoryRemoved("stat failed")}}}};if(!c){this.setMissing(i,false,e)}else if(c.isDirectory()){this.setDirectory(i,+c.birthtime||1,false,e)}else if(c.isFile()||c.isSymbolicLink()){if(c.mtime){ensureFsAccuracy(c.mtime)}this.setFileTime(i,+c.mtime||+c.ctime||1,false,false,e)}}))};process.nextTick(checkStats)}else{this._activeEvents.set(t,true)}}onWatcherError(e){if(this.closed)return;if(e){if(e.code!=="EPERM"&&e.code!=="ENOENT"){console.error("Watchpack Error (watcher): "+e)}this.onDirectoryRemoved("watch error")}}onStatsError(e){if(e){console.error("Watchpack Error (stats): "+e)}}onScanError(e){if(e){console.error("Watchpack Error (initial scan): "+e)}this.onScanFinished()}onScanFinished(){if(this.polledWatching){this.timeout=setTimeout((()=>{if(this.closed)return;this.doScan(false)}),this.polledWatching)}}onDirectoryRemoved(e){if(this.watcher){this.watcher.close();this.watcher=null}this.watchInParentDirectory();const t=`directory-removed (${e})`;for(const e of this.directories.keys()){this.setMissing(e,null,t)}for(const e of this.files.keys()){this.setMissing(e,null,t)}}watchInParentDirectory(){if(!this.parentWatcher){const e=n.dirname(this.path);if(n.dirname(e)===e)return;this.parentWatcher=this.watcherManager.watchFile(this.path,1);this.parentWatcher.on("change",((e,t)=>{if(this.closed)return;if((!h||this.polledWatching)&&this.parentWatcher){this.parentWatcher.close();this.parentWatcher=null}if(!this.watcher){this.createWatcher();this.doScan(false);this.forEachWatcher(this.path,(i=>i.emit("change",this.path,e,t,false)))}}));this.parentWatcher.on("remove",(()=>{this.onDirectoryRemoved("parent directory removed")}))}}doScan(e){if(this.scanning){if(this.scanAgain){if(!e)this.scanAgainInitial=false}else{this.scanAgain=true;this.scanAgainInitial=e}return}this.scanning=true;if(this.timeout){clearTimeout(this.timeout);this.timeout=undefined}process.nextTick((()=>{if(this.closed)return;r.readdir(this.path,((t,i)=>{if(this.closed)return;if(t){if(t.code==="ENOENT"||t.code==="EPERM"){this.onDirectoryRemoved("scan readdir failed")}else{this.onScanError(t)}this.initialScan=false;;if(e){for(const e of this.watchers.values()){for(const t of e){if(t.checkStartTime(this.initialScanFinished,false)){t.emit("initial-missing","scan (parent directory missing in initial scan)")}}}}if(this.scanAgain){this.scanAgain=false;this.doScan(this.scanAgainInitial)}else{this.scanning=false}return}const s=new Set(>n.join(this.path,e.normalize("NFC")))));for(const t of this.files.keys()){if(!s.has(t)){this.setMissing(t,e,"scan (missing)")}}for(const t of this.directories.keys()){if(!s.has(t)){this.setMissing(t,e,"scan (missing)")}}if(this.scanAgain){this.scanAgain=false;this.doScan(e);return}const c=needCalls(s.size+1,(()=>{if(this.closed)return;this.initialScan=false;this.initialScanRemoved=null;;if(e){const e=new Map(this.watchers);e.delete(withoutCase(this.path));for(const t of s){e.delete(withoutCase(t))}for(const t of e.values()){for(const e of t){if(e.checkStartTime(this.initialScanFinished,false)){e.emit("initial-missing","scan (missing in initial scan)")}}}}if(this.scanAgain){this.scanAgain=false;this.doScan(this.scanAgainInitial)}else{this.scanning=false;this.onScanFinished()}}));for(const t of s){r.lstat(t,((i,s)=>{if(this.closed)return;if(i){if(i.code==="ENOENT"||i.code==="EPERM"||i.code==="EACCES"||i.code==="EBUSY"){this.setMissing(t,e,"scan ("+i.code+")")}else{this.onScanError(i)}c();return}if(s.isFile()||s.isSymbolicLink()){if(s.mtime){ensureFsAccuracy(s.mtime)}this.setFileTime(t,+s.mtime||+s.ctime||1,e,true,"scan (file)")}else if(s.isDirectory()){if(!e||!this.directories.has(t))this.setDirectory(t,+s.birthtime||1,e,"scan (dir)")}c()}))}c()}))}))}getTimes(){const e=Object.create(null);let t=this.lastWatchEvent;for(const[i,s]of this.files){fixupEntryAccuracy(s);t=Math.max(t,s.safeTime);e[i]=Math.max(s.safeTime,s.timestamp)}if(this.nestedWatching){for(const i of this.directories.values()){const s=i.directoryWatcher.getTimes();for(const i of Object.keys(s)){const r=s[i];t=Math.max(t,r);e[i]=r}}e[this.path]=t}if(!this.initialScan){for(const t of this.watchers.values()){for(const i of t){const t=i.path;if(!,t)){e[t]=null}}}}return e}collectTimeInfoEntries(e,t){let i=this.lastWatchEvent;for(const[t,s]of this.files){fixupEntryAccuracy(s);i=Math.max(i,s.safeTime);e.set(t,s)}if(this.nestedWatching){for(const s of this.directories.values()){i=Math.max(i,s.directoryWatcher.collectTimeInfoEntries(e,t))}e.set(this.path,a);t.set(this.path,{safeTime:i})}else{for(const i of this.directories.keys()){e.set(i,a);if(!t.has(i))t.set(i,a)}e.set(this.path,a);t.set(this.path,a)}if(!this.initialScan){for(const t of this.watchers.values()){for(const i of t){const t=i.path;if(!e.has(t)){e.set(t,null)}}}}return i}close(){this.closed=true;this.initialScan=false;if(this.watcher){this.watcher.close();this.watcher=null}if(this.nestedWatching){for(const e of this.directories.values()){e.close()}this.directories.clear()}if(this.parentWatcher){this.parentWatcher.close();this.parentWatcher=null}this.emit("closed")}}e.exports=DirectoryWatcher;e.exports.EXISTANCE_ONLY_TIME_ENTRY=a;function fixupEntryAccuracy(e){if(e.accuracy>o){e.safeTime=e.safeTime-e.accuracy+o;e.accuracy=o}}function ensureFsAccuracy(e){if(!e)return;if(o>1&&e%1!==0)o=1;else if(o>10&&e%10!==0)o=10;else if(o>100&&e%100!==0)o=100;else if(o>1e3&&e%1e3!==0)o=1e3}},73:(e,t,i)=>{"use strict";const s=i(147);const r=i(17);const n=new Set(["EINVAL","ENOENT"]);if(process.platform==="win32")n.add("UNKNOWN");class LinkResolver{constructor(){this.cache=new Map}resolve(e){const t=this.cache.get(e);if(t!==undefined){return t}const i=r.dirname(e);if(i===e){const t=Object.freeze([e]);this.cache.set(e,t);return t}const c=this.resolve(i);let a=e;if(c[0]!==i){const t=r.basename(e);a=r.resolve(c[0],t)}try{const t=s.readlinkSync(a);const i=r.resolve(c[0],t);const n=this.resolve(i);let o;if(n.length>1&&c.length>1){const e=new Set(n);e.add(a);for(let t=1;t1){o=c.slice();o[0]=n[0];o.push(a);Object.freeze(o)}else if(n.length>1){o=n.slice();o.push(a);Object.freeze(o)}else{o=Object.freeze([n[0],a])}this.cache.set(e,o);return o}catch(t){if(!n.has(t.code)){throw t}const i=c.slice();i[0]=a;Object.freeze(i);this.cache.set(e,i);return i}}}e.exports=LinkResolver},653:(e,t,i)=>{"use strict";const s=i(17);const r=i(377);class WatcherManager{constructor(e){this.options=e;this.directoryWatchers=new Map}getDirectoryWatcher(e){const t=this.directoryWatchers.get(e);if(t===undefined){const t=new r(this,e,this.options);this.directoryWatchers.set(e,t);t.on("closed",(()=>{this.directoryWatchers.delete(e)}));return t}return t}watchFile(e,t){const i=s.dirname(e);if(i===e)return null;return this.getDirectoryWatcher(i).watch(e,t)}watchDirectory(e,t){return this.getDirectoryWatcher(e).watch(e,t)}}const n=new WeakMap;e.exports=e=>{const t=n.get(e);if(t!==undefined)return t;const i=new WatcherManager(e);n.set(e,i);return i};e.exports.WatcherManager=WatcherManager},535:(e,t,i)=>{"use strict";const s=i(17);e.exports=(e,t)=>{const i=new Map;for(const[t,s]of e){i.set(t,{filePath:t,parent:undefined,children:undefined,entries:1,active:true,value:s})}let r=i.size;for(const e of i.values()){const t=s.dirname(e.filePath);if(t!==e.filePath){let s=i.get(t);if(s===undefined){s={filePath:t,parent:undefined,children:[e],entries:e.entries,active:false,value:undefined};i.set(t,s);e.parent=s}else{e.parent=s;if(s.children===undefined){s.children=[e]}else{s.children.push(e)}do{s.entries+=e.entries;s=s.parent}while(s)}}}while(r>t){const e=r-t;let s=undefined;let n=Infinity;for(const r of i.values()){if(r.entries<=1||!r.children||!r.parent)continue;if(r.children.length===0)continue;if(r.children.length===1&&!r.value)continue;const i=r.entries-1>=e?r.entries-1-e:e-r.entries+1+t*.3;if(i{"use strict";const s=i(147);const r=i(17);const{EventEmitter:n}=i(361);const c=i(535);const a=i(37).platform()==="darwin";const o=i(37).platform()==="win32";const h=a||o;const f=+process.env.WATCHPACK_WATCHER_LIMIT||(a?2e3:1e4);const l=!!process.env.WATCHPACK_RECURSIVE_WATCHER_LOGGING;let u=false;let d=0;const p=new Map;const m=new Map;const g=new Map;const y=new Map;class DirectWatcher{constructor(e){this.filePath=e;this.watchers=new Set;this.watcher=undefined;try{const;this.watcher=t;t.on("change",((e,t)=>{for(const i of this.watchers){i.emit("change",e,t)}}));t.on("error",(e=>{for(const t of this.watchers){t.emit("error",e)}}))}catch(e){process.nextTick((()=>{for(const t of this.watchers){t.emit("error",e)}}))}d++}add(e){y.set(e,this);this.watchers.add(e)}remove(e){this.watchers.delete(e);if(this.watchers.size===0){g.delete(this.filePath);d--;if(this.watcher)this.watcher.close()}}getWatchers(){return this.watchers}}class RecursiveWatcher{constructor(e){this.rootPath=e;this.mapWatcherToPath=new Map;this.mapPathToWatchers=new Map;this.watcher=undefined;try{const,{recursive:true});this.watcher=t;t.on("change",((e,t)=>{if(!t){if(l){process.stderr.write(`[watchpack] dispatch ${e} event in recursive watcher (${this.rootPath}) to all watchers\n`)}for(const t of this.mapWatcherToPath.keys()){t.emit("change",e)}}else{const i=r.dirname(t);const s=this.mapPathToWatchers.get(i);if(l){process.stderr.write(`[watchpack] dispatch ${e} event in recursive watcher (${this.rootPath}) for '${t}' to ${s?s.size:0} watchers\n`)}if(s===undefined)return;for(const i of s){i.emit("change",e,r.basename(t))}}}));t.on("error",(e=>{for(const t of this.mapWatcherToPath.keys()){t.emit("error",e)}}))}catch(e){process.nextTick((()=>{for(const t of this.mapWatcherToPath.keys()){t.emit("error",e)}}))}d++;if(l){process.stderr.write(`[watchpack] created recursive watcher at ${e}\n`)}}add(e,t){y.set(t,this);const i=e.slice(this.rootPath.length+1)||".";this.mapWatcherToPath.set(t,i);const s=this.mapPathToWatchers.get(i);if(s===undefined){const e=new Set;e.add(t);this.mapPathToWatchers.set(i,e)}else{s.add(t)}}remove(e){const t=this.mapWatcherToPath.get(e);if(!t)return;this.mapWatcherToPath.delete(e);const i=this.mapPathToWatchers.get(t);i.delete(e);if(i.size===0){this.mapPathToWatchers.delete(t)}if(this.mapWatcherToPath.size===0){m.delete(this.rootPath);d--;if(this.watcher)this.watcher.close();if(l){process.stderr.write(`[watchpack] closed recursive watcher at ${this.rootPath}\n`)}}}getWatchers(){return this.mapWatcherToPath}}class Watcher extends n{close(){if(p.has(this)){p.delete(this);return}const e=y.get(this);e.remove(this);y.delete(this)}}const createDirectWatcher=e=>{const t=g.get(e);if(t!==undefined)return t;const i=new DirectWatcher(e);g.set(e,i);return i};const createRecursiveWatcher=e=>{const t=m.get(e);if(t!==undefined)return t;const i=new RecursiveWatcher(e);m.set(e,i);return i};const execute=()=>{const e=new Map;const addWatcher=(t,i)=>{const s=e.get(i);if(s===undefined){e.set(i,t)}else if(Array.isArray(s)){s.push(t)}else{e.set(i,[s,t])}};for(const[e,t]of p){addWatcher(e,t)}p.clear();if(!h||f-d>=e.size){for(const[t,i]of e){const e=createDirectWatcher(t);if(Array.isArray(i)){for(const t of i)e.add(t)}else{e.add(i)}}return}for(const e of m.values()){for(const[t,i]of e.getWatchers()){addWatcher(t,r.join(e.rootPath,i))}}for(const e of g.values()){for(const t of e.getWatchers()){addWatcher(t,e.filePath)}}const t=c(e,f*.9);for(const[e,i]of t){if(i.size===1){for(const[e,t]of i){const i=createDirectWatcher(t);const s=y.get(e);if(s===i)continue;i.add(e);if(s!==undefined)s.remove(e)}}else{const t=new Set(i.values());if(t.size>1){const t=createRecursiveWatcher(e);for(const[e,s]of i){const i=y.get(e);if(i===t)continue;t.add(s,e);if(i!==undefined)i.remove(e)}}else{for(const e of t){const t=createDirectWatcher(e);for(const e of i.keys()){const i=y.get(e);if(i===t)continue;t.add(e);if(i!==undefined)i.remove(e)}}}}}};>{const t=new Watcher;const i=g.get(e);if(i!==undefined){i.add(t);return t}let s=e;for(;;){const i=m.get(s);if(i!