- Fixed line/column numbers from math errors
- Added a plugins option that allows specifying an array of visitors run on the less AST
- fixed issue when adding colours, taking the alpha over 1 and breaking when used in colour functions
- when adding together 2 colours with non zero alpha, the alpha will now be combined rather than added
- the advanced colour functions no longer ignore transparency, they blend that too
- Added --clean-option and cleancssOptions to allow passing in clean css options
- Fix possible issue with import reference not bringing in styles (may not be a bugfix, just a code tidy)
- Added source-map-URL option
- Fixed a bug which meant the minimised 1.5.0 browser version was not wrapped, meaning it interfered with require js
- Fixed a bug where the browser version assume port was specified
- Added the ability to specify variables on the command line
- Upgraded clean-css and fixed it from trying to import
- correct a bug meaning imports weren't synchronous (syncImport option available for full synchronous behaviour)
- better mixin matching behaviour with calling multiple classes e.g. .a.b.c;
- sourcemap support
- support for import inline option to include css that you do NOT want less to parse e.g.
@import (inline) "file.css";
- better support for modifyVars (refresh styles with new variables, using a file cache), is now more resiliant
- support for import reference option to reference external css, but not output it. Any mixin calls or extend's will be output.
- support for guards on selectors (currently only if you have a single selector)
- allow property merging through the +: syntax
- Added min/max functions
- Added length function and improved extract to work with comma seperated values
- when using import multiple, sub imports are imported multiple times into final output
- fix bad spaces between namespace operators
- do not compress comment if it begins with an exclamation mark
- Fix the saturate function to pass through when using the CSS syntax
- Added svg-gradient function
- Added no-js option to lessc (in browser, use javascriptEnabled: false) which disallows JavaScript in less files
- switched from the little supported and buggy cssmin (previously ycssmin) to clean-css
- support transparent as a color, but not convert between rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) and transparent
- remove sys.puts calls to stop deprecation warnings in future node.js releases
- Browser: added logLevel option to control logging (2 = everything, 1 = errors only, 0 = no logging)
- Browser: added errorReporting option which can be "html" (default) or "console" or a function
- Now uses grunt for building and testing
- A few bug fixes for media queries, extends, scoping, compression and import once.
- if you don't pass a strict maths option, font size/line height options are output correctly again
- npmignore now include .gitattributes
- property names may include capital letters
- various windows path fixes (capital letters, multiple // in a path)
- fix syncImports and yui-compress option, as they were being ignored
- fixed several global variable leaks
- handle getting null or undefined passed as the options object
- fix passing of strict maths option
- change strictMaths to strictMath. Enable this with --strict-math=on in lessc and strictMath:true in JavaScript.
- change lessc option for strict units to --strict-units=off
- strictUnits now defaults to false and the true case now gives more useful but less correct results, e.g. 2px/1px = 2px
- Process ./ when having relative paths
- add isunit function for mixin guards and non basic units
- extends recognise attributes
- exception errors extend the JavaScript Error
- remove es-5-shim as standard from the browser
- Fix path issues with windows/linux local paths
- support for
in selectors (e.g.input:extend(.button) {}
) and&:extend();
in ruleset (e.g.input { &:extend(.button all); }
) - maths is now only done inside brackets. This means font: statements, media queries and the calc function can use a simpler format without being escaped. Disable this with --strict-maths-off in lessc and strictMaths:false in JavaScript.
- units are calculated, e.g. 200cm+1m = 3m, 3px/1px = 3. If you use units inconsistently you will get an error. Suppress this error with --strict-units-off in lessc or strictUnits:false in JavaScript
selector interpolation is removed. Use @{var} in selectors to have variable selectors- default behaviour of import is to import each file once.
