To get the most out of Flow-Router Extra and Fast-Render use combination of subscriptions
and waitOn
meteor add communitypackages:fast-render
Note: make sure communitypackages:fast-render
placed above ostrio:flow-router-extra
in meteor-app/.meteor/packages
file. For package developers: Make sure communitypackages:fast-render
placed before ostrio:flow-router-extra
in api.use()
# meteor-app/.meteor/packages
// meteor-package/package.js
Package.onUse((api) => {
api.use(['communitypackages:fast-render', 'ostrio:flow-router-extra', /*...*/]);
To utilize features of Fast-Render place routes definition into lib
or any other isomorphic location/import.
// meteor-app/lib/routes.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-extra';
FlowRouter.route('/:_id', {
name: 'file',
action(params, queryParams, data) {
// this.render(/*...*/);
waitOn(params) {
if (Meteor.isClient) {
return Meteor.subscribe('data', params._id);
subscriptions(params) {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
this.register('data', Meteor.subscribe('data', params._id));
fastRender: true,
data(params) {
// Get subscribed data
return MyCollection.findOne(params._id) || false;