==undefined){i.add(e,t);return t}const n=r.dirname(s);if(n===s)break;s=n}p.set(t,e);if(!u)execute();return t};t.batch=e=>{u=true;try{e()}finally{u=false;execute()}};t.getNumberOfWatchers=()=>d},747:(e,t,i)=>{"use strict";const s=i(653);const r=i(73);const n=i(361).EventEmitter;const c=i(660);const a=i(384);const o=[];const h={};function addWatchersToSet(e,t){for(const i of e){const e=i.watcher;if(!t.has(e.directoryWatcher)){t.add(e.directoryWatcher)}}}const stringToRegexp=e=>{const t=c(e,{globstar:true,extended:true}).source;const i=t.slice(0,t.length-1)+"(?:$|\\/)";return i};const ignoredToFunction=e=>{if(Array.isArray(e)){const t=new RegExp(>stringToRegexp(e))).join("|"));return e=>t.test(e.replace(/\\/g,"/"))}else if(typeof e==="string"){const t=new RegExp(stringToRegexp(e));return e=>t.test(e.replace(/\\/g,"/"))}else if(e instanceof RegExp){return t=>e.test(t.replace(/\\/g,"/"))}else if(e instanceof Function){return e}else if(e){throw new Error(`Invalid option for 'ignored': ${e}`)}else{return()=>false}};const normalizeOptions=e=>({followSymlinks:!!e.followSymlinks,ignored:ignoredToFunction(e.ignored),poll:e.poll});const f=new WeakMap;const cachedNormalizeOptions=e=>{const t=f.get(e);if(t!==undefined)return t;const i=normalizeOptions(e);f.set(e,i);return i};class WatchpackFileWatcher{constructor(e,t,i){this.files=Array.isArray(i)?i:[i];this.watcher=t;t.on("initial-missing",(t=>{for(const i of this.files){if(!e._missing.has(i))e._onRemove(i,i,t)}}));t.on("change",((t,i)=>{for(const s of this.files){e._onChange(s,t,s,i)}}));t.on("remove",(t=>{for(const i of this.files){e._onRemove(i,i,t)}}))}update(e){if(!Array.isArray(e)){if(this.files.length!==1){this.files=[e]}else if(this.files[0]!==e){this.files[0]=e}}else{this.files=e}}close(){this.watcher.close()}}class WatchpackDirectoryWatcher{constructor(e,t,i){this.directories=Array.isArray(i)?i:[i];this.watcher=t;t.on("initial-missing",(t=>{for(const i of this.directories){e._onRemove(i,i,t)}}));t.on("change",((t,i,s)=>{for(const r of this.directories){e._onChange(r,i,t,s)}}));t.on("remove",(t=>{for(const i of this.directories){e._onRemove(i,i,t)}}))}update(e){if(!Array.isArray(e)){if(this.directories.length!==1){this.directories=[e]}else if(this.directories[0]!==e){this.directories[0]=e}}else{this.directories=e}}close(){this.watcher.close()}}class Watchpack extends n{constructor(e){super();if(!e)e=h;this.options=e;this.aggregateTimeout=typeof e.aggregateTimeout==="number"?e.aggregateTimeout:200;this.watcherOptions=cachedNormalizeOptions(e);this.watcherManager=s(this.watcherOptions);this.fileWatchers=new Map;this.directoryWatchers=new Map;this._missing=new Set;this.startTime=undefined;this.paused=false;this.aggregatedChanges=new Set;this.aggregatedRemovals=new Set;this.aggregateTimer=undefined;this._onTimeout=this._onTimeout.bind(this)}watch(e,t,i){let s,n,c,h;if(!t){({files:s=o,directories:n=o,missing:c=o,startTime:h}=e)}else{s=e;n=t;c=o;h=i}this.paused=false;const f=this.fileWatchers;const l=this.directoryWatchers;const u=this.watcherOptions.ignored;const filter=e=>!u(e);const addToMap=(e,t,i)=>{const s=e.get(t);if(s===undefined){e.set(t,i)}else if(Array.isArray(s)){s.push(i)}else{e.set(t,[s,i])}};const d=new Map;const p=new Map;const m=new Set;if(this.watcherOptions.followSymlinks){const e=new r;for(const t of s){if(filter(t)){for(const i of e.resolve(t)){if(t===i||filter(i)){addToMap(d,i,t)}}}}for(const t of c){if(filter(t)){for(const i of e.resolve(t)){if(t===i||filter(i)){m.add(t);addToMap(d,i,t)}}}}for(const t of n){if(filter(t)){let i=true;for(const s of e.resolve(t)){if(filter(s)){addToMap(i?p:d,s,t)}i=false}}}}else{for(const e of s){if(filter(e)){addToMap(d,e,e)}}for(const e of c){if(filter(e)){m.add(e);addToMap(d,e,e)}}for(const e of n){if(filter(e)){addToMap(p,e,e)}}}for(const[e,t]of f){const i=d.get(e);if(i===undefined){t.close();f.delete(e)}else{t.update(i);d.delete(e)}}for(const[e,t]of l){const i=p.get(e);if(i===undefined){t.close();l.delete(e)}else{t.update(i);p.delete(e)}}a.batch((()=>{for(const[e,t]of d){const i=this.watcherManager.watchFile(e,h);if(i){f.set(e,new WatchpackFileWatcher(this,i,t))}}for(const[e,t]of p){const i=this.watcherManager.watchDirectory(e,h);if(i){l.set(e,new WatchpackDirectoryWatcher(this,i,t))}}}));this._missing=m;this.startTime=h}close(){this.paused=true;if(this.aggregateTimer)clearTimeout(this.aggregateTimer);for(const e of this.fileWatchers.values())e.close();for(const e of this.directoryWatchers.values())e.close();this.fileWatchers.clear();this.directoryWatchers.clear()}pause(){this.paused=true;if(this.aggregateTimer)clearTimeout(this.aggregateTimer)}getTimes(){const e=new Set;addWatchersToSet(this.fileWatchers.values(),e);addWatchersToSet(this.directoryWatchers.values(),e);const t=Object.create(null);for(const i of e){const e=i.getTimes();for(const i of Object.keys(e))t[i]=e[i]}return t}getTimeInfoEntries(){const e=new Map;this.collectTimeInfoEntries(e,e);return e}collectTimeInfoEntries(e,t){const i=new Set;addWatchersToSet(this.fileWatchers.values(),i);addWatchersToSet(this.directoryWatchers.values(),i);const s={value:0};for(const r of i){r.collectTimeInfoEntries(e,t,s)}}getAggregated(){if(this.aggregateTimer){clearTimeout(this.aggregateTimer);this.aggregateTimer=undefined}const e=this.aggregatedChanges;const t=this.aggregatedRemovals;this.aggregatedChanges=new Set;this.aggregatedRemovals=new Set;return{changes:e,removals:t}}_onChange(e,t,i,s){i=i||e;if(!this.paused){this.emit("change",i,t,s);if(this.aggregateTimer)clearTimeout(this.aggregateTimer);this.aggregateTimer=setTimeout(this._onTimeout,this.aggregateTimeout)}this.aggregatedRemovals.delete(e);this.aggregatedChanges.add(e)}_onRemove(e,t,i){t=t||e;if(!this.paused){this.emit("remove",t,i);if(this.aggregateTimer)clearTimeout(this.aggregateTimer);this.aggregateTimer=setTimeout(this._onTimeout,this.aggregateTimeout)}this.aggregatedChanges.delete(e);this.aggregatedRemovals.add(e)}_onTimeout(){this.aggregateTimer=undefined;const e=this.aggregatedChanges;const t=this.aggregatedRemovals;this.aggregatedChanges=new Set;this.aggregatedRemovals=new Set;this.emit("aggregated",e,t)}}e.exports=Watchpack},491:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=require("assert")},57:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=require("constants")},361:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=require("events")},147:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=require("fs")},37:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=require("os")},17:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=require("path")},781:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=require("stream")},837:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=require("util")}};var t={};function __nccwpck_require__(i){var s=t[i];if(s!==undefined){return s.exports}var r=t[i]={exports:{}};var n=true;try{e[i](r,r.exports,__nccwpck_require__);n=false}finally{if(n)delete t[i]}return r.exports}if(typeof __nccwpck_require__!=="undefined")__nccwpck_require__.ab=__dirname+"/";var i=__nccwpck_require__(747);module.exports=i})(); \ No newline at end of file +/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap +/******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ + +/***/ 660: +/***/ ((module) => { + +module.exports = function (glob, opts) { + if (typeof glob !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('Expected a string'); + } + + var str = String(glob); + + // The regexp we are building, as a string. + var reStr = ""; + + // Whether we are matching so called "extended" globs (like bash) and should + // support single character matching, matching ranges of characters, group + // matching, etc. + var extended = opts ? !!opts.extended : false; + + // When globstar is _false_ (default), '/foo/*' is translated a regexp like + // '^\/foo\/.*$' which will match any string beginning with '/foo/' + // When globstar is _true_, '/foo/*' is translated to regexp like + // '^\/foo\/[^/]*$' which will match any string beginning with '/foo/' BUT + // which does not have a '/' to the right of it. + // E.g. with '/foo/*' these will match: '/foo/bar', '/foo/bar.txt' but + // these will not '/foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar/baz.txt' + // Lastely, when globstar is _true_, '/foo/**' is equivelant to '/foo/*' when + // globstar is _false_ + var globstar = opts ? !!opts.globstar : false; + + // If we are doing extended matching, this boolean is true when we are inside + // a group (eg {*.html,*.js}), and false otherwise. + var inGroup = false; + + // RegExp flags (eg "i" ) to pass in to RegExp constructor. + var flags = opts && typeof( opts.flags ) === "string" ? opts.flags : ""; + + var c; + for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) { + c = str[i]; + + switch (c) { + case "/": + case "$": + case "^": + case "+": + case ".": + case "(": + case ")": + case "=": + case "!": + case "|": + reStr += "\\" + c; + break; + + case "?": + if (extended) { + reStr += "."; + break; + } + + case "[": + case "]": + if (extended) { + reStr += c; + break; + } + + case "{": + if (extended) { + inGroup = true; + reStr += "("; + break; + } + + case "}": + if (extended) { + inGroup = false; + reStr += ")"; + break; + } + + case ",": + if (inGroup) { + reStr += "|"; + break; + } + reStr += "\\" + c; + break; + + case "*": + // Move over all consecutive "*"'s. + // Also store the previous and next characters + var prevChar = str[i - 1]; + var starCount = 1; + while(str[i + 1] === "*") { + starCount++; + i++; + } + var nextChar = str[i + 1]; + + if (!globstar) { + // globstar is disabled, so treat any number of "*" as one + reStr += ".*"; + } else { + // globstar is enabled, so determine if this is a globstar segment + var isGlobstar = starCount > 1 // multiple "*"'s + && (prevChar === "/" || prevChar === undefined) // from the start of the segment + && (nextChar === "/" || nextChar === undefined) // to the end of the segment + + if (isGlobstar) { + // it's a globstar, so match zero or more path segments + reStr += "((?:[^/]*(?:\/|$))*)"; + i++; // move over the "/" + } else { + // it's not a globstar, so only match one path segment + reStr += "([^/]*)"; + } + } + break; + + default: + reStr += c; + } + } + + // When regexp 'g' flag is specified don't + // constrain the regular expression with ^ & $ + if (!flags || !~flags.indexOf('g')) { + reStr = "^" + reStr + "$"; + } + + return new RegExp(reStr, flags); +}; + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 444: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; + + +module.exports = clone + +var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (obj) { + return obj.__proto__ +} + +function clone (obj) { + if (obj === null || typeof obj !