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DokoJS Developer Guide


DokoJS is a powerful and lightweight library designed for seamless interaction with the Aleo blockchain and its diverse ecosystem. Drawing inspiration from the zk-gaming-toolkit, Dokojs fully harnesses existing tools while offering a user-friendly interface for developers keen on building atop the Aleo blockchain.


Before beginning, make sure you have the following set up:

1. Rust: Installation Guide

2. Leo language: Installation Guide

From NPM

Install dokojs globally using npm: npm install -g @doko-js/cli@latest

From Source

In case pnpm is not set up, follow the pnpm installation guide

# Download the source file
git clone

cd doko-js

# Install the dependencies
pnpm install

# Build the project
npm run build

# Install dokojs
npm run install:cli


To use DokoJS, in your terminal, run:


The expected output is as following:

  ____        _             _ ____
 |  _ \  ___ | | _____     | / ___|
 | | | |/ _ \| |/ / _ \ _  | \___ \
 | |_| | (_) |   | (_) | |_| |___) |
 |____/ \___/|_|\_\___/ \___/|____/
Usage: dokojs [options] [command]


  -V, --version                    output the version number
  -h, --help                       display help for command

  init [options] <project-name>    Initialize your DokoJS project
  add <program-name>               Add a new component or resource
  compile                          Compile your DokoJS project
  unflatten                        Create leo build for programs
  autogen                          Generate ts types for contracts - use only after the build has been generated
  run [options] <file>             Run file
  deploy [options] <program-name>  Deploy program
  execute <file-path>              Execute script
  help [command]                   display help for command

Initialize a New Project

Initialize a new project by giving the name of the project.

dokojs init <PROJECT_NAME>

Let's create a new project called token.

This will internally install the dependencies for the project.

After project initialization, DokoJS generates the following directory structure:

├── contract
│   └── base-contract.ts
├── node_modules/
├── programs
│   ├── sample_program.leo
│   └── token.leo
├── scripts
│   └── deploy.ts
├── test
│   ├── sample_program.test.ts
│   └── token.test.ts
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── aleo-config.js
├── babel.config.json
├── jest.config.json
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── node_modules/
└── tsconfig.json

After initializing a projects, it will create following directories:

  • contract: This directory contains a single file - base-contract.ts, a class containing common method and config for aleo programs in js.
  • programs: This directory is made to hold all the leo programs. token.leo file is created during the initialization along with sample_program.leo
  • scripts: This directory is made to hold specific tasks and user scripts.
  • test: This directory is made to hold all the tests.
  • aleo-config.js -> This is a configuration file consisting of private key, method to execute on chain or dry run and different networks.

Let's explore aleo-config.js.

import dotenv from 'dotenv';

export default {
  accounts: [process.env.ALEO_PRIVATE_KEY],
  mode: 'execute',
  mainnet: {},
  networks: {
    testnet: {
      endpoint: 'http://localhost:3030',
      accounts: [process.env.ALEO_PRIVATE_KEY_TESTNET3,
      priorityFee: 0.01
    mainnet: {
      endpoint: '',
      accounts: [process.env.ALEO_PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET],
      priorityFee: 0.001
  defaultNetwork: 'testnet'

We have two modes of execution supported:

  1. execute: In this mode, proof is generated and broadcasted on chain. Internally, it calls leo developer execute command.
  2. evaluate: In this mode, no proof is generated and broadcasted on chain. Internally, it calls leo run command.

aleo-config acts as a default configuation for the entire project. It can be overwritten on per program basis as well.

