Since lambda-tester
uses Promises, it is important to return them to the test framework so that the test can be evaluated properly. Failing
to do this will result in broken/false tests.
const LambdaTester = require( 'lambda-tester' );
// Lambda handler
const myHandler = require( '../handler' ).handler;
describe( 'handler', function() {
it( 'test success', function() {
// Make sure you return the tester!
// |
// V
return LambdaTester( myHandler )
.event( { name: 'Fred' } )
Jasmine does not support Promises as return types, and thus requires an additional step when verifying Lambda handlers. Tests should be set
to use asynchronous operation using the done
callback and also requires verify()
to be used with tests.
const LambdaTester = require( 'lambda-tester' );
// Lambda handler
const myHandler = require( '../handler' ).handler;
describe( 'handler', function() {
it( 'test success', function( done ) {
// Make sure you return the tester!
// |
// V
return LambdaTester( myHandler )
.event( { name: 'Fred' } )
.verify( done ); // <-- Must have verify at the end of
// the test with "done" being passed to control flow