== 'object') + return obj + + if (obj instanceof Object) + var copy = { __proto__: getPrototypeOf(obj) } + else + var copy = Object.create(null) + + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(function (key) { + Object.defineProperty(copy, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key)) + }) + + return copy +} + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 165: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { + +var fs = __nccwpck_require__(147) +var polyfills = __nccwpck_require__(986) +var legacy = __nccwpck_require__(78) +var clone = __nccwpck_require__(444) + +var util = __nccwpck_require__(837) + +/* istanbul ignore next - node 0.x polyfill */ +var gracefulQueue +var previousSymbol + +/* istanbul ignore else - node 0.x polyfill */ +if (typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.for === 'function') { + gracefulQueue = Symbol.for('graceful-fs.queue') + // This is used in testing by future versions + previousSymbol = Symbol.for('graceful-fs.previous') +} else { + gracefulQueue = '___graceful-fs.queue' + previousSymbol = '___graceful-fs.previous' +} + +function noop () {} + +function publishQueue(context, queue) { + Object.defineProperty(context, gracefulQueue, { + get: function() { + return queue + } + }) +} + +var debug = noop +if (util.debuglog) + debug = util.debuglog('gfs4') +else if (/\bgfs4\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG || '')) + debug = function() { + var m = util.format.apply(util, arguments) + m = 'GFS4: ' + m.split(/\n/).join('\nGFS4: ') + console.error(m) + } + +// Once time initialization +if (!fs[gracefulQueue]) { + // This queue can be shared by multiple loaded instances + var queue = global[gracefulQueue] || [] + publishQueue(fs, queue) + + // Patch fs.close/closeSync to shared queue version, because we need + // to retry() whenever a close happens *anywhere* in the program. + // This is essential when multiple graceful-fs instances are + // in play at the same time. + fs.close = (function (fs$close) { + function close (fd, cb) { + return fs$, fd, function (err) { + // This function uses the graceful-fs shared queue + if (!err) { + resetQueue() + } + + if (typeof cb === 'function') + cb.apply(this, arguments) + }) + } + + Object.defineProperty(close, previousSymbol, { + value: fs$close + }) + return close + })(fs.close) + + fs.closeSync = (function (fs$closeSync) { + function closeSync (fd) { + // This function uses the graceful-fs shared queue + fs$closeSync.apply(fs, arguments) + resetQueue() + } + + Object.defineProperty(closeSync, previousSymbol, { + value: fs$closeSync + }) + return closeSync + })(fs.closeSync) + + if (/\bgfs4\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG || '')) { + process.on('exit', function() { + debug(fs[gracefulQueue]) + __nccwpck_require__(491).equal(fs[gracefulQueue].length, 0) + }) + } +} + +if (!global[gracefulQueue]) { + publishQueue(global, fs[gracefulQueue]); +} + +module.exports = patch(clone(fs)) +if (process.env.TEST_GRACEFUL_FS_GLOBAL_PATCH && !fs.__patched) { + module.exports = patch(fs) + fs.__patched = true; +} + +function patch (fs) { + // Everything that references the open() function needs to be in here + polyfills(fs) + fs.gracefulify = patch + + fs.createReadStream = createReadStream + fs.createWriteStream = createWriteStream + var fs$readFile = fs.readFile + fs.readFile = readFile + function readFile (path, options, cb) { + if (typeof options === 'function') + cb = options, options = null + + return go$readFile(path, options, cb) + + function go$readFile (path, options, cb, startTime) { + return fs$readFile(path, options, function (err) { + if (err && (err.code === 'EMFILE' || err.code === 'ENFILE')) + enqueue([go$readFile, [path, options, cb], err, startTime ||,]) + else { + if (typeof cb === 'function') + cb.apply(this, arguments) + } + }) + } + } + + var fs$writeFile = fs.writeFile + fs.writeFile = writeFile + function writeFile (path, data, options, cb) { + if (typeof options === 'function') + cb = options, options = null + + return go$writeFile(path, data, options, cb) + + function go$writeFile (path, data, options, cb, startTime) { + return fs$writeFile(path, data, options, function (err) { + if (err && (err.code === 'EMFILE' || err.code === 'ENFILE')) + enqueue([go$writeFile, [path, data, options, cb], err, startTime ||,]) + else { + if (typeof cb === 'function') + cb.apply(this, arguments) + } + }) + } + } + + var fs$appendFile = fs.appendFile + if (fs$appendFile) + fs.appendFile = appendFile + function appendFile (path, data, options, cb) { + if (typeof options === 'function') + cb = options, options = null + + return go$appendFile(path, data, options, cb) + + function go$appendFile (path, data, options, cb, startTime) { + return fs$appendFile(path, data, options, function (err) { + if (err && (err.code === 'EMFILE' || err.code === 'ENFILE')) + enqueue([go$appendFile, [path, data, options, cb], err, startTime ||,]) + else { + if (typeof cb === 'function') + cb.apply(this, arguments) + } + }) + } + } + + var fs$copyFile = fs.copyFile + if (fs$copyFile) + fs.copyFile = copyFile + function copyFile (src, dest, flags, cb) { + if (typeof flags === 'function') { + cb = flags + flags = 0 + } + return go$copyFile(src, dest, flags, cb) + + function go$copyFile (src, dest, flags, cb, startTime) { + return fs$copyFile(src, dest, flags, function (err) { + if (err && (err.code === 'EMFILE' || err.code === 'ENFILE')) + enqueue([go$copyFile, [src, dest, flags, cb], err, startTime ||,]) + else { + if (typeof cb === 'function') + cb.apply(this, arguments) + } + }) + } + } + + var fs$readdir = fs.readdir + fs.readdir = readdir + var noReaddirOptionVersions = /^v[0-5]\./ + function readdir (path, options, cb) { + if (typeof options === 'function') + cb = options, options = null + + var go$readdir = noReaddirOptionVersions.test(process.version) + ? function go$readdir (path, options, cb, startTime) { + return fs$readdir(path, fs$readdirCallback( + path, options, cb, startTime + )) + } + : function go$readdir (path, options, cb, startTime) { + return fs$readdir(path, options, fs$readdirCallback( + path, options, cb, startTime + )) + } + + return go$readdir(path, options, cb) + + function fs$readdirCallback (path, options, cb, startTime) { + return function (err, files) { + if (err && (err.code === 'EMFILE' || err.code === 'ENFILE')) + enqueue([ + go$readdir, + [path, options, cb], + err, + startTime ||, + + ]) + else { + if (files && files.sort) + files.sort() + + if (typeof cb === 'function') +, err, files) + } + } + } + } + + if (process.version.substr(0, 4) === 'v0.8') { + var legStreams = legacy(fs) + ReadStream = legStreams.ReadStream + WriteStream = legStreams.WriteStream + } + + var fs$ReadStream = fs.ReadStream + if (fs$ReadStream) { + ReadStream.prototype = Object.create(fs$ReadStream.prototype) + = ReadStream$open + } + + var fs$WriteStream = fs.WriteStream + if (fs$WriteStream) { + WriteStream.prototype = Object.create(fs$WriteStream.prototype) + = WriteStream$open + } + + Object.defineProperty(fs, 'ReadStream', { + get: function () { + return ReadStream + }, + set: function (val) { + ReadStream = val + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }) + Object.defineProperty(fs, 'WriteStream', { + get: function () { + return WriteStream + }, + set: function (val) { + WriteStream = val + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }) + + // legacy names + var FileReadStream = ReadStream + Object.defineProperty(fs, 'FileReadStream', { + get: function () { + return FileReadStream + }, + set: function (val) { + FileReadStream = val + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }) + var FileWriteStream = WriteStream + Object.defineProperty(fs, 'FileWriteStream', { + get: function () { + return FileWriteStream + }, + set: function (val) { + FileWriteStream = val + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }) + + function ReadStream (path, options) { + if (this instanceof ReadStream) + return fs$ReadStream.apply(this, arguments), this + else + return ReadStream.apply(Object.create(ReadStream.prototype), arguments) + } + + function ReadStream$open () { + var that = this + open(that.path, that.flags, that.mode, function (err, fd) { + if (err) { + if (that.autoClose) + that.destroy() + + that.emit('error', err) + } else { + that.fd = fd + that.emit('open', fd) + + } + }) + } + + function WriteStream (path, options) { + if (this instanceof WriteStream) + return fs$WriteStream.apply(this, arguments), this + else + return WriteStream.apply(Object.create(WriteStream.prototype), arguments) + } + + function WriteStream$open () { + var that = this + open(that.path, that.flags, that.mode, function (err, fd) { + if (err) { + that.destroy() + that.emit('error', err) + } else { + that.fd = fd + that.emit('open', fd) + } + }) + } + + function createReadStream (path, options) { + return new fs.ReadStream(path, options) + } + + function createWriteStream (path, options) { + return new fs.WriteStream(path, options) + } + + var fs$open = + = open + function open (path, flags, mode, cb) { + if (typeof mode === 'function') + cb = mode, mode = null + + return go$open(path, flags, mode, cb) + + function go$open (path, flags, mode, cb, startTime) { + return fs$open(path, flags, mode, function (err, fd) { + if (err && (err.code === 'EMFILE' || err.code === 'ENFILE')) + enqueue([go$open, [path, flags, mode, cb], err, startTime ||,]) + else { + if (typeof cb === 'function') + cb.apply(this, arguments) + } + }) + } + } + + return fs +} + +function enqueue (elem) { + debug('ENQUEUE', elem[0].name, elem[1]) + fs[gracefulQueue].push(elem) + retry() +} + +// keep track of the timeout between retry() calls +var retryTimer + +// reset the startTime and lastTime to now +// this resets the start of the 60 second overall timeout as well as the +// delay between attempts so that we'll retry these jobs sooner +function resetQueue () { + var now = + for (var i = 0; i < fs[gracefulQueue].length; ++i) { + // entries that are only a length of 2 are from an older version, don't + // bother modifying those since they'll be retried anyway. + if (fs[gracefulQueue][i].length > 2) { + fs[gracefulQueue][i][3] = now // startTime + fs[gracefulQueue][i][4] = now // lastTime + } + } + // call retry to make sure we're actively processing the queue + retry() +} + +function retry () { + // clear the timer and remove it to help prevent unintended concurrency + clearTimeout(retryTimer) + retryTimer = undefined + + if (fs[gracefulQueue].length === 0) + return + + var elem = fs[gracefulQueue].shift() + var fn = elem[0] + var args = elem[1] + // these items may be unset if they were added by an older graceful-fs + var err = elem[2] + var startTime = elem[3] + var lastTime = elem[4] + + // if we don't have a startTime we have no way of knowing if we've waited + // long enough, so go ahead and retry this item now + if (startTime === undefined) { + debug('RETRY',, args) + fn.apply(null, args) + } else if ( - startTime >= 60000) { + // it's been more than 60 seconds total, bail now + debug('TIMEOUT',, args) + var cb = args.pop() + if (typeof cb === 'function') +, err) + } else { + // the amount of time between the last attempt and right now + var sinceAttempt = - lastTime + // the amount of time between when we first tried, and when we last tried + // rounded up to at least 1 + var sinceStart = Math.max(lastTime - startTime, 1) + // backoff. wait longer than the total time we've been retrying, but only + // up to a maximum of 100ms + var desiredDelay = Math.min(sinceStart * 1.2, 100) + // it's been long enough since the last retry, do it again + if (sinceAttempt >= desiredDelay) { + debug('RETRY',, args) + fn.apply(null, args.concat([startTime])) + } else { + // if we can't do this job yet, push it to the end of the queue + // and let the next iteration check again + fs[gracefulQueue].push(elem) + } + } + + // schedule our next run if one isn't already scheduled + if (retryTimer === undefined) { + retryTimer = setTimeout(retry, 0) + } +} + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 78: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { + +var Stream = (__nccwpck_require__(781).Stream) + +module.exports = legacy + +function legacy (fs) { + return { + ReadStream: ReadStream, + WriteStream: WriteStream + } + + function ReadStream (path, options) { + if (!(this instanceof ReadStream)) return new ReadStream(path, options); + +; + + var self = this; + + this.path = path; + this.fd = null; + this.readable = true; + this.paused = false; + + this.flags = 'r'; + this.mode = 438; /*=0666*/ + this.bufferSize = 64 * 1024; + + options = options || {}; + + // Mixin options into this + var keys = Object.keys(options); + for (var index = 0, length = keys.length; index < length; index++) { + var key = keys[index]; + this[key] = options[key]; + } + + if (this.encoding) this.setEncoding(this.encoding); + + if (this.start !== undefined) { + if ('number' !== typeof this.start) { + throw TypeError('start must be a Number'); + } + if (this.end === undefined) { + this.end = Infinity; + } else if ('number' !