Adding / Modifying a Program

To add a new program create a new file inside the programs/ directory. To modify the existing file, simply modify the existing file or run command

dokojs add [PROGRAM_NAME]


To compile the project, run:

dokojs compile

This will create the artifacts folder. The artifacts folder has the two main directories:

  • leo - This directory contains the Leo packages. For each program in programs directory, a corresponding Leo package is created. The leo code from programs is copied to the src/main.leo file and is then compiled. If the compilation for all the programs are successful, the generated .aleo files are parsed to generate Leo and JS types which are inside the js directory.
  • js - This directory contains the both Leo types, JS types, js2leo (Leo type to Js type conversion), leo2js (JS type to Leo type conversion). For each of the program, it also creates .ts file that contains all the transitions and mappings of the program.
├── js
│   ├── js2leo
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   └── token.ts
│   ├── leo2js
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   └── token.ts
│   └── types
│       ├── index.ts
│       └── token.ts
│   ├── sample_program.ts
│   ├── token.ts
└── leo
    ├── sample_program
    │   ├──
    │   ├── build
    │   ├── inputs
    │   ├── leo.lock
    │   ├── outputs
    │   ├── program.json
    │   └── src
    └── token
        ├── build
        ├── inputs
        ├── leo.lock
        ├── outputs
        ├── program.json
        └── src

Since, sample_program did not have any types, there is no need for js2leo, leo2js or type file.

Running Tests

After the successful compilation, tests can be written based on the files generated after compilation.

A sample test file is created for both the sample_program and token program. Run all the tests with:

npm run test

If you want to test a particular test file:

npm run test -- sample_program.test.ts

Pro Tip: You don't need to enter the full test file name. You can use part of the name of the file and the tests that matches the entered name will run. Example: npm run test -- sample


This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to installing Dokojs, starting a project, adding programs, compiling, running tests, and deploying programs. Happy coding with Dokojs!

Advanced Testing (WIP)

Create a test file (e.g., token.test.ts) inside the test directory. An example test file is provided below:

import { ExecutionMode } from '@doko-js/core';
import { TokenContract } from '../artifacts/js/token';
import { decrypttoken } from '../artifacts/js/leo2js/token';
import { PrivateKey } from '@provablehq/sdk';

const TIMEOUT = 200_000;

// Available modes are evaluate | execute (Check for further description)
const mode = ExecutionMode.SnarkExecute;
// Contract class initialization
const contract = new TokenContract({ mode });

// This maps the accounts defined inside networks in aleo-config.js and return array of address of respective private keys
const [admin] = contract.getAccounts();
const recipient = process.env.ALEO_DEVNET_PRIVATE_KEY3;

describe('deploy test', () => {
  test('deploy', async () => {
    if ((mode as ExecutionMode) == ExecutionMode.SnarkExecute) {
      const tx = await contract.deploy();
      await tx.wait();
  }, 10000000);

  test('mint public', async () => {
    const actualAmount = BigInt(100000);
    const tx = await contract.mint_public(admin, actualAmount);
    await tx.wait();

    const expected = await contract.account(admin);
  }, 10000000);

  test('mint private', async () => {
    const actualAmount = BigInt(100000);
    const tx = await contract.mint_private(
    const [record1] = await tx.wait();

    // @NOTE Only decrypt in SnarkExecute use JSON.parse in LeoRun
    const decryptedRecord = decrypttoken(

  }, 10000000);

    'private transfer to user',
    async () => {
      const account = contract.config.privateKey;
      const amount1 = BigInt(1000000000);
      const amount2 = BigInt(100000000);

      const mintTx = await contract.mint_private(admin, amount1);
      const [result] = await mintTx.wait();
      const decryptedRecord = decrypttoken(result, account);

      const receiptAddress = PrivateKey.from_string(recipient)

      const tx = await contract.transfer_private(
      const [record1, record2] = await tx.wait();
      const decryptedRecord2 = decrypttoken(record1, account);

      expect(decryptedRecord2.amount).toBe(amount1 - amount2);

Execute the test file:

npm test -- --runInBand token.test.ts

Dokojs Configuration

The configuration of the dokojs can be defined in aleo-config.js


accounts: accepts array of private key.