has been removed. - You can specify options on imports to force it to behave as css or less
@import (less) "file.css"
will process the file as less - variables in mixins no longer 'leak' into their calling scope
- added data-uri function which will inline an image into the output css. If ieCompat option is true and file is too large, it will fallback to a url()
- significant bug fixes to our debug options
- other parameters can be used as defaults in mixins e.g. .a(@a, @b:@a)
- an error is shown if properties are used outside of a ruleset
- added extract function which picks a value out of a list, e.g. extract(12 13 14, 3) => 14
- added luma, hsvhue, hsvsaturation, hsvvalue functions
- added pow, pi, mod, tan, sin, cos, atan, asin, acos and sqrt math functions
- added convert function, e.g. convert(1rad, deg) => value in degrees
- lessc makes output directories if they don't exist
- lessc
supports https and 301's - lessc "-depends" option for lessc writes out the list of import files used in makefile format
- lessc "-lint" option just reports errors
- support for namespaces in attributes and selector interpolation in attributes
- other bug fixes
- Fix critical bug with mixin call if using multiple brackets
- when using the filter contrast function, the function is passed through if the first argument is not a color
- browser and server url re-writing is now aligned to not re-write (previous lessc behaviour)
- url-rewriting can be made to re-write to be relative to the entry file using the relative-urls option (less.relativeUrls option)
- rootpath option can be used to add a base path to every url
- Support mixin argument seperator of ';' so you can pass comma seperated values. e.g.
.mixin(23px, 12px;);
- Fix lots of problems with named arguments in corner cases, not behaving as expected
- hsv, hsva, unit functions
- fixed lots more bad error messages
- fix
to use the full path, not the relative one for determining if an import has been imported already - support
- mixin guards take units into account
- support unicode descriptors (
) - support calling mixins with a stack when using
(broken in 1.3.1) - support
and namespace combinators - when using % with colour functions, take into account a colour is out of 256
- when doing maths with a % do not divide by 100 and keep the unit
- allow url to contain % (e.g. %20 for a space)
- if a mixin guard stops execution a default mixin is not required
- units are output in strings (use the unit function if you need to get the value without unit)
- do not infinite recurse when mixins call mixins of the same name
- fix issue on important on mixin calls
- fix issue with multiple comments being confused
- tolerate multiple semi-colons on rules
- ignore subsequant
- syncImport option for node.js to read files syncronously
- write the output directory if it is missing
- change dependency on cssmin to ycssmin
- lessc can load files over http
- allow calling less.watch() in non dev mode
- don't cache in dev mode
- less files cope with query parameters better
- sass debug statements are now chrome compatible
- modifyVars function added to re-render with different root variables
- Support for comment and @media debugging statements
- bug fix for async access in chrome extensions
- new functions tint, shade, multiply, screen, overlay, hardlight, difference, exclusion, average, negation, softlight, red, green, blue, contrast
- allow escaped characters in attributes
- in selectors support @{a} directly, e.g. .a.@{a} { color: black; }
- add fraction parameter to round function
- much better support for & selector
- preserve order of link statements client side
- lessc has better help
- rhino version fixed
- fix bugs in clientside error handling
- support dpi, vmin, vm, dppx, dpcm units
- Fix ratios in media statements
- in mixin guards allow comparing colors and strings
- support for -*-keyframes (for -khtml but now supports any)
- in mix function, default weight to 50%
- support @import-once
- remove duplicate rules in output
- implement named parameters when calling mixins
- many numerous bug fixes
- @media bubbling
- Support arbitrary entities as selectors
- Variadic argument support
- Behaviour of zero-arity mixins has changed
- Allow
directives in any selector - Media-query features can now be a variable
- Automatic merging of media-query conditions
- Fix global variable leaks
- Fix error message on wrong-arity call
- Fix an
behaviour bug - Fix
selector output - Fix a bug when using @media with mixins
- Fix imports in browser
- Improve error reporting in browser
- Fix Runtime error reports from imported files
- Fix
File not found
import error reporting
- Mixin guards
- New function
- New
function to parse hex color strings - New type-checking stylesheet functions
- Fix Rhino support
- Fix bug in string arguments to mixin call
- Fix error reporting when index is 0
- Fix browser support in WebKit and IE
- Fix string interpolation bug when var is empty
- Support
after mixin calls - Support vanilla @keyframes directive
- Support variables in certain css selectors, like
- Support @media and @import features properly
- Improve @import support with media features
- Improve error reports from imported files
- Improve function call error reporting
- Improve error-reporting