== typeof this.end) { + throw TypeError('end must be a Number'); + } + + if (this.start > this.end) { + throw new Error('start must be <= end'); + } + + this.pos = this.start; + } + + if (this.fd !== null) { + process.nextTick(function() { + self._read(); + }); + return; + } + +, this.flags, this.mode, function (err, fd) { + if (err) { + self.emit('error', err); + self.readable = false; + return; + } + + self.fd = fd; + self.emit('open', fd); + self._read(); + }) + } + + function WriteStream (path, options) { + if (!(this instanceof WriteStream)) return new WriteStream(path, options); + +; + + this.path = path; + this.fd = null; + this.writable = true; + + this.flags = 'w'; + this.encoding = 'binary'; + this.mode = 438; /*=0666*/ + this.bytesWritten = 0; + + options = options || {}; + + // Mixin options into this + var keys = Object.keys(options); + for (var index = 0, length = keys.length; index < length; index++) { + var key = keys[index]; + this[key] = options[key]; + } + + if (this.start !== undefined) { + if ('number' !== typeof this.start) { + throw TypeError('start must be a Number'); + } + if (this.start < 0) { + throw new Error('start must be >= zero'); + } + + this.pos = this.start; + } + + this.busy = false; + this._queue = []; + + if (this.fd === null) { + this._open =; + this._queue.push([this._open, this.path, this.flags, this.mode, undefined]); + this.flush(); + } + } +} + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 986: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { + +var constants = __nccwpck_require__(57) + +var origCwd = process.cwd +var cwd = null + +var platform = process.env.GRACEFUL_FS_PLATFORM || process.platform + +process.cwd = function() { + if (!cwd) + cwd = + return cwd +} +try { + process.cwd() +} catch (er) {} + +// This check is needed until node.js 12 is required +if (typeof process.chdir === 'function') { + var chdir = process.chdir + process.chdir = function (d) { + cwd = null +, d) + } + if (Object.setPrototypeOf) Object.setPrototypeOf(process.chdir, chdir) +} + +module.exports = patch + +function patch (fs) { + // (re-)implement some things that are known busted or missing. + + // lchmod, broken prior to 0.6.2 + // back-port the fix here. + if (constants.hasOwnProperty('O_SYMLINK') && + process.version.match(/^v0\.6\.[0-2]|^v0\.5\./)) { + patchLchmod(fs) + } + + // lutimes implementation, or no-op + if (!fs.lutimes) { + patchLutimes(fs) + } + + // + // Chown should not fail on einval or eperm if non-root. + // It should not fail on enosys ever, as this just indicates + // that a fs doesn't support the intended operation. + + fs.chown = chownFix(fs.chown) + fs.fchown = chownFix(fs.fchown) + fs.lchown = chownFix(fs.lchown) + + fs.chmod = chmodFix(fs.chmod) + fs.fchmod = chmodFix(fs.fchmod) + fs.lchmod = chmodFix(fs.lchmod) + + fs.chownSync = chownFixSync(fs.chownSync) + fs.fchownSync = chownFixSync(fs.fchownSync) + fs.lchownSync = chownFixSync(fs.lchownSync) + + fs.chmodSync = chmodFixSync(fs.chmodSync) + fs.fchmodSync = chmodFixSync(fs.fchmodSync) + fs.lchmodSync = chmodFixSync(fs.lchmodSync) + + fs.stat = statFix(fs.stat) + fs.fstat = statFix(fs.fstat) + fs.lstat = statFix(fs.lstat) + + fs.statSync = statFixSync(fs.statSync) + fs.fstatSync = statFixSync(fs.fstatSync) + fs.lstatSync = statFixSync(fs.lstatSync) + + // if lchmod/lchown do not exist, then make them no-ops + if (fs.chmod && !fs.lchmod) { + fs.lchmod = function (path, mode, cb) { + if (cb) process.nextTick(cb) + } + fs.lchmodSync = function () {} + } + if (fs.chown && !fs.lchown) { + fs.lchown = function (path, uid, gid, cb) { + if (cb) process.nextTick(cb) + } + fs.lchownSync = function () {} + } + + // on Windows, A/V software can lock the directory, causing this + // to fail with an EACCES or EPERM if the directory contains newly + // created files. Try again on failure, for up to 60 seconds. + + // Set the timeout this long because some Windows Anti-Virus, such as Parity + // bit9, may lock files for up to a minute, causing npm package install + // failures. Also, take care to yield the scheduler. Windows scheduling gives + // CPU to a busy looping process, which can cause the program causing the lock + // contention to be starved of CPU by node, so the contention doesn't resolve. + if (platform === "win32") { + fs.rename = typeof fs.rename !== 'function' ? fs.rename + : (function (fs$rename) { + function rename (from, to, cb) { + var start = + var backoff = 0; + fs$rename(from, to, function CB (er) { + if (er + && (er.code === "EACCES" || er.code === "EPERM") + && - start < 60000) { + setTimeout(function() { + fs.stat(to, function (stater, st) { + if (stater && stater.code === "ENOENT") + fs$rename(from, to, CB); + else + cb(er) + }) + }, backoff) + if (backoff < 100) + backoff += 10; + return; + } + if (cb) cb(er) + }) + } + if (Object.setPrototypeOf) Object.setPrototypeOf(rename, fs$rename) + return rename + })(fs.rename) + } + + // if read() returns EAGAIN, then just try it again. + = typeof !== 'function' ? + : (function (fs$read) { + function read (fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback_) { + var callback + if (callback_ && typeof callback_ === 'function') { + var eagCounter = 0 + callback = function (er, _, __) { + if (er && er.code === 'EAGAIN' && eagCounter < 10) { + eagCounter ++ + return fs$, fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) + } + callback_.apply(this, arguments) + } + } + return fs$, fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) + } + + // This ensures `util.promisify` works as it does for native ``. + if (Object.setPrototypeOf) Object.setPrototypeOf(read, fs$read) + return read + })( + + fs.readSync = typeof fs.readSync !== 'function' ? fs.readSync + : (function (fs$readSync) { return function (fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { + var eagCounter = 0 + while (true) { + try { + return fs$, fd, buffer, offset, length, position) + } catch (er) { + if (er.code === 'EAGAIN' && eagCounter < 10) { + eagCounter ++ + continue + } + throw er + } + } + }})(fs.readSync) + + function patchLchmod (fs) { + fs.lchmod = function (path, mode, callback) { + path + , constants.O_WRONLY | constants.O_SYMLINK + , mode + , function (err, fd) { + if (err) { + if (callback) callback(err) + return + } + // prefer to return the chmod error, if one occurs, + // but still try to close, and report closing errors if they occur. + fs.fchmod(fd, mode, function (err) { + fs.close(fd, function(err2) { + if (callback) callback(err || err2) + }) + }) + }) + } + + fs.lchmodSync = function (path, mode) { + var fd = fs.openSync(path, constants.O_WRONLY | constants.O_SYMLINK, mode) + + // prefer to return the chmod error, if one occurs, + // but still try to close, and report closing errors if they occur. + var threw = true + var ret + try { + ret = fs.fchmodSync(fd, mode) + threw = false + } finally { + if (threw) { + try { + fs.closeSync(fd) + } catch (er) {} + } else { + fs.closeSync(fd) + } + } + return ret + } + } + + function patchLutimes (fs) { + if (constants.hasOwnProperty("O_SYMLINK") && fs.futimes) { + fs.lutimes = function (path, at, mt, cb) { +, constants.O_SYMLINK, function (er, fd) { + if (er) { + if (cb) cb(er) + return + } + fs.futimes(fd, at, mt, function (er) { + fs.close(fd, function (er2) { + if (cb) cb(er || er2) + }) + }) + }) + } + + fs.lutimesSync = function (path, at, mt) { + var fd = fs.openSync(path, constants.O_SYMLINK) + var ret + var threw = true + try { + ret = fs.futimesSync(fd, at, mt) + threw = false + } finally { + if (threw) { + try { + fs.closeSync(fd) + } catch (er) {} + } else { + fs.closeSync(fd) + } + } + return ret + } + + } else if (fs.futimes) { + fs.lutimes = function (_a, _b, _c, cb) { if (cb) process.nextTick(cb) } + fs.lutimesSync = function () {} + } + } + + function chmodFix (orig) { + if (!orig) return orig + return function (target, mode, cb) { + return, target, mode, function (er) { + if (chownErOk(er)) er = null + if (cb) cb.apply(this, arguments) + }) + } + } + + function chmodFixSync (orig) { + if (!orig) return orig + return function (target, mode) { + try { + return, target, mode) + } catch (er) { + if (!chownErOk(er)) throw er + } + } + } + + + function chownFix (orig) { + if (!orig) return orig + return function (target, uid, gid, cb) { + return, target, uid, gid, function (er) { + if (chownErOk(er)) er = null + if (cb) cb.apply(this, arguments) + }) + } + } + + function chownFixSync (orig) { + if (!orig) return orig + return function (target, uid, gid) { + try { + return, target, uid, gid) + } catch (er) { + if (!chownErOk(er)) throw er + } + } + } + + function statFix (orig) { + if (!orig) return orig + // Older versions of Node erroneously returned signed integers for + // uid + gid. + return function (target, options, cb) { + if (typeof options === 'function') { + cb = options + options = null + } + function callback (er, stats) { + if (stats) { + if (stats.uid < 0) stats.uid += 0x100000000 + if (stats.gid < 0) stats.gid += 0x100000000 + } + if (cb) cb.apply(this, arguments) + } + return options ?, target, options, callback) + :, target, callback) + } + } + + function statFixSync (orig) { + if (!orig) return orig + // Older versions of Node erroneously returned signed integers for + // uid + gid. + return function (target, options) { + var stats = options ?, target, options) + :, target) + if (stats) { + if (stats.uid < 0) stats.uid += 0x100000000 + if (stats.gid < 0) stats.gid += 0x100000000 + } + return stats; + } + } + + // ENOSYS means that the fs doesn't support the op. Just ignore + // that, because it doesn't matter. + // + // if there's no getuid, or if getuid() is something other + // than 0, and the error is EINVAL or EPERM, then just ignore + // it. + // + // This specific case is a silent failure in cp, install, tar, + // and most other unix tools that manage permissions. + // + // When running as root, or if other types of errors are + // encountered, then it's strict. + function chownErOk (er) { + if (!er) + return true + + if (er.code === "ENOSYS") + return true + + var nonroot = !process.getuid || process.getuid() !== 0 + if (nonroot) { + if (er.code === "EINVAL" || er.code === "EPERM") + return true + } + + return false + } +} + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 377: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { + +"use strict"; +/* + MIT License + Author Tobias Koppers @sokra +*/ + + +const EventEmitter = (__nccwpck_require__(361).EventEmitter); +const fs = __nccwpck_require__(165); +const path = __nccwpck_require__(17); + +const watchEventSource = __nccwpck_require__(384); + +const EXISTANCE_ONLY_TIME_ENTRY = Object.freeze({}); + +let FS_ACCURACY = 2000; + +const IS_OSX = (__nccwpck_require__(37).platform)() === "darwin"; +const WATCHPACK_POLLING = process.env.WATCHPACK_POLLING; +const FORCE_POLLING = + `${+WATCHPACK_POLLING}` === WATCHPACK_POLLING + ? +WATCHPACK_POLLING + : !!WATCHPACK_POLLING && WATCHPACK_POLLING !== "false"; + +function withoutCase(str) { + return str.toLowerCase(); +} + +function needCalls(times, callback) { + return function() { + if (--times === 0) { + return callback(); + } + }; +} + +class Watcher extends EventEmitter { + constructor(directoryWatcher, filePath, startTime) { + super(); + this.directoryWatcher = directoryWatcher; + this.path = filePath; + this.startTime = startTime && +startTime; + } + + checkStartTime(mtime, initial) { + const startTime = this.startTime; + if (typeof startTime !== "number") return !initial; + return startTime <= mtime; + } + + close() { + this.emit("closed"); + } +} + +class DirectoryWatcher extends EventEmitter { + constructor(watcherManager, directoryPath, options) { + super(); + if (FORCE_POLLING) { + options.poll = FORCE_POLLING; + } + this.watcherManager = watcherManager; + this.options = options; + this.path = directoryPath; + // safeTime is the point in time after which reading is safe to be unchanged + // timestamp is a value that should be compared with another timestamp (mtime) + /** @type {Map} */ + this.filesWithoutCase = new Map(); + this.directories = new Map(); + this.lastWatchEvent = 0; + this.initialScan = true; + this.ignored = options.ignored || (() => false); + this.nestedWatching = false; + this.polledWatching = + typeof options.poll === "number" + ? options.poll + : options.poll + ? 