README file for PMIP4_Benchm_proj R project. Created by Laia Comas-Bru in February 2021. ########################################################################### init.R Initialise run and setp up paths, functions, etc. It calls functions_source.R to load a set of functions needed to plot or transform the data. ########################################################################### ## LOAD, TRANSFORM, CHECK AND PLOT OBSERVATIONAL DATA Dat0_B_convert_splash.R WORKS Converts Bartlein moisture data from ALPHA to MI. It saves a csv file with bartlein converted data in /input_data_obs. It requires the SPLASH code by Prentice. See README file in "splash_r_prentice" folder. Some files in that folder have been slightly modified to remove unneeded steps. The code of the original v.1.0 (Davis et a., 2017) is hosted here: All subsequent "Dat" scripts require the output of this one saved as "Bartlein_converted.csv" (without SysDate()).Output: \splash_data_temp and \input_data_obs Dat1_compare_CL_versions.R This script produces a set of plots comparing CL229 and CL244. Output: output_plots\dat_CL_versions Dat2_obs_boxplots.R It requires to have Bartlein moisture data converted to MI. Create data boxplots (with Bartlein and Cleator for overlapping sites). Create maps of Bartlein sites with/without inversions and maps with data available for each variable. Output: output_plots\dat_boxplots_maps Dat3_compare_B_CL.R Creates some plots comparing coverage (and magnitudes) in B and CL(244). Output: ########################################################################### ## LOAD AND PREPARE MODEL DATA Mod0_metadata.R script to output a text file with the main metadata fields of the raw PMIP4 netcdf files. Useful to look for inconsistencies. Output: \output Mod1_homog_nc_plot_mon.R Load PMIP4 model data, fix inconsistencies, apply land/ice masks, plot monthly data and save RDS data file to calculate anomalies in a subsequent step. Outputs: \output_plots\mod_LGM_maps, \output_plots\mod_PI_maps, \output_plots\mod_anom_maps and output_rds_temp Mod2_create_vars_nc.R Load PMIP4 model data saved as RDS (output of Mod1 script), calculate MAP, MAT, MTCO, MTWA and GDD5 mean annual anomalies. Save anomalies as clean, homogeneised netcdf files (one nc file per model).Output: \output_netcdf Mod2a_clt_to_mi_NOTWORKING.R This script attempts at converting clt model data to MI using SPLASH but something is not working. When fixed, it should be embedded to Mod2_create_vars_nc.R ########################################################################### ## DATA MODEL COMPARISONS DM1_boxplots.R Produces data model boxplots. Output: \output_plots\DM_boxplots DM2_run_comparison_scores.R Produces csv files with the benchmarking scores (with observational uncertainties). Output: \output_scores DM3_scatterplots.R Produces data-model scatterplots (same extraction as for scores in DM2). Make sure that L84 is fixed according to your own wd path (in this case, 55 is triming the entire path until the first letter of the model and "17" is removing "" Output: \output_plots\DM_scatterplots DM4_plot_scores.R Produces plot with scores (as exported in DM2) taking into account the observational uncertainties. Traffic light plot. Output: \output_plots\DM_scores ########################################################################### People involved in creating these scripts/workflow: L.Comas-Bru (;; owner). Orcid: 0000-0002-7882-4996 K. Atsawawaranunt (produced Spline interpolation with conservation of mean function). Orcid: 0000-0003-3995-5448 D. Kelley (produced the original scripts to output the scores). Orcid:0000-0003-1413-4969 M. Noguera-Julian (provided help with R scripting and plotting). Orcid: 0000-0002-6194-1395