{accounts: ["aleopk1", process.env.pk2]}

network: specifies configuration for different environment. This accept (key, network configuration). Network configuration option are:

  • endpoint: accepts url of the network. For example: http://localhost:3030
  • accounts: accepts array of private key.
  • priorityFee: is a value added to the base fee of a transaction to encourage node operators to process it
    networks: {
    testnet: {
      endpoint: 'http://localhost:3030',
      accounts: [
      priorityFee: 0.01
    mainnet: {
      endpoint: '',
      accounts: [process.env.ALEO_PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET],
      priorityFee: 0.001

defaultNetwork: sets the default network while run the test in local environment

defaultNetwork: 'testnet'

Base Contract

This is the base class for type generated program files. This includes common methods used for most of the contract and testing. base-contract.ts. It includes methods for deployment, account management, and program execution.


BaseContract(config: Partial)

Initializes the contract with the given configuration.
  • Parameters:
    • config (Partial): Partial configuration object for the contract, typically loaded from aleo-config.js.
  • Throws: Error if network configuration is missing for the specified network.



Returns a Promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the program is deployed.
  • Returns: Promise

  • Description: Checks the deployment status of the program on the specified network.

      let flag = await contract_name.isDeployed()


Deploys the program to the network.

  • Returns: Promise

  • Description: Deploys the program to the configured network using the snarkDeploy method.


Retrieves the program’s address.
  • Returns: string

  • Description: Returns the address of the program in the Aleo blockchain.

      const tx = await contract.deploy();

wait(transaction: T)

Deprecated: Use transaction receipt to wait.
  • Parameters:
    • transaction (TransactionResponse): The transaction object to wait for.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Description: Waits for a transaction to complete and resolves with the transaction response.
      const tx = await contract.deploy();
      await tx.wait();


Retrieves all accounts associated with the program's network.
  • Returns: string[]

  • Description: Returns an array of account addresses derived from the network’s private keys.

      const [admin, user1] = contract.getAccounts();


Retrieves the default account address.
  • Returns: string

  • Description: Returns the address of the default account based on the private key in the configuration.

      const user1 = contract.getDefaultAccount();

getPrivateKey(address: string)

Retrieves the private key for a given account address.
  • Parameters:

    • address (string): The address of the account.
  • Returns: string | undefined

  • Description: Searches for the private key corresponding to the provided account address.

      const adminPrivateKey = contract.getPrivateKey(admin);

connect(account: string)

Connects to a specified account by its address.
  • Parameters:

    • account (string): The address of the account to connect to.
  • Throws: Error if the account is not found in the configuration.

  • Description: Updates the configuration to use the private key associated with the provided account address.



The DokoJS CLI provides an interface for managing, building, and deploying projects built with DokoJS. Below is a detailed breakdown of its usage and commands, along with examples.


dokojs [options] [command]


  • -V, --version: Output the version number of DokoJS.

  • -h, --help: Display help for commands or the CLI in general.


init [options]

  • Initializes a new DokoJS project.

  • Options:

    --template <template-name>: Specify a template to use for the project.


dokojs init my-project --template basic

This initializes a new DokoJS project named my-project using the basic template.


Adds a new component or resource to your project.

Example: dokojs add my-program

This adds a new component or resource named my-program to the project.

compile [options]

Compiles your DokoJS project.
  • Options:

    --output <directory>: Specify the output directory for the compiled files.

Example: dokojs compile --output ./dist

This compiles the project and stores the compiled files in the ./dist directory.


Creates a Leo build for programs.

Example: dokojs unflatten

This generates the necessary build files for Leo programs.


Generates TypeScript types for contracts. Use this command only after the build has been generated.

Example: dokojs autogen

This generates TypeScript types for the contracts in the project.

run [options]

Runs a specified file.

Example: dokojs run scripts/example.js

This runs the file scripts/example.js in debug mode.

deploy [options]

Deploys a program to the network.
  • Options:

    --network <network>: Specify the network to deploy to (e.g., mainnet, testnet).

Example: dokojs deploy my-program --network testnet

This deploys the program my-program to the testnet network.


Executes a script located at the given file path.

Example: dokojs execute scripts/deploy.js

This executes the script located at scripts/deploy.js.

help [command]

Displays help information for a specific command.

Example: dokojs help deploy

This displays help information for the deploy command.