5007 + : false; + this.timeout = undefined; + this.initialScanRemoved = new Set(); + this.initialScanFinished = undefined; + /** @type {Map>} */ + this.watchers = new Map(); + this.parentWatcher = null; + this.refs = 0; + this._activeEvents = new Map(); + this.closed = false; + this.scanning = false; + this.scanAgain = false; + this.scanAgainInitial = false; + + this.createWatcher(); + this.doScan(true); + } + + createWatcher() { + try { + if (this.polledWatching) { + this.watcher = { + close: () => { + if (this.timeout) { + clearTimeout(this.timeout); + this.timeout = undefined; + } + } + }; + } else { + if (IS_OSX) { + this.watchInParentDirectory(); + } + this.watcher =; + this.watcher.on("change", this.onWatchEvent.bind(this)); + this.watcher.on("error", this.onWatcherError.bind(this)); + } + } catch (err) { + this.onWatcherError(err); + } + } + + forEachWatcher(path, fn) { + const watchers = this.watchers.get(withoutCase(path)); + if (watchers !== undefined) { + for (const w of watchers) { + fn(w); + } + } + } + + setMissing(itemPath, initial, type) { + if (this.initialScan) { + this.initialScanRemoved.add(itemPath); + } + + const oldDirectory = this.directories.get(itemPath); + if (oldDirectory) { + if (this.nestedWatching) oldDirectory.close(); + this.directories.delete(itemPath); + + this.forEachWatcher(itemPath, w => w.emit("remove", type)); + if (!initial) { + this.forEachWatcher(this.path, w => + w.emit("change", itemPath, null, type, initial) + ); + } + } + + const oldFile = this.files.get(itemPath); + if (oldFile) { + this.files.delete(itemPath); + const key = withoutCase(itemPath); + const count = this.filesWithoutCase.get(key) - 1; + if (count <= 0) { + this.filesWithoutCase.delete(key); + this.forEachWatcher(itemPath, w => w.emit("remove", type)); + } else { + this.filesWithoutCase.set(key, count); + } + + if (!initial) { + this.forEachWatcher(this.path, w => + w.emit("change", itemPath, null, type, initial) + ); + } + } + } + + setFileTime(filePath, mtime, initial, ignoreWhenEqual, type) { + const now =; + + if (this.ignored(filePath)) return; + + const old = this.files.get(filePath); + + let safeTime, accuracy; + if (initial) { + safeTime = Math.min(now, mtime) + FS_ACCURACY; + accuracy = FS_ACCURACY; + } else { + safeTime = now; + accuracy = 0; + + if (old && old.timestamp === mtime && mtime + FS_ACCURACY < now) { + // We are sure that mtime is untouched + // This can be caused by some file attribute change + // e. g. when access time has been changed + // but the file content is untouched + return; + } + } + + if (ignoreWhenEqual && old && old.timestamp === mtime) return; + + this.files.set(filePath, { + safeTime, + accuracy, + timestamp: mtime + }); + + if (!old) { + const key = withoutCase(filePath); + const count = this.filesWithoutCase.get(key); + this.filesWithoutCase.set(key, (count || 0) + 1); + if (count !== undefined) { + // There is already a file with case-insensitive-equal name + // On a case-insensitive filesystem we may miss the renaming + // when only casing is changed. + // To be sure that our information is correct + // we trigger a rescan here + this.doScan(false); + } + + this.forEachWatcher(filePath, w => { + if (!initial || w.checkStartTime(safeTime, initial)) { + w.emit("change", mtime, type); + } + }); + } else if (!initial) { + this.forEachWatcher(filePath, w => w.emit("change", mtime, type)); + } + this.forEachWatcher(this.path, w => { + if (!initial || w.checkStartTime(safeTime, initial)) { + w.emit("change", filePath, safeTime, type, initial); + } + }); + } + + setDirectory(directoryPath, birthtime, initial, type) { + if (this.ignored(directoryPath)) return; + if (directoryPath === this.path) { + if (!initial) { + this.forEachWatcher(this.path, w => + w.emit("change", directoryPath, birthtime, type, initial) + ); + } + } else { + const old = this.directories.get(directoryPath); + if (!old) { + const now =; + + if (this.nestedWatching) { + this.createNestedWatcher(directoryPath); + } else { + this.directories.set(directoryPath, true); + } + + let safeTime; + if (initial) { + safeTime = Math.min(now, birthtime) + FS_ACCURACY; + } else { + safeTime = now; + } + + this.forEachWatcher(directoryPath, w => { + if (!initial || w.checkStartTime(safeTime, false)) { + w.emit("change", birthtime, type); + } + }); + this.forEachWatcher(this.path, w => { + if (!initial || w.checkStartTime(safeTime, initial)) { + w.emit("change", directoryPath, safeTime, type, initial); + } + }); + } + } + } + + createNestedWatcher(directoryPath) { + const watcher = this.watcherManager.watchDirectory(directoryPath, 1); + watcher.on("change", (filePath, mtime, type, initial) => { + this.forEachWatcher(this.path, w => { + if (!initial || w.checkStartTime(mtime, initial)) { + w.emit("change", filePath, mtime, type, initial); + } + }); + }); + this.directories.set(directoryPath, watcher); + } + + setNestedWatching(flag) { + if (this.nestedWatching !== !!flag) { + this.nestedWatching = !!flag; + if (this.nestedWatching) { + for (const directory of this.directories.keys()) { + this.createNestedWatcher(directory); + } + } else { + for (const [directory, watcher] of this.directories) { + watcher.close(); + this.directories.set(directory, true); + } + } + } + } + + watch(filePath, startTime) { + const key = withoutCase(filePath); + let watchers = this.watchers.get(key); + if (watchers === undefined) { + watchers = new Set(); + this.watchers.set(key, watchers); + } + this.refs++; + const watcher = new Watcher(this, filePath, startTime); + watcher.on("closed", () => { + if (--this.refs <= 0) { + this.close(); + return; + } + watchers.delete(watcher); + if (watchers.size === 0) { + this.watchers.delete(key); + if (this.path === filePath) this.setNestedWatching(false); + } + }); + watchers.add(watcher); + let safeTime; + if (filePath === this.path) { + this.setNestedWatching(true); + safeTime = this.lastWatchEvent; + for (const entry of this.files.values()) { + fixupEntryAccuracy(entry); + safeTime = Math.max(safeTime, entry.safeTime); + } + } else { + const entry = this.files.get(filePath); + if (entry) { + fixupEntryAccuracy(entry); + safeTime = entry.safeTime; + } else { + safeTime = 0; + } + } + if (safeTime) { + if (safeTime >= startTime) { + process.nextTick(() => { + if (this.closed) return; + if (filePath === this.path) { + watcher.emit( + "change", + filePath, + safeTime, + "watch (outdated on attach)", + true + ); + } else { + watcher.emit( + "change", + safeTime, + "watch (outdated on attach)", + true + ); + } + }); + } + } else if (this.initialScan) { + if (this.initialScanRemoved.has(filePath)) { + process.nextTick(() => { + if (this.closed) return; + watcher.emit("remove"); + }); + } + } else if ( + !this.directories.has(filePath) && + watcher.checkStartTime(this.initialScanFinished, false) + ) { + process.nextTick(() => { + if (this.closed) return; + watcher.emit("initial-missing", "watch (missing on attach)"); + }); + } + return watcher; + } + + onWatchEvent(eventType, filename) { + if (this.closed) return; + if (!filename) { + // In some cases no filename is provided + // This seem to happen on windows + // So some event happened but we don't know which file is affected + // We have to do a full scan of the directory + this.doScan(false); + return; + } + + const filePath = path.join(this.path, filename); + if (this.ignored(filePath)) return; + + if (this._activeEvents.get(filename) === undefined) { + this._activeEvents.set(filename, false); + const checkStats = () => { + if (this.closed) return; + this._activeEvents.set(filename, false); + fs.lstat(filePath, (err, stats) => { + if (this.closed) return; + if (this._activeEvents.get(filename) === true) { + process.nextTick(checkStats); + return; + } + this._activeEvents.delete(filename); + // ENOENT happens when the file/directory doesn't exist + // EPERM happens when the containing directory doesn't exist + if (err) { + if ( + err.code !== "ENOENT" && + err.code !== "EPERM" && + err.code !== "EBUSY" + ) { + this.onStatsError(err); + } else { + if (filename === path.basename(this.path)) { + // This may indicate that the directory itself was removed + if (!fs.existsSync(this.path)) { + this.onDirectoryRemoved("stat failed"); + } + } + } + } + this.lastWatchEvent =; + if (!stats) { + this.setMissing(filePath, false, eventType); + } else if (stats.isDirectory()) { + this.setDirectory( + filePath, + +stats.birthtime || 1, + false, + eventType + ); + } else if (stats.isFile() || stats.isSymbolicLink()) { + if (stats.mtime) { + ensureFsAccuracy(stats.mtime); + } + this.setFileTime( + filePath, + +stats.mtime || +stats.ctime || 1, + false, + false, + eventType + ); + } + }); + }; + process.nextTick(checkStats); + } else { + this._activeEvents.set(filename, true); + } + } + + onWatcherError(err) { + if (this.closed) return; + if (err) { + if (err.code !== "EPERM" && err.code !== "ENOENT") { + console.error("Watchpack Error (watcher): " + err); + } + this.onDirectoryRemoved("watch error"); + } + } + + onStatsError(err) { + if (err) { + console.error("Watchpack Error (stats): " + err); + } + } + + onScanError(err) { + if (err) { + console.error("Watchpack Error (initial scan): " + err); + } + this.onScanFinished(); + } + + onScanFinished() { + if (this.polledWatching) { + this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { + if (this.closed) return; + this.doScan(false); + }, this.polledWatching); + } + } + + onDirectoryRemoved(reason) { + if (this.watcher) { + this.watcher.close(); + this.watcher = null; + } + this.watchInParentDirectory(); + const type = `directory-removed (${reason})`; + for (const directory of this.directories.keys()) { + this.setMissing(directory, null, type); + } + for (const file of this.files.keys()) { + this.setMissing(file, null, type); + } + } + + watchInParentDirectory() { + if (!this.parentWatcher) { + const parentDir = path.dirname(this.path); + // avoid watching in the root directory + // removing directories in the root directory is not supported + if (path.dirname(parentDir) === parentDir) return; + + this.parentWatcher = this.watcherManager.watchFile(this.path, 1); + this.parentWatcher.on("change", (mtime, type) => { + if (this.closed) return; + + // On non-osx platforms we don't need this watcher to detect + // directory removal, as an EPERM error indicates that + if ((!IS_OSX || this.polledWatching) && this.parentWatcher) { + this.parentWatcher.close(); + this.parentWatcher = null; + } + // Try to create the watcher when parent directory is found + if (!this.watcher) { + this.createWatcher(); + this.doScan(false); + + // directory was created so we emit an event + this.forEachWatcher(this.path, w => + w.emit("change", this.path, mtime, type, false) + ); + } + }); + this.parentWatcher.on("remove", () => { + this.onDirectoryRemoved("parent directory removed"); + }); + } + } + + doScan(initial) { + if (this.scanning) { + if (this.scanAgain) { + if (!initial) this.scanAgainInitial = false; + } else { + this.scanAgain = true; + this.scanAgainInitial = initial; + } + return; + } + this.scanning = true; + if (this.timeout) { + clearTimeout(this.timeout); + this.timeout = undefined; + } + process.nextTick(() => { + if (this.closed) return; + fs.readdir(this.path, (err, items) => { + if (this.closed) return; + if (err) { + if (err.code === "ENOENT" || err.code === "EPERM") { + this.onDirectoryRemoved("scan readdir failed"); + } else { + this.onScanError(err); + } + this.initialScan = false; + this.initialScanFinished =; + if (initial) { + for (const watchers of this.watchers.values()) { + for (const watcher of watchers) { + if (watcher.checkStartTime(this.initialScanFinished, false)) { + watcher.emit( + "initial-missing", + "scan (parent directory missing in initial scan)" + ); + } + } + } + } + if (this.scanAgain) { + this.scanAgain = false; + this.doScan(this.scanAgainInitial); + } else { + this.scanning = false; + } + return; + } + const itemPaths = new Set( + => path.join(this.path, item.normalize("NFC"))) + ); + for (const file of this.files.keys()) { + if (!itemPaths.has(file)) { + this.setMissing(file, initial, "scan (missing)"); + } + } + for (const directory of this.directories.keys()) { + if (!itemPaths.has(directory)) { + this.setMissing(directory, initial, "scan (missing)"); + } + } + if (this.scanAgain) { + // Early repeat of scan + this.scanAgain = false; + this.doScan(initial); + return; + } + const itemFinished = needCalls(itemPaths.size + 1, () => { + if (this.closed) return; + this.initialScan = false; + this.initialScanRemoved = null; + this.initialScanFinished =; + if (initial) { + const missingWatchers = new Map(this.watchers); + missingWatchers.delete(withoutCase(this.path)); + for (const item of itemPaths) { + missingWatchers.delete(withoutCase(item)); + } + for (const watchers of missingWatchers.values()) { + for (const watcher of watchers) { + if (watcher.checkStartTime(this.initialScanFinished, false)) { + watcher.emit( + "initial-missing", + "scan (missing in initial scan)" + ); + } + } + } + } + if (this.scanAgain) { + this.scanAgain = false; + this.doScan(this.scanAgainInitial); + } else { + this.scanning = false; + this.onScanFinished(); + } + }); + for (const itemPath of itemPaths) { + fs.lstat(itemPath, (err2, stats) => { + if (this.closed) return; + if (err2) { + if ( + err2.code === "ENOENT" || + err2.code === "EPERM" || + err2.code === "EACCES" || + err2.code === "EBUSY" + ) { + this.setMissing(itemPath, initial, "scan (" + err2.code + ")"); + } else { + this.onScanError(err2); + } + itemFinished(); + return; + } + if (stats.isFile() || stats.isSymbolicLink()) { + if (stats.mtime) { + ensureFsAccuracy(stats.mtime); + } + this.setFileTime( + itemPath, + +stats.mtime || +stats.ctime || 1, + initial, + true, + "scan (file)" + ); + } else if (stats.isDirectory()) { + if (!initial || !this.directories.has(itemPath)) + this.setDirectory( + itemPath, + +stats.birthtime || 1, + initial, + "scan (dir)" + ); + } + itemFinished(); + }); + } + itemFinished(); + }); + }); + } + + getTimes() { + const obj = Object.create(null); + let safeTime = this.lastWatchEvent; + for (const [file, entry] of this.files) { + fixupEntryAccuracy(entry); + safeTime = Math.max(safeTime, entry.safeTime); + obj[file] = Math.max(entry.safeTime, entry.timestamp); + } + if (this.nestedWatching) { + for (const w of this.directories.values()) { + const times = w.directoryWatcher.getTimes(); + for (const file of Object.keys(times)) { + const time = times[file]; + safeTime = Math.max(safeTime, time); + obj[file] = time; + } + } + obj[this.path] = safeTime; + } + if (!this.initialScan) { + for (const watchers of this.watchers.values()) { + for (const watcher of watchers) { + const path = watcher.path; + if (!, path)) { + obj[path] = null; + } + } + } + } + return obj; + } + + collectTimeInfoEntries(fileTimestamps, directoryTimestamps) { + let safeTime = this.lastWatchEvent; + for (const [file, entry] of this.files) { + fixupEntryAccuracy(entry); + safeTime = Math.max(safeTime, entry.safeTime); + fileTimestamps.set(file, entry); + } + if (this.nestedWatching) { + for (const w of this.directories.values()) { + safeTime = Math.max( + safeTime, + w.directoryWatcher.collectTimeInfoEntries( + fileTimestamps, + directoryTimestamps + ) + ); + } + fileTimestamps.set(this.path, EXISTANCE_ONLY_TIME_ENTRY); + directoryTimestamps.set(this.path, { + safeTime + }); + } else { + for (const dir of this.directories.keys()) { + // No additional info about this directory + // but maybe another DirectoryWatcher has info + fileTimestamps.set(dir, EXISTANCE_ONLY_TIME_ENTRY); + if (!directoryTimestamps.has(dir)) + directoryTimestamps.set(dir, EXISTANCE_ONLY_TIME_ENTRY); + } + fileTimestamps.set(this.path, EXISTANCE_ONLY_TIME_ENTRY); + directoryTimestamps.set(this.path, EXISTANCE_ONLY_TIME_ENTRY); + } + if (!this.initialScan) { + for (const watchers of this.watchers.values()) { + for (const watcher of watchers) { + const path = watcher.path; + if (!fileTimestamps.has(path)) { + fileTimestamps.set(path, null); + } + } + } + } + return safeTime; + } + + close() { + this.closed = true; + this.initialScan = false; + if (this.watcher) { + this.watcher.close(); + this.watcher = null; + } + if (this.nestedWatching) { + for (const w of this.directories.values()) { + w.close(); + } + this.directories.clear(); + } + if (this.parentWatcher) { + this.parentWatcher.close(); + this.parentWatcher = null; + } + this.emit("closed"); + } +} + +module.exports = DirectoryWatcher; +module.exports.EXISTANCE_ONLY_TIME_ENTRY = EXISTANCE_ONLY_TIME_ENTRY; + +function fixupEntryAccuracy(entry) { + if (entry.accuracy > FS_ACCURACY) { + entry.safeTime = entry.safeTime - entry.accuracy + FS_ACCURACY; + entry.accuracy = FS_ACCURACY; + } +} + +function ensureFsAccuracy(mtime) { + if (!mtime) return; + if (FS_ACCURACY > 1 && mtime % 1 !== 0) FS_ACCURACY = 1; + else if (FS_ACCURACY > 10 && mtime % 10 !== 0) FS_ACCURACY = 10; + else if (FS_ACCURACY > 100 && mtime % 100 !== 0) FS_ACCURACY = 100; + else if (FS_ACCURACY > 1000 && mtime % 1000 !== 0) FS_ACCURACY = 1000; +} + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 73: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { + +"use strict"; +/* + MIT License + Author Tobias Koppers @sokra +*/ + + +const fs = __nccwpck_require__(147); +const path = __nccwpck_require__(17); + +// macOS, Linux, and Windows all rely on these errors +const EXPECTED_ERRORS = new Set(["EINVAL", "ENOENT"]); + +// On Windows there is also this error in some cases +if (process.platform === "win32") EXPECTED_ERRORS.add("UNKNOWN"); + +class LinkResolver { + constructor() { + this.cache = new Map(); + } + + /** + * @param {string} file path to file or directory + * @returns {string[]} array of file and all symlinks contributed in the resolving process (first item is the resolved file) + */ + resolve(file) { + const cacheEntry = this.cache.get(file); + if (cacheEntry !== undefined) { + return cacheEntry; + } + const parent = path.dirname(file); + if (parent === file) { + // At root of filesystem there can't be a link + const result = Object.freeze([file]); + this.cache.set(file, result); + return result; + } + // resolve the parent directory to find links there and get the real path + const parentResolved = this.resolve(parent); + let realFile = file; + + // is the parent directory really somewhere else? + if (parentResolved[0] !== parent) { + // get the real location of file + const basename = path.basename(file); + realFile = path.resolve(parentResolved[0], basename); + } + // try to read the link content + try { + const linkContent = fs.readlinkSync(realFile); + + // resolve the link content relative to the parent directory + const resolvedLink = path.resolve(parentResolved[0], linkContent); + + // recursive resolve the link content for more links in the structure + const linkResolved = this.resolve(resolvedLink); + + // merge parent and link resolve results + let result; + if (linkResolved.length > 1 && parentResolved.length > 1) { + // when both contain links we need to duplicate them with a Set + const resultSet = new Set(linkResolved); + // add the link + resultSet.add(realFile); + // add all symlinks of the parent + for (let i = 1; i < parentResolved.length; i++) { + resultSet.add(parentResolved[i]); + } + result = Object.freeze(Array.from(resultSet)); + } else if (parentResolved.length > 1) { + // we have links in the parent but not for the link content location + result = parentResolved.slice(); + result[0] = linkResolved[0]; + // add the link + result.push(realFile); + Object.freeze(result); + } else if (linkResolved.length > 1) { + // we can return the link content location result + result = linkResolved.slice(); + // add the link + result.push(realFile); + Object.freeze(result); + } else { + // neither link content location nor parent have links + // this link is the only link here + result = Object.freeze([ + // the resolve real location + linkResolved[0], + // add the link + realFile + ]); + } + this.cache.set(file, result); + return result; + } catch (e) { + if (!EXPECTED_ERRORS.has(e.code)) { + throw e; + } + // no link + const result = parentResolved.slice(); + result[0] = realFile; + Object.freeze(result); + this.cache.set(file, result); + return result; + } + } +} +module.exports = LinkResolver; + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 653: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { + +"use strict"; +/* + MIT License + Author Tobias Koppers @sokra +*/ + + +const path = __nccwpck_require__(17); +const DirectoryWatcher = __nccwpck_require__(377); + +class WatcherManager { + constructor(options) { + this.options = options; + this.directoryWatchers = new Map(); + } + + getDirectoryWatcher(directory) { + const watcher = this.directoryWatchers.get(directory); + if (watcher === undefined) { + const newWatcher = new DirectoryWatcher(this, directory, this.options); + this.directoryWatchers.set(directory, newWatcher); + newWatcher.on("closed", () => { + this.directoryWatchers.delete(directory); + }); + return newWatcher; + } + return watcher; + } + + watchFile(p, startTime) { + const directory = path.dirname(p); + if (directory === p) return null; + return this.getDirectoryWatcher(directory).watch(p, startTime); + } + + watchDirectory(directory, startTime) { + return this.getDirectoryWatcher(directory).watch(directory, startTime); + } +} + +const watcherManagers = new WeakMap(); +/** + * @param {object} options options + * @returns {WatcherManager} the watcher manager + */ +module.exports = options => { + const watcherManager = watcherManagers.get(options); + if (watcherManager !== undefined) return watcherManager; + const newWatcherManager = new WatcherManager(options); + watcherManagers.set(options, newWatcherManager); + return newWatcherManager; +}; +module.exports.WatcherManager = WatcherManager; + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 535: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { + +"use strict"; +/* + MIT License + Author Tobias Koppers @sokra +*/ + + +const path = __nccwpck_require__(17); + +/** + * @template T + * @typedef {Object} TreeNode + * @property {string} filePath + * @property {TreeNode} parent + * @property {TreeNode[]} children + * @property {number} entries + * @property {boolean} active + * @property {T[] | T | undefined} value + */ + +/** + * @template T + * @param {Map>} the new plan + */ +module.exports = (plan, limit) => { + const treeMap = new Map(); + // Convert to tree + for (const [filePath, value] of plan) { + treeMap.set(filePath, { + filePath, + parent: undefined, + children: undefined, + entries: 1, + active: true, + value + }); + } + let currentCount = treeMap.size; + // Create parents and calculate sum of entries + for (const node of treeMap.values()) { + const parentPath = path.dirname(node.filePath); + if (parentPath !== node.filePath) { + let parent = treeMap.get(parentPath); + if (parent === undefined) { + parent = { + filePath: parentPath, + parent: undefined, + children: [node], + entries: node.entries, + active: false, + value: undefined + }; + treeMap.set(parentPath, parent); + node.parent = parent; + } else { + node.parent = parent; + if (parent.children === undefined) { + parent.children = [node]; + } else { + parent.children.push(node); + } + do { + parent.entries += node.entries; + parent = parent.parent; + } while (parent); + } + } + } + // Reduce until limit reached + while (currentCount > limit) { + // Select node that helps reaching the limit most effectively without overmerging + const overLimit = currentCount - limit; + let bestNode = undefined; + let bestCost = Infinity; + for (const node of treeMap.values()) { + if (node.entries <= 1 || !node.children || !node.parent) continue; + if (node.children.length === 0) continue; + if (node.children.length === 1 && !node.value) continue; + // Try to select the node with has just a bit more entries than we need to reduce + // When just a bit more is over 30% over the limit, + // also consider just a bit less entries then we need to reduce + const cost = + node.entries - 1 >= overLimit + ? node.entries - 1 - overLimit + : overLimit - node.entries + 1 + limit * 0.3; + if (cost < bestCost) { + bestNode = node; + bestCost = cost; + } + } + if (!bestNode) break; + // Merge all children + const reduction = bestNode.entries - 1; + = true; + bestNode.entries = 1; + currentCount -= reduction; + let parent = bestNode.parent; + while (parent) { + parent.entries -= reduction; + parent = parent.parent; + } + const queue = new Set(bestNode.children); + for (const node of queue) { + = false; + node.entries = 0; + if (node.children) { + for (const child of node.children) queue.add(child); + } + } + } + // Write down new plan + const newPlan = new Map(); + for (const rootNode of treeMap.values()) { + if (! continue; + const map = new Map(); + const queue = new Set([rootNode]); + for (const node of queue) { + if ( && node !== rootNode) continue; + if (node.value) { + if (Array.isArray(node.value)) { + for (const item of node.value) { + map.set(item, node.filePath); + } + } else { + map.set(node.value, node.filePath); + } + } + if (node.children) { + for (const child of node.children) { + queue.add(child); + } + } + } + newPlan.set(rootNode.filePath, map); + } + return newPlan; +}; + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 384: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { + +"use strict"; +/* + MIT License + Author Tobias Koppers @sokra +*/ + + +const fs = __nccwpck_require__(147); +const path = __nccwpck_require__(17); +const { EventEmitter } = __nccwpck_require__(361); +const reducePlan = __nccwpck_require__(535); + +const IS_OSX = (__nccwpck_require__(37).platform)() === "darwin"; +const IS_WIN = (__nccwpck_require__(37).platform)() === "win32"; +const SUPPORTS_RECURSIVE_WATCHING = IS_OSX || IS_WIN; + +const watcherLimit = + +process.env.WATCHPACK_WATCHER_LIMIT || (IS_OSX ? 2000 : 10000); + +const recursiveWatcherLogging = !!process.env + .WATCHPACK_RECURSIVE_WATCHER_LOGGING; + +let isBatch = false; +let watcherCount = 0; + +/** @type {Map} */ +const pendingWatchers = new Map(); + +/** @type {Map} */ +const recursiveWatchers = new Map(); + +/** @type {Map} */ +const directWatchers = new Map(); + +/** @type {Map} */ +const underlyingWatcher = new Map(); + +class DirectWatcher { + constructor(filePath) { + this.filePath = filePath; + this.watchers = new Set(); + this.watcher = undefined; + try { + const watcher =; + this.watcher = watcher; + watcher.on("change", (type, filename) => { + for (const w of this.watchers) { + w.emit("change", type, filename); + } + }); + watcher.on("error", error => { + for (const w of this.watchers) { + w.emit("error", error); + } + }); + } catch (err) { + process.nextTick(() => { + for (const w of this.watchers) { + w.emit("error", err); + } + }); + } + watcherCount++; + } + + add(watcher) { + underlyingWatcher.set(watcher, this); + this.watchers.add(watcher); + } + + remove(watcher) { + this.watchers.delete(watcher); + if (this.watchers.size === 0) { + directWatchers.delete(this.filePath); + watcherCount--; + if (this.watcher) this.watcher.close(); + } + } + + getWatchers() { + return this.watchers; + } +} + +class RecursiveWatcher { + constructor(rootPath) { + this.rootPath = rootPath; + /** @type {Map} */ + this.mapWatcherToPath = new Map(); + /** @type {Map>} */ + this.mapPathToWatchers = new Map(); + this.watcher = undefined; + try { + const watcher =, { + recursive: true + }); + this.watcher = watcher; + watcher.on("change", (type, filename) => { + if (!filename) { + if (recursiveWatcherLogging) { + process.stderr.write( + `[watchpack] dispatch ${type} event in recursive watcher (${ + this.rootPath + }) to all watchers\n` + ); + } + for (const w of this.mapWatcherToPath.keys()) { + w.emit("change", type); + } + } else { + const dir = path.dirname(filename); + const watchers = this.mapPathToWatchers.get(dir); + if (recursiveWatcherLogging) { + process.stderr.write( + `[watchpack] dispatch ${type} event in recursive watcher (${ + this.rootPath + }) for '${filename}' to ${ + watchers ? watchers.size : 0 + } watchers\n` + ); + } + if (watchers === undefined) return; + for (const w of watchers) { + w.emit("change", type, path.basename(filename)); + } + } + }); + watcher.on("error", error => { + for (const w of this.mapWatcherToPath.keys()) { + w.emit("error", error); + } + }); + } catch (err) { + process.nextTick(() => { + for (const w of this.mapWatcherToPath.keys()) { + w.emit("error", err); + } + }); + } + watcherCount++; + if (recursiveWatcherLogging) { + process.stderr.write( + `[watchpack] created recursive watcher at ${rootPath}\n` + ); + } + } + + add(filePath, watcher) { + underlyingWatcher.set(watcher, this); + const subpath = filePath.slice(this.rootPath.length + 1) || "."; + this.mapWatcherToPath.set(watcher, subpath); + const set = this.mapPathToWatchers.get(subpath); + if (set === undefined) { + const newSet = new Set(); + newSet.add(watcher); + this.mapPathToWatchers.set(subpath, newSet); + } else { + set.add(watcher); + } + } + + remove(watcher) { + const subpath = this.mapWatcherToPath.get(watcher); + if (!subpath) return; + this.mapWatcherToPath.delete(watcher); + const set = this.mapPathToWatchers.get(subpath); + set.delete(watcher); + if (set.size === 0) { + this.mapPathToWatchers.delete(subpath); + } + if (this.mapWatcherToPath.size === 0) { + recursiveWatchers.delete(this.rootPath); + watcherCount--; + if (this.watcher) this.watcher.close(); + if (recursiveWatcherLogging) { + process.stderr.write( + `[watchpack] closed recursive watcher at ${this.rootPath}\n` + ); + } + } + } + + getWatchers() { + return this.mapWatcherToPath; + } +} + +class Watcher extends EventEmitter { + close() { + if (pendingWatchers.has(this)) { + pendingWatchers.delete(this); + return; + } + const watcher = underlyingWatcher.get(this); + watcher.remove(this); + underlyingWatcher.delete(this); + } +} + +const createDirectWatcher = filePath => { + const existing = directWatchers.get(filePath); + if (existing !== undefined) return existing; + const w = new DirectWatcher(filePath); + directWatchers.set(filePath, w); + return w; +}; + +const createRecursiveWatcher = rootPath => { + const existing = recursiveWatchers.get(rootPath); + if (existing !== undefined) return existing; + const w = new RecursiveWatcher(rootPath); + recursiveWatchers.set(rootPath, w); + return w; +}; + +const execute = () => { + /** @type {Map} */ + const map = new Map(); + const addWatcher = (watcher, filePath) => { + const entry = map.get(filePath); + if (entry === undefined) { + map.set(filePath, watcher); + } else if (Array.isArray(entry)) { + entry.push(watcher); + } else { + map.set(filePath, [entry, watcher]); + } + }; + for (const [watcher, filePath] of pendingWatchers) { + addWatcher(watcher, filePath); + } + pendingWatchers.clear(); + + // Fast case when we are not reaching the limit + if (!SUPPORTS_RECURSIVE_WATCHING || watcherLimit - watcherCount >= map.size) { + // Create watchers for all entries in the map + for (const [filePath, entry] of map) { + const w = createDirectWatcher(filePath); + if (Array.isArray(entry)) { + for (const item of entry) w.add(item); + } else { + w.add(entry); + } + } + return; + } + + // Reconsider existing watchers to improving watch plan + for (const watcher of recursiveWatchers.values()) { + for (const [w, subpath] of watcher.getWatchers()) { + addWatcher(w, path.join(watcher.rootPath, subpath)); + } + } + for (const watcher of directWatchers.values()) { + for (const w of watcher.getWatchers()) { + addWatcher(w, watcher.filePath); + } + } + + // Merge map entries to keep watcher limit + // Create a 10% buffer to be able to enter fast case more often + const plan = reducePlan(map, watcherLimit * 0.9); + + // Update watchers for all entries in the map + for (const [filePath, entry] of plan) { + if (entry.size === 1) { + for (const [watcher, filePath] of entry) { + const w = createDirectWatcher(filePath); + const old = underlyingWatcher.get(watcher); + if (old === w) continue; + w.add(watcher); + if (old !== undefined) old.remove(watcher); + } + } else { + const filePaths = new Set(entry.values()); + if (filePaths.size > 1) { + const w = createRecursiveWatcher(filePath); + for (const [watcher, watcherPath] of entry) { + const old = underlyingWatcher.get(watcher); + if (old === w) continue; + w.add(watcherPath, watcher); + if (old !== undefined) old.remove(watcher); + } + } else { + for (const filePath of filePaths) { + const w = createDirectWatcher(filePath); + for (const watcher of entry.keys()) { + const old = underlyingWatcher.get(watcher); + if (old === w) continue; + w.add(watcher); + if (old !== undefined) old.remove(watcher); + } + } + } + } + } +}; + = filePath => { + const watcher = new Watcher(); + // Find an existing watcher + const directWatcher = directWatchers.get(filePath); + if (directWatcher !== undefined) { + directWatcher.add(watcher); + return watcher; + } + let current = filePath; + for (;;) { + const recursiveWatcher = recursiveWatchers.get(current); + if (recursiveWatcher !== undefined) { + recursiveWatcher.add(filePath, watcher); + return watcher; + } + const parent = path.dirname(current); + if (parent === current) break; + current = parent; + } + // Queue up watcher for creation + pendingWatchers.set(watcher, filePath); + if (!isBatch) execute(); + return watcher; +}; + +exports.batch = fn => { + isBatch = true; + try { + fn(); + } finally { + isBatch = false; + execute(); + } +}; + +exports.getNumberOfWatchers = () => { + return watcherCount; +}; + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 747: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { + +"use strict"; +/* + MIT License + Author Tobias Koppers @sokra +*/ + + +const getWatcherManager = __nccwpck_require__(653); +const LinkResolver = __nccwpck_require__(73); +const EventEmitter = (__nccwpck_require__(361).EventEmitter); +const globToRegExp = __nccwpck_require__(660); +const watchEventSource = __nccwpck_require__(384); + +const EMPTY_ARRAY = []; +const EMPTY_OPTIONS = {}; + +function addWatchersToSet(watchers, set) { + for (const ww of watchers) { + const w = ww.watcher; + if (!set.has(w.directoryWatcher)) { + set.add(w.directoryWatcher); + } + } +} + +const stringToRegexp = ignored => { + const source = globToRegExp(ignored, { globstar: true, extended: true }) + .source; + const matchingStart = source.slice(0, source.length - 1) + "(?:$|\\/)"; + return matchingStart; +}; + +const ignoredToFunction = ignored => { + if (Array.isArray(ignored)) { + const regexp = new RegExp( => stringToRegexp(i)).join("|")); + return x => regexp.test(x.replace(/\\/g, "/")); + } else if (typeof ignored === "string") { + const regexp = new RegExp(stringToRegexp(ignored)); + return x => regexp.test(x.replace(/\\/g, "/")); + } else if (ignored instanceof RegExp) { + return x => ignored.test(x.replace(/\\/g, "/")); + } else if (ignored instanceof Function) { + return ignored; + } else if (ignored) { + throw new Error(`Invalid option for 'ignored': ${ignored}`); + } else { + return () => false; + } +}; + +const normalizeOptions = options => { + return { + followSymlinks: !!options.followSymlinks, + ignored: ignoredToFunction(options.ignored), + poll: options.poll + }; +}; + +const normalizeCache = new WeakMap(); +const cachedNormalizeOptions = options => { + const cacheEntry = normalizeCache.get(options); + if (cacheEntry !== undefined) return cacheEntry; + const normalized = normalizeOptions(options); + normalizeCache.set(options, normalized); + return normalized; +}; + +class WatchpackFileWatcher { + constructor(watchpack, watcher, files) { + this.files = Array.isArray(files) ? files : [files]; + this.watcher = watcher; + watcher.on("initial-missing", type => { + for (const file of this.files) { + if (!watchpack._missing.has(file)) + watchpack._onRemove(file, file, type); + } + }); + watcher.on("change", (mtime, type) => { + for (const file of this.files) { + watchpack._onChange(file, mtime, file, type); + } + }); + watcher.on("remove", type => { + for (const file of this.files) { + watchpack._onRemove(file, file, type); + } + }); + } + + update(files) { + if (!Array.isArray(files)) { + if (this.files.length !== 1) { + this.files = [files]; + } else if (this.files[0] !== files) { + this.files[0] = files; + } + } else { + this.files = files; + } + } + + close() { + this.watcher.close(); + } +} + +class WatchpackDirectoryWatcher { + constructor(watchpack, watcher, directories) { + this.directories = Array.isArray(directories) ? directories : [directories]; + this.watcher = watcher; + watcher.on("initial-missing", type => { + for (const item of this.directories) { + watchpack._onRemove(item, item, type); + } + }); + watcher.on("change", (file, mtime, type) => { + for (const item of this.directories) { + watchpack._onChange(item, mtime, file, type); + } + }); + watcher.on("remove", type => { + for (const item of this.directories) { + watchpack._onRemove(item, item, type); + } + }); + } + + update(directories) { + if (!Array.isArray(directories)) { + if (this.directories.length !== 1) { + this.directories = [directories]; + } else if (this.directories[0] !== directories) { + this.directories[0] = directories; + } + } else { + this.directories = directories; + } + } + + close() { + this.watcher.close(); + } +} + +class Watchpack extends EventEmitter { + constructor(options) { + super(); + if (!options) options = EMPTY_OPTIONS; + this.options = options; + this.aggregateTimeout = + typeof options.aggregateTimeout === "number" + ? options.aggregateTimeout + : 200; + this.watcherOptions = cachedNormalizeOptions(options); + this.watcherManager = getWatcherManager(this.watcherOptions); + this.fileWatchers = new Map(); + this.directoryWatchers = new Map(); + this._missing = new Set(); + this.startTime = undefined; + this.paused = false; + this.aggregatedChanges = new Set(); + this.aggregatedRemovals = new Set(); + this.aggregateTimer = undefined; + this._onTimeout = this._onTimeout.bind(this); + } + + watch(arg1, arg2, arg3) { + let files, directories, missing, startTime; + if (!arg2) { + ({ + files = EMPTY_ARRAY, + directories = EMPTY_ARRAY, + missing = EMPTY_ARRAY, + startTime + } = arg1); + } else { + files = arg1; + directories = arg2; + missing = EMPTY_ARRAY; + startTime = arg3; + } + this.paused = false; + const fileWatchers = this.fileWatchers; + const directoryWatchers = this.directoryWatchers; + const ignored = this.watcherOptions.ignored; + const filter = path => !ignored(path); + const addToMap = (map, key, item) => { + const list = map.get(key); + if (list === undefined) { + map.set(key, item); + } else if (Array.isArray(list)) { + list.push(item); + } else { + map.set(key, [list, item]); + } + }; + const fileWatchersNeeded = new Map(); + const directoryWatchersNeeded = new Map(); + const missingFiles = new Set(); + if (this.watcherOptions.followSymlinks) { + const resolver = new LinkResolver(); + for (const file of files) { + if (filter(file)) { + for (const innerFile of resolver.resolve(file)) { + if (file === innerFile || filter(innerFile)) { + addToMap(fileWatchersNeeded, innerFile, file); + } + } + } + } + for (const file of missing) { + if (filter(file)) { + for (const innerFile of resolver.resolve(file)) { + if (file === innerFile || filter(innerFile)) { + missingFiles.add(file); + addToMap(fileWatchersNeeded, innerFile, file); + } + } + } + } + for (const dir of directories) { + if (filter(dir)) { + let first = true; + for (const innerItem of resolver.resolve(dir)) { + if (filter(innerItem)) { + addToMap( + first ? directoryWatchersNeeded : fileWatchersNeeded, + innerItem, + dir + ); + } + first = false; + } + } + } + } else { + for (const file of files) { + if (filter(file)) { + addToMap(fileWatchersNeeded, file, file); + } + } + for (const file of missing) { + if (filter(file)) { + missingFiles.add(file); + addToMap(fileWatchersNeeded, file, file); + } + } + for (const dir of directories) { + if (filter(dir)) { + addToMap(directoryWatchersNeeded, dir, dir); + } + } + } + // Close unneeded old watchers + // and update existing watchers + for (const [key, w] of fileWatchers) { + const needed = fileWatchersNeeded.get(key); + if (needed === undefined) { + w.close(); + fileWatchers.delete(key); + } else { + w.update(needed); + fileWatchersNeeded.delete(key); + } + } + for (const [key, w] of directoryWatchers) { + const needed = directoryWatchersNeeded.get(key); + if (needed === undefined) { + w.close(); + directoryWatchers.delete(key); + } else { + w.update(needed); + directoryWatchersNeeded.delete(key); + } + } + // Create new watchers and install handlers on these watchers + watchEventSource.batch(() => { + for (const [key, files] of fileWatchersNeeded) { + const watcher = this.watcherManager.watchFile(key, startTime); + if (watcher) { + fileWatchers.set(key, new WatchpackFileWatcher(this, watcher, files)); + } + } + for (const [key, directories] of directoryWatchersNeeded) { + const watcher = this.watcherManager.watchDirectory(key, startTime); + if (watcher) { + directoryWatchers.set( + key, + new WatchpackDirectoryWatcher(this, watcher, directories) + ); + } + } + }); + this._missing = missingFiles; + this.startTime = startTime; + } + + close() { + this.paused = true; + if (this.aggregateTimer) clearTimeout(this.aggregateTimer); + for (const w of this.fileWatchers.values()) w.close(); + for (const w of this.directoryWatchers.values()) w.close(); + this.fileWatchers.clear(); + this.directoryWatchers.clear(); + } + + pause() { + this.paused = true; + if (this.aggregateTimer) clearTimeout(this.aggregateTimer); + } + + getTimes() { + const directoryWatchers = new Set(); + addWatchersToSet(this.fileWatchers.values(), directoryWatchers); + addWatchersToSet(this.directoryWatchers.values(), directoryWatchers); + const obj = Object.create(null); + for (const w of directoryWatchers) { + const times = w.getTimes(); + for (const file of Object.keys(times)) obj[file] = times[file]; + } + return obj; + } + + getTimeInfoEntries() { + const map = new Map(); + this.collectTimeInfoEntries(map, map); + return map; + } + + collectTimeInfoEntries(fileTimestamps, directoryTimestamps) { + const allWatchers = new Set(); + addWatchersToSet(this.fileWatchers.values(), allWatchers); + addWatchersToSet(this.directoryWatchers.values(), allWatchers); + const safeTime = { value: 0 }; + for (const w of allWatchers) { + w.collectTimeInfoEntries(fileTimestamps, directoryTimestamps, safeTime); + } + } + + getAggregated() { + if (this.aggregateTimer) { + clearTimeout(this.aggregateTimer); + this.aggregateTimer = undefined; + } + const changes = this.aggregatedChanges; + const removals = this.aggregatedRemovals; + this.aggregatedChanges = new Set(); + this.aggregatedRemovals = new Set(); + return { changes, removals }; + } + + _onChange(item, mtime, file, type) { + file = file || item; + if (!this.paused) { + this.emit("change", file, mtime, type); + if (this.aggregateTimer) clearTimeout(this.aggregateTimer); + this.aggregateTimer = setTimeout(this._onTimeout, this.aggregateTimeout); + } + this.aggregatedRemovals.delete(item); + this.aggregatedChanges.add(item); + } + + _onRemove(item, file, type) { + file = file || item; + if (!this.paused) { + this.emit("remove", file, type); + if (this.aggregateTimer) clearTimeout(this.aggregateTimer); + this.aggregateTimer = setTimeout(this._onTimeout, this.aggregateTimeout); + } + this.aggregatedChanges.delete(item); + this.aggregatedRemovals.add(item); + } + + _onTimeout() { + this.aggregateTimer = undefined; + const changes = this.aggregatedChanges; + const removals = this.aggregatedRemovals; + this.aggregatedChanges = new Set(); + this.aggregatedRemovals = new Set(); + this.emit("aggregated", changes, removals); + } +} + +module.exports = Watchpack; + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 491: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("assert"); + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 57: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("constants"); + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 361: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("events"); + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 147: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("fs"); + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 37: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("os"); + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 17: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("path"); + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 781: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("stream"); + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 837: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("util"); + +/***/ }) + +/******/ }); +/************************************************************************/ +/******/ // The module cache +/******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; +/******/ +/******/ // The require function +/******/ function __nccwpck_require__(moduleId) { +/******/ // Check if module is in cache +/******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; +/******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) { +/******/ return cachedModule.exports; +/******/ } +/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) +/******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { +/******/ // no needed +/******/ // no module.loaded needed +/******/ exports: {} +/******/ }; +/******/ +/******/ // Execute the module function +/******/ var threw = true; +/******/ try { +/******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __nccwpck_require__); +/******/ threw = false; +/******/ } finally { +/******/ if(threw) delete __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; +/******/ } +/******/ +/******/ // Return the exports of the module +/******/ return module.exports; +/******/ } +/******/ +/************************************************************************/ +/******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat */ +/******/ +/******/ if (typeof __nccwpck_require__ !== 'undefined') __nccwpck_require__.ab = __dirname + "/"; +/******/ +/************************************************************************/ +/******/ +/******/ // startup +/******/ // Load entry module and return exports +/******/ // This entry module is referenced by other modules so it can't be inlined +/******/ var __webpack_exports__ = __nccwpck_require__(747); +/******/ module.exports = __webpack_exports__; +/******/ +/******/ })() +; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/next/taskfile.js b/packages/next/taskfile.js index 4f5751d133566..c9330cb43b9f7 100644 --- a/packages/next/taskfile.js +++ b/packages/next/taskfile.js @@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ externals['watchpack'] = 'next/dist/compiled/watchpack' export async function ncc_watchpack(task, opts) { await task .source(relative(__dirname, require.resolve('watchpack'))) - .ncc({ packageName: 'watchpack', externals }) + .ncc({ packageName: 'watchpack', externals, minify: false }) .target('src/compiled/watchpack') }